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1、完整版从电影美丽人生中看完美男人形象毕业设计毕 业 论 文论文题目:从电影美丽人生中看完美男人形象 On the “Perfect Man” Viewed From the Movie Life Is BeautifulStudent: Mao BoboSupervisor: Ma XiaoyingForeign Languages DepartmentTangshan CollegeJune, 2010从电影美丽人生中看完美男人形象摘 要一部电影能告诉人们什么?这是个仁者见仁,智者见智的问题。描述二战的电影不胜枚举,但是没有哪一部电影像美丽人生一样让人感受到的只有浓浓的爱,而没有其它二战电影

2、中血腥的大屠杀。在这部电影中一方面笔者看到了一个完美男人的形象,一个完美的男人所要具备的不仅仅是事业上的成功,更重要的是和家人一起创造一个美满和谐的家庭,做妻子的依靠和精神支柱,是孩子的保护神。另一方面,笔者也诠释了什么样的人生才称得上是完美。如果以乐观的态度对待生活,生活中一切都是美丽的。 男人被赋予了很多的责任和称谓,但是在笔者眼里,家庭责任才应该是一个男人最重要的责任,丈夫和父亲才应该是最幸福的称谓。男人只有有了责任感,才可能成为一个完美男人,才可能拥有美丽人生。关键词:完美男人 家庭 责任 爱 On the “Perfect Man” Viewed From the Movie Lif

3、e Is BeautifulAbstractWhat can we learn from a film? Different people have different ideas. There are numerous films describing the WW, but none of them likes the film Life Is Beautiful, which is full of love instead of bloody Holocaust. In this film, on one hand the writer finds a perfect image of

4、man, a perfect man should not just be successful in career, but pay more attention to building a harmonious family with family members and should be the reliance and spiritual mainstay for his wife and the protective god for his child. On the other hand, the writer indicates the belief that life is

5、beautiful. If you have a optimistic attitude towards life, then everything is beautiful. Man has been endowed with many responsibilities and titles, but in the writers opinion, family responsibility should be the most important one and the title of husband and father should be the happiest ones. Who

6、ever has a sense of responsibility, and he may become a perfect man and have a beautiful life.Key words: Perfect man; family; responsibility; loveContentsIntroduction.1Part I Anatomy of the Film Life Is Beautiful.21.1 The creative background and main plots of the film.21.2 The different angle betwee

7、n the film Life Is Beautiful and other films describing the Jewish lives during the World War .31.3 The deep love and the hope of peace.3Part The Qualities of Perfect Man. 52.1 The perfect mans romance.52.2 The perfect mans humor.52.3 The perfect mans optimism.62.4 The perfect mans wisdom and braver

8、y.7Part Positive Influence of the Perfect Man.93.1 Equal importance of family and career.93.2 Marrige for love instead of benefit93.3 The close realationship between children and parents.103.4 Life is beautiful.11Conclusion.13Acknowledgements14Notes.15Bibliography16IntroductionAfter seeing a film, d

9、ifferent people have different ideas. There are many films describing the Second World War, many of which emphasize on the inhumanity of Nazi. Those films are filled with sanguinary scenes which depicts the slaughter of Jewish people. In ordinary peoples impression, the Second World War is horrible

10、memory especially for the Jewish people. The audiences are convulsed by the bloody scenes again and again. Happiness, to Jewish people of this period, is impossible. However, not all of the directors choose the same angle, there is a director choosing to use another angle to reveal the War and to pr

11、oduce a film called Life Is Beautiful. It has less to do with the Holocaust but more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship between a husband and his wife, a father and his son. After watching the film, some audience may be happy and some may be sad. But no such a piece of art

12、has ever before combined laughter with tears of sadness in and after the movie. We do not know what feelings the audience has after watching the film Life Is Beautiful, but the audience may feels really happy, because both Guido and his son have a beautiful life. And we also find the qualities of a

13、perfect man from the actions of the hero Guido. A successful image for a husband and father is presented by Guido perfectly. We find a humorous, optimistic, romantic and brave man in this film, and the behavior of Guido is full of love. A perfect man should not only be successful in career, but also

14、 pay more attention to building a harmonious family with family members and should be the reliance and spiritual mainstay for his wife and the protective god for his child. Then he will have a beautiful life. This thesis tells us the anatomy of the film Life Is Beautiful, and we can see the deep lov

15、e and hope of peace from it. Then it introduces the qualities of the perfect man. At last, we find positive influence of the perfect man. In some degree, it is useful for our beautiful life. Part I Anatomy of the Film Life Is Beautiful1.1 The creative background and main plots of the filmThe film Li

16、fe Is Beautiful selected its material from the Jewish life in concentration camp of Nazi, which was the most unforgetable picture in the World War . In 1930s, in Italy, a carefree Jewish bookkeeper named Guido starts a fairy Tale life by courting and marring a lovely woman from a nearby city. When G

17、uido moves from the country to a large Tuscan town where he falls in love with a school teacher Dora. But she is already engaged to another guy, and Guido uses his humor and wisdom to court his “princess” by popping up at unexpected times. Guido has a sense of romance, and his life style is free, Do

18、ra is attracted by him. Then Dora abandons her fianc and chooses Guido. Guido rides a white horse, takes his princess away. Then the film jumps ahead to the last months of the war. Guido marries Dora and they have a son called Giosue. The three family members live together happily, and they own a bo

19、okshop and have a harmonious family. However, on the birthday of Giosue, Guido and Giosue are sent to a concentration camp because of their Jewish origin. Dora is not a Jewish, but she deeply loves his husband and voluntarily follows him, she is sent to another part of the camp. Although the men and

20、 women are separated in the concentration camp and a child is in great peril. Guido finds his special ways to communicate with Dora and to hide Giosue. He uses loudspeaker to say “good morning, princess”, which tells Dora that he and their son are safe. In an attempt to hold his family together and

21、help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish concentration camp, Guido imagines that the Holocaust is a game, and the grand prize for the champion is a real tank. Giosue believes his father, so he does not afraid of living in the concentration camp. What he wants is a tank, a real tank. Finally, at

22、the end of the film, little Giosue cheers: “I really win the tank.” Then he and his mom are rescued by the American solider. Life Is Beautiful is an important film; it is triumphant, perpetual and moving. It manages to entertain and educate the audiences with its potent combination of humor, poignan

23、cy, wisdom and dignity. Roberto Benigni, both the director and actor, has taken pure honor and turned it into a love story between a man and a woman,between a father and his son. The film is full of love, as an actor, Benigni manages with his wise and simple performance to make the audiences laugh i

24、n the tragic situations.1.2 The different angle between the film Life is Beautiful and other filmsdescribing the Jewish lives during the World War There are too many films describing the lives of Jews during the World War , in which Schindlers List directed by Steven Spielberg is the most famous one

25、. In this film, the lives of Jewish people are miserable. Thanks to the help of Schindler, some people survived from this disaster, but most people, including old men and children, are killed by the Nazis. There is one sentence from this film: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”1 We ca

26、n see that Schindler is a great man in Jewish peoples eyes. After watching the film Life Is Beautiful, we find that it has less to do with the Holocaust and moreto do withthe human feelings and the beautiful relationship between a husband and his wife, a father and his son. The Holocaust provides th

27、e ultimate context that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such a piece of art has ever before combined laughter with tears of sadness in and after the movie. Although Guidos death makes us sad, we also think his life is beautiful, because his wife a

28、nd son will live happily in the future.The film helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from cruel reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the Naz

29、i psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. In this period, the Nazis just care about themselves, as if the miserable lives of Jewish people do nothing with them. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guidos relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the co

30、ncentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and make you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh.1.3 The deep love and the hope of peaceThe film Life Is Beautiful is full of love. We can see it from many respects. On one hand, Dora and Gui

31、do love each other. When Guido meets Dora the first time, he calls her princess. Guido tries his best to court Dora, he loves her very much. Dora falls in love with Guido though he is neither rich nor handsome. She loves him, because he is reliable and sincere. When Guido and their son are sent to the concentration camp, Dora should not have to go there, but she requires go there. As she loves her husband a

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