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1、高考英语七选五真题Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morningand put the blame on the alarm clock In fact easy morning, the key towake-up lies in resting your body clock(36 )_Here is how to make one( 37)_In order to make a change, you need todecide why its important Do you want to get up in timeto h

2、ave breakfastwithyourfamily, getinsome exerciseor justbe betterpreparedforyourday ?Once you are clearaboutyourreason, tellyourfamilyor roommates aboutchange you want to make Rethink mornings Now that you know why you want to wake,theup , considerre-arrangingyour morning activities Ifyouwant time to

3、have breakfast with your family,save sometime the night before by setting out clothes,shoes ,andbags ( 38 ) _Thats a quarter-hourmore you couldbe sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timerKeep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends If youretired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday cou

4、ldsound wonderful But compensatingon the weekends actuallyfeeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recentstudy found( 39)_Keep a record and evaluate it weekly Keep track of yourefforts and write down how you feel After youve trieda new method for a week, take a look at yourrecord ( 40 )_If n

5、ot , takeanotherlookat othermethods you could tryA Get a sleep specialistB Find the right motivation C A better plan for sleep can help D And consider setting a second alarm E If the steps you take are working , keep it up F Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time , no matterthe day G Reconsider

6、the 15 minutes you spend in line at the caf to get coffee36 C 逻辑推断题根据下文,作者针对睡眠提出了一系列具体C 的改进措施推断,作者提出了制定改进睡眠的计划,故选37 B主旨推断题;下文 Once you are clear about your reason一旦你清楚了(及时起床)原因 中 reason即为起床的一种动机,由此推断,本段作者建议找到恰当的动机有助于及时起床,故选B由下一句中 Thats a quarter-hour more you could be38 G 细节推断题你可以多睡sleeping if you b

7、ought a coffee maker with a timer(如果你买了有计时器的咖啡壶,15 分钟)推断,作者建议重新考虑 15 分钟,故你在咖啡厅排队等咖啡的选 G 39 F 结论推断Keep your sleep/wake周末要坚 和But compensating on the weekends题由本段的主题schedule on weekends上一句持作息时间表句actually feeds into yoursleepiness the following week, a recent study 推断,作者建议在周末Ffound (一项新的研究发现,周末补觉实际上使你下也

8、要坚持作息时间表,故一周瞌睡)选40 E细节推断题由下一句中选 EIf,take another look at other methods you推断,上如果有效 ? ,故could try(如果没有作用,再考虑其它可尝试的一句表达的no方法)是t本文为社会生活类说明文;文章中说明很多人早晨起床困难,作者建议制定睡眠计划有助于早晨起床,并提出了具体的如何制定计划: 1找出合适的必须及时起床的动机;2重新考虑上午的活动安排; 3即使在周末也要遵守作息时间表 4坚持做记录并且每周对自己的计划进行评估;有效就继续坚持,无效则考虑其它方法七选五的做题首先要通读全文,了解文章大意通读答案,找出相对应的

9、关键词根据文章整体结构,具体内容和上下文的逻辑关系,将选项填入文中Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal withwhile youre trying to get work done( 36)_ ,there are severalways to handlethings Letstake a lookat them now(37 )_ Tell the person youresorryand explainthat you have a million things to do and then ask if thetwo of

10、 you can talk at a different timeWhen people try to interrupt you, have set hours plannedand let them know to come back during that time or thatyoull find them then( 38)_ It can help toeliminate(消除) future interruptionsWhen you need to someone , dont do it in your ownoffice ( 39 ) _ , its much easei

11、er to excuseyourself to get back to your work than if you try to getsomeone out of your space even after explaining how busyyou are If you have a door to your office , make good use ofit ( 40 ) _ If someone knocks and its not animportant matter , excuse yourself and let the person knowyoure busy so

12、they can get the hint (暗示) that when thedoor is closed , youre not to be disturbed A If youre busy , dont feel bad about saying noB When you want to avoid interruptions at workC Set boundaries for yourself as far as your time goesD If youre in the other persons office or in a publicareaE Its importa

13、nt that you let them know when youll beavailableF It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt youG Leave it open when youre available to talk and closeit when youre not36 B 信息提取题根据下文内容主要写了如何避免别人打扰的一些处理方法,和下一句 several ways to handle things 这里有几种处理的方法,等信息可以推断there are出答案选B37 A 考查上下文联系

14、根据下文 Tell the person youre sorry and explain that you have a million things todo and then ask if the twoof you can talk at a different time 告诉那个人对不起你有很多的事情要做询问一下是否可以改个时间你们再谈可以推断出前文是拒绝那个人和你谈话的要求,根据这个信息,我们选答案为 A 38 E 考查上下文信息联系根据前文句子 When people try to interrupt you , have set hoursplanned and let them

15、 know to come back during that time or that youll find them then 当人们试图打断你的时候,安排好时间,让他们知道在那个时候回来,或者你会找到他们根据这个信息可以推断出下文应该是让他们知道你什么时候有空很重要所以答案选E39 D 信息提取题根据前一句 When you need to someone , dont do it in your ownoffice 不要在你自己的办公室里后一句its much easeier to excuse yourself to get back to your work 找个理由回到你的工作比以

16、如何忙为借口让别人离开你工作的地方要容易的多,等信息,此处应该是如果你在其他人的办公室里或者公共场所,所以答案选 D40 G 信息提取题根据前句to your office , make good use of it案应该是 G If you have a door下文则要解释如何充分利用自己的门,根据这个信息下文的答本文主要向人们介绍了几种如何避免别人打扰的一些处理方法 七选五 这样的考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑1理清文章2在题型,主要目的在意义的理解和掌握解题时最主要的两个步骤就是的逻辑和结构,于所给的原文中找出关文章的整体思路能帮助你在答关键词则能帮助你排除相近的选项这些

17、技巧键词或者说是线索词案中筛选出符合逻辑的选项,确定更多的细节,多练练就能孰能生巧How to Do Man-on-the-Street InterviewsThe man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which areporter hits the streets with a cameraman tointerview people on the sport ( 31 ) _ But withthese tips ,your first man-on-the-street interviewexperience can be eas

18、y When your boss or professor sends you out to doman-on-the-street interviews for a story , think about thetopic and develop a list of about ten general questionsrelating to it For example,if your topic is aboutenvironmental problems in America, Why, you might ask do you thinkenvironmental protectio

19、n is important inAmerica ? ( 32)_ Hit the streets withconfidence ( 33) _Say ,Excuse me , I work for XYZ News,and I was wondering ifyou could share your opinion about this topic This isa quick way to get people to warm up to youMove on to the next person if someone tells you she isnot interested in t

20、alking on camera Dont getdiscouraged(34)_Each interviewthatyou get on the streetshouldnt be longer than ten minutes As soon as you getthe answer you need ,move on to the next person Make surethat as you go from interview to interview ,you are gettinga variety of answers If everyone is giving you the

21、 sameanswer ,you wont be able to use itinterviews to conduct is about sixIf your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the airA safe number ofto ten ( 35) _, dont leavework without themA Limit your time B As you approach people ,be polite C If you dont own a

22、 camera ,you can buy one D For new reporters , this can seem like a challengingtask E To get good and useful results ,ask them the samequestion F That number of interviews should give you all theanswers you needG With a question like this ,you will get more thanaYesorNoreply31 D 考查句意理解以及上下文联系句意:对于Bu

23、t with these tips ,新的记者来说,这似乎是一个有挑战性的任务根据your first man-on-the-street interview experience can beeasy 可知,但是,通过这些提示,您的第一个在街头的采访经验可以很容易故是 或 否 you might ask32 G 考查句意理解以及上下文联系句意:有了这样一个问题,你会得到的答复根不仅是据Why do you think? 可知,通过这样提问,G 你会得到更多的回答故environmental protection is选important in AmericaSay , Excuseme ,3

24、3 考查句意理解以及上下文联系句BI work for XYZ News,意:当你接近人的时候,要有礼貌根据下文可知,当你搭讪他人Band I was wondering if you时,要有礼貌故选could share your opinionabout this topicD符合语 D境故选,34 A 考查句意理解以及上下文联系句意:限制你的时间根据 Each interview that you geton the street shouldnt be longer than ten minutes 可知,你在街上遇到的每一次采访都不应该 A 符合语 A超过十分钟故 境故选35 F 考

25、查句意理解以及上下文联系句意: If everyone is giving you the same answer这个访问次数应该给你所需要的所有答案根据you wont be able to use it A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten 如果每个人都给你同样的答案,你将无法使用它安全的采访次数约为六到十故F 符合语境故选 F本文是一篇选句填空阅读,属于说明文街头采访是一个采访,记者和摄影师在街上与采访人员进行面谈,对于新的记者来说,这似乎是一个有挑战性的任务本文以此展开谈论,主要给出了一些使之变得容易的方法

26、本文是一篇选句填空阅读,题目主要考查句意理解以及上下文联系做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测,可知,If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spendingmost of my weekends camping I would have laughedheartily Campers ,in my eyes , were people who enjoyed insectsbites , ill-cooked meals , and uncomfortable sleeping bags Theyhad nothing in common with me ( 36 ) _ The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it me

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