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北师大版高中英语 Unit 8 单词课文讲解笔记分析.docx

1、北师大版高中英语 Unit 8 单词课文讲解笔记分析Warm-up & Lesson 11. Listen to people talking about extreme sports and adventure holidays.( P21) (1) extreme adj.极端的,极其的 adj.远离中心的,末端的 nC极端 Sometimes he eats too much and sometimes he eats nothing. He goes from one extreme to the other. extremely adv.极端地,极其,非常 extremity n极限

2、,极度,末端,尽头 go to extremes走极端 in the extreme极其,非常 extreme crisis极端严重的危机 extreme emotion极端强烈的情感 extreme joy极其快乐 an extreme case 一起极端案件 extreme measures极端措施 (2) adventure n奇遇,冒险的经历 venture与adventureventure“冒险”,既可作名词,又可作动词,多指冒生命危险或重大的经济风险。adventure只用作名词,所冒之险一般只是刺激性强,并无多大危险,用作复数时,意为“冒险故事”。 (l)The heat in

3、the desert is _. Aextreme Bfierce Ccrude Dbare (2) Every _ has the possibility of making or losing money.A. event B. venture C. adventure D expectation2Explore: a forest,a desert,another planet( P21)探索:一片森林、一片沙漠、另一颗行星 desert (1) n沙漠,不毛之地 (2) vt. 遗弃,抛弃 (3) vt. 背弃,离开 deserter n逃兵,开小差的人 deserted adj.无人

4、居住的,被抛弃的 1. The babys mother was so stony that she_ him soon after giving birth.Adesigned Bdesired Cdeserted Ddemanded3 1) optional adj.可选择的,非强制的 1)option nU选择,选择权,选择自由;C(供)选择的事物 at ones option随意 2) have no option but to do sth. 不得不做某事 (1) He had no option but_ A. go B. going C. gone D. to go(2) San

5、dy could do nothing but_ to his teacher that he was wrong. A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit注意:在句型no option but to do sth. 或nothing but/except to do sth中,如果前面有实义动词do的某一种形式,介词but或except后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语。4Just imagine( P22)试想一下。 imagine vt想象,设想 n想象 doing sth. 想象做某事 imagine + sbdoing sth想象某人做

6、某事 that / wh-从句 想象 sb/sthto be+ n/ adj. 想象某人某物是imagination n. 想象力,想象出来的东西,幻想 imaginative adj. 有想象力的,幻想的imaginable adj. 可想象的,想象得到的 imaginary adj. 想象出来的 (l) -Do you think well have good weather? -I imagine_Ait Bthat Cso Dto (2) I dont suppose anyone is willing to go there alone _? Ado I Bdont I Cdo th

7、ey Dare they 注意: 当主语为第一人称,imagine后接的宾语从句为否定意义时,要否定的是主句的谓语动词,即否定转移。其他有类似用法的动词有:think,believe, suppose, expect等。 I dont think it is a good idea. 5. The food cooking on the fire smells great and while you are having a hot cup of tea, you relax and watch the sun go down. ( P22)烤在火上的食物散发着诱人的香味,你喝着一杯热茶,轻松

8、地欣赏着日落。 1) go down(船)下沉,(价格)下跌,(温度等)下降,(洪水等)下落 go against违反,对不利 go away离开,走开 go back回去 go by过去,(时间)逝去 go in for从事,喜好 go off离去,去世,爆炸 go out出去,熄灭 go through通过,经历,仔细看 go up上升,上涨 go with与协调、搭配 go without没有也行 go over检查,复习(1) Would you please_ this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right A take off B

9、look after Cgive up Dgo over(2) -Didnt you have a good time at the party? -Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to_ so quickly. Ago by Bgo away Cgo out Dgo over 6. Hiking trips can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. ( P22)徒步旅行可能并不舒服,甚至还很危险。 can是情态动词,在本句中表示“有时会,时而可能

10、”。 1) It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it_ be rather cold sometimes. A. must B. can C. should D. would7. They know all the best routes and best places to camp. ( P22)他们熟知所有的最佳路线和最好的宿营地。 route n路线,路程 vt.(经由专门的路线)输送,运送 routine adj. 例行的,常规的; n例行公事,惯例,惯常的程序 (2)本句中的to camp是动词不定式,充当places的定

11、语。(l) -He is a man with many experiences -Yes ,in the _ of his long life, he has experienced many changesAcourse Broute Cway Droutine(2) -Would you like to join us playing basketballTom? -Id like to, but I have a lot of homework _ Ato do Bdo Cbe to do Ddoing 注意:使用动词不定式充当定语时应注意的几个问题1 当作定语的动词不定式所修饰的名词

12、或代词是动词不定式动作的承受者时,可用主动语态to do形式和被动语态to be done形式,但含义不同。 Have you anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗?(to send的动作执行者是you。) Have you anything to be sent? 你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗? (to be sent的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else。) 当动词不定式既有逻辑主语又有逻辑宾语时,该不定式只能用主动形式to do。 I will buy you a book to read. 我要给你买本书读。(to read的逻辑主语,即动作的发出

13、者是you,to read的逻辑宾语是a book。)2 作定语的动词不定式中的动词如果是不及物动词,或者动词不定式所修饰的名词或代词是动词不定式动作的地点、工具等,动词不定式后面必须有相应的介词。 He is looking for a room to live in There is nothing to talk about8 .And our porters carry your luggage, which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.( P22)我们的搬运工则会帮你搬运行李,这样你就可以尽情地享受旅行了。 该句是含有

14、which引导的定语从句的复合句。which代指our porters carry your luggage。定语从句中又含有由that引导的宾语从句you can simply enjoy the experience mean (1) vt.(指字、句等)表示,意指,意味着 (2) vt,图谋,计划,意欲,企图 (3) vt. 有征兆,可能造成 (4) vt. 指定,预定(某人或某物供之用) (5) vt. 对重要,对有价值 (6) mean well by sb对怀有善意 meaningless adj.无意义的,无目的的 meaningly adv.有意义地,故意地 (1) The S

15、cience Museum,_ we visited during a recent trip to Britain , is one of Londons tourist attractions. Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhere (2) -That would mean _a lot of labour. -Really? I dont mean ._any labour. A . waste;to waste Bto waste;wasting Cwasting, to waste Dto waste:waste meaning n意义,含义,企图; adj. 意味深长

16、的 mean后接动名词和动词不定式意义不一样,后接动名词表示“意味着”,接动词不定式表示“打算,意欲”。类似用法的单词或短语很多, stop to do sth.停止、中断正在做的事后去做另一件事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 forget to do sth.忘记要去做某事(未做) forget doing sth忘记做过某事(已做) remember to do sth记得去做某事(未做) remember doing sth记得做过某事(已做) regret to do sth.遗憾要做某事(未做) regret doing sth遗憾做过某事(已做) try to do s

17、th努力、企图做某事 try doing sth.试验、试着做某事 go on to do sth做了一件事后,接着做另一件事 go on doing sth继续做原来做的事 be afraid to do sth不敢去做某事(是主观上的原因不去做) be afraid of doing sth.担心出现做某事的状况或结果9. Accommodation is in comfortable hotels in Beijing and Lhasa, hostels on the hiking trip, and one-or two-person tents for camping.( P22)

18、在北京和拉萨,食宿在舒适的饭店,旅途中住旅店,宿营地则配有单、双人帐篷。 (1)U住所,住处,停留处 (2)住宿,膳宿(常用复数) (3) C,U和解 rented accommodation租的住处 furnished accommodation有家具的住处 make accommodations for为提供膳宿 reach/come to/arrive at an accommodation达成和解 1) I11 make _for you during your journey to my home town. Aaccommodating Bdinner Caccommodate D

19、accommodations10. For people who prefer to spend some time on the coast, we can organise your travel and accommodation too.( P22)如果你更喜欢在海边停留些日子,我们也可以为你安排旅行和住宿。 prefer 宁愿,较喜欢,愿意 sth n/doing to+n/doing prefer+ to do sth./doing sth, to do sth. rather than do sth. sb. to do sth. would like to do would l

20、ike do feel like doing feel like ones doing prefer to do/doing (would/should) prefer do would rather do would rather sb. did/had done would rather do.than do. 宁愿做而不愿做 would do.rather than do.1)I_ visiting temples to going to the beach. Aam preferring Bam preferred Cprefer Dam to prefer11

21、. The hike costs2,500 including all flights and accommodation( P22)旅行费用为2,500英镑,包括所有机票费和住宿费。 (1) cost vt 需付费,价钱为,使丧失;n. 价格,成本,代价 at a/the cost of费用为,以为代价 at all costs/at any cost不惜任何代价,无论如何 cost,spend,take与pay 四者都有“花费”之意,区别主要在搭配上。spend:主语(人)+spend+宾语(时间、金钱)+(in) doing sth;主语 (人)+ spend+宾语(时间、金钱)+on

22、sth.。 cost:主语(事或物)+cost+宾语(人+时间金钱)(无被动式)。 take:主语(it作形式主语)+take+宾语(人+时间)+to do sth;主语(物)+ take+宾语(时间)+to do。 pay:主语(人)+pay+宾语(金钱)+for sth。 (2) including prep包括,包含 included adj.包括的,包含的 include vt包括,包含 contain与include contain指某种容器“装有,容纳”某物,宾语作为组成部分被“包含”或“容纳”在内。 include是“包括,包含”的意思,强调宾语是整体的一部分或要素。(1)The

23、se shoes look very good. I wonder_ Ahow much cost they are Bhow much do they cost Chow much they cost Dhow much are they cost(2) Mum , I dislike the vegetables. -Help yourself to them, dear. They_ a lot of vitamin C A. include B. hold C. take D. contain(3) Everyone, _ ,showed great interest when I m

24、entioned you would go for a hike with us. A. include three little girls B. three little girls include C. including three little girls D. included three little girls12Maximum group size is 15 people( P22)每组最多15人。 maximum n(pl. maxima/maximums)最大,最多,最大限度;adj.最大的,最多的maximum的反义词是minimum。1) Whats the _am

25、ount of wine you are allowed to take through customs duty-free? A. big B. minimum Cgreat Dmaximum 13. How do the tourists differ from local people?(P23)游客与当地人怎么不同? differ vi 不一致,不同 Opinions on the subject differ greatly differ from.与不同 differ in.在方面不同 differ with sbon/about/over sth在方面与某人持不同意见 be di

26、fferent from. 与.不同 tell the difference between A and B 区分A与B的不同之处 make a difference 有影响,有差异make no difference 没有影响1) Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _size and shape. Aon Bfrom Cby Din14. From that moment they started to feel anxious and they slept badly that night( P2

27、3)从那时起,他们开始感到担心,并且那天晚上他们睡得很不好。 anxious adj. (1)不安的,(非正式)渴望的 be anxious about/for.为担心 be anxious to do sth/for sth渴望做某事 be anxious that.渴望 (2)使人焦虑或担心的 anxiously adv.焦虑地,急切地 anxiety n焦虑,渴望,热望 eager与anxious eager强调对成功的渴望,含有积极的意义;anxious强调“担心,忧虑”,对结果表示不安。 (1) My mother always gets a bit if we dont arriv

28、e when we say we will. A anxious Bashamed Cweak Dpatient (2) When we said we were going to the zoo, little Jean was _to go with us. Aanxiety Banxiously Canxious Danxiousness Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 1. People do extreme sports in order to feel excited.( P24)人们做极限运动是为了感到兴奋。 in order to为了 in order to do作目的

29、状语比to do语气更强烈。若把动词不定式的逻辑主语表达出来,可构成in order for sbto do结构。其否定形式为in order not to do in order to与so as to两者意义相同,皆引导目的状语,但其位置值得注意:in order to可放在句首,也可放在句中,而so as to只能放在句中。 译为了赶上第一班公共汽车,我早早地起床。 误 So as to catch the first bus, I got up early. 正I got up early so as to catch the first bus. =I got up early so

30、 that I could catch the first bus. = In order to catch the first bus I got up early. =I got up early in order that I could catch the first bus. (1) _this cake, youll need 2 eggs,175g sugar and 175g flour.AHaving made BMake CTo make DMaking(2) All these gifts must be mailed immediately_ in time for Christmas.A. in order to have received B. in order to receive C. so as to be received Dso as be receiving2 Snowboarding has similarities with surfing( P24)单板滑雪与冲浪有相似之处。 1) simila

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