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1、英语一轮精品复习案Unit5Music新人教必修22013版英语一轮精品复习学案:Unit5Music(新人教版必修2)【高考新动向】【考纲全景透析】【重点单词】1 form n. 形状,形态,外形;表格,形式 v. (使)组成;形成;构成;排列A plan began to form in his mind .一个计划开始在他的脑海中形成。Help in the form of money will be very welcome. 以钱的形式资助将十分受欢迎。To apply for a job ,you must fill in /out a form.申请工作要填表。2. earn 赚

2、,挣得;获利;赢得Phrases: earn ones living=make a living 谋生 earn money= make money 挣钱She earned a living as a part-time secretary. 她靠做半职秘书为生。【点拨】辨析earn, obtain, acquire, gain, get相同点:这些动词均有“得到,获得,取得”之意不同点:earn 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价,因有功而获得 obtain 着重指通过巨大努力、要求得到所需或盼望已久的东西 acquire书面用语。强调通过不断地、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累的渐渐地获

3、得 get 一般用语,使用较广。可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力 gain 侧重经过努力或有意识的行动而取得某种成就,或获得某种利益或好处1)He failed to obtain a scholarship. 他没有获得奖学金。(巨大努力、盼望已久)2)His achievement earned him respect. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬。(靠自己的劳动)3)He gained much good. 他得到很多好处。(利益或好处)4)He got the first prize in the listening contest. 他在听力比赛中获得了一等奖。(使用较广)【即

4、境活用】The day I discovered that the good name my parents had _brought our whole familythe respect of our neighbour.A. earned B. deserved C. given D. used【解析】A 考查动词词义辨析。按照句意此处为赢得的意思。Earn的宾语可以是name. Fame, reputation, position.3. perform vt & vi. 表演;履行;执行The students will perform an opera next Friday. 这些

5、学生下星期五将演出一场歌剧。The police perform a vital role in our society.警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。You shall perform the experiment the way they do .你们要按照他们的方法去做实验。4 familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的English ,maths and history are the subjects that are familiar to you . 英语、数学和历史是你熟悉的科目The voice on the phone sounded familiar to

6、 me .电话里的声音我听着很熟悉。Are you familiar with the computer software they use?你熟悉他们的计算机软件吗?【重点短语】1. dream of梦见;梦想;设想dream of /about (doing) sth.dream of/about sb./sth梦见某人/某物dream ones life away虚度光阴联想记忆: wish for/hope for sth.希望得到 wish/hope/except/desire to do sth.希望做 long for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事 be anxious

7、for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事 be eager for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事【即境活用】汉译英1). 她虚度一生, 一事无成。_2). 我梦见我能飞翔。_Keys: 1). She dreamt her life away, never really achieving anything. 2). I dreamt (that) I could fly. 2Play jokes on 戏弄Mark Twain liked very much to tell funny stories and he also liked to play jokes on play

8、 jokes on his friends.马克吐温很喜欢讲有趣的故事,他也喜欢开朋友们得玩笑。Dont make jokes about the handicapped. 不要说关于残疾人的笑话。Its cruel to make fun of people who stammer.取笑口吃的人是残忍的。3. break up 打碎;分裂;解体;结束;使精神垮掉The police tried to break up the crowd. 警察试图去驱散人群【拓展延伸】Phrases: break down 机器出故障;崩溃; 瓦解 break in 破门而入;插嘴break into th

9、e house破门而入 break ones promise/word 食言break out 战争、火灾等爆发 break into laughter 突然大笑break off the conversation/relations中断交谈/关系 break through 突破;穿过The car is always breaking down. 这辆车老是出毛病Children shouldnt break in on adults conversation.小孩子不要打断大人们的谈话【即境活用】The couple had quarreled all time before they

10、_their engagement.A. broke down B. broke through C. broke off D. broke out【解析】C 考查break动词短语辨析。quarrel暗示中断婚约 break off the conversation/relations中断交谈/关系4 above all 首先,尤其,最重要的是Above all,make sure you keep in touch.最要紧得是你们一定要保持联系。All in all ,it had been a great success.总的来说,那是个巨大的成功。At first ,Ididnt li

11、ke him ,but afterwards I came to appreciate him.起初我不喜欢他,但后来我开始欣赏他了。【重点句型】1. Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends素不相识的人们经常议论他们的私生活就像是谈论他们亲密的朋友一样。1). 连词as if=as though,意为“仿佛,像,似乎”。通常用在be,look,seem,sound,taste,smell及feel等连系

12、动词的后面。其后的从句可以用陈述语气,但多用于虚拟语气。如:How wild his white hair looked as if it had been electrified!他的白发十分凌乱,好像触了电似的。(虚拟语气)She seems as if she is going to cry她似乎要哭了。(陈述事实)2).as if (though)后面除了跟句子外,还可以跟名词、动词不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语和分词。如He acts as if a fool他做事像个傻子。He raised his hand as if to take off his hat他举起他的手,好像要

13、取下帽子。3). as if (though)还可以表达感叹语气,来对某项建议、假设和推测表示不赞成、惊讶、不满和厌恶等。如:As if anyone would believe that story!好像有人竟会相信那样的事!As if we were all stupid and he alone clever!哼,就仿佛我们都是傻瓜,只有他一个人聪明似的。【即境活用】 汉译英1). 你像是见了鬼似的。_2). 这个男孩四周察看,像在寻找什么东西。_Keys:1). You look as if you had seen a ghost2). The boy looked about as

14、 if in search of something2 At last feeling very upset and sensitive ,Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them.最后,终于由于深感苦恼,神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和他的乐队意识到他们必须在自己感到太痛苦之前离开这个国家。Before作连词表示时间时,根据其在句中的实际情况,翻译方法有多种,具体可以为:We lived in Paris before moving to Lon

15、don.我们搬到伦敦之前住在巴黎。It was a long time before I got to sleep again.很长一段时间之后我才重新入睡。It wasnt long before she came back.不久她就来了Lock your bike before it gets stolen.锁好你的自行车,以免被偷。Before John stopped her ,she ran out.约翰还没来得及阻止她,他就跑了出去。Id shoot myself before I apologized to her .我宁死也不向她道歉。It was there years be

16、fore he left.三年后,他才离开。It will be half a year before I come back.我半年之后才回来【热点难点全析】介词+关系代词引导的定语从句 介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,是学习定语从句的难点之一,是高考命题的重要考点常使用的关系代词一般为which, whom, whose,即可以引导限制性,也可以引导非限制性定语从句【点拨】考生复习备考中需要注意如下几点:1. 单个介词+关系代词常用关系代词Whom, which介词确定方法1) 依据从句中动词、形容词、名词、介词短语的固定搭配而定;2) 依据先行词与句中与动词的搭配而定The two thi

17、ngs of which they felt very proud were his marks and hearth.他们引以为自豪的事情是他的成绩和健康2复杂介词+关系代词常用关系代词Whom, which,whose常用复杂介词As a result of, at the back of, because of, in front ofThey arrived at a small house, in front of which sat a small boy.他们来到一家农舍,前边坐着一个小男孩I saw a man, on the head of whom stood a bird

18、.我看到一个人,他头上站着一只鸟3. 单个介词+关系代词+名词常用关系代词which,whose介词确定方法根据介词与关心代词后的名词的搭配习惯用法确定He lived in London for 3 months, during which time he learned some English.The driver was the man from whose room she had stolen the maps.4. the+名词+of+关系代词常用关系代词Whom, which意义特点结构中的名词和后面的关系代词存在所属关系Recently I bought an ancient

19、 Chinese vase ,the price of which(whose price)was very reasonable.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days.5. 部分词汇/结构+of+关系代词常用关系代词Whom, which常用词汇/结构1) all,both,none,neither,either,many,most,few,several,enough,half,some,any,one,two,three2)

20、数词(基数词、序数词、百分数、分数)+名词3) The+形容词最高级/比较级This is the best way in which he can remember the words.这是他记住单词的最好方法【典型例题】1. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom【解析】D 考查介词+关系代词用法。依据turn to sb. for help固定结构,表示“向某人求助”可知答案2. Recently I b

21、ought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable. A. which price C. the price of which B. its priceD. the price of whose【解析】C 考查the+名词+of+关系代词的用法。按照“the+名词+of+关系代词”结构排除。he price of whichwhose price=of which the price。3.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing t

22、ime was 226 days. A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which 【解析】A 考查介词+关系代词的用法。关系代词which指代the journey, 定语从句恢复为独立的句子是:The sailing time of the journey was 226 days. 【语法专练】1. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ they are being trained. A. in t

23、hat B. for that C. in which D. for which2. Chinas population is expected to increase to about 1. 5 billion in 2040, after _ it will start to decline slowly. A. where B. which C. when D. that 3. I have many friends, some are businessmen. A. of them B. from which C. who of D. of whom 4. Bungee jumping

24、 is an adventurous sport, popular with young adults, _courage matters more than strength.A. whose B. that C. of which D. where5. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, _were surprising. A. as results B. which results C. the results of it D. the results of which

25、.6. The hotel _you are thinking, Kate, is too dirty, Im afraid. A. that B. which C. in which D. of which7. There is an unpleasant subject _we might argue for a long time.A. in which B. with them C. about which D. with it8. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _wanted to buy it. A. n

26、one of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom参考答案 1-8 DBDDD DCD【高考零距离】1、(2012福建卷26)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals _all its citizens. A. in charge of B. for the purpose of C. in honor of D. for the benefit of【解析】选AD考查介词短语。2(2012湖北卷25)The furniture, with its mod

27、ern style and bright colors, suits modern houses and their gardens, but looks _ in the garden of a traditional home A. out of question B. out of order C. out of sight D. out of place【解析】选D。考查介词短语辨析。难度中等。句意为:这套家具款式新潮,色泽明丽,与新式房屋和花园配套,但看起来与传统的房子和花园不相称。D项意为“与不相称”,符合句意。A项意为“毫无疑问”,B项意为“次序颠倒”,C项意为“看不见”,都与句

28、意不符。3(2011山东卷T24)The two girls are so alike that strangers find _ difficult to tell one from the other.A. it B. them C. her D. that 【解析】选A。考查代词用法。句意为:两个女孩长得如此相像以至于陌生人都发现很难将其中一个与另外一个区分开来。it在句中充当形式宾语,代替后面的真正的动词不定式宾语to tell one from the other. 4 (2011新课标全国卷 T26)I can the house being untidy,but I hate i

29、t if its not clean.Acome up with Bput up with Cturn to Dstick to【解析】选B。考查动词短语。句意:我能忍受房子不整齐,但如果不干净的话,我不喜欢。come up with 想出,提出;put up with忍受;turn to转向,求助于;stick to坚持。5 (2011江西卷T34)She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction had taken more than three years.Afor which Bwith which Cof which Dto which【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意为:她带领参观者参观了那个建造工程花费了超过三年时间的博物馆。先行词为museum,在从句中充当定语,博物馆的建造工程花费了超过三年的时间用介词of。选C。 6.(2010江西卷T25)Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A attach B pay C link D

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