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高一上学期月考试题 物理 含答案.docx

1、高一上学期月考试题 物理 含答案2019-2020年高一上学期12月月考试题 物理 含答案一、 选择题:(本题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,每题只有一个正确答案。)1下列说法正确的是( )A第4秒初到第5秒末是1秒的时间 B物体的质量越大,具有的惯性也越大C质点一定是体积很小、质量很小的物体 D在直线运动中,物体的位移等于物体的路程2. 关于速度和加速度的关系,以下说法正确的有( )A加速度方向为正,速度一定增加 B加速度方向保持不变,速度方向一定保持不变C. 加速度逐渐变大,速度一定逐渐变大 D加速度和速度方向相反,速度一定减小3 汽车以20m/s的速度做匀速运动,某时刻关闭发动机而做匀

2、减速运动,加速度大小为5m/s2 ,则它关闭发动机后5s内通过的路程为( )A37.5m B. 40m C. 42.5m D. 45m4. 下列关于重力、弹力、摩擦力的说法中正确的时( )A地面附近物体所受到的重力就是地球对物体的吸引力B物体的重心就是物体最重的点C滑动摩擦力的方向可以与物体运动的方向相同D物体间的弹力越大,则摩擦力越大5如图所示,水平地面上有三个相同的物体a,b、c叠放在一起,各接触面间的摩擦因数相同。水平向右的力F1 = 20 N作用在b上,水平向右的力F2 = 30 N作用在c上,三个物体保持静止状态,下列说法正确的是: ( )A物体c对桌面的静摩擦力大小为10N,方向水

3、平向右B物体b受到物体c给的一个大小为20N的摩擦力,方向向左C物体a受到向右的静摩擦力,大小为10ND撤去力F1的瞬间,三个物体一定会向左运动6如图所示,固定在竖直平面内的光滑圆环的最高点有一个光滑的小孔,质量为m的小球套在圆环上,一根细线的下端系着小球,上端穿过小孔用手拉住。现拉动细线,使小球沿圆环缓慢上移,在移动过程中手对线的拉力F和环对小球的弹力FN的大小变化情况是( )AF减小,FN不变 BF减小,FN减小CF增大,FN不变 DF增大,FN减小7. 水平地面上一物体从t=0时刻从静止开始沿直线运动,选向右方向为正方向,物体运动的加速度随时间变化关系如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A2

4、s末物体的加速度改变方向 B3s末物体的速度达到最大C第5s内物体做匀减速运动 D7s末物体在出发点的左侧8如图所示,用绳子AO和BO悬挂一物体,绳子AO和BO与天花板的夹角分别为30o和60o,且能够承受的最大拉力均为200N,在不断增加物体重力的过程中(绳子OC不会断)( )A绳子AO先断 B绳子BO先断 C物体的重力最大为200N D物体的重力最大为400N9如图所示,斜面体置于粗糙水平面上,斜面光滑。小球被轻质细线系住放在斜面上,细线另一端跨过光滑定滑轮,用力拉细线使小球沿斜面缓慢 上 移一段距离,斜面体始终静止。移动过程中( )A细线对小球的拉力变大 B斜面对小球的支持力变大C斜面体

5、对地面的压力变大 D地面对斜面体的摩擦力变大10如图所示,倾角为=30o的斜面体c置于粗糙水平地面上,小物块b质量为3m置于斜面上, 通过细绳跨过光滑的定滑轮与质量为m的沙桶a连接,连接b的一段细绳与斜面平行,a、b、c均静止在质量为m的沙子缓慢流入a中的过程中,c始终静止则( )Ab对c的摩擦力一直减小 Bb可能沿斜面向上运动C地面对c的摩擦力方向一直向左 D地面对c的摩擦力一直减小二、填空题(本题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分。)11、如图所示,物体A重40N,物体B重30N,A与B、B与地的动摩擦因数相同,物体B用细绳系住,当水平力F=32N时,才能将A匀速拉出,求接触面间的动摩擦因数为

6、 。12当物体从高空下落时,空气阻力随速度的增大而增大,因此经过一段距离后将匀速下落,这个速度称为此物体下落的稳态速度。已知球形物体速度不大时所受的空气阻力正比于速度v,且正比于球半径r,即阻力f=krv,k是比例系数。对于常温下的空气,比例系数k=510Ns/m。已知水的密度=1.010kg/m,重力加速度为g=10m/s,=3,球体体积公式V=r。求半径r=0.10mm的球形雨滴在无风情况下的稳态速度v= m/s 。三、计算题(本大题共4小题,共50分。解答时写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要演算步骤,只写最后结果不得分。)13.(12分)一辆质量为m=2103kg的汽车在恒定牵引力作用下由

7、静止开始做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小为a 1=2m/s2,经过4s关闭发动机,此后在阻力作用下匀减速运动,匀减速开始后的第1s内运动了6m。求:(1)汽车匀减速运动的加速度大小?(2)汽车的从开始运动到最后静止总位移大小?14.(12分)如图所示,弹簧AB原长为35cm,A端挂一个重60N的物体,手执B端,将物体置于倾角为30的斜面上。当物体沿斜面匀速下滑时,弹簧长度为45cm;当物体匀速上滑时,弹簧长度为50cm,(g=10m/s2)求:(1)弹簧的劲度系数(2)物体与斜面的动摩擦因数15(12分)如图所示,重力为G1=10N的砝码悬挂在绳PA和PB的结点上,PA偏离竖直方向30角,PB沿水

8、平方向且连在重力为G2=100N的木块上,木块静止于倾角为30的斜面上,求:(1)PA绳上的拉力(2)木块与斜面间的摩擦力;16、(14分)如图所示,质量为m的物体置于倾角为的固定斜面上,物体与斜面之间的动摩擦因数为,用水平推力F作用于物体上,当物体沿斜面匀速上滑时推力为F1,当物体沿斜面匀速下滑时推力F2,为则两次的推力之比为多少?高一物理月考答案一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)题号12345678910答案BDBCBABBAC二、填空题(10分,每题5分)11、0.32 12、0.8三、计算题(50分)13、(12分)a=4m/s 24m14、(12分)K=120N/m 15、(12分)N

9、 55N16、(14分)(sin+ ucos)(cos+usin)/(cos-usin)(sin-ucos)2019-2020年高一上学期12月月考试题 英语 含答案第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whose car was stolen?A. Anns. B. Michels. C. Joeys.2. What does the woman t

10、hink of her job?A. Boring. B. Challenging. C. Tiresome.3. What can we learn about the man?A. He doesnt have to call Peter. B. He will have lunch with the woman.C. He will call Peter after lunch.4. What does the man think of the exam?A. Easy . B. So-so. C. Difficult.5. What are the speakers talking a

11、bout?A. Buy furniture B. Moving furniture. C. Looking for a bigger room 第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What happened between the woman and Gary?A. They had a fight. B. th

12、ey became friends. C. They broke up.7. What was the Garys reaction to the womans advice?A. He followed it B. He ignored it. C. He was grateful for it.听第7段材料,回答第8 、9题。8. What are the speakers talking about?A. Uniforms. B . School life. C. Children.9. What do the students think of wearing a uniform?A.

13、 They like wearing it very much. B. They think it is boring to wear it. C. They think it is too formal.听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。10. What does the woman think of the science book?A. Its a little expensive. B. Its a little old. C .Its a little thick11. What was the original price of the science book?A. Thi

14、rty dollars. B. Thirteen dollars. C. Sixty dollars.12. Which book does the woman buy?A. The maths book. B. The novel. C. The English writing textbook .听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。13.How many pets does Mary have?A . One. B. Two. C. Three.14. Where does the dog go for training when it is two years old?A. The

15、womans house. B. A training school. C. A pet store.15. Why do people like to have pets?A. To make money. B. To help blind people. C. To get a panion.16. What is the biggest cost when keeping a pet?A. The money for training. B. The money for food. C. The time for cleaning.听第10段材料,回答17至20题。17. Why doe

16、s the speaker attend English classes?A. To improve his munication skills. B. To go abroad for further study.C. To learn more about British culture.18. How many classes does the speaker take a day?A. Three . B. Four. C. Five.19. Which of the following is not needed to learn English well, according to

17、 the speaker?A. Patience. B. Practice. C. Carefulness.20. Where does students usually use English ,according to the speaker?A. In class. B. After school. C. At home.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中选出最佳选项 ,并在 题卡上将该项涂黑。A I became a teacher at 55 years of a

18、ge. Things were going on so well during my first two periods. Then came my 3rd period class the 8th graders with only one girl in the class. I thought the class was bad until the inter(内部通话系统) came on and the office was asking if I was in my classroom. “Of course,” I responded. A student who knew he

19、 was going to be late for class had informed the office I was not in my classroom 10 minutes after class began.When the student came in and I walked over to greet him, he said, “Dont touch me.” He then put his head on his desk and did not seem to listen to a word I said. I did not front(使面对) him wit

20、h the “lie” to the office.The next day he came into class on time. This time instead of listening or following instructions on keyboarding software, he played Internet games. I walked over to him. He looked at me ready to snap back(没好气地顶撞) at anything I said. I asked him, “Where did you learn to use

21、 a puter like that?” he looked at me surprised. I repeated, “You are really good at that. Where did you learn so much?” He began to tell me his father “used to” buy him games to play, but not anymore. I could feel the pain. Instead of blaming him for being off task, I surprised him and praised him f

22、or his skills. Then, I asked him to show me what he could do in our software. He was amazed.On a Friday night at a high school football game, I really got my breakthrough(突破). From about five feet away, in front of his friends he came over to me and gave me a big hug saying, “Hi, Ms. Marie.” We talk

23、ed for a while and before he walked away, he had hugged me two more times. This was a long way from “dont touch me” on that first day.21.How did the boy react(反应) towards Ms. Maries greeting on the first day? A. Gratefully. B. Coldly. C. Respectfully. D. Amazedly.22.From the dialogue between Ms. Mar

24、ie and the boy in Paragraph 3, we can infer that _. A. the boy was impatient with Ms. Maries interruption B. the boy was proud to show how to play games C. Ms. Marie was curious about the boys father D. Ms. Marie felt sorry for the boy23.By saying “I really got my breakthrough”, Ms. Marie meant _. A

25、. she finally learned to play games B. she won the boys trust in the end C. she scored at the football game D. she made great achievements in teachingB Charles Blackman:Alice in WonderlandAn Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV),Australia10 June 12 August xxVenue (地点) The Ian Potter C

26、entreAdmission Free entryCharles Blackman is famous for his beautiful painting of dreams. In 1956, he heard for the first time Lewis Carrolls extraordinary tale of Alice in Wonderland the story of a Victorian girl who falls down a rabbit hole, meets a lot of funny characters and experience all kinds

27、 of things. At that time, Blackmans wife was suffering form progressive blindness. The story of Alice moving through the strange situations, often disheartened by various events, was similar to his wifes experiences. It also reflected so much of his own life. All this contributed to the pletion of t

28、he Alice in Wonderland paintings.Illustrator WorkshopGo straight to the experts for an introductory course in book illustration. The course includes an introduction to the process of illustration and its techniques, workshop exercise and group projects.Dates Sunday 17 June &Sunday 5Aug.10am1pmVenue

29、Gas Works Arts ParkWonderful WorldCelebrate the exhibition and Childrens Book Week with special activities just for the day, including a special visit from Alice and the White RabbitDate Sunday 24 June,11am4pmVenue Exhibition Space, Level 3 Topsy-TurvyVisit the exhibition or discover wonderful curio

30、sities in artworks in the NGV Collection and make a magic world in a box. Alice and the White Rabbit will be with you. Walt Disneys Alice in Wonderland will be screenedDates Sunday 8,15,22,29 July, and Tuesday 24-Friday 27 July, 12noon3pmVenue Theatre, NGV AustraliaDrawing WorkshopDistortions of sca

31、le ( 比例失真) can make artworks strange but interesting. Find out how Charles Blackman distorted scale in his paintings to create a curious world. Then experiment with scale in your own drawings. More information upon booking.Date Friday 27 July,10:30am-3pm Venue Foryer, Level 324. Charles Blackmans paintings e from _.A. his admiration for Lewis Carrioll B. his dream of being a famous artistC.

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