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1、牛津阅读树7级资料范本 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载牛津阅读树7级 地点:_时间:_说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容7-1 Red Planet7-2 Lost in the Jungle7-3 The Broken Roof7-4 The Lost Key7-5 The Willow Pattern Plot7-6 Submarine Adventure7-7 The Motorway7-8 The Bully7-9 The Hunt for Gol

2、d7-10 Chinese Adventure7-11 Roman Adventure7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle7-13 The Power Cut7-14 Australian Adventure7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 17-16 The Riddle Stone Part 27-17 A Sea Mystery7-18 The Big Breakfast7-19 The Joke Machine7-1 Red PlanetWilf came to play with Chip. They made a rocket ship out of b

3、its and pieces. The rocket ship looked quite good. Wilf and Chip played in the rocket ship. They pretended to be spacemen. “The rocket is going to take off,” said Wilf. “Fivefourthreetwo” Floppy ran up. He wanted to get in the rocket ship with Wilf and Chip. “Go away, Floppy,” called Chip. “The rock

4、et is going to take off!” Nadim came to play. He had his computer with him, but he liked the look of the rocket ship. He wanted to play in it too. Just then, it began to rain. “Theres not room for all of us,” said Chip. “Lets go inside and play with Nadims computer.” They played a game on the comput

5、er. It was called Red Planet. They had to land a rocket on the planet. Wilf and chip crashed the rocket. Nadim didnt. he was good at the game. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. Chip and Wilf pulled Nadim away from the computer and ran into Biffs room. “Come on,” called Chip. “Its time for an ad

6、venture.” The magic took them to a rocket ship. It took Floppy too. The rocket looked as if it was about to take off, but the door was open. Nadim wanted to look inside the rocket. “Come on,” he called. Chip didnt want to go inside. “It may not be safe,” he said. “Why not?” said Nadim. “This is a ma

7、gic adventure.” They went inside the rocket. There was nobody there. “Look at this computer,” said Nadim. Floppy jumped up and put his paw on a button. Fivefourthreetwoone. The rocket began to take off. Up it went and out into space. “Oh no!” said Chip. “I dont know where were going.” They began to

8、float about inside the rocket. Nadim found some boots. He put them on. “We must put these boots on,” he said. “They will keep us down on the floor.” They went to the window and looked out. They saw a big red planet. “We are going to land on that planet,” said Nadim. “We will soon be there.” Nadim ma

9、de the rocket land. “I wouldnt like to do that again,” he said. “Its a good job Nadim knows about computers,” thought Wilf. “I wouldnt like to crash here.” There was red dust all over the planet. There were red rocks and red mountains. Floppy didnt like the look of it. He began to bark and bark. “Th

10、ere are no trees,” he thought. They wanted to go outside and look at the planet. They found a space buggy. They looked in the space buggy and found some spacesuits. “Lets put these spacesuits on,” said Wilf. “Then we can go outside.” “Do you think it will be safe outside?” asked Chip. “I dont know,”

11、 said Wilf. They went out on the planet in the buggy. The buggy bumped over the rocks and the red dust flew up. “I dont like this,” thought Floppy. “Im not made for space adventures.” Suddenly the ground cracked and a big hole opened up. “Oh help,” said Chip, Wilf, and Nadim as the buggy fell into t

12、he hole. They fell down and down inside the planet. “I dont like this,” thought Floppy. “I want to go home.” They all landed with a bump. The buggy landed with a crash and broke in two. They were inside a big cave. “What a place!” said Wilf. “Look at it.” Chip looked at the buggy. “Its broken,” he s

13、aid. “Its had it!” “How will we get back to the rocket?” Floppy began to bark. There were some creatures in the cave. They looked like funny little people. “Oh no!” said Nadim. “Look at them! I hope they like us.” The creatures looked at the boys. They climbed on the broken buggy and pulled out a sp

14、acesuit. One of them turned a tap on Floppys spacesuit. Floppys spacesuit began to fill with air. It got bigger and bigger. Then Floppy began to float. “Get Floppy!” yelled Chip. “Dont let him float away!” Wilf asked the creatures hoe to get out of the cave. They told him that there was no way out.

15、They said that they had never been outside. Wilf had a good idea. He took a spacesuit out and he filled it with air. The spacesuit got bigger and bigger. It began to float up and up. “Hold on,” called Wilf, “and dont let go!” The spacesuit floated up out of the cave. “We can float back to the rocket

16、,” said Chip. “What a good idea!” “I hope it wont go pop,” thought Floppy. They floated back to the rocket. Wilf let the air out of the spacesuit and it came down to the ground. “Good old Wilf!” said Nadim. “I dont like floating,” thought Floppy. They went inside the rocket and it took off. Nadim tu

17、rned on the computer and looked at the screen. “Well soon be home,” he said. Just then the magic key began to glow. “Thats good,” thought Floppy. “They wont have to land the rocket. Dogs dont like space adventures.” The magic took them back home. “I liked that adventure,” said Wilf. He looked at the

18、 little spacesuit. “So did I,” said Nadim, “but Im glad I didnt have to land that rocket again.”7-2 Lost in the JungleThe next day was Mums birthday. Chip had a box of chocolates for her. Kipper had made her a monkey at school. Biff didnt know what to get. Biff asked Anneenas mum to help her buy a p

19、lant. They went into a big greenhouse. The greenhouse was hot, and it was full of plants. “What a lot of plants!” said Biff. “Its like a jungle in here. I dont know which one to buy.” In the end, she found one that she liked. “Ill get this one for Mum,” she said. The next day was Mums birthday and t

20、he children gave her their presents. Mum liked them all. “Thank you,” she said. “What a lovely plant, Biff!” Dad had a present for Mum. It was a plant. “I didnt know Biff had a plant as well,” said Dad. “I dont mind a bit,” said Mum. Anneena came to play with Biff and Chip. “This is from my mum,” sh

21、e said. Wilmas mum came round with a plant too. “Thank you,” said Mum. “I love plants. Its quite like a jungle in here.” The children went to play in Biffs room. Annena looked at the little house. “Can we have a magic adventure?” she asked. “We can if the key glows,” said Kipper. Just then the key d

22、id began to glow. The magic took them into a jungle. The jungle was full of plants. “Its wonderful,” said Biff. “Look at that one; its ten times bigger than the one I gave Mum.” They saw a monkey up a tree. It jumped up and down on the branch. “That monkey looks cross,” said Kipper. “I dont think it

23、 likes us.” “It looks like you,” said Chip. The monkey was angry with the children. It shook the branch. Then it began to throw things at them. “We cant stay here,” said Biff. “Come on.” They ran through the jungle, but suddenly Chip stopped. “Oh no!” he said. “Look at this.” There was a big snake i

24、n the way. “We cant go this way,” said Chip. “Come on.” They came to a river. There were alligators asleep on the bank. “Dont wake them up,” said Kipper. “They might get angry.” “They might like you for dinner,” said Biff. Suddenly they fell into a big bet. It pulled them up in the air. “Oh help!” c

25、alled Anneena. “Were in a trap.” The children were hanging in the net. The net was a trap to catch animals. “Help! Help!” called the children. “Let us down!” called Kipper. A man and a lady came out of the trees. They were explorers. “Dont worry,” said the lady, “well soon get you down.” “What are y

26、ou doing in the jungle?” asked the man. “Are you lost?” “Yes,” said Biff. “I think we are.” “So are we,” said the lady, “but then we have been lost for years.” She showed them a picture. “We are looking for this place,” she said. “Its called the Lost City. Nobody lives there. Its been lost for years

27、 and years.” The children liked the explorers. They wanted to help them find the Lost City. “Maybe we can find it today,” said Kipper. “I dont think so,” said the man. “We have been looking for years.” They came to a rope bridge. “Maybe the Lost City is over there,” said Biff. “Lets go and see.” The

28、y began to cross the bridge. “I hope its safe,” said Kipper. They found a boat on the bank of the river. The boat was full of water. “Oh good!” said the explorers. “We lost this boat years ago.” They got in the boat and paddled up the river. “Look at all the alligators!” said Chip. “I hope its not t

29、heir dinner time.” They came to a waterfall. The explorer could not stop the boat. The paddle had broken. “Look out!” he called. “Were going to get wet.” The boat went through the waterfall. “Oh help,” said Anneena, “I dont like getting wet.” “Think of the alligators,” said Chip. “Its better than ge

30、tting eaten!” Behind the waterfall there were some steps. The steps went up and up for a long way. Nobody could see how far they went. “This may be the way to the Lost City,” said the lady. “Come on.” As they climbed the steps, some bats flew past them. “If this is the way to the city, I can see how

31、 it got lost,” said Anneena. “Its such a long way up.” “Its the Lost City!” shouted the explorers. “We have found it at last.” The man threw his hat in the air and his wife jumped up and down. I knew wed find it today,” said Kipper. Nobody had been in the city for years. There were plants and trees

32、everywhere. Biff pulled a plant out of a wall. “This is like the one I gave Mum,” she said. They went to a big building and they opened the doors. “Oh look!” they all gasped. Everything inside the building was made of gold. The floor was gold and the walls were gold. There were some gold steps that went up to a gold throne. “What a wonderful place!” said Anneena. “Theres gold everywhere.” Kipper sat on the gold throne. A monkey jumped down behind him. “Look at me!” he said. “Look at that monkey behind Kipper,” sa

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