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1、人教版一年级起点教一到三年级重点知识总结同步教材一年级上册词汇总结:文具 book ruler pencil schoolbag身体部位:face ear nose mouth动物:dog bird tiger monkey cat 数字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten颜色:yellow blue black red green水果:apple pear banana orange句型总结:1、show me 、2. I have 、3. Touch your 、4. This is my 、5. Whats this ? It

2、s a 、6. How many 、are there ?7. What colour is it ?8. Do you like 、?同步教材一年级下册词汇总结:教室:chair desk blackboard on in under房间:light bed door box near behind玩具:plane ball bear car train食物:rice noodles vegetables eggs chicken fish饮品:juice tea milk water服装:shirt T-shirt skirt dress socks shorts句型总结:1.Where

3、is the ruler ?2.Whats behind the door ?3.Can I have a car ?4.Im hungry 、 I want 、5.Im thirsty 、 Do you want 、?6.Put on your 、7.Look at my 、8.I like your、同步教材二年级上册词汇总结:家庭:father mother brother sister grandmother grandfather男生女生:classmate friend girl boy man woman朋友:big thin tall short pretty handsome

4、社区:bookshop zoo school supermarket park hospital公园:boat tree lake flower grass hill节日:Father Christmas Christmas tree card present句型总结:1.Whos he/she? He/She is my 、2.Whats your name ?3.What does he look like ?4.Where are you going ?5.There is a 、6.There are 、7.Happy Birthday !8.Happy New Year !9.Mer

5、ry Christmas !同步教材二年级下册词汇总结:游戏娱乐:play football fly a kite ride a bike swimmake a model plane make a snowman天气:rainy cloudy snowy windy sunny umbrella季节:hot warm cool cold spring summer autumn winter时间:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen twenty thirty forty fifty 一天:get up eat breakfast go to sch

6、ool eat lunch go home eat dinner go to bed一周:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday句型总结:1. Can you 、?2. Whats the weather like ?3. Whats your favourite season ?4.What time is it ?5.When do you 、 every day ?6.What day is it today ?字母学习:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X

7、 Y Z同步教材三年级上册词汇总结:自我介绍:my your name new years old身体:head arm leg foot hair hand body 食物:bread cake ice cream meat potatoes tomatoes fruit宠物:a rabbit a duck a small chicken a long snake a turtle服装:cap coat trousers sweater jacket shoes gloves月份:January February March April May June JulyAugust Septemb

8、er October November December句型总结:1.How old are you ? I am nine years old 、2.Which class are you in ? Im in class two 、3.Whats the matter ? My foot hurts、4.What do you want for dinner ? I want some meat and potatoes、5.What does it look like ? It has 、6.What should I wear today ? You should wear 、7.Wh

9、en is your birthday ? Its in November、自然拼读一:1、 at: cat fat mat rat ap: cap map tap gapThe rat has a hat 、 The cat gets the rat、 Now the cat has the hat、2. et : jet pet wet vet ed : bed red Ted fed Ted has a pet 、 The pet is wet 、Its on Teds bed、 Now the bed is wet3. ig :big dig pig wig It: fit hit s

10、it pitLook at the pig 、 Its so big !Lets get the pig 、 And sit on it !4、ot : hot not pot ox: box foxThe box is on the pot 、The pot is hot 、The box is not 、 The box on the pot is not hot 、5. un: fun sun run ut: cut nut hutFrom my hut , I see the sun 、I see the sun, and want to run、Its fun to run in t

11、he sun、6. a e i o u cat mat bag map fan vet pen ten leg bedhit six wig his dot box hot dog logfun hut run bun nutMy six rats are small and red 、 I let them all sit on my bed、But my pet dog is big and fat , So he must sit upon the mat 、同步教材三年级下册词汇总结:课程:Chinese English science PE music maths art compu

12、ter class学校:classroom library toilet playground libraryFirst floor second floor third floor 课外活动:draw pictures play sports sing songs read books dance play chess家庭:father mother grandmother grandfatherhandsome uncle cousin beautiful aunt家庭活动:cooking dinner listening to music walking the dogCleaning

13、the room watching TV watering the plants feeding the fish家: bedroom bathroom dining room kitchen living room study句型总结:1. What classes do you have on Monday ? We have 、2. Do you have a library ?3. What are you going to do after school ? I am going to 、4. What is she going to do after school ? She is

14、 going to 、5. Is she your aunt ? Yes , she is 、6. Is he your brother ? No , he isnt 、7. What are you doing ? I am watching TV、8. What is your mother doing ? She is cooking dinner 、9. Where is your grandfather ? Hes in the bedroom、10. What is he doing ? He is watering the plants 、自然拼读二:1、 a _ e : cak

15、e lake make tape name face My names Jake 、 I make a cake 、I put it on a plate and eat it by the lake 、2. i _ e : bike like hike five nine riceMike has a bike 、 He lets me ride 、But I dont feel right 、 When Im on his bike 、3、 o _ e : note bone pole Nose home ropeTom is at home 、 He likes to joke 、He

16、puts a bone on his nose 、 And then he jumps rope 、4. u_ e : use cute tube June flute rule This is a mule , a very cute mule 、 Its June and hes hot , so he eats ice cubes 、 5、 e_ e : Chinese Japanese these_ e : we she heI am from China 、 She is from China 、We are both Chinese 、 He is from Japan 、She is from Japan 、 They are both Japanese 、6、 (复习)Sam same Tim time cut cute not note hop hope we wet he hen Sam and Tim like to hop 、 Sam !Tim ! Its time to stop 、 Tim is hot 、 Sams the same 、 They hope that they can hop again 、拓展:1、祈使句 2、 正在进行时 3、 情态动词can4、 be going to 的所有句型

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