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1、提高初中生英语阅读能力的策略英语专业论文学号11111012324院系国际关系学院 西安翻译学院XIAN FANYI UNIVERSITY 本科毕业论文Thesis for Bachelors Degree题 目:Study on Strategies of Junior Middle School Students English Reading 学生姓名: 指导教师: 学科专业: 英 语 2015年5月诚信声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。毕业论文中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,

2、不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或在网上发表的论文。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。签 名: 日 期: 年 月 日Study on the Strategies of Junior Middle School Students English Reading Abstract: Reading is an important means of obtaining information. Reading ability is one of the four basic skills for junior middle school students. For junior middle schoo

3、l students, their English reading ability greatly influences their English efficiency, because reading will affect the improvement of other basic skills. Reading ability generates learning power that helps junior middle school students know themselves and others better. Students should master the ba

4、sic reading skills such as skimming and scanning so that they can provide the right way to enhance the reading ability efficiently. In a word, this paper aims to analyze the factors that influence the improvement of students abilities in reading comprehension, and mainly discusses the strategies to

5、improve their English reading abilities. In other words, it will give some advice to help students overwhelm the blocks in the process of reading and help them master some reading strategies:meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social strategies. Students can improve their reading eff

6、iciency if they use these strategies properly. Key Words: reading ability, strategies, junior middle school students 提高初中生英语阅读能力的策略 摘要:英语阅读在我们的日常生活和学习中非常重要。对中学生来说,阅读是四项基本技能中的一项,在英语学习中占有重要的位置。因此,阅读能力直接影响到中学生的英语水平。要想培养学生的英语阅读能力首先必须找到学生阅读方面存在的问题,进而对症下药。现在中学生在英语阅读方面存在很多问题:英语阅读量小;阅读兴趣不浓;没有掌握英语阅读的技巧等方面的问题


8、键字:英语阅读能力;策略;初中生ContentsAbstract in English IAbstract in Chinese II1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Research 1 1.2 Purpose of the Research 1 1.3 Structure of the Research 22. Literature Review 4 2.1 Definition of Strategies 4 2.2 The Importance of Strategies 4 2.3 Definition of English Readin

9、g Strategies 5 2.4 Classification of English Reading Strategies 5 2.4.1 Meta-cognitive Strategies, Cognitive Strategies and Social Strategies 5 2.4.2 Direct Strategy and Indirect Strategy 8 2.4.3 Language Learning Strategies and Language Using Strategies 8 2.5 Study on the Strategies of Junior Middl

10、e School Students English Reading 8 2.5.1 Study on the Strategies of Junior Middle School Students English Reading 8 2.5.2 Study on the Strategies of Junior Middle School Students English Reading 93. Methodology 10 3.1 Research Objectives 10 3.2 Research Questions 10 3.3 Research Subjects 10 3.4 Res

11、earch Instruments 10 3.4.1 Questionnaire 10 3.4.2 Interview 114. Results and Discussion 12 4.1 Result of Interviews 12 4.2 Result of Questionnaires 125. Findings, Limitations and Future Suggestions 156. Conclusion 16Bibliography 17Acknowledgments 18Appendix 191. Introduction1.1 Background of the Res

12、earch Reading is a social-cultural skill which modern people should possess. Consequently, no matter in theory or in practice, reading is always the focus of language educators. In English reading, the importance of reading is more remarkable.We all know that listening, reading and writing play impo

13、rtant roles in English learning. These four abilities are interrelated. However, along with the study of English learning and the wide use of English, many people take listening and speaking as the key points to master English. The current conversation materials are not all good for English learning

14、, because they are generally based on the simple daily words. We can never learn language (especially English) mainly by listening and speaking. Take our mother tongue, Chinese, for example. We learned it by listening and speaking when we were young, but that is not enough. We still need to learn it

15、 by reading and writing at school. Whats more, if reading has been done regularly, the problem of listening and speaking can be solved in better environment. Because reading provides a suitable cultural background on which we can easily cope with the variation of information.In that case, how to imp

16、rove students English reading comprehension ability comes to be an important role in English learning.In recent years, it is not uncommon that lots of students say that reading comprehension is the most difficult part in the English learning. Students want to improve their reading comprehension, but

17、 they can not find effective approaches to it. Therefore, to improve the English reading ability is one of the keys to learn English well.1.2 Purpose of the Research It is very necessary to use some effective ways to help the students of junior middle school improve their reading ability. The resear

18、ch of the application of strategies in their English reading supports the improvement of their English reading ability. English teachers can apply the findings of this investigation to help their students. The students will realize the significance and necessities of the strategies in English readin

19、g and promote the application of the strategies so that they can improve their English reading. Meanwhile, it may maximize their reading achievements by helping them identify the differences in English reading. And students will pay much more attention to their English reading habits.1.3 Structure o

20、f the Research This paper is composed of five parts, the main contents are as follows: Chapter one is the introduction of the whole thesis. It would give a general introduction of the study, the background, purpose and structure of the study. Chapter two is the literature review part. It introduces

21、the definition and the importance of reading strategies. Then it states the definition of English reading strategy and its classification. In the last, it gives us the studies on the strategies of junior middle school students English reading abroad and at home. Chapter three is the experiment part.

22、 The author chooses students from Handan Junior Middle School. Twenty students will be interviewed about the application of reading strategies. There will also be a questionnaire to see how much the students master the strategies and their application in reading.Chapter four is the findings and disc

23、ussion part. We can know thatstudentsuse reading strategiesin a relativelylow level. Cognitivestrategies and meta-cognitive strategieshave not been fullyused inthe reading process. Students should pay more attention to using the strategies in their English reading. Chapter five is the limitations of

24、 the research and future suggestions. The number of the participants was relatively small. Therefore, this topic has large space to study. In the conclusion part, those three reading strategies should be treated in a right way. Students should pay more attention to reading strategies. The strategies

25、 should be considered when the teachers instruct reading courses to middle school students. Both teachers and students should master reading strategies.2. Literature Review2.1 Definition of Strategies A number of researchers have defined what constitutes language learning strategies in different way

26、s; however, these definitions convey similar concepts. About this(Ellis 99) gave us definitions oflearning strategies and languagelearning strategies as follows : Ellis listedthe following five differentdefinitions of strategy: (1) “According to our view, the strategy can be best used to present tha

27、t language learners can use the approach of the general trend or general characteristics, techniques for the specific situation to describe visual behavior.” (Wenstein 86). (2) “Language learning strategy is the practice or idea of language learning.”(Stern 67). (3) “Learning strategies are skills,

28、methods or deliberate actions taken by students.”(Chamot 87). (4) “Reading strategy is a strategy helpful for students to construct their own internet language system, which can directly influence the development of language.” (Chamot 33). (5) “Language learning strategies are the acts or actions th

29、e learner take in order to make language learning behavior or action more successful, more autonomous, more pleasant.”(Oxford 67).2.2 The importance of strategiesStrategies in the second language or foreign language learning are extremely important and are driven by certain goals from the learners s

30、ide. Language learning strategies can greatly benefit the effectiveness and efficiency of the learners to certain learning tasks in English, especially for those who are still at an early stage of the learning process. Therefore, Chamot looks at language learning strategy as one of the crucial facto

31、rs in English reading (Veit 63 ).2.3 Definition of English Reading Strategies Strategies are “deliberate and conscious processes by which the reader attempts to overcome a problem” (Underwood 87). Blanchard regards reading strategies as “actions which are selected deliberately to achieve particular

32、goals”. 2.4 Classification of English Reading Strategies2.4.1 Meta-cognitive Strategies, Cognitive Strategies and Social Strategies The Definition of Meta-cognitive StrategiesCognition and meta-cognition are two important concepts in modern education science. Cognition refers to the process of acquiring knowledge (Markstein 19). Although the term has been part of the vocabulary of educational psychologists for more than twenty years, and t

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