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高一英语必修1 Unit3 Travel Journal.docx

1、高一英语必修1 Unit3 Travel Journal高一英语必修1 Unit3 Travel Journal Fast Reading Read the text as quickly as possible and try to find out the answers of question 1, 2, 3 and 4 of exercise one in Comprehending. Careful Reading Read the text carefully and answer the rest of Comprehending. The Grammar Points of R

2、eading 1. since: 从以来/ 开始,表示事情持续的起点,和完成时连用。2. e.g. He has lived here since 1990.3. 4. journey down the Mekong 湄公河之旅5. down有 “沿着”之意,相当于 “along”6. 1) 由北向南,由西向东用down, 反之用up;7. 2) 由城镇向农村时用down, 反之用up;8. 3) 依门牌号码,由大数字向小数字行进时,应用down ,反之用up;9. 4) 由上而下,如:沿着山坡而下,沿着江河顺流而下,从楼上到楼下由住宅到街上,应用down,反之用up。10. 11. drea

3、m about = dream of 后接sth./ doing sth. “梦想,梦见”(dream此时为v.)12. e.g. I dreamed about/ of my old home last night.13. (dream of还有“向往、渴望”之意)14. dream (n.)15. e.g. I have a dream. = I dream a dream.16. 17. finally (adv.) 最后,终于18. finally, at last和in the end同义,一般可以互换只是侧重点不同。注意:19. (1) finally指列举诸因素的最后一项,意为“

4、最后、末了”,这时不能换用at last20. 和in the end。21. e.g. We need to read some books, we need to write some articles, and finally,22. we need to do some experiments.23. (2) at last强调经过很久或费了很大努力最后达到某种结果。in the end含有经24. 过许多变化、困难或捉摸不定的情况之后,才发生的局面。在这种情况下25. 三者可以互换,但finally通常要放在动词的前面。26. e.g. We made several plans f

5、or the holiday, but in the end/ at last we went to27. Guangzhou again.28. We made several plans for the holiday, but we finally went to Guangzhou29. again.30. (3) in the end可以用来表示对将来情况的预测,这时不能换成at last或finally。31. e.g. In the end well learn how to use the computer.32. final (adj.) 最后的;33. (n.常用复数)决赛

6、,期末考试34. 35. get the chance to do sth.36. 37. It was my sister who first38. 这是一个强调句型:39. It is/ was + 被强调部分 + that (指人/物) / who (指人) +其它部分.40. e.g. I saw him in the street this morning.41. It was I that/ who saw him in the street this morning.42. It was him that/ who I saw in the street this morning

7、.43. It was in the street that I saw him this morning.44. It was this morning that I saw him in the street.45. 注意:46. (1) 强调的部分可以为除谓语外的其它成分。47. (2) 被强调的部分为人时,可以用that或who,其它一律用that。48. (3) 判断强调句型的方法是把It is/ wasthat/ who结构去掉,适当调整句子49. 顺序,看句子是否成立。如果句子仍然成立,则为强调句型;反之则不是。50. (4) 强调句型有否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的形式。51

8、. 否定句:It isnt/ wasnt + 被强调部分 + that (指人/物) / who (指人) +其它52. 部分.53. e.g. It wasnt this morning that I saw him in the street.54. 一般疑问句:Is/ Was it + 被强调部分 + that (指人/物) / who (指人) +其它55. 部分.56. e.g. Was it this morning that I saw him in the street?57. 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + is/ was + it + that (不用who) +其它部分.58.

9、(其中疑问词便是被强调部分)59. e.g. When was it that I saw him in the street?60. 61. Then she persuaded me to buy one.62. persuade (vt.) 说服,劝说(成功)63. persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth.64. e.g. My teacher persuaded me to try again.65. = My teacher persuaded me into trying again.66. persuade sb

10、. not to do sth. = persuade sb. out of doing sth.67. e.g. I persuaded him not to give up.68. = I persuaded him out of giving up.69. persuade sb. + that clause:使某人相信某事70. e.g. Im almost persuaded that he is honest.71. persuade sb. of sth. :使某人相信某事,使某人信服72. e.g. Im almost persuaded of his honesty. 我几乎

11、相信他是诚实的。73. try to persuade (sb. to do sth.) = advise (sb. to do sth.)74. 只表示劝说的动作,不表明结果如何。75. 76. get / make sb. interested in:使某人对有兴趣77. 78. although (conj.) 尽管,虽然。引导一个让步状语从句,不与but连用。(= though)79. 80. the best way of getting to places = the best way to get to places81. 到达某地的最好方式82. the way后面既可以接of

12、 doing sth.,也可以接to do sth.。83. 84. she insisted that we find the source of the river85. insist (vt.) 坚持,坚决要求86. (1) 如果insist为“坚决要求”之意,后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词应用虚87. 拟语气,即should do,且should可以省略。88. insist that sb. (should) do sth. 坚决要求某人做某事(未做之事)。89. e.g. Bob insisted that we (should) attend his wedding.90. (2)

13、 如果insist为“坚持说,坚持认为”之意,后接宾语从句时,从句则用直91. 陈语气,即从句谓语动词与主句保持一致。92. insist + that clause 坚持说,坚持认为(已做之事,既成事实)93. e.g. Bob insisted that he was right.94. insist (vi.) insist on sth/ doing sth. 一定要(某事物),坚决主张95. e.g. They insisted on talking to the manager.96. 97. proper (adj.) 正当的,适当的;彻底的,完完全全的98. (adv.) 完全

14、地,彻底地99. It is proper for sb. to do sth. = It is proper that某人做某事是妥当的100. e.g. Is it proper for you to tell her the truth?101. = Is it proper that you tell her the truth?102. properly (adv.) 适当地,正确地 (= in a proper way)103. 104. care about: be worried, concerned or interested 忧虑,关心,惦念105. e.g. Dont y

15、ou care about anybody? 难道你谁也不关心吗?106. care for/ care to do: be willing or agree (to do sth.),wish or like (to do sth.)107. 愿意或同意(做某事),希望或喜欢(做某事),用于否定句或疑问句,尤108. 与would连用。109. e.g. Would you care for a drink?110. Would you care to go for a walk?111. care for sb.112. (1) like or love sb. 喜欢或爱某人113. e.

16、g. He cares for her deeply.114. (2) look after sb., take care of sb., be responsible for sb.115. 照看某人,照顾某人,对某人负责116. e.g. Who will care for your son if you are out?117. 118. detail (n.) 细节,小事,详情119. in detail: 详细地120. 121. She gave me a determined look122. determined (adj.) 坚决的,确定的123. be determined

17、 to do sth. 决心做某事124. e.g. She was determined to go to Beijing.125. determine (vt.) 决定,确定,下定决心126. (1) determine + n./ to do/ that-clause 决心127. e.g. She determined to go to Beijing.128. (2) determine + 疑问词 + to do.129. e.g. She has determined where to go.130. (3) determine sb. to do sth.131. e.g. W

18、hat determined her to go to Beijing?132. be determined to do sth. = determine to do sth. = make up ones mind to do sth.133. = decide to do134. 135. change ones mind 反义词 make up ones mind136. e.g. I have made up my mind to study hard and I will never change my mind.137. mind此处为可数名词,意为“意见,想法”138. 139.

19、 at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔处140. 141. experience (cn.) 经历,体验142. (un.) 经验,感受143. 144. once145. (1) conj. 一旦;一就 (as soon as)146. e.g. Once he arrives we can start.147. (2) adv.148. (for) one time 一次149. e.g. I have only been there once.150. 一度,曾经151. e.g. He once lived in Beijing.152. all

20、 at once: suddenly 突然153. e.g. All at once the door opened.154. (3) n. 一次155. e.g. Do it just this once. 只做这一次。156. 157. give in:投降,屈服,让步;交上158. e.g. He would rather die than give in.159. She has given in her homework.160. The engine D smoke and steam.161. A. gives in B. gives up C. gives away D. gi

21、ves off162. (放弃) (背弃,出卖) (散发出)163. 交上:give in / hand in164. 分发:give out/ hand out give out还有用完、耗尽,发出(声音)之意165. 166. when are we leaving and when are we coming back167. be + v-ing与表示将来的时间连用,表示不久的将来,同时表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。168. e.g. He is going to New York. (注意:这里并不是be going to do的结构)169. 将来的几种表达法:170. will/

22、 shall do; be going to do ; be doing; be to do; be about to do; 还可用一般现在时表将来。(这里简单介绍一下,讲语法时再详细讲解)171. 172. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys173. as (conj.) 当的时候, 引导时间状语从句。174. as, when, while做连词时,都有“当时候”之意。区别在于:175. when既可以表示一个时间段,也可以表示一个时间点;句中谓语动176. 词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是短暂性动词;表示一个时间段时,1

23、77. 从句谓语动词用进行时态,表示一个时间点时,从句谓语动词根据具178. 体情况用一般过去时或一般现在时。179. when从句谓语动词为延续性动词时,可用while, as换用。180. when从句谓语动词为短暂性动词,而主句谓语动词为延续性动词时,181. 不可以用as, while替换。182. while只能表示一个时间段,谓语动词只能是延续性动词或状态动词,183. 不能是短暂性动词;引导的从句常用进行时态,表示一个动作正在进184. 行的时候,另外发生了什么事情。185. as常可与when或while通用,但它较强调主句和从句中的动作或事186. 情同时发生,因此常作“一边

24、一边”解。187. e.g. They were talking when I arrived.188. When/ While/ As I was having supper, someone knocked at the door.189. She was watering the flowers while he was watching TV.190. They talked as they walked.191. 192. across与through的区别193. (1) across的意思为“横过”,表示从这一边到那一边,其含义与on有关,表194. 示动作在物体的表面进行。195. (2) through的意思为“穿过”,指通过一定的立体空间,其含义与in有关,表196. 示动作从物体中间穿过。197. e.g. It took us two hours to walk through the forest.198. We walked across the road.199. 注意:200. through不能用于从“细而长”的物体(如河流)这一侧到另一侧的动作。201. e.g. She swam across the river.

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