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学年高一英语北师大版必修三教学案Unit 8 Section 1 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高一英语北师大版必修三教学案Unit 8 Section 1 Word版含答案.根据首字母提示及英文释义写出单词1horizon:_the line far away where the land or sea seems to meet the sky2route:_a way between two places that buses, planes,ships, etc., regularly travel3luggage:_the cases, bags, etc. that you carry when you are travelling4canoe:_a long light

2、 boat that is pointed at both ends and which you move along using a paddle5altitude:_the height of an object or place above the sea6hike:_a long walk in the mountains or countryside7raft:_a flat floating structure, usually made of pieces of wood tied together, used as a boat8extra:_more of something

3、, in addition9desert:_a large area of land where it is always hot and dry10maximum:_as large, fast, etc. as is possible, or the most that is possible or allowed.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词11adventuren奇遇,冒险的经历adventurern冒险家12majoradj.较严重的,较重要的majorityn大多数13tiringadj.令人疲劳的tiredadj.感到疲劳的14optionaladj.可选择的,非强制的option


5、作场所.补全短语1take off起飞2on the horizon 在地平线上3as well as 也;不但而且4have a shower 沐浴5think about考虑6go down (日、月、星辰等)落到地平线下面,下沉7right now就在此刻8differ from与不同9be anxious about . 为而忧虑10prefer to宁愿1While on a hiking trip, our cooks prepare delicious meals.在长途跋涉中,我们的厨师会准备美味可口的食物。句式分析while on a hiking trip为状语从句的省略形

6、式,其完整结构为while we are on a hiking trip。佳句赏析他们东张西望,好像在寻找什么。They were looking here and there as if in search of something.2(长难句分析) The food cooking on the fire smells great and while you are having a hot cup of tea, you relax and watch the sun go down.烤在火上的食物正散发着诱人的香味,你喝着热茶,轻松地欣赏着太阳下山的美景。句式分析本句为and连接的并

7、列句,在第一分句中,cooking on the fire为现在分词作定语修饰the food;第二分句中含while连接的时间状语从句。1What are you going to do when you are free?I_want_to_explore_the_desert.2Look at the following pictures and match them with their names.ClimbingSurfingSafariHikingWhitewater rafting答案:EACDB.FastreadingChoose the best answers accor

8、ding to the text.1What does the first paragraph serve to the whole passage?ATo act as an introduction to the topic.BTo put forward the topic directly.CTo give an example of the topic.DNo relation to the passage at all.2What do you think Adventure 2000 is?AA school.BAn organization.CA person. DA grou

9、p of hikers.3With Adventure 2000, you can_Ahave guides who have experience in leading tripsBhave cooks to prepare mealsChave porters to carry your luggageDall of the above4What does “Class A hike” mean according to the passage?AThe hike is more difficult for hikers.BHikers can get more and better se

10、rvice from Adventure 2000.CIt refers to one of the hiking groups.DIn Class A, you can enjoy special offers afterwards for free.答案:14ABDA.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and then fill in the chart with the information in the text.Adventure in the HimalayasCamp name:1.Adventure_2000Topics of the

11、 paragraphsDetailed information of each paragraphPara.1experiences of a hikeThis is an open statement to 2attract_readers_attention.Para.2organization of hikesThis paragraph describes the main features of service:the camp provides something to satisfy the needs of hikers, including 3.groupguide,_4.c

12、ooks,_and 5.porters.Para.36.travel_arrangementsAdventure 2000 organizes all the flights for the hikers.Para.47.accommodationHotels in Beijing and Lhasa, tents on the hiking trip.Para.5extra offersThere is a trip to Western China and travel and accommodation on the 8.coast.Para.6difficulty of hikesWh

13、en you are going on a Class A hike, you need to be 9.fitPara.710.prices_and_datesThe hike costs 2,500. Hikes are between October and May.考点1desert n沙漠,不毛之地vt.遗弃,抛弃;背弃教材原句Explore: a forest, a desert, another planet探索:一片森林、一片沙漠、另一颗行星If all trees are cut down, the land will turn into a desert.如果树木都被砍光,

14、陆地会变成沙漠。The worker deserted his post.那个工人撤离职守。Never desert a friend in need.决不要抛弃有困难的朋友。deserted adj.无人居住的;被抛弃的deserter n. 背弃者,潜逃者desertion n. 离开,遗弃The deserted old man has no other way of making his living.被遗弃的老人没有别的生存途径。语境串记The man deserted his wife on a deserted desert. Because of the desertion,

15、he became a deserter.这个人将妻子遗弃在一个荒凉的沙漠。因为遗弃,他成了一个背弃者。1用desert的适当形式填空Can you imagine travelling alone by camel in the Sahara Desert?They said she was_deserted by her boyfriend.On another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.2翻译句子A desert is a beautiful land of silence and space.沙漠是一片美丽的大地,沉寂辽阔。在

16、沙漠的边缘,他发现了一个被遗弃的教堂。At_the_edge_of_the_desert,_he_found_a_deserted_church.I have you at least, if I could desert the world.如果全世界我都可以放弃,至少我还有你。考点2take off起飞;脱下(衣物),解掉;成功,腾飞;请假经典例句On a clear day we can distinguish the letters on the airlines as they take off.在晴朗的日子,飞机起飞时,我们可以清楚地看见机体上的字母。They took off t

17、heir hats to show their respect for the volunteers.他们向这些志愿者们脱帽致敬。Sales of cars have taken off in recent years.轿车的销售量近年来上升了。The new magazine has really taken off.这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。She took two days off (work)她请了两天假。take back带回;收回take away 带走;剥夺take over 接管take in 吸收,吸纳;欺骗;理解take on 从事;呈现;承担;开始;雇佣take up 占据

18、;从事Please takeaway all the things you do not need any more.请把所有你不再需要的东西拿走。Tom took over his fathers position and began to take on more shop assistants.汤姆接替了父亲的职位并开始大量雇佣店员。I cant take on any extra work.我不能承担任何额外工作。单句语法填空He cant take on the new job at this time. He already has more than he can do.I ta

19、ke back what I just said.We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all taken upThe design first took off in American colleges.He is taking over my job while I am on holiday.He is an honest man and he doesnt take you in考点3major adj.主要的;主修的vi.主修,专攻经典例句The presenter went round the world visitin

20、g all the major capitals.这个节目主持人环游世界参观了世界上的主要首都。Liverpool is a major British port.利物浦是英国的一个重要港口。(1)major in主修(2)majority n. 大部分,多数in the/a majority 占多数She majored in History in Shandong University.她在山东大学主修历史。The majority of people attending the lecture are students and girls are in the majority.出席讲座

21、的大多数人是学生,而且女生占多数。The majority of the citizens interviewed prefer TV to radio.大多数接受采访的市民都喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。名师点津(1)major也可以作名词,表示“主修科目;专业”。(2)majority的反义词为“minority”,表示“少数或少数民族(人) ”。1单句语法填空smoking is one of the major (major) causes of cancer.She majored in English in Beijing University many years ago.The

22、majority (major) were graduates from this school.2完成句子The_majority_of_students (大多数学生) in the class come from Japan.A terrible accident happened on_the_major_road (在主干道上)In college I majored_in_science (主修科学)What was your major (主修课程)?考点4tiring adj.令人疲倦的,令人疲劳的教材原句Yes, but I think that travelling aro

23、und for weeks would be quite tiring.是的,但我认为几周的旅行会令人非常疲倦。The work was dirty, tiring, and not very wellpaid.这种工作又脏又累,而且工资很低。(1)tired adj. 累的;厌烦的(be) tired from/with sth. 因而疲劳(be) tired of (doing) sth. 厌烦/讨厌(做)某事(2) tire v. (使)疲倦tire out 使精疲力竭She is very tired with that long walk.走了那么长的路,她很累。Im tired o

24、f his making so much noise all day long.我对他一天到晚制造噪音很厌烦。辨析比较tired“疲惫的,累的”,用于描述人,表达人的状态,通常用be tired, look tired等结构;tired也可修饰表示表情、言语、动作等的名词,指从表情、言语、动作等能看出某人是“劳累的”tiring“令人厌倦的,使人疲劳的”,指某事或者某人使人厌倦,情感上不再予以理睬而回避1单句语法填空Some of the students got tired of living abroad and decided to return to their motherland

25、by plane as soon as possible.The managers lecture was very tiring (tire), even if he mentioned a new product of his company, no one was very curious.After the Antiterrorist war, many American soldiers returned home, safe but tired (tire)This job is tiring;_it tires me out.(tire)2翻译句子The long lecture

26、 tired the audience.冗长的演说使听众厌倦了。这是一次令人疲倦的旅行。This_was_a_tiring_journey.考点5uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的 教材原句Hiking trips can be uncomfortable and even dangerous.徒步旅行可能很不舒适,甚至有危险。I feel uncomfortable with strangers.我和陌生人在一起会感到不自在。Travelling was no longer an uncomfortable experience, so many more people

27、were willing to travel regularly from the places where they live and work.旅行不再是一种不舒服的经历,所以更多的人经常离开生活或工作的地方去旅行。(1)comfortable adj. 舒服的,自在的be (un)comfortable to do 做某事(不)舒服/自在feel (un)comfortable with 与在一起感到(不)舒服/自在(2)comfort vt. 安慰;使舒适n. 安慰;舒适I wont be comfortable until I know what happened.直到了解了发生的情

28、况我才会感到舒服。I tried to comfort her after her mothers death.她的母亲去世以后,我尽力安慰她。语境串记He got almost no comfort, only she tried to comfort him, which made him feel a little comfortable.没有人给予他安慰,只有她尽力去安慰他,这使得他感到一丝安慰。1单句语法填空They came to comfort (comfortable) those who are in trouble.Make yourself comfortable (co

29、mfort)!The shy girl felt uncomfortable (comfort) when she could not answer her teachers questions.That hard chair is uncomfortable to_sit (sit) in.2完成句子你的信对我是莫大的安慰。Your letter was a great comfort_to_me他们想去安慰她,但他们却不知道说什么。They wanted to comfort_her,_but they didnt know what to say.考点6as well as除之外,还;不

30、但而且,和一样好教材原句As well as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters.除了导游外,所有长途跋涉队都配有厨师和搬运工。(1)prep.除之外(还)相当于besides, in addition to,后面通常接名词或动名词,尤其是位于句首时。He sells books as well as newspapers.他既卖报也卖书。(2)conj.不但而且,既又相当于not only . but also .用来连接两个相同成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首。Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance. 我和海伦一样急于要看演出。(3)和一样好作为比较结构,引导一个比较状语从句。He can operate the machine as well as I do.他操纵这台机

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