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1、法律意见书英文法律意见书英文法律意见书英文【篇一:英文法律意见书】 haoway investments limited uegistered senior secured debt securities 关于豪威投资有限公司未登记优先担保债券的 attorneys opinions 法律意见书 chongqing, p. r. china march 17, 2007 二零零七年三月十七日 re: haoway investments limited uegistered senior secured debt securities 关于豪威投资有限公司未登记优先担保债券的 attorney

2、 opinion letter 法律意见书 dated on march 17, 2007 二oo七年三月十七日 gentleman or madam, 敬启者: investment limited (haoway) and chongqing gaoshan real estate development co. ltd. (gaoshan) (our clients), deliver our opinion as follows:conclusion of relevant reports and documents by other institutes involved shall

3、 not be commented by this firm. 本所律师仅就与豪威公司未登记优先担保债券涉及的有关法律问题发表法律意见。本法律意见书涉及到其他中介机构出具报告及相关文件中数据、意见及结论之处均为严格引述,并不表明本所及本所律师对这些数据、意见及结论的任何评价。 4.0 for any major facts without evidences, we make these opinions according to the representations of our clients. 在本法律意见书出具过程中,对于那些对本法律意见书至关重大但已无法得到直接独立的证据支持的事实

4、,本所律师依据委托人的有关陈述出具相关的法律意见。 5.0 we do agree that haoway may make reference to the opinion or conclusion of these opinions in offering memorandum of uegistered senior secured debt securities and any other documents. however, no reference shall be made in misleading way. unless otherwise addressed herei

5、n, all the terms in these opinions shall be used, defined and explained in the same meaning of those in offering memorandum. 本所律师同意豪威公司在豪威公司未登记优先担保债券募集说明书中引用本 法律意见书的有关意见及结论,但该引述不应采取任何可能导致对本法律意见书的理解出现偏差的方式进行。除非另有说明,本法律意见书和豪威公司未登记优先担保债券发行中使用、定义及解释的所有术语具有相同含义。 6.0 these opinions shall be only used for

6、uegistered senior secured debt securities of haoway. any other purposes shall not be permitted. we agree to report these opinions attached with other required legal documents and to be responsible for these opinions. 本法律意见书仅供豪威公司未登记优先担保债券之目的使用,不得用作任何其他目的。本所律师同意将本法律意见书作为豪威公司未登记优先担保债券所必备的法定文件,随其他申请材料一

7、起上报,并依法对本法律意见所出具的法律意见承担责任。 we hereby make following attorney?s opinions for uegistered senior secured debt securities of haoway: 本所律师现就豪威公司 未登记优先担保债券涉及的相关法律问题,出具如下法律意见: 7.0 haoway is in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation, has been duly incorporated, is validly exis

8、ting as a corporation with corporate power and authority to own its property and to conduct its business as described in the offering documents and is duly qualified to transact business and is in good standing in the state of its formation; 豪威公司是依法正式成立并有效存续的法人,符合其管辖地法律的各项规定,它有权力和授权拥有自有财产和开展发行文件所述的业

9、务,有充分的资格进行交易,符合其成立所在州的法律。 8.0 the commitment letter has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by haoway;【篇二:英文律师法律意见书范本】 sample attorney opinion letter date (name of client) president * co., ltd city, state, zip code re: opinion letter regarding (name of employee, e.g., fictitious * *) dear (

10、name): after our initial meeting, i reviewed the papers you sent me regarding the * *matter. as i understand the situation, ms.* signed a written employment agreement with your company. the agreement stated that in the event of termination or resignation from her job as your sales associate, ms. * w

11、ould not call upon or sell goods to any of your customers for a period of one year. you have asked me to advise you about your rights, the chance of success, the amount of damages that may be recoverable, the costs involved, and my ability to represent you in this matter. rights of * against ms. * w

12、hen ms. * signed a written contract with your company, she agreed not to call upon any of your customers for a period of one year. this is called a restrictive covenant. to enforce your covenant against ms.*, you must bring an action against her and prove your case. you have a choice of forums in wh

13、ich to bring the action: federal district court or a state court. since it is easier to obtain an injunction (an action to immediately stop her from selling to your customers) in a state court rather than a federal court, i would suggest the state court. i must advise you that injunctions are largel

14、y discretionary with the court, and behalf. since you waited eight months before threatening to sue ms. *, my guess is that you have about a twenty percent (20%) chance of obtaining an injunction. rights to and amount of damages your chances of obtaining money damages against ms. *are much greater t

15、han your chances for an injunction. from our discussion and the facts and evidence suggested in your papers, it appears that the amount of recoverable damages would be measured by the profits you have lost since the time ms. * beganselling competitive products to your customers. it should be underst

16、ood that if we win our case, however, ms.* may not voluntarily pay the judgment. thus, it may be necessary to enforce the judgment by having a sheriff or marshall seize and sell assets not exempt from execution. however, if ms. * does not own assets, such as real estate, money in bank accounts, stocks, etc., but owns on

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