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1、写作36个句型前进类(用来论证advantage好的方面)1Benefit from从当中获益Many children suffer from this illness and will benefit from the new treatment.这个句型刚好与is benefit to主语和宾语相反2Invest in 对投资The government should invest a large proportion of its budget in helping the needy, despite the economic recession.近义词:subsidise /spo

2、nsor /allocate money to反义词:withdraw /suspend the funding of3Promote /boost/enhance the development of 促进的发展例句:Even though the city invested millions of pounds in museums and art galleries, it had done little to promote the development of education and medical care.4Boost efficiency / productivity 提高

3、效率 生产率The main question about high-tech education is whether it actually boosts the efficiency and the effectiveness of learning.近义词:enhance efficiency / productivity5Play a pivotal role in 在.中起关键作用Vitamins and minerals play a pivotal role in keeping our body healthy; therefore, children and adults

4、alike should eat more vegetables that are rich in carious vitamins and minerals.近义词:play a crucial/essential role in6Enrich ones social/academic/professional experience 丰富社会的/学术的/专业的 经验Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich students social experience and make them more ca

5、pable in university.近义句型expend ones outlook/vision 开阔某人的视野反义句型limit ones vision7Keep society safe and stable 保持社会的安全和稳定Harmony keeps society and safe and stable while conflict disturbs social order.近义句型:maintain social stability8Have a duty/obligation to do 有责任做In most European countries, parents ha

6、ve a obligation to ensure that their children receive proper education.近义句型:be obligated to do sth. /be accountable for反义句型:be exempt from doing sth. 被免除某种责任,比如paying taxes9Relax their bodies and ease their minds 让身心放松Children not only need opportunities to acquire knowledge, they need time to relax

7、 their bodies and ease their minds well.近义句型:afford sb. entertainment and pressure10Be based on 基于Discipline should be based on a positive, loving parent-child relationship instead on force and punishment.翻译句型:lay the foundation for/lay the groundwork for 为打好基础11Generate employment opportunities 创造就

8、业机会International tourism can generate employment opportunities. In the other hand, it may damage the cultural heritage of a nation.近义句型:stimulate the job market反义句型:reduce employment opportunities12Be less time-consuming and more economical 省钱又省时间Contrary to popular belief, advertising makes our sho

9、pping experience neither less time-consuming nor more economical.近义句型:be more efficient and cost-effective13Relieve ones academic/financial/psychological burden 减轻某人的学业/经济/心理 负担Part-time job help students to relieve their parents burdens nevertheless, working on a part-time basis may create psycholo

10、gical burdens for the students themselves.类似用法:relieve poverty/pain/traffic congestion 减轻贫困/痛苦/交通堵塞14Fulfill ones potential 发挥某人的潜力Employee may feel they cannot fulfill their professional potential when their work is not valued by their employers.近义句型:achieve ones potential 翻译句型:restrict ones potent

11、ial15Remove the barrier for 为(发展、交流等)消除障碍Machine translation has remove the barrier for communication between people who do not know share same language.反义句型:be a hindrance to /be a hurdle to /be an impediment to 对造成阻碍16Promote the cultural communication and interaction between and 促进和之间的文化交流与互动A un

12、iversal language effectively promotes the cultural communication and interactions between nations are different culturally.近义句型:contribute towards the mutual understanding between and 17Curb the proliferation of 控制(犯罪、污染、媒体)的扩散The government should take immediate measure to curb the proliferation of

13、 pollution, regardless of the costs it may involve.近义句型:ban/ prohibit/ eliminate sth.18Raise peoples awareness of 提高人们的某种意识The media can raise public awareness of the alarming rise in youth crime.近义句型:disseminate /diffuse knowledge about 传播某方面的知识19Has a inherent advantage of 在某方面有优势Teaching students

14、 in groups has a inherent advantage of enabling schools to use their equipment and facilities more efficiently.近义句型:be superior to 比更有优势反义句型:be inferior to 不如的 Never manage to reach a comparable level(不能相提并论的)倒退类(用来论证disadvantage负面的方面)1Live in poverty /misery/frustration/anxiety 生活在贫穷/痛苦/沮丧/焦虑 中Livi

15、ng in misery, the citizens in these impoverished countries claim that industrial nations have the obligation to supply financial aid, which can lift them out of poverty.近义句型:lead a life2Drive up the crime rate 使犯罪率上升The widespread gun scenes and pornography in films may make young viewers more viole

16、nt. As a consequence, these scenes tend to drive up youngsters crime rate.反义句型:lower the crime rate3The competition is increasingly stiff 竞争越来越激烈The economic competition between countries is increasingly stiff, which has made the governments more protective of their domestic market.近义句型:be increasin

17、gly competitive4To avoid , people should 为了避免,人们应该To avoid the extinction of these species, we should stop disturbing the ecological balance on our planet.近义句型:people should so as to prevent 为了避免人们应该5Widen the gap between A and B 加大A与B之间的差距At present, the technology available to individuals is actua

18、lly widening the gap between wealthy between needy rather than narrowing it.反义句型:narrow/bridge the gap between A and B6Stem from (某种坏现象)起源于Generally speaking, childrens bad behaviour stems from imitating their parents.近义句型:A can be attributed to B A的产生可以归结到B这个原因上7Pose threat to 对构成威胁The weapons that

19、 a country possesses do not just pose a threat to other countries. They pose a very real threat to their owner as well.近义词组:jeopardise sth.8Stifle creativity/imagination 扼杀创造力/想象力The traditional approach to education in some Asian countries seriously stifles students creativity and imagination.反义句型:

20、foster/simulate creativity9Find monotonous and unmotivating 发现某事物很单调无法给人动力Young students tend to find traditional schooling monotonous and unmotivating.近义句型:find unattractive nor productive反义句型:find highly stimulating10Diminish individual leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间The accelerating pace of life seriously

21、 diminishes individual leisure time and may even cause mental illnesses.对比:drive away individuals loneliness11There is a definite link between A and B 两者之间存在紧密关系There is a definite link between the rising rate of obesity and the increasing consumption of fast food.反义句型:there is no correlation betwee

22、n A and B 两者不存在关系12Spin out of control 失去控制The Greek financial crisis is spinning out of control and spilling over to other European countries.反义句型:keep under tight control13Cause tension and conflicts betweenand 在两者之间造成紧张和冲突Cultural differences between the tourist and local residents may cause tens

23、ion and conflicts between them.反义句型:ease the tension between and 14Be overly dependent on 对某事过度依赖Technology has made individual overly dependent on it, which has led to more sedentary lifestyle and less face-to-face communication.反义句型:be independent of 对不依赖15Have a detrimental influence upon 对有负面影响A

24、pparently, long-distance flights have detrimental influence upon the environment, even though they are by far the most efficient way of traveling.16The population is booming 人口在激增Whereas the population has been booming in many Asian countries, the birth rate in some European countries remains consistently low.反义句型:curb the population explosion17Is markedly incompatible with 与明显不协调The design of buildings often turns out to be markedly incompatible with historical surroundings in terms of materials, form and colors.近义词组:be incongruous with反义词组:be consistent with

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