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1、七年级英语13单元练习题Starter Unit 1Unit 3新目标七年级英语单元检测题Starter Unit 1Unit 3Class: Name:一、按字母顺序写出26个大小写字母。(23分)二、写出五个元音字母的大小写。(5分)三。根据字母的读音填空。AaAa _ _ KkEeBb _ Dd Ee _ Pp _ _ ZzIiIi _OoUuQq Uu _Ff _ Mm _ Ss _四、 含有相同音素的打 “”, 含有不同音素的打 “”。(10分)1A a, Hh ( ) 2. Cc , Kk ( ) 3. Gg , J j ( ) 4. Oo , Pp ( )5. Ee , Rr (

2、 ) 6. name , map ( ) 7. Helen , pen ( ) 8. fine, hi ( ) 9. OK, orange ( ) 10.ruler, blue ( ) 五、将下列方框中的缩略词添在与其对应的中文后面的横线上。(9分)HB CCTV CD UFO P NBA kg BBC 1. 停车_ 2. (美国)全国篮球协会_3. 激光唱片_ 4.硬黑_ 5. 不明飞行物_ 6. 千克_ 7. 中国中央电视台_ 8. 英国广播公司_六、按圆形内所给字母写出相应的单词。(5分)七、从括号中选单词填空。(6分)1How _ you? (am, is ,are) 2What _

3、this in English? (am, is ,are)3What color is the pen? It _ red. (am, is ,are) 4Whats this? Its _ orange. (a, an )5. Whats this? Its _jacket. (a, an ) 6. Its _ red pen. (a, an )八、单项选择。(10分)( )1早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼?A. How are you? B. Good morning! C. Good evening!( )2当别人向你问好时说:How are you? 你应该怎么回应呢?A.

4、 Fine, thank you B. Hello! C. How are you?( )3. 一Good evening, Eric. 一_, Cindy.A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening( )4一Good morning, Helen. 一_, Frank.AThank you BGood morning! CHello!( )5一Hello! Dale. 一_! Bob.AHi BThank you CIm fine( )6- - K-E-Y , key.A .Whats this in English? B. What

5、color is it? C. Spell it , please.( )7-Hello,Alice. Whats this in English? -_.AThis is a penBIts a pen CIts pen( )8Its _ blackIts _ black rulerAa;B;a Ca;a( )9. -_ is the pen? Its redA.How color BWhat color CWhats color( )10. 一Whats this in English? 一Its _ orange.A. an B. a C./九、句子配对(5分)( )1Whats thi

6、s in English? AGood morning!( )2Good morning! BIts green( )3What color is that orange? CFine,thank you( )4How are you? DIts an orange( )5Hello! Frank. EHello! Eric.十、选择最佳答案填空。(15分)( )1. -Whats this in English ? -_ is a quilt.A. This B. That C. It( )2. Look! This is an.A. orange B. book C. map( )3. i

7、s it ? It is green. What B. What color C. How( )4. -What抯 this ? -It抯 s .A. pen B. a pen C. an pen( )5.-Hello ! Frank . Good afternoon! -.A. Hi ! Good afternoon B. Hello C. Thank you( )6.How do you spell pen? _.A. Yes, P-E-N. B. Yes, it抯 P-E-N C. P-E-NN( )7. What is that _ English? Its _ apple.A. in

8、, a B. in, an C. at, a( )8. “How are you?” “Fine, thank you. And you?” “_”A. I am fine. B. I am fine, too. C. Yes, fine( )9. - _? Oh, its my cat, Chris.A. Whos that B. Whats this C. Whats Chris( )10. Whats this, Eli?A. Its a S. B. Its an S. C. Its S.( ) 11. 想和老师打招呼,你不可以说 。A. Hello, Mr. Read B. Morni

9、ng, Miss Gao C. Im OK.( )12. 询问对方身体状况时,你可以说 。A. How are you? B. Good evening C. Fine,thanks.( )13. 当对方问你身体状况时,你可以说 。 A. Good morning, and you?B. Im fine, thanks. How are you C. Hi, Dale. How are you?( )14. 傍晚遇见你的老师,你会说 。 Good afternoon, Mr. Read B. Good evening, Miss Gao.C. Hi, Mr. Wang.( )15. 这个用英语

10、怎么说? Whats this? B. Whats this in English?C. Whats your English name?十一、 根据要求写出下列各词 ( 10% ) you( 同音字母 )_ 2. hello( 同义词 )_3.I am( 缩略形式 )_ 4. Im fine( 完全形式 )_5.Rr( 同音词 )_ 6. whats( 完全形式 )_7. WTO( 中文意思 )_ 8. 国际奥委会 ( 英文形式 )_9.white( 对应词 )_ 10. an( 同义词 ) _十二、 根据汉语完成句子,每空一个单词 ( 8% )1. 这个字母是什么? What letter

11、( 字母 )-_ _?2. 这张被子是什么颜色的? _ _ is the quilt?3. 我很好,谢谢! _OK,thanks.4. 我能拼写橘子。 I can( 能 )_ _.5. 这把尺子是白色的。 This ruler is _.十三、用给出的单词写句子。(15分)1. orange , is , an , it. 2. color , is , what, it?_ _3. are, you, how ? 4. it,please ,spell._ _5. is, that, what, in, English ?_十四、 请从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏各句相应的句子 ( 7% )A

12、B( )1. Good afternoon, Eric. A. Its “W”.( )2. Whats this in English? B. Good afternoon, Alice.( )3. How are you? C. Its Green.( )4.What letter is it? D. Its a key.( )5.What color is it? E. Fine, thanks.( )6.Can you spell it? F. Hi, Frank.( )7. Hi, Bob. G. Yes, K-E-Y, key.十五、从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,每个句子只能用一次

13、。(12分)AJ-A-C-K-E-T BFine, thank you. CIts yellow DGood morning, Xia Hua. EThats OK. (别客气) FIts a jacket.Xia Hua : Good morning, Grace. Xia Hua : Spell it, please.Grace:. Grace :.Xia Hua : How are you ? Xia Hua : Good. What color is your jacket ?Grace:. Grace : .Xia Hua: Whats this in English ? Xia H

14、ua : Thank you.Grace:. Grace: .My names Gina.Section A自主预习词拼写名词:n_名字;名称 动词:m_遇见;相逢 形容词:n_令人愉快的;宜人的 副词:1.t_也;又;太2.n_不;没有代词:1.y_你的;你们的2.h_他的3.h_她的4s_她 5.h_他连词:a_和;又;而 感叹词:y_是的;可以兼类词:n_ adv.& adj.不;没有;不是 短语 my _我的名字 句型填词1Hi._ _ Gina.嗨,我叫吉娜。2_ _ name?你叫什么名字? Alan.艾伦。3. _ to _ you!很高兴见到你! Nice to meet yo

15、u, _也很高兴见到你。4. _ you Helen?你是海伦吗? Yes, _ _是的,我是。名师导学Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!当两个人在某地初次见面时,常用“Nice to meet you.”来表示问候,相当于“Its nice to meet you.”,其答语应为“Nice to meet you, too.”或者“Me, too.”。类似的说法还有“Nice to see you!/Glad to meet (see) you!”单项填空。Hi.Im Li Fen._ Nice to meet you, too.AGood morning! BNice to

16、meet you.CThank you. DHello.Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?Alan.艾伦。“Whats your name?”是用来询问对方叫什么名字的特殊疑问句,一般用于上级对下级、长者对年轻人、同学或平辈之间。回答用“My name is./My names./I am./Im.”,也可以简单地说出名字。单项填空。(1)Whats your name? _ AHi. BWhats your name C.Thank you. DIm Kevin.句型转换,每空一词。(2)His name is Tom(就画线部分提问) _ _ his name?(3)Im J

17、enny.(改为同义句) _ _ is Jenny.语法聚焦含be动词的一般现在时连系动词be是英语中最常见的表示主谓关系的动词,用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征等。在一般现在时中,be动词有am, is, are三种,其形式由前面的主语决定,即:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is跟着他(he)、她(she)、它(it);主语是复数,全部都用are;主语是第三人称单数,全部都用is。如:I am a girl.我是个女孩。You are my friend.你是我的朋友。Its an apple.它是一个苹果。注意以下be动词与主语之间的缩写:I amImhe ishes

18、she isshesit isitsthat isthatsmy mother ismy motherswe arewereyou areyourethey aretheyre但是this is不可以缩写。be动词的否定形式是在be动词后加not,即am/is/are not,其中is not可缩写为isnt,are not可缩写为arent。如:She isnt my sister.她不是我姐姐(或妹妹)。You arent her classmate.你不是她的同学。在构成一般疑问句时,要把be动词提前到句首,句首字母大写,句尾用问号;做简略回答时可用“Yes, 主语am/is/are.”

19、或“No, 主语am not/isnt/arent.”。答语中的主语须用代词。如:Are you in Class One? 你在一班吗?Yes, I am./No.Im not.是的,我在一班。/不,我不在一班。形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,位于名词之前做定语,也就是说它后面必须跟一个名词。如:This is my bike.这是我的自行车。I dont know her name.我不知道她的名字。形容词性物主代词如下表:数人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数my 我的your你的his他的her她的its它的复数our我们的your你们的their他(她,它)们的用be动词的

20、适当形式填空。(1)I _ a student.My name _ Jean.(2)These _ my friends.They _ Lucy and Lily.(3)Kate _ an English girl.She _ nine.(4)_ she your sister?Yes, she _.(5)_ Gao Min and Gao Hui your sisters?Yes, they _.(6)Where _ my books?Sorry, I dont know.(7)_ that your aunt?No, she _.(8)_ they your grandparents?No

21、, they _.(9)_ (be) you Mary?(10)Tom and Jim _ (be not) my friends.单项填空。(11)_ name is Tony and _ name is Lucy.AHer; his BHis; her CHer; her DHis; his(12)_ is Mary Zhang._ father is a teacher.AHe; His BShe; Her CShe; His DHe; Her(13)Is this _ English book?Yes, its my book.Ayour Bhere Cmy Dhis用所给代词的适当形

22、式填空。(14)_ name is Mary._ am a girl.(I)(15)_ (he) friend is Dale.(16)Whats _ (she) name?(17)_ (you) teacher is Ms.Green.(18)Whats _ (you) name?(19)_ am a student._ sister is a student, too.(20)How are _ (your)?Im fine, thanks.每课一练一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1H_ name is Xiao Ming.Hes Chinese.2Nice to m_ you.M

23、e, too.3My sister is nine.S_ is in Grade 2.4Are you Mike?Y_, I am.5Is his _ (名字) Dale?6The quilt is white _ (和) red.7My jacket is black, _ (也)8Is that _ (你的) ruler?二、句型转换,每空一词。1Hi, Im Tom.(改为同义句)Hi, _ _ is Tom.2Are you Jacks friend? (做肯定回答)Yes, _ _.3Is she Gina? (做否定回答)No, _ _.4His name is Frank(就画线

24、部分提问)_ _ his name?5Jack is my name.(改为否定句)Jack _ _ my name.6My new friend is Tony.(改为一般疑问句) _ Tony _ new friend?7Mary is my new friend.(改为同义句) Mary and _ _ new friends.8her, Hellen, name, is (.)(连词成句)_三、单项填空。()1.Hello! My name is Han Mei. _ A.Im Wang Lin. BFine, thank you. C.And you? DAre you Han Me

25、i?()2.I _ Tom.What _ your name?; am Bam; is Cis; is Dis; am()3.Nice to meet you. _ A.Thank you BIm fine, thanks C.Nice to meet you, tooDYes, I am()4._ Gina.This is _ book. A.Im; my BIm; I CShes; his DHes; her()5.Tom and I _ good friends (朋友)He _ nine. A.are; is Bam; is Cis; are Dare; are()6._? His name is Mike. A.How are you BWhats his name C.Whats this DWhat color is it ()7.Excuse me, are you Tina? _ A.No, I am BIm not C.Yes, I am DYes, Im

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