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1、昌平高三英语试题期末昌平区2019-2020学年第一学期高三年级期末质量抽测英语笔试部分本试卷共10页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AYou are never too old to go after your dreams. Many people dont let age stop them. I

2、f they want to do something, they just do it. For example, Gladys Burrill ran her first marathon at 86. She became famous when she 1 (finish) the Honolulu Marathon(檀香山马拉松). She was 92 then. Life is about change, so dont be afraid to take your 2 (one) step. It is easy after you do that. So, stop 3 (t

3、hink) about your dreams, and start doing something about them.B)How can horses find their way back from a strange environment For most people, that would be impossible without a map. Horses have a special system in their brains, and it works just 4 GPS. It shows signs for trees and other objects in

4、their home areas. It also takes notes of new things in new areas. 5 horses keep their attention on those signs, they know which directions 6 (go). Who needs a self-driving car when you can have a horse Youll always get home safe and sound.CWilliam Shakespeare was one of the famous English 7 (write).

5、 He mostly wrote plays and special poems. Those poems 8 (call) sonnets(十四行诗), and they have a unique pattern. Besides, they arent easy to write. That didnt stop scientists, though. One team just trained a computer to write poetry like Shakespeares. They entered nearly 3,000 sonnets into their machin

6、e. Those included the 154 sonnets that Shakespeare created. After that, they used a special program. It emphasized the rules of poetry and made sure the machine followed 9 (they). Through AI, the computer is able to put out sonnets. They are so good that they 10 (fool) humans. Ordinary readers could

7、nt tell whether a person or a machine wrote them. That doesnt mean they are perfect, though.第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My neighbor Josie, a college professor, ran circles around women twenty years younger than her. For some reason, she took a(n) 11 to

8、 me and always chose to fit me into her days. She would call me to taste-test recipes, which was a 12 . Her garden was a testament(证明) to Josies green thumb. In some instances, I could not even 13 what was growing, but we had the freshest salads in the neighborhood all summer long!Early each morning

9、, Josie forced me to 14 her on her “daily constitutional”, as she liked to call it. I believe we were supposed to be walking, but it felt more like mini-sprints (running at full speed). I had my rules. If I couldnt talk or 15 , I would stop. I stopped every day at the end of our block. Josie would 1

10、6 a half hour later and make me breakfast as a 17 for making the attempt!Each night around sunset, Josie and I would touch our base on our porches(门廊) before retiring for the evening. We would 18 back and forth, exchanging worldviews. One evening, Josie was a “no-show.” I started over to her door wh

11、en I 19 the ambulance and saw her husband and children 20 outside. Josie had suffered a stroke(中风).#When I next set eyes on her, she was leaning in a wheelchair. She looked smaller and older than I remembered, but her eyes were clear and her smile was 21 bright. Her speech was 22 , but her voice sti

12、ll had the lift I loved.Josies world had changed overnight from travel destinations to the few rooms in her house. 23 its what she does with her surroundings that gives me pause and perspective.When Josie feels well enough to 24 , her husband brings her breakfast in bed. She calls it “dining out”. T

13、hey listen to soft music and light candles. On days when Josie has some 25 , her husband wheels her into the living room, and they watch old movies together. She calls it “date night.” When Josie is doing really well, her husband takes her for a(n) 26 outside in her wheelchair. She calls it “going o

14、n vacation”. Despite the 27 that Josie is not expected to make a full recovery, she 28 to dine out, go to the movies and take lots of mini-vacations. She is grateful to smell a summer barbecue, to share a laugh with her favorite neighbor, and to be here for 29 day.I am 30 for her simple life lesson.

15、 Find the positive, and youve found your reason to live.11. A. opinion B. feeling C. chance D. liking 12. A. task B. matter C. pleasure D. burden13. A. deliver B. identify C. assess D. compare14. A. assist B. promote C. inspire D. join 15. A. wave B. cheer C. jump D. breathe (16. A. return B. disapp

16、ear C. stretch D. practise17. A. push B. reward C. response D. contribution18. A. skip B. chat C. think D. swing19. A. heard B. called C. left D. ignored20. A. dining B. escaping C. running D. wandering21. A. still B. ever C. once D. already22. A. deeper B. longer C. clearer D. slower 23. A. For B.

17、Or C. So D. But 24. A. eat B. speak C. relax D. sleep25. A. space B. strength C. lessons D. worries26. A. hike B. examination C. walk D. meeting27. A. fact B. faith C. plan D. attempt28. A. rejected B. continues C. postponed D. paused29. A. either B. certain C. another D. neither30. A. helpful B. pi

18、tiful C. thankful D. painful第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Changing Bit by Bit)A new contest challenges people to use micro:bit computers to solve problems. Could you use your computing skills to aid the fight against illegal animal hunting How

19、about tackling ocean pollution or monitoring animals under threat of extinction A new global challenge called Do Your Bit aims to get young people using their computing creativity to solve real-world problems. Its being run by a partnership involving the BBCs micro:bit computer, the technology compa

20、ny ARM and a campaign called Worlds Largest Lesson, and its aimed at people aged 10 to 16. It kicks off on 16 September.The contest in 2019 is based on two Global Goals: to protect life on land and under the water. To take part, young people first choose a problem that affects them and their communi

21、ty, then design something involving the micro:bit computer that could help to tackle that problem.Participants need to write up to 500 words about the problem and their solution, as well as providing a photo of their drawn plans or a hex file of their prototype code(编码), plus any other photos and vi

22、deos showing what theyve done.This is the second micro:bit Global Challenge to be held. In 2018, the contests winning designs included a homemade thief alarm, a classroom health monitor, a food-waste watcher and a device to remind people to sit up straight.The deadline for entering the challenge is

23、28 February 2020: the winners will be announced the following month.Global Goals for a better worldThe Do Your Bit challenge is based on two of the 17 Global Goals agreed by world leaders in 2015, which were designed to lead to a better world by 2030. These goals include targets such as providing cl

24、ean water and killing hunger for everyone in the world. Goal 14 is about life below water: making sure humans take care of the oceans seas and other marine areas. Gal 15 is about life on land: a wide topic that ranges from protecting the planets forests and freshwater ecosystems to prevent the illeg

25、al hunting and selling of protected species.,31. The main purpose of BBCs involvement is to _.A. report for this contest B. call for ocean protectionC. introduce the Global GoalsD. promote micro:bit computers32. The Do Your Bit in 2019 is based on the theme of_.A. getting rid of hunger B. providing

26、clean water C. taking care of children D. protecting life on the earth33. To take part in the contest, contestants need _.:A. buy micro:bit computers B. sign up for it before 16 September 2020 C. choose a real problem and offer solutionsD. prepare photos and videos of group membersBTherapy(治疗) Appoi

27、ntment“You want out again, Marmalade You were just out. What, not the back door, you want out the front” I was very surprised that our beautiful cat wanted out again.Several days later, I realized that almost every day she had been asking to be let out at 1: 00 . and always wanted the front door ins

28、tead of the back door she normally used to go to the yard. I hadnt been paying much attention, but I realized this had been going on for a while, and I had no idea why. Therefore, the next time it happened, I watched out the front room window to see what Marmalade was doing every day.Marm went down

29、the front stairs and out to the city sidewalk then just sat there. About three minutes later, she flopped(跳) down and rolled over so her belly(肚子) was showing.This is unusual. She never does that unless she wants to be pettedbut there is no one there. Waiton the sidewalk just crossing a block down f

30、rom our house was a group of about fifteen young adults from the nearby group home for young adults with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症). They were out for a walk.As they approached, I could hear, “Theres the kitty, theres the kitty,” coming from their mouths. When they were close enough to touch Marm, she lay

31、 quietly while each person took a turn petting her. This took quite a while, and obviously these teens were very comfortable petting her. When everyone had given Marm a petting, she turned over, stood up and gave herself a shake, then walked back up the sidewalk to the front door to be let in. It ha

32、d been a breathtaking experience to see. The next day, at the same time, I watched it happen again.After a few more days of this, I wondered how long this had been lasting, so I went out and asked the adults. What I was told was both interesting and humbling. Our wonderful cat had been doing this every weekday

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