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1、西外考研06年基础英语西安外国语学院2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:基础英语 科目代码:311PART ONEI. Vocabulary (15 points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices labeled A, B, C, and D. Select the one that best fits in with each context and draw a bar across the correspondent letter on t

2、he Answer Sheet.1. In view of the petrol shortage, _ will be placed on the unnecessary use of private cars for pleasure.A. limitations B. restrictions C. rationing D. banning2. During a war, many of the normal basic rights of the individual are _ in the national interest.A. disregarded B. infringed

3、C. suspended D. stamped3. Countries bordered by the sea have a pleasant _ climate because the sea warms the coast on winter and cools it in summer.A. arboreal B. aquatic C. maritime D. ocean4. Crimes of violence appear to be quite _; but psychologists can usually find a motive hidden away in the cri

4、minals childhood.A. senseless B. sensational C. nonsensical D. sensitive5. Im afraid the result of the coming election is a _ conclusion.A. foregone B. foreseen C. predictable D. prospective6. It is possible to organize housework so as to _ inefficiency but not monotony.A. deplete B. minimize C. dim

5、inish D. subtract7. The _ of social security benefits often feel that they are contributing more than they in fact receive in terms of medical care, pensions, etc.A. receipts B. receivers C. recipients D. payees8. If silicon chips are going to be significant and profitable then Britain ought to have

6、 a _ in their manufacture.A. stake B. bid C. bet D. flutter9. I had no _ about speaking the language when I was in Greece, it was driving on the other side of the road which bothers me.A. panic B. quake C. nervousness D. qualms10. As he took his foot off the clutch the car _ forward and the passenge

7、r was almost thrown through the windscreen.A. lurched B. swirled C. staggered D. wobbled11. At each race meeting Hawkins desperately _ to beat Owen, but he always arrives at the tape a split-second behind.A. drives B. exerts C. contends D. strives12. Some of the people living on the Councils new est

8、ate decided to set up a (an) _ association.A. occupants B. dwellers C. tenants D. inhabitants13. He thumbed through the rose _ to see if there was anything he fancies for his south-facing wall.A. brochure B. catalogue C. pamphlet D. booklet14. I was going to spend my holiday in Italy next year but t

9、he price of everything has rather _ the idea. Perhaps I shall to Spain instead.A. bogged me down B. turned me out C. set me back D. put me off15. A brilliant writer can _ a whole scene effortlessly.A. invoke B. provoke C. evoke D. stimulateII. Grammatical Structure (15 points)Directions: There are 1

10、5 incomplete sentences. Each is followed by four possible answers. Choose the one that best completes each sentence and draw a bar across the correspondent letter on the Answer Sheet.16. In such desperate strains did he find himself that he was reduced to _ violin in the streets.A. play B. playing C

11、. be playing D. having played17. Please try to remember _ he said he was going this afternoon. If you can tell me, I may be in time to save him from trouble.A. where B. when C. how D. what18. Those twins are so alike that it is next to impossible to distinguish _.A. who is who B. which is which C. o

12、ne and the other D. one another19. You _ hurt his feelings by saying that, even if you thought it.A. didnt need to B. neednt to C. hadnt needed to D. neednt have20. A captain never gives _ order to abandon _ ship until all _ hope of saving it is lost.A. the; x; x B. an; a; the C. an; the; x D. the;

13、a; the21. After the Arab state won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _ to go to school.A. to be encouraged B. being encouragedC. to have been encouraged D. be encouraged22. To a highly imaginative writer, _ is a pad paper and a pen.A. all are re

14、quired B. all is requireC. all that is required D. all required is23. Hes improving slowly _ itll be a long time before hes fit enough to go back to work.A. but B. for C. as D. unless24. Language is a city, to the building of _ every human being brought a stone.A. it B. this C. that D. which25. At f

15、irst she accused me of being a political fanatic, but she soon came round to _ that my ideas where not so ridiculous as she had supposed.A. realize B. realizing C. have realized D. being realizing26. Many political problems are so complicated that the layman cannot see the wood _ the trees.A. of B.

16、from C. for D. with27. I read that in some book or _; does it matter which it was?A. the other B. another C. others D. other28. All was confusion around him; _ he remained calm and unruffled.A. nonetheless B. consequently C. otherwise D. furthermore29. He is determined to improve his innocence, _ he

17、 has to go to the highest court in the land.A. even though B. even as C. even if D. even so30. When _, many racists cannot give a logical reason for their attitudes towards other racial groups.A. questioning B. having been questionedC. having questioned D. questionedIII. Cloze (20 points)Section ADi

18、rections: For questions 31-40, read the text and then decide which word, A, B, C, or D best fits each space. Make your choices and draw a bar cross the correspondent letter on the Answer Sheet.Face-to-face conversation is a two-way process: you speak to me, I reply to you and so on. Two-way 31 depen

19、ds on having a coding system that is understood by both 32 and receiver, and an agreed conversation about 33 the beginning and end of the 34 in speech, the coding system is a language like English or Spanish; the conversation that one person speaks at a time may seem too obvious to 35 . In fact, the

20、 36 that people use in conversations and meetings are often non-verbal. For example, lowering the pitch of the voice may mean the end of a sentence; a 37 of breath may signal the desire to 38 , catching the chairmans eye may indicate the desire to speak in a formal setting like a 39 , a clenched fis

21、t may indicate anger. When these 40 signals are not possible. More formal signals may be needed.31. A. exchange B. correspondence C. interchange D. communication32. A. transmitter B. messenger C. sender D. announcer33. A. signaling B. symbolizing C. signing D. showing34. A. idea B. theme C. topic D.

22、 message35. A. notice B. mention C. recognize D. judge36. A. clues B. signals C. features D. symbols37. A. deep hold B. noisy release C. big puff D. sharp intake38. A. interfere B. interact C. interrupt D. intercept39. A. debate B. lecture C. chat D. broadcast40. A. auditory B. visual C. verbal D. s

23、ensorySection BDirections: For questions 41-50, read the text and decide on a suitable word to fill each of the gaps. Remember there is one word for each gap. Write you answer on the Answer Sheet.In this weeks issue, our resident film critic discusses the 41 of cinema going, and the audiences who 42

24、 chewing hot-dogs, slurping drinks, gossiping and rustling crisp packets to actually 43 the film. Fair complaint, or just cinema snobbery?Its the munchers and talkers, not those who complain about them, who are spoiling 44 peoples simple pleasures and the 45 seem to me to be self-evident. Junk foods

25、 and even popcorn and choc ices, when eaten in a 46 and possibly crowded space, are inclined to demand living spaces. They spread 47 aboutusually onto others clothing. Crisps, peanuts and boiled sweets make a lot of 48 , first when being unpacked then when being crunched or sucked. These are definit

26、e 49 , especially if you yourselfhaving merely come to see or hear the filmare not eating and not therefore generously sharing your fried onions, mustard and ketchup with the trousers of the stranger in the 50 seat.IV. Reading Comprehension (10 points)Directions: Here is a text. The parts A-F have b

27、een removed. Match the parts A-F to the numbered gaps in the text. There is one extra part which does not belong in any of the gaps.Professor Kimura has now discovered that homosexual men tend to do worse in targeting tasks, but are superior in other areas, for example, listing things that are a par

28、ticular color. This goes one step further towards supporting the theory part of the brain is pre-programmed.But despite all the differences that appear to have emerged between male and female brains, Professor Kimuras studies indicate that the sexes still having something quite strikingly in common:

29、 both, it appears, are sensitive to hormonal fluctuation throughout their lives.51_ Now Professor Kimura has discovered that males perform best on mental-rotation tests in the spring when, contrary to popular belief, male levels of the hormone testosterone are at their lowest. Autumn, when testoster

30、one levels are high, is when her male subjects fare worst in tests.52_Moreover, weaknesses in certain skills are not fixed immutable. Extra training in weak areas for both sexes can go far towards rectifying the gender balance.53_Its a good step forward towards greater harmony between men and women. It means they can work towards understanding and helping each other, even on the most basic level.54_Furthermore, says Dr. Apter, t

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