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1、新GRE填空快速解题七种模式新GRE填空快速解题的“七种模式”教学内容:新GRE文本完成题快速解题的“七种模式”:“A and B”、递进、“continue/remain”、平行结构、解释、“四元素”、单空格模式。教学目标:1.知识目标:使学生了解新GRE填空快速解题的模式,在熟练运用的基础上增强填空解题的技巧,提高答题的正确率;使学生学会分析句子结构、判断句子类型,以巧妙运用不同方法解决不同问题。2.能力目标:培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的意识,增强学生的逻辑分析能力,着重锻炼学生的辨别能力。3.情感目标:引导学生了解更多关于英美文化的知识,促进中外文化交流。教学重难点:1.判别不

2、同模式,了解并掌握其解题规律;2.理解重点词汇的含义:overbearing, peevish, martinet, conscientious, maniacal, nonplus, caustic, humiliate, discomfit, delude;3.理解题目意思,划分句子结构,巧妙运用不同解题模式正确答题。教学手段:多媒体、黑板教学过程:第1步 导入新GRE填空分为单空题、双空题和三空题三种题型,解题方法各异,在此总结如下七种解题模式:“A and B”模式、递进模式、“continue/remain”模式、平行结构模式、解释模式、“四元素”模式、单空格模式。第2步 模式讲解1

3、.“A and B”模式(1)形式(2)解题步骤例1. Since the author frequently _ other scholars, his objection to disputes is not only irrelevant but also _. (Ex. 17-4, P.33)(A) supportsoverbearing (B) provokesfrightening(C) quotescurious (D) ignorespeevish(E) attackssurprising分析词汇解释overbearing: overwhelmingpeevish: 坏脾气的,

4、易怒的句子含义因为这个作者经常攻击其他学者,所以他对于争论的反对不仅是不符合他的本性的,而且是令人吃惊的。例2.He was regarded by his followers, as something of _, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his _ adherence to formal details. (Ex.50-4, P. 99)(A) a martinetrigid (B) an authoritysporadic (C) a tyrantreluct

5、ant (D) a fraudconscientious (E) an acolytemaniacal分析词汇解释martinet: a strict disciplinarian;a person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods;conscientious: guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience thorough and assiduousmaniacal: frantic, frenetic, crazy, i

6、nsane句子含义他被他的追随者认为是有军人气质的,不仅因为他对纪律的严格遵守,还因为他僵化地坚持形式细节。例3.The successful _ of an archaeological site requires scientific knowledge as well as cultural _. (Ex.11-4, P.21)(A) evolutionawareness (B) revelationdepth (C) reconstructionsensitivity (D) analysisaesthetics(E) synthesisunderstanding分析The succe

7、ssful _ of an archaeological site requires scientific knowledge as well as cultural _. (Ex.11-4, P.21)(A) evolutionawareness (B) revelationdepth (C) reconstructionsensitivity (D) analysisaesthetics(E) synthesisunderstanding句子含义对于考古学遗址的成功重建,不仅需要科学知识,而且需要文化的敏感性。2.递进模式(1)形式(2)解题步骤例4.In the seventeenth

8、century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as _, even as a sign of madness. (Ex.28-4, P.55)(A) adventurous (B) frivolous (C) willful (D) impermissible (E) irrational分析In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded

9、 as _, even as a sign of madness.(A) adventurous (B) frivolous (C) willful (D) impermissible (E) irrational2句子含义在十七世纪,直接蔑视广泛接受的价值体系会被认为是不理智的,甚至是疯子的标志例5.While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly _ by their live

10、ly criticism. (Ex. 8-5, P.16)(A) humiliated (B) discomfited(C) deluded (D) disgraced(E) tantalized分析While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly _ by their lively criticism.(A) humiliated (B) discomfited(C) delud

11、ed (D) disgraced(E) tantalized2词汇解释nonplus: to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do perplex, puzzle, confuse, bafflecaustic: sarcastichumiliate: to reduce to a lower position in ones own eyes or others eyes discomfit: to make uneasy or perplexeddelude: deceive3句子含义尽管并没有完全被这些观众们异常刻薄的

12、反应搞晕,但是这个演讲者还是很明显地被他们尖锐的批评弄得很不爽。3.“Continue/Remain”模式(1)形式寻找continue/remain的主语发出的动作或者存在的状态。(2)解题步骤例6.Although he attempted repeatedly to _ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained _ in her judgment. (Ex. 4-7, P. 8)(A) remindforceful (B) convinceunfeigned(C) exorc

13、iseindulgent (D) disabuseadamant (E) freeunsure分析Although he attempted repeatedly to _ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained _ in her judgment.(A) remindforceful (B) convinceunfeigned(C) exorciseindulgent (D) disabuseadamant (E) freeunsure2词汇解释unfeigned: since

14、reindulgent: 纵容的,溺爱的disabuse: to free from error, fallacy, or misconceptionadamant: unyielding, inflexible3句子含义尽管他几次试图消除她认为他不真诚的想法,但是他都没有成功;她依然对自己的判断保持不变。4.平行结构模式(1)平行结构三个或三个以上元素的并列结构:A, B, and C(2)形式和解题原则A, B, and _空格填上以后构成的并列成分应该和已知并列成分具有相同的属性或处于同一范畴。(3)解题步骤例7.In the current research program, new

15、varieties of apple trees are evaluated under different agricultural _ for tree size, bloom density, fruit size, _ to various soils, and resistance to pests and disease. (Ex.19-1, P.37)(A) circumstancesproximity (B) regulationsconformity(C) conditionsadaptability (D) auspicessusceptibility (E) config

16、urationspropensity分析In the current research program, new varieties of apple trees are evaluated under different agricultural _ for tree size, bloom density, fruit size, _ to various soils, and resistance to pests and disease.(A) circumstancesproximity (B) regulationsconformity(C) conditionsadaptabil

17、ity (D) auspicessusceptibility (E) configurationspropensity2句子含义在近来的研究项目中,多种新的苹果树在不同的农业环境中被评价,根据树的大小,开花密度,果实大小,对不同泥土的适应性和对病虫害的抵抗力。5. 解释模式(1)形式(2)解题步骤例8.The muses are _ deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms. (Ex.20-2, P.39)(A) rueful (B) ingenuous(C) solicit

18、ous (D) vindictive(E) dispassionate分析词汇解释avenge sb.: 为报仇avenge oneself on/upon sb.:向报仇avenge sb. on/upon sb.:为向报仇rueful: 令人同情的;感到懊悔的ingenuous:nave;frankingenious: 灵巧的,精巧的,聪明的solicitous:焦虑的;渴望的;小心谨慎的vindictive:disposed to seek revengedispassionate: devoid of or unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias

19、.3句子含义缪斯女神是喜欢报复的神:她们会毫不留情地向那些对她们的魅力产生审美疲劳的人进行报复。例9.Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical _ or a brilliant _ blending Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece. (Ex.8-7, P.16)(A) strat

20、agemappropriation (B) exemplarsynthesis (C) conversionannexation (D) paradigmconstruct (E) apparitionamalgam分析词汇解释appropriation : 拨款,挪用公款annexation:吞并,附加amalgam:a mixture of different elementsapparition: an unusual or unexpected sight: phenomenon;a ghostly figure;the act of being visible: appearance

21、4句子含义十九世纪的学者,通过检查早期几何学时代的希腊艺术,发现经典的希腊艺术既不是神奇的幻影幻想,也不是混入了埃及和亚述人艺术的,辉煌的混合体,而是在希腊由希腊人民独立发展起来的。6. 四元素模式(1)形式(2)条件和A的关系=和B的关系;该关系不能是并列关系。(3)规则如果A和B在关系中的角色相同,=;如果A与B在关系中角色相反,则=B,=A。(4)解题步骤例10.(A) ageancestry (B) classificationappearance(C) sizemovement (D) structurebehavior(E) locationhabitat例11. The chan

22、ces that a species will _ are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ; _ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage.(A) degeneratecomplexity (B) expiresize (C) disappearvariety (D) flourishsymmetry (E) persistredundancy词汇解释redundant: serving as a duplicate for p

23、reventing failure of an entire system (as a spacecraft) upon failure of a single component .句子含义如果物种把关键功能限制在单一种类的器官上,它们存活的几率会下降;自身的冗余性复制将使它们拥有巨大的生存优势。7. 单空格模式(1)形式及规则空格所填的内容要跟A与B相关;空格没有明显语义对应。A=B:空格=正评价/正动作;A与B相反:空格=负评价/负动作;通常和时间对比联合使用;A和B是两个不同的时间点,表示相反的含义。(2)变体及规则XX=正动作/正评价,空格=A;XX=负动作/负评价,空格=非A。(3

24、)解题步骤例12. Although Johnsons and Smiths initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm _ after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.(A) revived (B) emerged (C) intensified (D) flagged (E) persisted词汇解释flag:

25、 to decline in interest, attraction, or value2句子含义尽管约翰逊和史密斯对于在律师事务所中那些追逐权利的人在一开始所产生的兴趣在几个月以后消退了,但是他们仍然很仔细地决定和谁一起共进午餐。例13.The notion that cultural and biological influences _ determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural pr

26、ogramming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance. (A) jointly (B) completely (C) directly (D) equally (E) eventually句子含义对于文化和生物影响均衡地决定了跨文化多样性的观念受到了另外一个事实的质疑,即在人类存在的若干方面,是文化因素压倒性地解释了跨人口的多样化现象。第3步 真题演练1. In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals

27、into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really _.(A) advanced (B) variable(C) repeatable (D) connected(E) distinct2Although the number of reported volcanic eruptions has risen exponentially since 1850, this indicates not _ volcanic activity but rather

28、more widespread and _ record keeping.(A) abatingdetailed (B) increasingsystematic(C) substantialerratic (D) stablesuperficial(E) consistentmeticulous3.The challenge of interpreting fictional works written under politically repressive regimes lies in distinguishing what is _ to an authors beliefs, as

29、 opposed to what is _ by political coercion.(A) innateunderstood (B) organicimposed(C) contradictoryconveyed (D) obliquecaptured(E) peripheraldemanded4.I am often impressed by my own _ other peoples idiocies: what is harder to _ is that they, in their folly, are equally engaged in putting up with mi

30、ne.(A) analysis ofjustify (B) forbearance towardunderestimate(C) exasperation withcredit (D) involvement inallow(E) tolerance ofappreciate5.Despite vigorous protestations, the grin on the teenagers face _ her denial that she had known about the practical joke before it was played on her parents.(A) belied (B) illustrated(C) reinforced (D) exacerbate(E) trivialized6. Far from undermining the impression of permanent decline, the _ statue seemed emblematic of its _ surroundings.(A) indecorous.opulent (B) grandi

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