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1、新概念青少版1A知识点Un it 1 Meet the family 认识一下全家Lesson 1重点句型This is my family.这是我的家庭。 My name is 我的名字叫。(人)is my / his/ her .(家庭成员) eg: Paul is my nephew.核心词汇family/ wife/ son/ daughter/ n ephew/ husba nd/Lesson 2重点句型Is this your/ my pen 这是你的 / 我的笔吗 Yes, it is my./ No, it is not.是的,这是。/不,这不是。Whose is this。(

2、名词,物品)这是谁的。It my/ his/ her.这是我的。/ 他的。/ 她 的This is my (物品) 这是我的。核心词汇pen cil/ coat/ hat/ ruler/ mobile/ bag/ book/pe n/ whoseUn it 2 What is it 它是什么Lesson 3重点句型What is this这是什么 Ita +green (颜色)+hat (物品)。这是一个绿色的帽子。Is it a bird 它是一只鸟吗 Yes, ita grey bird.核心词汇green/ red/ grey (灰)/ silver/ umbrella (伞)/ cha

3、ir/ table/ wheel (轮子)/ flowerLesson4重点句型What is this/ that 这是/那是什么This is/That is a bicycle.这是/那是一辆自行车。What colour is + it (物品) 它是什么颜色It silver.它是银色的。Whose is + the silver bicycle (物品) Its Roberts.它是罗伯特的。(各表示所有格)核心词汇bicycle/ colour/ white/ black/ dress/ camera (相机)/ blue/ desk/ brow n (棕色)Unit 3 Who

4、 s that那个人是谁Lesson 5重点句型Who s that boy 那个男生是谁-Which boy/ one 哪一个The boy on the silver bicycle/ with the red umbrella/ in ihat old car.那个。(介词短语)样的男孩就是。Paul is Lucys cousin.保罗是 Lucy 的堂兄。Is Robert s bicycle blue No, his bicycle isn t blue.(一般疑问句)Who is the boy on the silver bicycle That s Robert Jenkin

5、s.(那个。样的人是谁)核心词汇young/ sister/ look at(v+prep) 看Lesson 6重点句型Tell me about + (事情或人物 n/ pron )告诉我关于。(的事情)核心词汇介词on/ in/ with 的用法horse (马)/ yellow/ taxi (出租车)/ old (年龄,旧的)/coat (上衣,外套)Unit 4 Robert isn well罗伯特感觉不舒服Lesson 7重点句型Im/ She fine. But Jim isn very well. Jim 感觉不舒服。What s the matter with him 它怎么了

6、 Im not sure.我不确定。He is very hot/ hungry/ thirsty/ busy. 他很热 /饿/渴/忙。Perhaps not very ill.可能病的不厉害。 Youre right.你是对的。Better safe than sorry.有备无患核心词汇sorry/ hungry (饿)/hot (热的)/ thirsty (渴)/ doctor/ busy (忙)/ safe/ poor (可怜的)/ fine (健康的,舒适的)/ sure (确信的)/cold/ ill/ perhaps (可能)Lesson 8重点句型Is Karen ill/ w

7、ell/ cold/ hungry Yes, she is./ No, she isn .Who is thirsty-Robert is.Is Robert hungry or thirsty -He is not hun gry, he is thirsty.核心词汇clever (聪明的)/ stupid (愚蠢的)/ sad (伤心的)/ happy/ story (故事)/ funny (有趣的)/ silly (愚蠢的)Un it 5 Meet the neighbours 认识一下邻居们Lesson 9重点句型Im your new n eighbour. 我是你的新邻居。 Th

8、at a n ice n ame.那个名字真不错。What do you do 你是做什么的(问职业)Im a student/ writer. 我是一名学生 /作家。Im at the + sports academy/ art college.我是体育学院的/在艺术学院。Come and meet the family.过来和家人都互相认识一下。Thank you for the welcome.谢谢你的热情款待。Is Claire Pau new n eighbour -Yes, she is./ Who Pauls new n eighbour -Claire is.核心词汇neigh

9、bour/ nice/ sports academy/ art college/ aunt (姑妈,姨妈)/ welcome (欢迎)/ husband(丈夫)/ writer (作家)Less on 10重点句型Are you a teacher No, I am not.What do you do = What s your job你是做什么的(问职业)Is he/( that boy) a student 他是学生吗 No, he is a teacher.不,他是一名老师。核心词汇Housewife (家庭主妇)/ policeman/job (工作)/ photographer (

10、摄影师)/postman (邮递 员)/ actor (演员)/ accountant (会计)Un it 6 GossipLesson 11重点句型Who that (中间还可以加形容词描述人物特征) girl -Which girl-The girl over there.(在那边) That tall girl with_the Jenkins family.Where is she from Is she English (What sher nationality)问来自哪里(问国籍,哪国人)ShesAmerica n. Shefrom New York.Her mother is

11、an acco untant, and her mother is a famous photographer.What about + (人物,事情)Is he handsome Is Claire an old neighbour-No, she isn tan old neighbour. She is a new Wait and see.等着瞧吧。核心词汇Gossip (闲谈,说长道短) / over there/ tall/ pretty/ American/ famous/ here/ expensive/beautiful/ han dsome/ wait/ n ati on

12、ality 国籍Less on 12重点句型What nationality s that student Is he/( +that student 具体人物 )AmericanNo, he isnt. Hes En glish.Look at that stude nt. Describe him.看那个学生,描述下他。 -He a tall En glish stude nt.核心词汇tall/ short/ young/ old/ fat/ thin/ handsome/ beautiful/ describe 描述 / actress 女演员Un it 7 Where my pen

13、我的钢笔Lesson 13重点句型Where my pen = Where is my pen Which penThe blue one.句中one代指pen。 The blue one也可以用来提问。It my favourite pen.最喜欢的Give me my ruler. = Give the ruler to me. give somebody someth ing= give sth to sbHere you are.给你 Put it on the desk.把它放在桌上,注意介词的用法Is this your pencil-case, too_句中 too= as we

14、ll 者E有 也” 的意思No harm done.= It doesn tmatter.= That OK.没关系核心词汇one 指同类中的一样东西 / favourite/ long 长的 / give 给/ please/ thing/ pencil-case 铅笔盒 / cupboard 橱柜 / floor 地板 / plate 盘子Less on 14Is Mum pen a blue one/ Is the blue pen Mum Yes, it is.Whose pen is the blue one It Mum .Which is Mum favourite pen Th

15、e blue one.Is Mum pen on the table No, it isn .What that in the case Ita small ball.Where the small ball It in the case.Which ball is in the case the small one or the big one The small one.The one in the case.在箱子里的那个。1介词短语放在be动词后面,用 Where进行提问。The dog is n ext to the door. Where is the dogThe book is

16、 in my school bag. Where is the book2介词短语放在名词后做定语,用 which提问。The man in the old car is Paul. Which man is PaulThe woman under the bridge is Karen. Which one is KarenThe man with a book is William. Which man is William介词in在中;介词_on 在上;介词_under 在下面in the classroom 在教室里 ; on the wall 在墙上; under the tree

17、在树下核心词汇case 箱子/ small/ ball 球/ box/ clean 干净的 / dirty/ floor 地板 / thick 厚的 / thin 薄的,瘦的 / under/ bed/ light/ plate/ heavy/ shelf 架子,搁板 / cupboard 橱柜Un it 8 A bump in the night! 夜深人不静Less on 15重点句型Wake up!起床了 !祈使句,动词原型开头。Please be careful!祈使句,+please 更礼貌。What the matter= What wrong= What happened 发生了

18、什么There a no ise in the livi ng room.起居室有声响。In表示在一个圭寸闭的空间里面Is there a no ise in the livi ng-room Yes, there is.There some one dow nstairs/ upstairs.楼下 / 楼上有人。Its a burglar有盗贼。 Nonsense!胡说There s a torch here. 这儿有个手电筒。Here it is.这给你。Im wide-awake.= Im very much awake.非常清醒。have和there be 的区别:have 拥有”通常

19、是人, there be 在某处存在某物”通常指物核心词汇介词in在一段时间之内/ on/ at在地点/ near在旁边 under/ in front of/ bybump 碰撞 / night/ wake up 醒来 / listen/ noise 噪声 / living-room 起居室 / burglar/ nonsense/ kitchen 厨房 / torch/ downstairs/ wide-awake/ bedroom 卧室 / garden 花园Less on 16重点句型Where is there a no ise/ Where is there some one do

20、w nstairs In the livi ng-room.Is there a man at the door Yes, there is. Who is it It b the postman.Is there a basket on the floor Yes, there is. There is a basket on the floor.Is it an old one Yes, it is.Where is the secretary Is she at the door or at the desk She s at the desk.核心词汇secretary 秘书/ bas

21、ket 篮子/ bowl 碗/ orange/ house/ near 在附近/ river/ tree 树/ doorUnit 9 Red, white and pink!红的、白的和粉红的!Less on 17重点句型Here is + 单数名词 eg: Here is a plate.Here are+ 复数名词 eg: Here are Paul new pyjamas.A bit+ 形容词 eg: a bit tired/ a bit little 有一点少 / a bit dirty 有一点脏Pure纯净的 pure white纯白色Put.sth in the washing m

22、achine 把 .放进洗衣机What about . (your shirts ) 怎么样There be 句型 就近原贝U eg: There is a yellow ruler and five pencils in the box.There are five pen cils and a yellow ruler in the box.名词单数 变复数, o结尾的,有生命加+es,无生命+s; s, x, ch, sh结尾的+es; f/fe结 尾的变 f/fe 为 v, +es. Eg: man go man goes potato potatoes pia no pia nos

23、knife knives Where are my new shirts They fe in the wash ing mach ine.“5个W疑问词”和“ 1个H疑问词”的使用:1What Whats your job2Who Who is that girl with a black umbrella3Which Which girl is Lucy4Whose Whose is this pen5Where Where is she from6How How are you/ How is your holiday核心词汇Which buses are full Whose bag

24、is full of books核心词汇Jump in/ full/ empty/ hurry up/ of course/ n ever mind/ empty/ people/ come onLesson 20重点句型Is Lucysbag light or heavyWhich buses are all fullIs ClaireMom Scar empty or full核心词汇full empty oldnew young old clea n dirtyUn it 11 Very Smart 真神气!Lesson 21重点句型They are our outfits for th

25、e school play.里面play 戏剧,演出”的意思 V还可以表“玩,弹奏”的意思Very smart!真神气!Both very elegant 两人都很神气 an interesting tie n.领带,领结;v.系(鞋带) my shoeThose are funny shoes.搞笑的鞋子。Are they a bit big for you 有“一点儿”They are all right.= They re OK. = Thatb all right.They re right for the part.它们很适合角色。Those are my socks, too.=

26、also = as well 也”核心词汇Smart/ these/ those/ i nterest ing/ outfit/ both/ tie/ colourful/ part/ elega nt/ unu sual 独特的Lesson 22重点句型Whose tie is this - It s Robert s tie.Whose ties are these- They fe Paul s ties.Is this Paul s tie- No, it isnt.Is this your tie-No, this isn t my tie.Are these Paul s ties

27、Yes, they are.核心词汇tie/ hat/ sock/Un it 12 Just like you!就像你一样Lesson 23重点句型Show me your new drawings. 图画,素描; draw. V.画画 a pictureThey are all people at the sports academy. All 在 be 动词后,都,都是”,三者及以上。They are both small.两者都。Who is this tall man with the big muscles 拥有结实的肌肉He is very strong.He s a handso

28、me young man.形容词顺序:限定词-数词-描绘词(大小、长短、新旧、形 状、颜色)-出处-材料性质-类别-名词Just like you!就像你一样!Maybe they aren bad.也许没那么糟糕。(画的不那么差)核心词汇honey 亲爱的,蜂蜜 / strong/ maybe/ draw in g/like/ muscle/ gymn ast 体操运动员 /show 出示Lesson 24重点句型Look at that tall man again. 再仔纟田看。-That tall manIs that tall man a postmanYes, of course

29、he is.Tell me about that man.核心词汇hungry/ ugly/ old / new/ young/short/ tall/again 再/ weak 弱的,虚弱的 / dark 深色的,黑色的/ blonde 金发的/ office worker文职人员Un it 13 Late or early 晚了还是早了Lesson 25重点句型Come on! What time is it= What the timeHurry up 快点!Were both late for school.我们俩都要迟到了。Are you in a hurry你们着急吗你们很赶吗Ca

30、ll me Daisy, please.请叫我。,请称呼我。Wow, what a speed! What a car! What a/an +单数名词,表示惊奇,羡慕,赞同等 -感叹句Here you are. 1.给你 2.到了。(+ 地点,到哪里了)What the matter-Look! The gates are shut.学校大门是关着的。核心词汇late/ early/ o clock/ kid/ call 打电话,称呼 / Lets/ speed 速度/ fast/ gate/ slow/ shut 关闭的Lesson 26重点句型Are you hotNo, Im no t. Im cold.What time is it- It s twelve o block. We re both hot.我们都很热。It s 5 o clock. 5:00/ It s quarter past :15 / It s ten to eight . 7:50 / It s half past ten. 10:30 核心词汇hot/ cold/ thirsty/ hungry/ early/ lateHomework :1.复习1A课本上的词

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