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1、大学英语综合教程全新版第四册第二单元单词大学英语综合教程全新版第四册第二单元单词1. alcoholn. 酒精,乙醇 2. alertvt. warn (sb.) that there may be danger, trouble, etc. 使警觉,使警惕;使注意 e.g. The manager alerted the staff to the crisis facing the company. 3. applicationn. the action or an instance of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to practical use

2、应用;运用 e.g. Multimedia applications usually require more computer memory and processing power. 4. approximatelyad. more or less exactly; about 近似;大概 approximate a. fairly correct or accurate but not completely so 近似的;大概的 e.g. Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements of school buildin

3、gs. 5. as welltoo 也,又 e.g. She wanted to produce the play and to direct it as well. 6. automatev. (usu passive) use machines to do work previously done by people 使自动化 e.g. This part of the assembly process is now fully automated. 7. automobilen. a car 汽车 e.g. An automobile usually has four wheels an

4、d an internal-combustion engine, used for land transport. 8. boonn. a thing that is good or helpful for sb; a benefit; an advantage 特别有用的东西;好处;利益 e.g. A bicycle is a real boon when you live in a small town. 9. bumpern. (汽车)保险杠;减震器;缓冲器 10. bunchv. group together 使成一束(或一捆等) e.g. They bunched together

5、to allow others to squeeze into the crowded elevator. 11. capabilityn. the ability or power to do sth. 能力 e.g. These tests are beyond the capability of an average 12-year-old. 12. computerizevt. equip with computers 使计算机化 e.g. The accounts section has been completely computerized. 13. convertv. (cau

6、se to) change from one form or use to another (使)转变,(使)改变 e.g. Solar cooking requires a dark pot to absorb the suns rays and convert them into heat energy. 14. correlatevt. bring (sth.) into a mutual relationship (with another) 使(与)相互关联 e.g. A mothers smoking in pregnancy correlates with low birth w

7、eight in her baby. 15. dashboardn. (汽车等的)仪表板 16. decreasev. become or make sth. smaller or fewer 减少 e.g. A single solar cooker can save a ton of firewood per year and decrease carbon dioxide emissions. 17. dividern. 分开物;分隔物;分配器 18. drasticallyad. 极端地;激烈地,猛力地drastic a. having a strong or violent effe

8、ct 极端的;激烈的,猛力的 e.g. Services have been drastically reduced. 19. eliminatevt. remove (sb./sth.) that is not wanted or needed; get rid of 消除;消灭;排除 e.g. The Chinese government approved a new plan to eliminate illiteracy nationwide by 2021. 20. erratica. (usu derog) not regular or even in movement, qual

9、ity or behavior; not reliable 不规则的,无常的;不可靠的 21. expansionn. 扩大;扩展;发展 e.g. Modern cosmologists are continuously calculating the age, density, and rate of expansion of the universe. 22. eyelidn. 眼睑,眼皮 23. fatalityn. (fml) a death caused by accident or in war, etc. (事故或战争等造成的)死亡 e.g. Britain has thousa

10、nds of road fatalities every year. 24. frequencyn. 频率;次数;重复发生率 e.g. Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years. 25. get/be stuck in (sth.)be unable to move or to be moved 停留,被阻塞 e.g. I was stuck in the traffic yesterday for about one hour. Thats why I missed the plane. 26. gr

11、osslyad. extremely 十足;严重地gross a. glaringly obvious; whole; total 显而易见的;总的;毛的 e.g. Funding of education has been grossly inadequate for years. 27. hazardn. a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage; a danger or risk 危害;危险 e.g. The research has confirmed that tobacco smoke presents a hazard to he

12、alth. 28. highwayn. 公路;交通干线 e.g. Traffic along major highways in some cities is monitored by remote cameras, radar, or sensors in the roadway. 29. hikern. 徒步旅行者 30. hypnotica. of or producing hypnosis or a similar condition 催眠的;有催眠作用的 31. in the air空气中;在空中;悬而未决 e.g. There is a peculiar smell in the

13、air. 32. incorporatevt. make (sth.) part of a whole 将包括进去 e.g. His newly published book incorporates his earlier essays. 33. interstatea. between states, esp. in the USA (美国)州与州之间的,州际的n. a highway between states 州际公路 34. lanen. 车道 e.g. The newly-built highways have two lanes for each direction of tr

14、avel. 35. lucrativea. producing much money; profitable 生利的,赚钱的 e.g. Many ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms. 36. magnetica. 磁的;有磁性的 e.g. Rubber is not magnetic. 37. manufacturingn. 制造业 a.制造业的,制造的 manufacture vt. make (goods) on a large scale using machinery (大量)制造 e

15、.g. Britain now manufactures approximately 40 per cent of Europes desktop computers. 38. microchipn. 微芯片,微晶片 39. monotonousa. dull and never changing or varying; constant and boring 单调的;一成不变的 e.g. Robots are used in repetitive, monotonous tasks in which human performance might degrade over time. 40.

16、 mountv. fix (sth.) in position for use, display or study; put (sth.) into place on a support 将固定住;将置于架上 e.g. Some automobiles were designed with a transmission mounted on the rear axle. 41. navigationala. 导航的,领航的 42. obstructionn. a thing that is in the way of sb./sth. 障碍物obstruct v. be or get in t

17、he way of (sb./sth.); block 阻碍;阻塞 e.g. John was irritated by drivers parking near his house and causing an obstruction. 43. poisev. 使做好准备be poised to (do) be ready to take action at any moment 做好准备随时(做) e.g. The automobile company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign. 44. pollutionn. 污染

18、e.g. One of the greatest challenges caused by air pollution is global warming. 45. presentlyad. (esp US) now; in a short time, soon 现在,目前;不久 e.g. We presently have no plans to expand our business overseas, but that may well change in the future. 46. promotern. supporter of sth. 促进者;助长者 e.g. an enthu

19、siastic promoter of good causes 47. prototypen. the first model or design of sth. from which other forms are copied or developed 原型;样品 e.g. Bell uttered to his assistant the words, Mr. Watson, come here; I want you, using a prototype telephone. 48. quantumn. 量子 49. radarn. 雷达,无线电探测器 50. revolutioniz

20、evt. make (sth.) change completely or in a dramatic way 彻底改革,使发生革命性剧变 e.g. Computers have revolutionized banking. 51. rotationn. 旋转,转动rotate v. move or make (sth.) move in circles around a central point(使)旋转,(使)转动 e.g. The Earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year. 52. satellit

21、en. 卫星 e.g. Engineers have developed many kinds of satellites, each designed to serve a specific purpose or mission. 53. send outtransmit (a signal, etc.) by radio waves, etc.; send from a central point 用(无线电波等)发送(信号等);发送 e.g. The yacht sent out a distress signal which was picked up by a passing ste

22、amer. 54. sensorn. 传感器;探测设备 e.g. A sensor is a device that converts measurable elements of a physical process into data meaningful to the computer. 55. spiken. 大钉;道钉 56. start upbegin or begin working, running, etc. 发动,启动;开始 e.g. Peter looked in his mirror and started up the engine. 57. take control

23、 of控制 e.g. The new manager didnt know how to take control of his company. 58. telematicsn. the branch of information technology which deals with the long-distance transmission of computerized information 远程信息学 59. trafficn. movement of people or vehicles along roads or streets, of ships in the sea,

24、planes in the sky, etc. 交通,往来 60. transmittern. device or equipment for transmitting radio or other electronic signals 发射机;发报机 61. trillionn. (AmE) 万亿,1012;(BrE) 百万兆,1018 62. turn (sth.) into/become (a) reality(使)成为现实 e.g. Her dream of being a college student has turned into a reality. 63. vaporn. 汽

25、;雾;蒸汽 e.g. The atmosphere always contains some moisture in the form of water vapor. 64. vibratev. (cause to) move rapidly and continuously backwards and forwards; shake(使)振动,颤动,摇摆 e.g. Microwave ovens operate by agitating the water molecules in the food, causing them to vibrate, which produces heat. Proper Names Michio Kaku 米基奥卡库 Bill Spreitzer 比尔 斯普雷扎 MIT abbr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (美国)麻省理工学院 GPS abbr. Global Positioning System 全球卫星定位系统 Randy Hoffman 兰迪霍夫曼 Magellan Systems Corp. 麦哲伦航仪公司 San Diego 圣迭戈(美国港市)

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