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1、开放英语I网考复习资料及答案开放英语I(1)基于网络考试(网考)学习资料第一部分:网上作业操作流程第二部分:118单元参考答案第三部分:网络考试模拟试卷第四部分:汉译英第五部分:英译汉第一部分:操作流程开放英语I(1)基于网络考试(网考)网络作业(光盘练习)操作流程1.登录中央电大考试平台( ) ,打开形成性考核平台入口。2.在“学生登录”输入“用户名和密码”(用户名为13位学号,密码为学员的出生年月日,8位数)3.点击“我要选课”,选开放英语(1),点“增加”。4.安装英语(1)光盘,然后双击桌面“This is English I”图标打开。5.用13位数学号及8位数年月日密码登录光盘进入

2、学习。6.在普通单元Unit 1、2、3、4、5、7、8、9、10、11、13、14、15、16、17这15个单元中只要认真完成Test Yourself 部分即可。这些作业可以重复做到满意时才点击提交。7.在复习与自测单元Unit 6、12、18这3单元中只需完成Assesment部分即可。8.所有以上作业春季在6月15日之前完成;秋季12月15之前完成。9.学员每操作一个单元可上 查询该单元分数。第二部分:单元练习答案开放英语I(1)基于网络考试(网考)网上作业(光盘练习)参考答案提示:在每一单元中,直接点击右上角的test yourself(或assessment)进入测试,做完前一部分

3、题目后点击下方的submit ,再点击右下角的进入下一部分题目第一单元Unit 1Fill in the gaps(填空,每条横线填入一个字母) 1. n a 2. t a 3. t a 4. c o 5.i l 6. t i 7.c a 8.g h9. a 10. a Choose the correct answers(选择题)1.(2) 2.(1)3.(1 ) 4.(3) 5.(2) 6.(3) 7.(2) 8.(1) 9.(1) 10.(3)Read and Choose the correct answers(选择题)1、(3) 2、(2) 3、(1 ) 4、(3) 5、(1) 6、

4、(2)Listen and fill in the gaps (听力填空)1、34 2、.302 3、. 2170569 4、.2408第二单元Unit 2Fill in the gaps(填空,每条横线填入一个字母) 1.e a 2. a 3. o y 4. a r 5.e a 6. c h 7.e r 8.n g9. e e 10. u a Complete the sentences(选择题)1、(1) 2、(2) 3、(1 ) 4、(3) 5、(2) 6、(1)7、(3) 8、(1) 9、(2) 10、(1)Read and Choose the correct answers(选择题

5、)1、(2) 2、(1) 3、(3 ) 4、(1) 5、(3) Listen and choose the right answers(听力选择)1、(1) 2、(2) 3、(1 ) 4、(3) 5、(2)第三单元Unit 3Match the English and Chinese word and phrases(匹配中英文,右键点击上面的单词,拖动到相应中文后覆盖横线)复印机 photocopier 接待处 reception 加班 work late 植物 plant 行李 luggage 个人电脑 personal computer角落 corner 口信 message 工商企业

6、business 首都 capital Choose the correct answers(选择题)1、(2) 2、(1) 3、(1 ) 4、(3) 5、(3) 6、(2) 7、(1) 8、(1) 9、(3) 10、(2)Read and Choose the correct answers(选择题)1、(1) 2、(3) 3、(1) 4、(2) 5、(2) 6、(2) 7、(3) 8、(2)Listen and choose the right answers(听力选择)1、(3) 2、(2) 3、(3 ) 4、(1) 5、(3)第四单元Unit 4Fill in the gaps(填空,

7、每条横线填入一个字母) 1.c 2.i r 3. i 4. a w 5.m e 6. a n 7.u 8.v i9.a i 10. e rComplete the sentences (完成句子)1、(2) 2、(1) 3、(3 ) 4、(1) 5、(3) 6、(2) 7、(3) 8、(1) 9、(3) 10、(3)Choose the correct answers(选择题)1、(2) 2、(1) 3、(2 ) 4、(3) 5、(1) Listen and fill in the gaps (听力填空)第一行:How are things第二行:Im helpful 第五行:Have got

8、 第六行:parents any 第七行:cousins 第八行:Do have 第九行:I do 第十行:62 第十一行:in第五单元Unit 5Match the words(匹配中英文)问题 problem 打电话:ring up 修理repair 神经紧张的 nervous寻找 look for 搜寻 hunt 有吸引力的 attractive 便利的 convenient独立的 separateChoose the correct answers(选择题)1、(3) 2、(1) 3、(1 ) 4、(1) 5、(2) 6、(3) 7、(2) 8、(1) 9、(3) 10、(3)Read

9、 and Choose the correct answers(选择题)1、(1) 2、(2) 3、(2) 4、(1) 5、(3) Choose the correct answers(选择题)1、(1) 2、(3) 3、(2) 4、(3) 5、(2)第6单元(复习单元)随机测试卷及参考答案第一部分选择正确答案并完成句子(10个随机6选1)1、Whats _ job? Are _ British?、your, you2、_ people are my friends. _ people are my husbands friends.、These, Those3、This is where y

10、ou work, Xiaoyan. That is your desk and this is _.、mine4、_ name is Jane. _ is from the USA.、Her, She5、Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for _.、them6、We often have _ supper at home.、our1、Hello. Im David Manning. Nice to meet you. _.、Nice to meet you too. Im Xiaoyan2、_ Hi.

11、 My names Rose. Are you from London?、Hello, Im Paul. Whats your name?3、Hello, Linda, how are you? _、Very well, thank you. And you?4、John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing.Rose: _Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.、Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.5、Jo

12、hn: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord.Paul: Im pleased to meet you.Mr Smith: _、Very pleased to meet you, too.6、Hello, Xiaoyan, How are you? And How are things? _. Everybody is very nice and helpful.、Great. I am fine1、What do you do? _.、I am a policeman2、_? My father is a manager. My mother is a nu

13、rse.、What do your parents do3、_ She works in the Oxford University.、What does your mother do?4、What does your mother do? _.、She is a clerk in a bank5、_? She is talking to Mary.、What is she doing right now6、What does your father do? _、He is responsible for the central computer system1、Why dont you go

14、 to an estate agent, then, youre talking face to face? Well, _.、I dont know2、The shower isnt working. _.、Ill call the plumber3、How about seeing a film this evening? Yes, _.、thats a good idea4、_, David? An orange juice.、What would you like5、Could you ring them up please? Im sometimes quite nervous on

15、 the phone. _、Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.6、 _? Yes, Id like to. Thanks.、Would you like to come to the shop one day2、London is _ capital of Britain, and it is _ great city, too.、the, a3、I am _ engineer.、an4、David is _ only accountant in my sons company.、the5、Where is David? He is havin

16、g lunch in _ Chinese restaurant on _ seventh floor.、the, the6、He often works in _ evening.、the1、The rent is 700 pounds a month. It is a good price _ the area.、for2、My mother is a doctor. She is _ medicine.、in3、I usually get up _ 7 oclock _ the morning.、at, in4、This is his book. Could you give it _ h

17、im?、to5、Mr Green is now _ a holiday.、on6、I sometimes go to the pub _ Friday _ my colleagues.、on, with1、She _ the flat advertisement.、has a problem with2、Does David _?、like flying3、Polly enjoys _ in a band in her free time.、playing the guitar4、My cousin doesnt _serious (严肃的) TV programmes on the week

18、ends.、enjoy watching5、My aunt _ for her friends at home.、enjoys cooking6、My husband doesnt _, but I like it very much.、like shopping1、Ive got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you _ them?、like to see2、_ would you like, tea or coffee?、What3、Id _ a beer too. Thank you.、like to have4、What TV progr

19、ammes do you like? I _ London Lives.、like watching5、_ you like a drink? Wine? Beer? A beer, please.、Would6、_, Polly? Id like a glass of wine, thank you.、What would you like1、_ a coffee machine in the room?、Is there2、There _ three plants in the office.、are3、Are there two men in the room? _.、No, there

20、s only one4、_? Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.、Do you have any family5、Mary _ brown eyes and golden hair.、has got6、Why is she _ lunch so early? Its only 10 now.、having1、I _ this e-mail to tell you about my new office.、am writing2、My father _ for an important phone call at the moment.

21、 He cant go to have lunch withyou, I am afraid.、is waiting3、David _ on a new database at the moment.、is currently working4、Mr Manning _ in Paris today and tomorrow.、is working5、My uncle _ in the IT Department. But now he _ on a plan for the marketing department.、works, is working6、I am planning a ne

22、w marketing campaign at the moment. _?、What are you doing第二部分阅读理解(阅读短文填空由于篇幅这里只给出选项与答案)阅读理解一(5选1)A篇:Dear Mr. ManningLin Xiaoyan.1、Who is the receiver of this e-mail?、Mr. Manning.2、Who is sending this e-mail?、Lin Xiaoyan.3、How does Lin Xiaoyan get to London?、By plane.4、What is her flight number?、CA 5

23、027.5、Where is Xiaoyan from?、Shanghai.B篇:Hello. XiaoyanDavid Manning.1、Who is the receiver of this letter?、Xiaoyan.2、Who is writing this letter?、David Manning.3、Who is coming to London? 、Xiaoyan.4、When will David and Xiaoyan meet?、Around 9 p.m. on Tuesday.5、Where will David and Xiaoyan meet?、At the

24、airport.C篇:A: Good morning, MadamB: No, thank you , not this evening.1、Where does this conversation take place?、In a hotel.2、When does this conversation take place?、Early in the morning.3、What does Speaker A do?、A is the receptionist.4、What is Xiaoyans room number?、425、What do we know about Xiaoyans

25、 dinner?、She does not make a reservation for dinner in the restaurant.D篇:A: So as you can seeB: Oh yes, its big and light .Great.1、What do we know about Speaker A and B?、A is a landlord and B is flat-hunting(找公寓).2、Where is the flat?、On the tenth floor in a modern building.3、What do we know about th

26、e lifts?、1 is working.4、How is the hall?、It is dirty.5、How is the flat?、Its big.E篇:Helens husband is Mark.Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law. 1、Who is Andrew?、Andrew is Dans uncle.2、Who is Mark?、Mark is Dans grandfather.3、Who is Tom?、Tom is Dans father.4、Who is Joyce?、Joyce i

27、s Toms wife.5、Who is Pam?、Pam is Andrews niece.阅读理解二(6选1)A 篇:Betty is from Italy. and of course he likes staying with Betty.1.Betty is British now.、Doesnt say.2.Betty has long beautiful hair.、Right.3.Ray likes his job.、Wrong.4.Both Betty and Ray like traveling.、Right.5.Betty can play the piano well.

28、、Doesnt say. B篇:Hello, everyone. Id like to talk about myselfThat one over there is our boss.1.Lily works in IT.、Right. 2.Lily has got a big family in Hong Kong.、Wrong. 3.Lily is working on a training program in the TV studio of Shanghai TV Station.、Wrong. 4.Lily is going to be the IT Manager.、Doesn

29、t say.5.Lilys boss and her colleagues are in Shanghai now.、Right.C.篇:It is Sunday morning, Mrs. Brown is working in the kitchen Her family enjoy her cooking.1.The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday.、Wrong. 2.Mr Brown has a big family.、Doesnt say. 3.Mr Brown doesnt go to work on Sunday.、Right. 4.Mr Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday.、Right. 5.The family enjoy Mrs Browns cooking.、Right. D篇:The dream of every family is to live in a big house They grow flower and sometimes vegetables in this gardens.1 .Most British people rent a house when they have

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