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1、福建师范大学成人高等教育福建师范大学成人高等教育福建师范大学成人高等教育本科毕业生 学士学位英语专业阅读与应用考试大纲 考试要求 本大纲的考试对象为网络、函授等各类成人教育的英语专业本科生。 阅读与应用的教学与考查重点是:提高阅读理解和词汇运用能力,即能掌握和使用所学的词汇,特别是同义词、近义词的区分和使用,正确理解文章的内容和主题思想,抓住文章的要点,分析文章的结构、语言技巧和修辞特点;提高语言表达能力,即能用英语解释、用汉语翻译文章中的难句,使用英语归纳文章的主题思想,并能对文章的内容进行简单的分析、评论;能使用辞典和其他工具书独立解决语言和文化、背景知识方面的难点,提高自学能力,增加文化

2、知识,尤其是所学语言国家的背景和文化知识,更好地使用言语和文化结合在一起。 为此,本考试主要检测学生综合运用语言的能力,考试目的在于全面考核成人高等教育英语专业本科毕业生是否达到本考试大纲所规定的各项要求。 考生应熟练掌握4000个单词及其最常用的搭配和短语的意义及基本用法,并能在口语和写作中正确使用这些词汇。能借助词典和其他工具书基本读懂英语报刊和非专业性的语言书籍,能看出文章的思想观点和论点,并能对文章进行简单地分析和评论。能用英语回答课文问题,解释课文的难句,在半小时之内写出150-200词的有关课文的短文。能在半小时之内将与课文难度相近的150-200词的英语短文译成汉语,或将200字

3、左右的汉语短文译成英语。 - 1 - 本考试为标准参照性考试,考试形式为笔试。指定教材为高级英语。命题素材70%源于指定教材,30%源于课外,难易度与教材相当。学士学位考试对语法与词汇、阅读理解、短文填词、翻译和写作等方面均有具体的要求。 1.词汇 本考试词汇考核范围参照全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会编写的高等教育自学考试高级英语自学考试大纲,其中认知词汇1万,熟练掌握其中的4000个词汇及其最常用的搭配和短语的意义及基本用法,并能在口语和写作中正确使用这些词汇。 2.语法 考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法知识的能力。要求考生在语法、词汇、阅读、填词、翻译、写作等考核

4、项目中,能结合上下文语境准确、灵活、自如地运用基本的词法、句法、篇章等语法知识进行规范的表达。 3.阅读 能顺利阅读语言难度中等的英语报刊和非专业性的英语书籍,掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,并能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,领会作者的观点和态度,在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低、生词不超过总词数3%的材料时,能掌握中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每分钟120词以上。 4.翻译 能不借助词典将难度相当于课文的英语短文译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意流畅;能不借助词典将内容熟悉的汉语文字材料译成英语,译文达意流畅,无重大语言错误。 - 2 - 5.写作 能在阅读难度与教材相仿的书面材料

5、时做笔记、回答问题、写提纲、能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出200词以上的短文,能写短信和便条,表达意思清楚,词汇和句法基本正确。 考试说明 本考试包括五个部分:语法与词汇、阅读理解、短文填词、翻译和写作。全部题目按顺序统一编号。 考试方式为开卷笔试。考试时间共计120分钟。 第一部分:语法与词汇(Part I: Grammar and Vocabulary)。共20题,每小题1分,共20分,考试时间20分钟。题目中50%为词汇和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 语法与词汇部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。 第二部分:阅读理解。共1

6、0题,每小题2分,共20分,考试时间20分钟。要求考生阅读2篇文章,总阅读量不超过1000词。每篇短文后有若干个问题。考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 选材的原则是: 1.题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、科普常识等,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解。 2.体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。 3.文章的语言难度适中,如果出现超出考试大纲词汇表范围且影响理解的关键词,用汉语注明其词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: 1.掌握材料的主旨和大意。 2.了解主旨和大意的事实和细节。 - 3 - 3.既能理解字面的意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断

7、和推论。 4.既能理解个别句子的意义,又能理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求具有一定的速度。 第三部分:短文填词。共10题,每小题1分,共10分,考试时间20分钟。在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文中留有10个空白,每个空白为1题,要求考生在全面理解文章内容的基础上对空白处进行正确填写,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。 短文填词部分的目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力。 第四部分:翻译。共10题,每小题3分,共30分,考试时间30分钟。其中第1-5题为汉译英,第6-10题为英译汉。 翻译部分的目的是同时检测考生的英汉互译能力和语篇理解能力。 第

8、五部分:写作。共1题,计20分,考试时间30分钟。要求考生写出一篇200-250词的短文。试卷上可能给出题目,或规定情景,或要求看图作文,或给出段首句要求续写,或给出关键词要求写成短文。要求能够正确表达思想,语义连贯,无重大语法错误。写作的内容包括日常生活和一般常识。 写作部分的目的是测试学生运用英语书面表达思想的初步能力。 答题及计分方法 客观性试题要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上写出该题正确答案。试卷上不能作任何记号。每题只能选择一个答案,多选以答错处理。主观性试题按科学的评分标准评分。本考试为标准参照性考试,试卷为百分制。 - 4 - 试卷五个部分的题目数、计分和

9、考试时间列表如下: 序号 I II 题号 1-20 21-30 题型 语法与词汇 阅读理解 短文填词 翻译 写作 合计 样卷附后 题数 20题 10题 10题 10题 1题 计分 20分 20分 10分 30分 20分 考试时间 20分钟 20分钟 20分钟 30分钟 30分钟 III 31-40 IV V 41-50 51 51题 100分 120分钟 考试样题 成人高等教育英语专业本科毕业生学士学位 阅读与应用试题 注 意 事 项 一、请务必工整清晰地将自己的校名、姓名、准考证号等考生信息写在答题纸密封线内的指定位置。 二、多项选择题只能选一个答案,多选以答错处理。所有答案一定要写在答题纸

10、上,凡是写在试题册上的答案一律无效。 三、在120分钟内答完所有试题,不得拖延时间。考试结束后,考生将试题册和答题纸放置桌上,均不得带走。待监考老师收卷,清点无误后方可离开考场。 Part I Grammar and Vocabulary (20%, 20 minutes) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A). B). C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best com

11、pletes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer. A. prevented A. hug B. avoided B. accept C. discussed C. understand C. one-sided C. develops D. wanted D. make frien

12、ds with D. causal D. destroys 2. The moment he stepped into the new campus, he was ready to embrace whatever came to him. 3. People have come to realize the casual assumptions that media tend to cultivate. A. careless A. struggles B. misleading B. helps 4. One of the problems modern society is facin

13、g is that sometimes the technique fights coherence. 5. Stop tormenting your father with such stupid questions. - 5 - A. humiliating A. logical B. annoying B. legal C. harming C. suitable D. coaxing D. rightful D. replaced 6. Can you give me a legitimate reason for being late again? 7. Nowadays, a lo

14、t of traditional food is being supplanted by the coming western fast food. A. transplanted A. removed A. hurry B. supplied C. damaged 8. Medicare has lulled the population into believing that the once terrible financial burdens from illnesses are now eradicated. B. erected C. exercised C. duty D. ra

15、diatedD. profit D. exaggerated D. Charity D. indignation D. diverse D. strength D. preserved D. contemptuous D. strength D. accessible D. alternates 9. We choose this supermarket for its proposition of the service free of hassle. B. trouble 10. The tour guide reiterated to the tourists the importanc

16、e of keeping an eye on their belongings. A. repeated A. Hostility A. dignity A. deserts A. pan B. eradicated B. Rivalry B. initiate B. desserts B. span C. refreshed C. Hospital C. indignity C. desertation C. length C. deserved 11. _ between schools is something good for the development of the educat

17、ion.12. Being accused of stealing was the _ he suffered under his last employer. 13. The careless taxi driver got his just _ when his drivers license was suspended. 14. With the development of society, the of life is getting longer and longer. 15. Usually my deskmate is rather, but if you pick up a

18、topic he is interested in, he will talk freely about it. A. reserved A. current A. ability A. assessable A. varies A. capability B. conservative B. contemporary B. capability B. available B. alters 16. For most of the people, art very difficult to understand. C. temporary C. force 17. Since we have

19、left the key behind, we must use to open this locked door. 18. Youd better put your medicine in a place that is not to your children. C. admissible C. flatters 19. During this season, the weather often between heavy rains and bursts of sunshine. 20. The cinema in this small town has a seating of 100

20、0. B. ability C. productivity D. capacity Part II Reading Comprehension (20%, 20 minutes) Directions: There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on

21、 the choice that best answers the question or completes the statement. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: When your parents advise you to your income, they tell you only half the truth.

22、What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide manpower for your society, but not so much that you prove an embarrassment to your society. Get a high school diploma, at least. Without that, you will be occupationally dead unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas

23、 Alva Edison, and you can successfully drop out in grade school. Get a college degree, if possible. With a , you are on the launching pad. But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you go for a masters degree, make sure it is an Do you know, for instance, that long-haul truck drivers earn m

24、ore per year than full professors? Yes, the average 1977 - 6 - salary for those truckers was $24000. While the full professors managed to earn just $23030. A is the highest degree you can get. Except for a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry where the degree can quickly be turned to

25、industrial or commercial purposes, if you pursue such a degree in any other field, you will face a dim future. There are more unemployed or underemployed in this country than any other part of the world. If you become a doctor of philosophy in English or history or anthropology or political science

26、or languages or-worst of all-in philosophy, you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for our needs, mind you, but for our demands. Thousands of are selling shoes, driving cars, waiting on table, and endlessly filling out applications month after month. They may also ta

27、ke a job in some high school or backwater college that pays much less than the janitor earns. You can equate the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you

28、. 21. According to the writer, what the society expects of education is to turn out people who _. A. will not be a disgrace to society C. can take care of themselves B. will become loyal citizens D. can meet the nations demands as a source of manpower B. they are of little commercial value to their

29、society D. they prefer easier jobs that make more money B. who specialize in physics and chemistry D. both A and C 22. Many are out of job because _. A. they are improperly educated C. there are fewer jobs in high schools 23. The nation is only interested in people _. A. with diplomas C. who are val

30、uable to the gross national product 24. Which of the following is not true? A. Bernard Shaw didnt finish high schools, nor did Edison. B. One must think carefully before pursuing a master degree. C. The higher your education level, the more money you will earn. D. If you are too well-educated, youll

31、 be overeducated for societys demands. 25. The writer sees education as _. A. a means of providing job security and financial security and a means of meeting a countrys demands for technical workers B. a way to broaden ones horizons C. more important than finding a job D. an opportunity that everyon

32、e should have Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage : There were several reasons why the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain rather than in France, the other great powers of the day. In the first place, Britain had the money necessary to finance the larger enterprises. Englands supremacy on the seas had encou

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