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学年八年级英语上学期第三次月考试题 牛津版.docx

1、学年八年级英语上学期第三次月考试题 牛津版2019-2020学年八年级英语上学期第三次月考试题 牛津版(时间:80分钟 内容:Unit1-9 满分:135分)一.听力部分(共三节,20分)第一节 听对话选图画(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,听完后,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图画中选出符合对话内容的图画,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对话听一遍。听第1段材料,回答第1小题。( )1. What would the girl like to drink? A B C听第2段材料,回答第2小题。( )2. What will the weather be li

2、ke tomorrow? A B C听第3段材料,回答第3小题。( )3. What does the boys mother want? A B C听第4段材料,回答第4小题。( )4. What did Cindy buy yesterday A B C听第5段材料,回答第5小题。( )5. Where did Lisa go on vacation? A B C第二节:听对话或短文选答案(共10小题,每题1分, 满分为10分)听第6段材料,回答第6-8小题。( )6. What did Janet do on Sunday? A. Did her homework. B. Listene

3、d to music at home. C. Looked after her sister. ( )7. Did Janet watch TV at home? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. C. We dont know.( )8. What is Janet interested in? A. Football. B. Table tennis. C. Basketball.听第7段材料,回答第9-11小题。( )9. Where did the woman go last summer? A. To London. B. To New York.

4、 C. To Tokyo.( )10. How many kinds of animals are there in the zoo? A. One thousand. B. Over one thousand. C. Over two thousand.( )11. What did she do when she visited the aquarium? A. Saw a film. B. Took some pictures. C. Watched the animals show.听第8段材料,回答第12-15小题。( )12. Where are they talking? A.

5、At Jims home. B. At the doctors. C. At Jims school.( )13. Whats the matter with Jim? A. Hes fever. B. Hes got a cold. C. He doesnt want to go to school.( )14. How long has Jim been like this? A. About two days. B. Half a day. C. About a week.( )15. Can Jim go to school? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can

6、t. C. We dont know.第三节:听对话或短文获取信息(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分)What was Lily like when she was young?She was (16)_.What has changed her?(17)_.What does Lily learn by playing the piano?How to (18)_well.Playing the piano helps Lily with her (19)_.Sometimes Lilys mother says Lily looks like a real (20)_ when she is

7、 playing the piano.英语知识运用(共三节,满分30分)第一节: 单项选择( 共10小题,每题1分,满分为10分)( )21. Tom is _university student and he majors _management at college. A. an, in B. a, in C. an, / D. a, at( )22. They are _ exciting that they can jump up. A. very B. quite C. too D. so( )23. He is a(n) _person and he always has many

8、 new ideas. A. well-known B. unusual C. creative D. outgoing( )24. Look! There are _ on the desk. A. four glasses of milk B. four glasses of milks C. four glass of milk D. four glass of milks( )25. Which of the following is a healthy drink? A cola B coffee C shake D tea ( )26. _the end of last month

9、, Tina _ a prize.A. In, won B. In, wins C. At, won D. At, wins( )27. -What are you doing on your next day _? -I want to have a good rest at home because Im very tired these days. A. off B. on C. of D. up( )28. -What do you want to _ your new dog, Lucy? -Snow White. Its the best name for her because

10、she is beautiful and white. A. give B. get C. make D. call( )29. I want to watch the ball game. Can you _ the TV? A turn on B turn off C open D close( )30. _, wed bought a city map. We may get lost without it. A. Lucky B. Really C. Finally D. Luckily第二节:完形填空(共10小-题,每题1.5分,满分为15分) I think the best pl

11、ace to go on Sunday is the zoo. When you are 31 , you can go there with your family. 32 the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, deer, 33 , rabbits and other animals. Elephants are the 34 animals on land. I 35 there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to 36 at it. Yu Xuan wants to go with me

12、. She says, 37 we go there together? Sure! I say. We can 38 a good time there. But lets 39 there at half past four. I have 40 homework to do. ( )31. A. busy B. free C. young D. clean ( )32. A. In B. On C. For D. Near ( )33. A. monkeys B. monkey C. two monkey D. one monkeys ( )34. A. youngest B. smal

13、lest C. biggest D. tallest ( )35. A. listen B. listen to C. hear of D. hear ( )36. A. looks B. have a look C. see D. have a see ( )37. A. Can B. Could C. Shall D. Would ( )38. A. get B. have C. be D. has ( )39. A. goes B. go C. to go D. going ( )40. A. few B. little C. much D. many 第三节:语法填空(共5小题,每题1

14、分,满分为5分) The food in Britain is very different (41) our Chinese food. For example,they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread (42) butter, maybe cheese or jam, things we dont eat much in China. Cheese

15、and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, as well. They are the worlds (43) (big) tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka. They

16、 dont eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with (44) (potato)and one or two vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something (45) . They call this dessert(甜点心). They dont have Jiaozi in Britain. .阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节: 阅读理解选择题(共15小题,每题2分,满分为

17、30分) ALi JunChinaI dislike rain. It seems that even though you have an umbrella, you cant protect yourself from the rain. Whenever it rains, Ill get wet so I have to go back home to change my clothes. It is just uncomfortable.KateUkraineI love spring. In spring, it starts to get warm. I enjoy going

18、outside without a coat. And it never gets too hot in spring. I dislike the hot summer because we cant find a place to get away from the hot sun at all.LucyAmericaI like rainy days. When it is raining, I can read my favorite book in a warm bed. I also like listening to the sound of rain. It makes me

19、relaxed.SimonRussiaMy favorite season is summer. There are two reasons why I like it. First, I was born in summer, Second, its hot in summer, and I like to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach.( )46. _ doesnt like the rainy weather. A. Kate B. Lucy C. Li Jun D. Simon( )47. The child from _enjoy

20、s the rain sound and _ likes hot days best. A. Ukraine, Li Jun B. China, Lucy C. America, Simon D. Russia, Kate( )48. The underlined word “sunbathe” means “_” in Chinese. A. 游泳 B.晒太阳 C.打排球 D.洗淋浴( )49. Which of the following is WRONG? A. Li Jun thinks hot days make him uncomfortable. B. Kate enjoys g

21、oing outside without a coat in warm weather. C. Lucy likes reading in a warm bed on a rainy day. D. Simon likes to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach on hot days.( )50. The form wants to tell us _. A. children all over the world like rainy days B. different children like different kinds of we

22、ather C. different children have different ways to study D. what children usually do in different kinds of weather B Once there was a king. He liked to write stories. He thought his stories were good, so he like to show them to people. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were ver

23、y good. One day, the king showed some of his best stories to a famous writer. He wanted the writer to praise(赞美)these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into the fire. The king got very angry and sent him to prison(监狱). After some time, the king set him fr

24、ee and ordered him to come to his palace(宫殿). Again he showed some of his new Stories and asked what he thought of them. After reading them, the writer at once turned to the soldiers and said, Take me back to the prison.( )51. The king thought his stories were good so _. A. People liked them B. he l

25、iked to show them to peopleC. he only showed some to the famous writer( )52. The famous writer was thrown into prison because A. he was afraid of the kings stories B. he said the kings stories were very bad C. he said he couldnt write good stories for the king( )53. People were afraid of the king be

26、cause A. the stories were interesting B. they would be sent to prison C. the king wrote many stories( )54. Again the king showed the writer some of his new stories because A. he wanted to know what the writer thought of them B. he wanted to be angry with the writer C. he wanted to send the writer to

27、 prison( )55. When we read the writers last words, we can be sure that A. the writer would write some good stories while in prison B. the writer liked the new Stories C. the kings new Stories were no good at all. C Scientists say there are seven kinds of food that people should eat every day. They a

28、re: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kind; (2) citrus(柑橘类)fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made of milk, like cheese and ice-cream; (6) bread or cereal(谷类), rice is also in this kind of foods; (7) butter

29、, or something like butter, with fat(脂肪)。People in different countries in the world eat different kinds of things. They also eat in different kinds the day. In some place people eat once or twice a day; in other countries, people eat three or four times a day. Scientists say that these differences a

30、re not important. It doesnt matter if a person eats dinner at 4 oclock in the afternoon or at eleven oclock at night. The important thing is that every day a person must eat something from each of the seven kind of food. The most important thing is that we must find some way to help the hungry peopl

31、e and make the people have right kinds of food , make them strong and healthy( )56. It is important that people should _. A . eat three times a day B. eat cooked food C. eat dinner at 4 oclock D. eat something from each of the seven kinds of food every day( )57. Which sentence is right? A. People sho

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