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1、高二英语高二月考英语试题一、单项填空1. - What do you think of _ Christmas evening party? - I should say it was _ success. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. the; /2. _ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated. 3. We stoo

2、d on the top of the mountain, _ the sun _ in the east. A. watched; rising B. watching; rose C. to watch; to rise D. watching; rising4. I was so angry at all _ he was doing _ I walked out. A. which; that B. that; which C. that; that D. which; which 5. Was it on May 12th, 2008 _ a big earth quake hit

3、Wenchuan in Sichuan province? A. when B. where C. while D. that 6. - Lets go shopping after school. - Call for me a that time. A. That depends. B. Hold on, please. C. What for? D. Sounds great!7. It was not who is right but what is right, we all think, that_. A. minds B. cares C. matters D. values 8

4、. To our great _, Georges illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. astonishment 9. - Did Peter fix the computer himself? - He _, because he doesnt know much about computers. A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it 10.- What is John doi

5、ng? - I can hear the water running in his bathroom, so he _ a bath. A. can have taken B. ought to take C. may be taking D. might have taken11. _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of 12. Joe, dont _ now; youre improving all the

6、time. It wont be long _ you can speak English well. A. give in; until B. give up; before D. give in; then D. give up; after 13. Look at the big smile on their faces. They _ the game. A. should have won B. must win C. must have won D. should win 14. _ from what you say, he ought to succeed. A. To jud

7、ge B. Judged C. To be judged D. Judging 15. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes. A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up 16. Mr. White promised that he would tell me the result _ he knew it. A. the instant B. the moment when C. while D. before

8、 17. We worked for ten years without finding, but we decided to stick with it. Now our patience has _. A. paid off B. paid back C. given away D. given up 18. He asked me _ for the bike. A. I paid how much B. how much I paid C. did I pay how much D. how much did I pay 19. John will _ the meeting inst

9、ead of Mike. A. take the charge of B. take charge of C. in the charge of D. in charge of 20. Shelly _ California for Texas in 1996 and _ there ever since. A. left; worked B. has left; has worked C. left; has worked D. has left; worked 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和

10、D)中选出最佳的选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 Although I love my life ,it hasnt been a lot of fun as Ive been ill for 28 years Music has always been a great love of mine and ,in my 20s,when my 21 was more manageable(可控制的) ,I 22 ten years as a professional (职业的)singer in restaurants .playing and singing folk songs. 23

11、that was years ago and times have changed . _24_ I live with my mother on a country farm . Two years ago, I decided that I would need to have some kind of extra work to _25_ my disability pension (残疾抚恤金)._26_ I needed to sleep in afternoons. I was limited in my _27_I decided that I would consider 28

12、 to singing in restaurants. My family are all musicians ,so I was _29 when I went into our local music store .I explained that I wanted to sing again but using recorded karaoke music I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didnt have a lot of _30 to get started ,And 31 you find only three

13、 to four songs out of ten on a disc that you can _32 use. When I told the owner of the shop about my 33 ,he gave me a long use the gave me a long ,thoughtful _34_.“This means a lot to you , doesnt it ?he said . “Come with me.”He led me 35 the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional kar

14、aoke box on it. He placed his large hand 36 on his treasure and said . “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your 37 and Ill record them for you .That should get you started.”I 38 . Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose 39 that I could sing . I have com

15、e full circle with his help.His 40 still warms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra , which I have the chance.21. A. loneliness B. sadness C. tiredness D. sickness22. A. set B. enjoyed C. kept D. shared23. A. Gladly B. Eventually C. Unfortunately D. Surprisingly24. A. Now B. Then C. Sometime

16、 D. Meanwhile25. A. add up to B. make up for C. get rid of D. take advantage of26. A. If B. As C. Though D. Before27. A. movement B. condition C. choices D. positions28. A. reaching out B. living up C. getting on D. going back29. A. recognized B. interviewed C. found D. invited 30. A. money B. time

17、C. energy D. knowledge31. A. thus B. once C. seldom D. often32. A. actually B. hardly C. nearly D. formerly33. A. job B. family C. idea D. offer34. A. face B. view C. look D. sight35. A. over B. along C. towards D. through36. A. Unhappily B. lovingly C. pitifully D. gratefully37.A.pick B. turn C. ro

18、le D. step38.A.had to cry B. ought to cry C. should have cried D. could have cried 39.A.more B. the ones C. few D. the rest40.A.courage B. devotion C. kindness D. trustDBCAB BCDAA DACCD BADBCAWelcome to your future life!You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face is firm and young-

19、looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people your age could live to be 150,so at 40, youre not old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging(抗衰老的) treatment. Now, all three of look the same age !You say to your shirt , ”Turn red.” It changes from blue to red. In 2035,

20、“smart clothes” contain particles(粒子) much smaller than the cells in your body. The particles can be programmed to change clothes color or pattern.You walk into the kitchen . You pick up the milk ,but a voice says ,” You shouldnt drink that!” Your fridge has read the chip (芯片) that contains informat

21、ion about the milk , and it Knows the milk is old . In 2035, every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip .Its time to go to work . In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car” where to go. On the way , you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve . Such “smart technolo

22、gy” is all around you.So will all these things come true? “For new technology to succeed,” says scientist Andrew Zolli ,”it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have already.” The Internet is one example what will be the next?72.We can learn from the text that in the future_.A .people w

23、ill never get oldB. everyone will look the sameC . red will be the most popular colorD. clothes will be able to change their pattern73. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?A. Milk will be harmful to health.B. More drinks will be available for sale.C. Food in the grocery store will carry electronic

24、 information.D. Milk in the grocery store will stay fresh much longer.74. Which of the following is mentioned in the text?A. Nothing can replace the Internet.B. Fridges will Know what people need.C. Jacked sleeves can be used as a guide.D. Cars will be able to drive automatically.75.What is the text

25、 mainly about?A. Food and clothing in 2035.B. Future technology in everyday life.C. Medical treatments of the future.D. The reason for the success of new technology. BBicycle SafetyOperation Always ride your bike in a safe, controlled manner on campus(校园). Obey rules and regulations. Watch out for w

26、alkers and other bicyclists, and always use your lights in dark conditions.Theft Prevention Always securely lock your bicycle to a bicycle rack-even if you are only away for a minute. Register your bike with the University Department of Public Safety. Its fast, easy, and free. Registration permanent

27、ly records your serial number, which is useful in the possible recovery of the bike stolen.EquipmentBrakes Make sure that they are in good working order and adjusted properly.Helmet A necessity, make sure your helmet meets current safety standards and fit properly.Lights Always have a front headligh

28、t-visible at least 500 feet in front of the bike. A taillight is a good idea.Rules of the RoadRiding on Campus As a bicycle rider, you have a responsibility to ride only on streets and posted bicycle paths. Riding on sidewalks or other walkways can lead to a fine. The speed limit for bicycles on cam

29、pus is 15mph, unless otherwise posted. Always give the right of ways to walkers. If you are involved in an accident, you are required to offer appropriate aid, call the Department of Public Safety and remain at the scene until the officer lets you go.Bicycle Parking Only park in areas reserved for b

30、ikes. Trees, handrails, hallways, and sign posts are not for bicycle parking, and parking in such posts can result in a fine.If Things Go WrongIf you break the rules, you will be fined. Besides violating rules while riding bicycles on campus, you could be fined for:No bicycle registration-$25Bicycle

31、 parking banned-$30Blocking path with bicycle -$40Violation of bicycle equipment requirement -$3537. According to the passage, what bike equipment is a free choice for bicycle riders? A. Brakes. B. A helmet. C. A headlight. D. A taillight.38. When you ride a bicycle on the campus, _. A. ride on posted bicycle paths and sidewalks B. cycle at

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