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1、高中英语单词天天记waste素材 waste v.west( wastes; wasted; wasting ) 双解释义 vi. & vt.浪费,徒劳 make no use of, make poor use of; use badly or wrongly, use too much of, use more than is needed; use without a good purpose, fail to get value or benefit from vi. & vt. (使)损耗,(使)消瘦 become or cause to become weak and thin s

2、lowly; lose strength by degree vt.破坏,使荒芜 make land, building etc. waste; make useless by damage 基本要点 1.waste的基本意思是“浪费”,即对人、财、物等使用不当或没有节制。其特征表现在主观方面是粗心或奢侈,表现在客观方面则是白白付出而没有取得成就或好处。2.waste主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。当表示人在某人物、事上浪费时间金钱、精力、话语等时,其宾语后常接介词on+n.或接(inon+) v-ing。3.waste用作及物动词时还可以表示人战争、灾荒等使土地建筑物等荒芜、废弃,也可

3、以表示疾病忧虑、高龄等使人或其体力面容等变得衰弱、消瘦。作这两种意思解时常可用于被动结构。4.waste也可用作不及物动词,多表示国力变衰、体力消耗或某物减少等,这时主动形式有被动意义。另外, waste用作不及物动词时偶尔也可以人作主语,主要用于祈使句中。 词汇搭配 +名词 waste a drop of water浪费一滴水 waste a good opportunity失去良机 waste a grain of rice浪费一粒粮食 waste a moment浪费一刻时间 waste a penny浪费一分钱 waste effort浪费精力 waste energy浪费精力 was

4、te family fortune浪费家财 waste food浪费食物 waste gasoline浪费汽油 waste huge stones with little water drops用小小的水滴风化巨大的岩石 waste money浪费钱 waste ones body浪费体力 waste ones breath白费唇舌 waste ones words白费唇舌 waste strength浪费体力 waste the buildings使建筑物废弃 waste the city使城市凋敝 waste the country使国家满目疮痍 waste the land使土地荒芜 w

5、aste time浪费时间 +副词 waste accidentally意外地浪费 waste aimlessly无目的地浪费 waste blindly盲目浪费 waste carelessly粗心地浪费 waste constantly不断地浪费 waste crudely无理地浪费 waste deliberately故意浪费 waste dumbly愚蠢地浪费 waste erroneously错误地浪费 waste fruitlessly徒劳地浪费 waste greatly大量地浪费 waste heedlessly不留心地浪费 waste horribly可怕地浪费 waste

6、inescapably不可避免地浪费 waste irrationally没有理由地浪费 waste materially物质上浪费 waste overwhelmingly过分地浪费 waste painfully痛苦地浪费 waste prematurely过早地浪费 waste prodigally挥霍浪费 waste rapidly迅速消耗 waste rashly轻率地浪费 waste ruthlessly无情地浪费 waste senselessly无感觉地浪费 waste seriously严重地浪费 waste spiritually精神上浪费 waste stupendous

7、ly惊人地浪费 waste tearfully可怕地浪费 waste unbearably难以忍受地浪费 waste unnecessarily不必要地浪费 waste unproductively徒劳地浪费 waste unprofitably无效果地浪费 waste unreasonably毫无理由地浪费 waste uselessly没必要地浪费 waste away日渐消瘦 +副词+介词 waste away for lack of food由于缺乏食物而日渐消瘦 waste away from disease因病而日渐消瘦 waste away to a skeleton瘦成皮包骨

8、waste away to skin and bone瘦成皮包骨 waste away with grief因悲痛而日渐消瘦 waste away with illness因病而日渐消瘦 +介词 waste sth on在上耗费 waste sth on amusement在娱乐上耗费 waste sth on experiment在试验上耗费 waste sth on food在食物上耗费 waste sth on operation在手术上耗费 waste sth on the daily necessities在日用品上耗费 waste sth on the subject在这个问题上耗

9、费 waste sth on the war在战争中耗费 waste sth on things that have no importance在鸡毛蒜皮的小事上浪费 常用短语 waste away(v.+adv.)变得衰弱消瘦 weaken; become thin and pale, possibly illwaste awayThey wasted away for lack of food.由于吃不饱,他们越来越虚弱了。Hes just wasting away and the doctor seems unable to help.他的体力日见亏损,而大夫好像也无能为力。Since

10、my aunts operation, she has simply been wasting away and may not last long.自从我姑母动手术后,她瘦弱得简直不成样子,可能不久于人世了。John is wasting away with his illness.约翰病得越来越瘦了。He wasted away to a skeleton.他瘦成皮包骨了。 waste in(v.+prep.)(在上)浪费 spend (money or time) (in sb, sth, or doing sth)waste sth (in) v-ingThough he had mu

11、ch to do, he wasted his time doing nothing.尽管有许多事等着他去做,但他却浪费时间,什么也不做。He persuaded me not to waste my time playing games.他劝我不要浪费时间玩游戏。She worked hard at her studies and never wasted time adorning herself.她学习刻苦努力,从不在打扮上浪费时间。There was no need to waste any energy thinking about it.没有必要浪费精力去考虑这事。You must

12、 waste no time in finishing the job.你必须立即完成这项工作。We should waste no time in acting.我们得迅速行动。There is no use wasting time in discussing the matter.浪费时间去讨论这事是没有用的。Dont waste your time in watching television. 不要把你的时间浪费在看电视上。 waste on(v.+prep.)把浪费在上 spend (money or time) foolishly on (sb, sth, or doing st

13、h)waste sth on sb/sthIm not going to waste my time on people who refuse to help themselves.对于自己不争气的人我不打算浪费我的时间。Dont waste words on him.He is stubborn.不要在他身上白费口舌了,他很固执。I wont waste another minute on you unless youre going to help!假如你不打算帮忙,我就不再对你白费口舌了。He wasted his time, money and ability on these wor

14、thless people.他在这群无用之辈身上浪费了时间、金钱和精力。Dont waste your money on that new soap powder, its no good.不要花钱去买那种洗衣粉,其效果不佳。To think of our having wasted so much money on that.想一想,我们在这上面竟花了这么多钱。He wasted a lot of time on things that have no importance.他在不重要的事情上浪费了大量的时间。Why did you waste time and energy on some

15、thing so hopeless?你为什么在这种毫无希望的事情上浪费时间和精力? 用于be ed结构He allowed no money to be wasted on luxuries.他不让把钱浪费在奢侈品上。The humour is wasted on them.这种幽默他们并不欣赏。waste sth (on)v-ingDont waste your time on helping underservers.别浪费时间去帮助那些不值得你帮助的人。Ive wasted too much time fooling around, and I almost ruined my care

16、er.我浪费了太多的时间,无所事事,差点毁了我的事业。If there is a word you are not familiar with, do not waste too much time worrying about what it might mean.如果你遇到生疏的词,不要浪费太多的时间去考虑它到底是什么意思。 句型例句 用作不及物动词S+(+A)Waste not, want not.不浪费,不愁缺。Turn the tap off.Dont let it waste.把水龙头关上,别让水白白流掉。If you dont turn the electricity off,

17、it will waste while you are out.如果你外出时不关闭电源,那电就会白白浪费掉。The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting.有些国家的石油资源正被迅速地消耗掉。My resources are wasting rapidly.我的财富很快化为乌有了。用作及物动词S+n./pron.We are wasting our time by listening to such nonsense.听这样的废话就等于浪费我们的时间。Except for what he spent on haircuts, bo

18、oks and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.除了理发、买书和必要的日用品之外,他从不浪费一分钱。In order not to waste electricity, turn off all the lights when you go out.为了不浪费电,出门时把所有的灯关掉。We mustnt waste a drop of water or a grain of rice.一滴水一粒米我们都不应当浪费。You should not waste food when many people are hungry.许多人正在挨饿,你不应

19、浪费食物。The strange disease wasted his whole body.这种怪病使他全身无力。Long dry periods wasted the land.长期干旱使那片土地荒芜了。 用于be ed结构His experiment failed again. All his efforts were wasted.他的试验又失败了。他的全部努力都白费了。He is wasted into a shadow.他骨瘦如柴。Shes wasted in her present job.她现在的工作把她的才华给埋没了。The country was wasted by the

20、 war.战争使那个国家变得满目疮痍。The fields were wasted by a long drought.那些田地由于久旱而荒芜。 词语辨异 waste on, waste inwaste后可以接介词on,也可以接in。用on时偏重于“在上面浪费了”; 用in时则偏重于“在的过程中浪费了”。因此,接时间、金钱、精力或某物时多用on,而接动名词或具有动词意味的名词时多用in。 waste, consume, dissipate, fritter, squander这组词都有“浪费”的意思。其区别是:waste指任意地挥霍,通常是花费而不见成果; squander的意思比waste强

21、,强调胡乱花费,含有花光而导致贫困的意思; dissipate指因奢侈而丧失东西,犹如随风撒东西一样,强调将存有的东西用光或几乎用光; fritter常和away连用,指一点一点地花费,或花费在不重要的东西上,含有逐渐用光的意思; consume强调吞食或毁坏,但也可指完全浪费或挥霍掉,用于金钱或财产时,指频繁地减少,偶尔用于时间或精力时,指无益地花费。例如:The council has been squandering the ratepayers money.市议会一直在挥霍房地产纳税人的金钱。He dissipated his large fortune in a few years

22、of heavy spending.他在几年的大肆挥霍中把自己一大笔财产都花光了。She fritters away all her money on clothes and trips to the cinema.她把所有金钱都浪费在穿衣服和看电影上了。The fire soon consumed the wooden buildings.大火很快就把那些木制建筑物吞没了。 waste, spend这两个词都可表示“耗费时间、金钱、精力等”,其区别是:spend是“花有所得”,而waste则是“徒劳无益”。试比较:He spent a lot of money onin enter-tain

23、ing friends.他在招待朋友上花了许多钱。(含有“真朋友,需要时会给予帮助”)He wasted a lot of money onin enter-taining friends.他在招待朋友上花了许多钱。(酒肉朋友,吃你、喝你不帮你) 正误解析 1.做那些不重要的事浪费了他许多时间。误 He wasted a lot of time to do things that have little importance.正 He wasted a lot of time on things that have little importance.正 He wasted a lot of

24、time in doing things that have little importance.析 表示“浪费时间金钱、精力去做某事”可以说waste timemoney,energy (inon) v-ing,不能说waste timemoney,energy to-v。2.他浪费在这方面的时间太多了。误 He wasted too much time for it.正 He wasted too much time on it.析 表示“在方面浪费”须用介词on或over,不可用for。 waste n.west( wastes ) 双解释义 U浪费; 滥用; 未充分利用 loss, w

25、rong use, or lack of full use U 废料,废弃物 used, damaged, or unwanted matter C荒地; 未开垦的土地 an unused or useless stretch of land; a wide empty lonely stretch of water or land 基本要点 1.waste用作名词的基本意思是“浪费,滥用”,指对人力、财物、时间等用得不当或没有节制,表示抽象意义,不可数。waste也可作“废料,废弃物”解,指失去原使用价值的、陈旧、破损了的物品,是不可数名词,表示不同种类的废弃物时可用于复数形式。2.wast

26、e还可作“荒地”解,指没有开垦或没有耕种的土地,作此解时是可数名词,可用于复数形式。3.waste后可接of短语作其定语。 词汇搭配 动词+ abate waste消除废物 avoid waste 避免浪费 combat waste 反对浪费 convert waste into useful materials废物利用 cut down on waste减少浪费 decry waste大声反对浪费 detect waste检测废料 diminish waste减少浪费 eliminate waste 杜绝浪费 excrete waste排泄废物 incur waste招致浪费 lie was

27、te荒芜浪费 manufacture waste制造废物 rebuke for waste指责浪费现象 recycle wastes 废物回收利用 reduce waste减少浪费 reproach for waste指责浪费现象 result waste引起浪费 stop waste杜绝浪费 turn up all the wastes开垦所有荒地 wipe out waste消除废弃物 withdraw waste运走垃圾 形容词+ aching waste令人痛心的浪费 boundless waste无限的浪费 dangerous waste危险的浪费 deliberate waste故

28、意的浪费 dread waste可怕的浪费 enormous waste巨大的浪费 foolish waste愚蠢的浪费 frightful waste可怕的浪费 full waste完全浪费 hazardous wastes 有害废物 hopeless waste无望的耗费 howling waste极大的浪费 hurried waste不负责任的浪费 illimitable waste不可估量的浪费 inexcusable waste 不可饶恕的浪费 insidious waste无意识的浪费 intolerable waste令人不能容忍的浪费 radioactive waste放射性废

29、弃物 spiritual waste精神上的耗费 terrible waste可怕的浪费 total waste完全浪费 unnecessary waste不必要的浪费 utter waste纯属浪费 vast waste巨大的浪费 wilful waste任意浪费 arctic wastes寒冷的原野 arid waste不毛之地 barren waste不毛之地 desert waste不毛之地 endless wastes 一望无边的荒原 lonely waste荒野,荒地 pathless waste无路可通的荒原 remote wastes人迹罕至的荒原 ruinous waste废墟 shoreless waste无边无际的荒原 trackless waste人迹罕至的荒原 treeless waste没有树木的荒原 weltering waste起伏的沙漠 名词+ nucle

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