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1、初中英语作文写作技巧初中英语作文写作技巧一、掌握常用过渡性词语 叙事文常用的句子间连接词 at first; at last; in the end then / next/ after thatwhen / while/as soon as/not until at the same time; at times; once in a while; so that To ones surprise/joy Luckily/fortunately/unluckily/unfortunately in a word/in all 议论文常用连接词 表示并列:eitheror; neitherno

2、r; bothand; not onlybut also; 表示递进的:besides; whats more; whats worse; (moreover); 表示原因的:because; for; because of; thanks to; (for the reason that); 表示结果的:so; as a result; sothat; therefore; 表示目的的:so that; in order that; (in order) to; for; 表示对比的:while; on the one hand + on the other hand; Each coin

3、has two sides.; preferto; would rather dothan do; 表示转折的:however; but; 表示举例的:for example; for instance; such as; like; that is to say 表示总结的:in all/short; in a word; in brief/ total; last but not least; last; 表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; have great/much influence on sb

4、.; sth. benefit sb.; sb. benefit from sth. affect; have an effect on sb.; 表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy; be fond of; be interested in; show great interest in; lose oneself in; put ones heart into; be good at; be poor at; be weak in; 表达个人想法的: I think/believe; (as) for me; in my opinion/view; as a student; fr

5、om the bottom of my heart; personally; 其他: in general; generally speaking; to be short; to be honest; to tell the truth; as we know; make up ones mind to do; in a way; 二、记住作文万能句式 I will work hard to make my dream come true. I hope your dream will come true one day. It takes sb. +时间+to do Sb. spend(某

6、种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth. Its important/necessary/useful/useless/common(for sb.) to v Its nice/kind of sb. to v. Its time for sb. to do sth. Its a waste of time to Its years/days since sb. +ved Its great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing Its a pity that Its an honor to Im/Were not allowe

7、d to Im afraid of making mistakes There be doing Great changes have taken place in sth is/are well worth v-ing. It seems/seemed that It seems (im)possible to v It is said that As the saying goes, and . are different in many ways. too + adj./adv. to do There are many differences between and I have ma

8、de up my mind to I am sure that I am not sure whether/if I would rather . than It doesnt matter if 上下文的连贯性也是评分的一条原则,因此同学们应把写好的句子,根据故事情节,事情发生的先后次序(时间或空间),使用一些表示并列、递进等过渡词进行加工整理,使文章连贯、自然、流畅。同学们应注意下面过渡的用法: 1) 表示并列关系的过渡词:and, as well as, or 2) 表示转折关系的过渡词:but, yet, however 3) 表示时间关系的过渡词:first, second, thi

9、rd, and then, finally, after, before, after a few days, at last, at that time, later, in the past, immediately, in the meanwhile, when, while, then, after that to begin with, to start with, what is more, last, also, and then, next, besides At first; at last; in the end then/next/after that when/whil

10、e/as soon as/not until in addtion finally On one hand .on the other hand, each/one coin has two sides,4) 表示空间关系的过渡词:near (to), far (from), in the front of, beside, behind, beyond, above, below, to the right, to the left, on one side, on the other side of, outside 5) 表示比较关系的过渡词:in the same way, just

11、like, just as 6) 表示对照关系的过渡词:but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, in spite of, even though 7) 表示递进关系的过渡词: also, and, then, too, in addition, moreover, again 8) 表示因果关系的过渡词:because, since, then, thus, otherwise, so, therefore ,as a result 9) 表示解释说明的过渡词:for example, in fact, in this case, for, a

12、ctually 10) 表示强调的过渡词:in fact, indeed, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, most important 11) 表示目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, so as to, in order to, 12) 表示列举的过渡词:for example , such as 13) 表示总结性的过渡词:in conclusion, finally, at last, in brief, as has bee

13、n stated, in a word, in general, in all, in a word, generally speaking 2)表转折;but, however, though, although, after all, in spite of, fortunately,unfortunately,at the same time 3)表递近:in addition, besides, moreover, whats more 4)因果 because, so, because of, thanks to, due to,for, since, owing to, as a

14、result(of), hence, thus 5)例证 for example, for instance, such as 6)表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb benefit from sth.; affect; have an effect on sb.; 表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy; be fond of; be interested in; show great int

15、erest in; lose oneself in; put ones heart into; 7)总结 As I see, As for me ,As we all know, in general, generally speaking, I think., in fact , in a word, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, to sum up, Thank you for v-ing. If everyone can make a contribution to the earth/ nature/ society, o

16、ur life will be better and better. have/look for a chance to do do outdoor activities be/get used to (doing) sth. learnfrom be proud of/ take pride in play an important/active part/role in agree with sb. to do sth. with the help of sb.=with ones help (反义:without ones help) be/get ready to do sth.= b

17、e/ get ready for sth. pay attention to take good care of make friends with get on/along well with wish you successful/success as time goes by graduate from looking back to the past three years,(用现在完成时态) pass the (final) exam stick to doing keep you mind on your goals make up ones mind to do sth. (on

18、 sth.) make a decision to do work hard at English once in a while/ at times/ now and then from then on in the future(将来)/ in future(从今以后) increase our knowledge in fact/as a matter of fact in the beginning/ at first feel like giving up have trouble/difficulty in (doing) sth. have (no) time to do hav

19、e experience in (doing) sth. follow ones advice/suggestions 1.重点句型 1).Itissaidthat+句子据说Itisreportedthat+句子据报道2).Thereisnoneedtodo没必要做3).Itsadjforsbtodo做对某人来说 4).so/suchthat如此以至于tootodo太而不能5).notuntil直到才例:Ididntgotobeduntilmymothercameback6)Thereasonwhy+句子isthat+句子的原因是例:.Thereasonwhyhegotangrywasthat

20、shetoldhimalie.(他生气的原因是她对他说了谎。)8).Thatiswhy+句子那是的原因9).Thatisbecause+句子那是因为10).asweallknow,+句子据我们所知11).itisgenerally/publiclyknown/consideredthat,众所周知就我的看法我认为Inmyopinion,=Tomymind,=AsfarasIamconcerned,=Iamoftheopinionthat5. 是必要的 It is necessary (for sb.) to do / that 是重要的 It is important/essential (f

21、or sb.) to do / that 是适当的 It is proper (for sb.) to do / that 是紧急的 It is urgent (for sb.) to do / that 例:It is proper for us to keep the public places clean十、作文万能句式 I will work hard to make my dream come true. I hope your dream will come true one day. It takes sb. +时间+to do Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on

22、 sth./ (in) doing sth. Its important/necessary/useful/useless/common(for sb.) to v Its nice/kind of sb. to v. Its time for sb. to do sth. Its a waste of time to Its years/days since sb. +ved Its great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing Its a pity that Its an honor to Im/Were not allowed to Im afraid

23、 of making mistakes There be doing Great changes have taken place in sth is/are well worth v-ing. It seems/seemed that It seems (im)possible to v It is said that and . are different in many ways. too + adj./adv. to do There are many differences between英语作文常用句型一,开头句型1.AsfarasIamconcerned=inmyopinion在


25、重要1111111.whatsfarmoreimportantisthat.更重要的是二,衔接句型Asisoftenthecase.通常(是) Asstatedinthepreviousparagraph如前段所述Buttheproblemisnotsosimple.Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以Butitsapitythat.但是很遗憾的是Inspiteofthefactthat.不管这一事实Further,weholdopinionthat.其次,我们坚持这一观点However,thedifficultliesin.然而,困难在于Similarly,weshouldpayat



28、osavetheworld2Wedbettertakeeffectivemeasurestopreventstudentsfromcheatingonexams3Thegovernmentdecidedtotakestrongmeasuresagainstdrugabuse4Urgentmeasuresshouldbetakentopreventterroristsfromcarryingoutfurtherattacks中考作文必备的10句谚语 1. Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面,比喻事物的两面性。 2. The winter is coming an

29、d the spring is not far. 冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗? 3. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 4. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 5. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 6. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 7. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 8 Dont put off till tomorrow what shou

30、ld be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 9 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 范文一:假如你是李华,你的美国好友托尼(Tony)来信询问你对未来生活的畅想。请你根据下面的内容提示,发挥想象,给托尼写一封回信。 Dear Tony, I am very happy to get your letter. Now I will tell you about my future . Ill be an artist when I grow up. I love drawing and I want to draw all the beautiful things. I will liv

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