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1、河南省新安一中届高三英语下学期押题卷二2020届高三下学期押题卷(二)英语试题(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分150分)本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。因测试不考听力,从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题,共70分)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分4

2、0分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMonthly Talks in Lecture TheatreAnglo-Saxon and Viking Big Weekend TalkAnglo-Saxon Riddles and the Man-Made WorldBy Andy Orchard, Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor, University of OxfordSaturday 19 August, 11 a.m. 12 p.m.Examini

3、ng old English riddles of Anglo-Saxon England, which so often refer to pieces of material culture.This talk is free and no booking is required.Raphael Exhibition TalkBeneath the Surface of Raphaels drawing practiceBy Angelamaria Aceto, Leverhulme Research AssistantTuesday 26 September, 12 p.m.How ca

4、n modern technologies make the complexity of Raphaels drawing clear to our eyes? This talk will examine Raphaels materials and techniques in depth, exposing new ways of understanding his drawing from the angle of art and science.Tickets are 6/5 and booking is necessary.Afternoon Tea TalkGardens Gard

5、eners of Ancient EgyptBy Linda Farrar, Archaeologist and LecturerSunday 22 October, 23 p.m.Tomb paintings and reliefs(浮雕) give a wonderful impression of these early gardens, the plants they contained, and aspects of ancient gardening, while surviving texts bring their gardens to life once more.Ticke

6、ts are 10/9 including afternoon tea.Alfred Money TalkMoney in the Age of Alfred the GreatBy Dr Rory Naismith, Lecturer in Medieval British History, Kings College LondonWednesday 15 November, 24 p.m.This talk addresses the various forms of money from Watlington-silver pennies from Mercia and Wessex,

7、and silver bullion(银条) more characteristic of the Vikings, as well as other kinds and ideas of money which contemporaries would have known.This is a change to the scheduled event. The talk “Win Some Lose Some: Beowulf and Treasure”, as advertised in our Talks in Lecture Theatre, will not be going ah

8、ead.This talk is free and no booking is required.21. Who will give the talk on old English riddles of Anglo-Saxon England?A. Linda Farrar. B. Rory Naismith.C. Andy Orchard. D. Angelamaria Aceto.22. When is the talk on Raphaels drawing materials and techniques given?A. On 19 August. B. On 26 Septembe

9、r.C. On 22 October. D. On 15 November.23. What is the topic of the talk in November?A. Money in the Age of Alfred the Great.B. Gardens Gardeners of Ancient Egypt.C. Win Some Lose Some: Beowulf and Treasure.D. Beneath the Surface of Raphaels drawing practice.BKevin, diagnosed with Dyslexia(读写困难症),rar

10、ely spoke a word in class, and if he did, it would be a “Yes,”“No,”or“Maybe,”in response to questions. He always scored badly in tests and saw no hope for the future. That was until he met Sarah, an advisor at a youth centre Kidpreneur.In 2020, Kevin attended a course called Ready Set Go in that cen

11、tre. The course was for disadvantaged kids in Kingswooda low-income area in Sydneys western suburbsand its goal was to teach the kids how to create businesses and offer value to the neighborhood.At the end of the course,Sarah took the kids to the local area. She asked volunteers to share their busin

12、ess experiencesKevin immediately put up his hand. His challenge was to trade his hot-dog selling service for free bread at a bakery. Although scared, Kevin was able to share his entrepreneur(创业)story with the shop owner and asked if he could exchange his service for some bread. Unexpectedly, the sho

13、p owner told Kevin how moved he was by his story and handed him some bread for free. By the end of the afternoon, his belief in himself and what was possible was at an all-time high.The following week, Kevin sold 70 hot-dogs in two hours and made over $200. Soon after, he delivered public speeches i

14、n 20 schools, and was selected as part of his schools leadership team. Now he heads a business group working on how to increase potential customer base.All of this would not have been possible if Kevin had not found his passion and perseverance to improve himself, and those around him. The guidance

15、and trust of his advisor also helped to kindle his enthusiasm to go after his goals and dreams in life.24. What were the kids expected to achieve in the Ready Set Go course?A. To improve their test scores. B. To be beneficial to the local area.C. To create a hot-dog business. D. To teach in low-inco

16、me areas.25. How did Kevin feel after visiting the local bakery?A. Scared. B. Grateful. C. Touched. D. Confident.26. What does the underlined word“kindle” probably mean?A. Continue. B. Share. C. Express. D. Inspire.27. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. From Hopeless Youth to Business Lea

17、derB. Turning Failure into SuccessC. Growing Wealthy through Hard WorkD. On the Road to RecoveryCTime to end lonelinessUS author Henry Rollins once wrote: “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” Indeed, in the eyes of artists, loneliness

18、never seems to go out of style. There are paintings that portray loneliness, songs that are inspired by loneliness, and many works of literature that center around this theme.In the eyes of UK economist Rachel Reeves, however, loneliness is far from romantic. Instead, its a “giant evil” thats become

19、 a serious problem in the country.So just how serious is it? On Jan 17, UK Prime Minister Theresa May appointed politician Tracey Crouch as the countrys very first “Minister for Loneliness”. Her job is to address the loneliness that the countrys been feeling a problem which, according to UK governme

20、nt research, is affecting more than 9 million people in the country, and is more harmful to ones physical and mental health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day.And the problem hasnt just appeared recently. Back in 2020, the UK was given the title of the “loneliness capital of Europe” by The Telegraph.

21、A survey carried out by the newspaper found that British people were less likely to get to know their neighbors or build strong relationships with people than those from other European countries.“There is something British about wanting to deal with problems yourself,” Christian Guy, director of the

22、 Centre for Social Justice think-tank (智囊团), told The Telegraph.But this doesnt mean that the problem only affects Britons. In fact, were all suffering from loneliness now more than ever, in spite of most of the world now having access to the internet, which has enabled us to be more connected than

23、ever.What we need, according to Kim Leadbetter, sister of the late UK politician Jo Cox, is to have “proper human connections”.“Our lives nowadays are so busy. We spend the vast majority of our time on our phones, on our laptops. We need to press pause on that and actually sit down and speak to huma

24、n beings,” Leadbetter said at an event last year.But the first steps toward fighting this problem are to accept its existence and not be ashamed or intimidated by it. After all, without loneliness, many beautiful paintings, songs, and literary works wouldnt even exist. And “evil” or not, being lonel

25、y is simply part of the experience of being human.28. What can we learn about the UKs loneliness problem?A. The government is working to solve the problem.B. More than half of British people suffer from loneliness.C. The UK became the loneliest country in the world in 2020.D. British people communic

26、ate less with their neighbors than ever.29. According to the text, social loneliness _.A. does more harm mentally than physicallyB. didnt attract the publics attention until recentlyC. is mainly caused by the wide use of the internetD. has become a problem worldwide30. What does Leadbetter suggest d

27、oing to cope with loneliness?A. Making more phone calls to our friends.B. Stopping the use of electronic products.C. Interacting with the people around us face to face more often.D. Accepting its existence calmly.31. Which of the following would the author probably agree with?A. Loneliness is a gian

28、t evil of society.B. Only artists can appreciate the beauty of loneliness.C. Loneliness is just a normal part of our life.D. It is hard to find a solution to social loneliness.DMost autonomous vehicles test-driving in cities navigate (导航)by using 3-D maps marking every edge of roadside with almost c

29、entimeter-level accuracy. But few places have been mapped in such detail, which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) now have developed a new navigation system that guides autonomous vehicles withou

30、t such accurate maps. This technology can help driverless cars travel almost anywhere.The navigation system maps out a course down unfamiliar roads much as a human driver would by continually scanning its surroundings, with a laser sensor(激光感应器), to measure how close it is to the edges of the road.

31、Meanwhile, the car also follows a tool like a smart phone map app that provides directions to its destination, as well as information about the rules of the road, such as speed limits and the positions of stoplights. Teddy Ort, a roboticist at MIT, test -drove a car equipped with this navigation sys

32、tem on a one-way road. It slowly traveled one kilometer without any human assistance.This system assumes that a car has a clear path down the road, but it can be paired with other existing computing technology to discover in-road obstacles, says Ort. The researchers also plan to build a version of this system which can spot markings painted on streets, so that the car can drive on two-way roads. “Self-driving cars with this navigat

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