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本文(北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 1《Lifestyles》Section Ⅲ高效学习方案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 1《Lifestyles》Section Ⅲ高效学习方案.docx

1、北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 1LifestylesSection 高效学习方案 .重点单词必记根据词性及汉语提示写出单词1nearby adj. 附近的adv. 在附近2otherwise adv. 否则,另外3forecast n. 预测;预报4accountantaccount n. 账户;账目5crowdedcrowd v. 拥挤 n. 人群6sickness7distancedistant adj. 远的8imagine vt.imagination n. 想象力.高频短语必背1far away from 远离2make sure 确保;保证3be at work 在工作4be f

2、ree of 免除;摆脱;离开5distance learning 远程学习6be fond of 喜欢.经典句式必会1Thats what people call the underground in London.那就是人们对伦敦地铁的叫法。句式分析what是连接代词,引导表语从句,且在从句中作call的宾语。尝试仿写这就是我们称之为机器人(robot)的东西。Thats what_we_call_a_robot.2Usually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.地铁常常那么拥挤以至于我找不到地方坐。句式分析that为连词,引

3、导结果状语从句,so .that为固定句式,意为“如此以至于”。尝试仿写这个小姑娘如此漂亮以至于我们都喜欢她。The little girl is so_beautiful_that_we_all_like_her.3Im always tired before I arrive at work.这样每天到办公室前,我就已感到很疲倦。句式分析before作连词,引导时间状语从句。尝试仿写我没有到达那里,他就走了。He had left before_I_arrived_there.4(长难句分析)We do jobs when they need to be done and that cou

4、ld be early in the morning or late at night.我们的工作是依需要而定,可能是在一大早,也可能在半夜。句式分析本句为由and连接的并列句。前一分句为主从复合句,When引导时间状语从句。1Where do you live? In a city or in a countryside? What do you like about where you live?参考答案:I live in the country side.I love it because it is quiet and the air is fresh. Its really com

5、fortable to live there.2How are city and country lifestyles different in China?参考答案:The lifestyles are different in the city from those in the country side.In the city, the traffic are heavy and the pressure is great. Its noisy and people stay up late at night. While in the countryside, people live

6、a relaxing life.Its quiet. People go to bed early and get up late. They live comfortably.Choose the best answer according to the text.1How long is it from Debbies home to her company?AFifty minutes walk.BFifty minutes by underground.CFifty minutes by bus.DFifty minutes by train.2Why doesnt Debbie li

7、ke to go to work on “the tube”?AIts always too crowded.BShe is sometimes late if she goes to work on “the tube”CThe underground is not fast enough.DShe cant catch “the tube” sometimes.3Debbie works for a French company so she _.Ahas dance classes on Monday nightsBgoes to the gym on Wednesday nightsC

8、has French classes on Tuesday and Thursday nightsDgoes to the cinema every week4When Pauls family take a weekend in London, _.Athe children love looking in the clothes shopsBthe husband will go to moviesCthe wife likes to buy cigarsDthey love to ride on red buses or the tube5From the second passage

9、we know Paul is _ his life.Aunsatisfied with Bgetting bored ofCdisappointed with Dsatisfied with答案:1.B2.A3.C4.B5.DRead the text carefully and then fill in the chart with the information in the text.NameDebbiePaulBasicsShes an _ at a large firm in London.He lives in a small _ in Northern England.Wake

10、up time _oclock _ oclockTransportation (交通工具)She commutes to work on the _He lives and works on the _Working hours8 hoursall day Evening activities _ classes, go to the gym,French classesplay with his _, study by distance learningSpecial activitiesShe goes to the _ every weekend. Sometimes she drive

11、s to the country and goes walking with friends.He loves _. Twice a year, he goes to London with his family.答案: accountant village seven four underground farm dance children cinemamovies考点1imagine vt.想象,设想教材原句Can you imagine city and country lifestyle in Britain?你能想象一下在英国的城市与乡村生活方式吗?I cant imagine li

12、fe without TV and the Internet.我无法想象没有电视和互联网的生活。归纳拓展imagine doing sth 想象做某事imagine .(to be/as) 设想是imagine (that) . 猜想/推想/认为I dont imagine so I imagine not 我并不这样认为I imagine flying to the moon in Shenzhou .我想象乘坐神舟10号飞往月球的情景。 Do you imagine he is fit for the tough job?你认为他胜任这一困难工作吗? No, I imagine not.不

13、,我认为他不胜任。多角度演练1句型转换Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a forest.Close your eyes and imagine being in a forest.I had imagined that she was older than that.I had imagined her to be older than that.He likes to imagine that he is a soldier.He likes to imagine himself a soldier.2完成句子I cant imagin

14、e her marrying_him (嫁给他)Can you imagine what_he_is_doing (他在干什么吗)?3单项填空I cant imagine _ like this.Ayou being treated Byou treatedCyou treating Dtreating解析:句意:我真不能想象你受到如此对待。imagine后接v.ing作宾语,you为being treated的逻辑主语。答案:A考点2crowded adj.拥挤的;挤满的;装满的教材原句Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to

15、sit. 通常,地铁很拥挤,我很难找到座位。We have a very crowded schedule.我们的日程排得满满的。归纳拓展(1)be crowded with . 挤满,拥塞(2)crowd n. 人群;大众;一伙;一堆 vt. & vi. 挤;把塞进a crowd of 一群,一堆,许多the crowd 人群crowd (.) into (把)挤进The great hall was crowded with audience that day.那天大厅里挤满了人。I crowded (myself) into the crowd to see the famous sta

16、r.我挤进人群去看那位明星。形象记忆The bus is crowded with people. 公共汽车上挤满了人。多角度演练1完成句子The_crowd_crowded_into the stadium and it was_crowded_with audience.I_crowded_through_the_crowd (挤过人群) for the performance.2介词填空The shop was crowded with people.All the passengers were crowded into a bus.3单项填空People _ round to get

17、 a better view of the famous star Zhen Zidan.Acrowded BclimbedCcounted Dcrossed解析:句意:人们围成一圈想更好地看一看那位明星甄子丹。crowd“拥挤,聚集”;climb“爬”;count“数数,计数”;cross“穿过”。答案:A考点3be at work在工作教材原句After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and Im already at work. 在家里吃饱一顿早饭后,我走出前门,开始一天的工作。Though its t

18、ime for dinner, they are still at work.到了吃饭的时间了,但是他们仍在工作。He is at work and cant go out now.他在上班,现在不能出去。归纳拓展(1)be out of work 失业(2)work on 从事work out 计算Work out how much money youll need.计算一下你需要多少钱。He has been out of work for a year.他失业一年了。联想发散介词at表明一种状态或持续活动,与名词连用,名词前一般不加冠词。根据汉语提示写出下列短语。at_war 处于战争状

19、态at_peace 处于和平状态at_school 在上学at_rest 在休息at_dinner/table/meal 在吃饭多角度演练1完成句子At that time, the country was at_war (处于战争中)What do you usually do at_rest (休息时)?Youd better speak less at_dinner/table (吃饭时)I dont know if he worked_out (解决) the problem.Miss Liu is busy working_on (从事) a new novel.2单项填空Im no

20、t sure whether Tom is _ work or _ school.Aat; in Bat; atCin; at Din; in解析:at work“在上班”;at school“在上学”。答案:B考点4make sure确保;保证教材原句I have to make sure they are free of sickness. 我必须确保它们远离疾病。We cant make sure of your safety if you act without permission.如果你擅自行动,我们不能确保你的安全。Make sure that the windows are s

21、hut when leaving home.出门时务必关上窗户。She may have come back, but I cant make sure about it.我听说她回来了,但我不敢确信。Make sure (that) you will arrive there on time.你务必准时到那里。自主归纳make sure后面接的成分可以是of/about_sth.或that从句,但一般不跟不定式。归纳拓展be sure of/about 确信be sure that . 确信be sure to do . 务必/一定/必定做for sure 肯定,确切地Be sure to

22、come to my birthday party if you have time.如果你有时间,一定来参加我的生日聚会。多角度演练1句型转换You must make sure of your energy before the match.You must make sure that you are energetic before the match.2完成句子For_sure (肯定地) he will come back next month.She is the kind of woman who is_sure_of_herself (对自己有信心)She is_sure_o

23、f_winning (对赢得有把握) the game.3. 单项填空Quite a few people used to believe that a disaster _ if a mirror was broken.Awas sure of strikingBwas sure of having struckCwas sure to be struckDwas sure to strike.解析:考查短语的用法。句意:相当多的人过去常以为,如果镜子打破了,就一定会有灾难。表示“一定”应用be sure to do结构,而“灾难降临”应为主动语态,故选择D项。答案:D考点5be free

24、of免除;摆脱;离开The ticket is free of charge.这张票是免费的。Im free of that place at last.我终于摆脱那个地方了。归纳拓展be/feel free to do sth. 自由地做某事be free from 不受影响set free 释放in ones free time 在某人的闲暇时间Mandela was finally set free in 1993.曼德拉在1993年终于获释。They wanted the new states to be free from slavery.他们希望新的国家没有奴隶制度。关键一点表示“

25、不受伤害/影响”时,be free of be free from,但是be free of tax(免税)和be free of charge(免费)中的of不能换成from。多角度演练1完成句子The child is_free_from_care.这个孩子无忧无虑。This ticket is_free_of_charge.这张票是免费的。2单句改错They were set freely last month.答案:freelyfreeThis kind of car is free from tax.答案:fromofLiving here is free away noise.答案

26、:awayfrom/of3单项填空He had to take the medicine three times a day, so as to be _ the pain in the leg.Afar from Baway fromCapart from Dfree from解析:考查介词短语的意义。far from“远离,远非”;be away from“远离,从离开”;apart from“除之外”;free from“免于,免受的影响。”答案:D考点6distance n距离,路程,远处教材原句Right now I am studying Chinese by distance l

27、earning. 现在我正通过远程学习来学习中文。The distance from my hometown to the railway station is 20 kilometres.我家乡与火车站之间的距离是20公里。归纳拓展at a distance 隔一段距离;距离稍远一些in the distance 在远处keep ones distance from 避开,不接近keep sb. at a distance 对某人保持疏远We saw boat disappear in the distance.我们看到帆船消失在远方。The detective followed him a

28、t a distance.侦探保持一定距离跟着他。形象记忆多角度演练1用distance短语的适当形式填空Ann likes to keep people at_a_distance.They were careful to keep_their_distance_from the illtempered professor.You can see the ancient ruins in_the_distance.2介词填空My parents live within walking distance of me.I saw some smoke in the distance.Youd better keep this kind of person at a distance.3单项填空The dog looked dangerous, so I decided to _ from it.Akeep my distance BstayCkeep a distance Dkeep my distant解析:句意:那只狗看上去很危险,所以我决定远离它。keep ones distance from .是固定短语,意为“与保持一定距离”。答案:A1Thats what people call the underground in London.那就是人们对伦敦地铁的叫法。(1

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