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高中英语人教版 必修4 unit 3 taste of English humour解析.docx

1、高中英语人教版 必修4 unit 3 taste of English humour解析.完形填空(建议用时17)2016河北阶段检测Years ago, I would wake up two or three times each night because of terrible pains. Having watched my father die of cancer, I _1_ that I also had a cancer. So I went to a clinic. A doctor examined me, gave me some medicine and cleare

2、d my mind of _2_ that I had a cancer. He suggested I should relax. After hearing these words, I felt _3_ and acted on the doctors _4_.One day while I was looking over an accumulation of old _5_ on matters that were past and gone, I threw them into the wastebasket one by one. _6_ I stopped and said t

3、o myself, “Bill, why dont you do the _7_ thing with your worries that you are doing with these notes?” That idea gave me immediate _8_gave me the feeling of a weight being lifted from me. From that day, I have made it a(n) _9_ to throw into the wastebasket all the _10_ that I can no longer do anythi

4、ng about.Then one day while my wife was wiping the dishes happily, another idea _11_ to me. I thought, “Look, Bill, how _12_ your wife is. Had she thought of washing the pile of dirty dishes like a barn these years, she would have been _13_ by the thought. The reason my wife doesnt _14_ washing the

5、dishes now is that she washes only one days dishes at a time.” I saw what my _15_ was. I was trying to wash todays dishes and yesterdays dishes and _16_ the dishes that werent dirty yet.I saw how _17_ I was. I used to stand in front of people, telling other people how to live, yet I myself was leadi

6、ng a tense, worried, hurried existence. I felt _18_ of myself.Worries dont _19_ me any more. I now throw yesterdays anxieties into the wastebasket, and I have _20_ trying to wash tomorrows dirty dishes today.作者曾经生活得过度紧张,夜不能寐,甚至怀疑自己得了绝症,但他最终通过观察生活细节悟出了让自己生活轻松、充实的办法。1A.declared BfearedCacknowledged Dc

7、onfirmed答案:B 上文提到作者过去常常晚上因剧烈疼痛而醒来两、三次及目睹了他的父亲因癌症去世,所以担心自己也会患上癌症。2A.dissatisfaction BmisfortuneCdoubt Dthreat答案:C 医生给作者检查、开了药并消除了作者的疑虑。3A.relieved BoptimisticCcontent Ddepressed答案:A 作者听了医生的话以后,知道自己没得癌症可推断出作者心里感到了宽慰并且依照医生的建议行事。4A.opinions BexperienceCpromises Dadvice答案:D 参考上题解析。5A.books BpapersCnotes

8、Dclothes答案:C 依据下文第7空后的doing with these notes提示可知此处填notes。6A.Suddenly BGraduallyCEventually DObviously答案:A 作者前面一个接一个地扔掉便条,然后突然停下来并对自己说。 7A.meaningful BsameCimportant Dunique答案:B 由下文提到的作者要扔掉自己的麻烦问题可知,这里是要做和扔掉便条一样的事情。8A.anxiety BconfusionCstrength Dinspiration答案:D 作者的这个想法给了自己灵感,同时使自己有一种如释重负的感觉。9A.rule

9、BorderCdifference Dplan答案:A 从那天起,作者就养成了一个习惯。10A.habits BachievementsCfailures Dproblems答案:D 根据上文第7空后提到了your worries可知,这里是扔掉所有的麻烦。11A.returned BhappenedCoccurred Dappealed答案:C 一天,作者在看到他的妻子快乐地洗盘子时,突然有一个想法。12A.determined BpleasedCsurprised Dpuzzled答案:B 从前面的作者妻子快乐地洗盘子可知这里是高兴的。13A.encouraged Bdisappointe

10、dCdefeated Dsurprised答案:C 如果想到会洗堆得像仓库一样大的脏盘子时,她一定会被这个想法击垮的。14A.enjoy BmindCconsider Davoid答案:B 作者的妻子不介意洗盘子的原因是她一次只洗一天的盘子。15A.thought BembarrassmentCexcuse Dtrouble答案:D 由下文内容“作者不仅洗今天和明天的盘子甚至还洗没有脏的盘子”可知,作者看到了自己的问题所在。16A.even BstillCmainly Dpartly答案:A 参考上题解析。17A.foolish BintelligentCmodest Dabnormal答案:

11、A 由下文作者提到自己过去常常站在人们面前告诉大家怎么生活,自己却过着焦虑、紧张和匆忙的生活,觉得自己是多么愚蠢。18A.conscious BashamedCproud Dterrified答案:B 由前句内容可知,作者对自己感到很羞愧。19A.convince BopposeCexcite Dbother答案:D 由下文作者现在把昨天的焦虑都扔掉可知,担忧不再困扰作者了。20A.admitted BdelayedCstopped Dregretted答案:C 作者已经停止“今天提前洗明天的盘子了”。.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2016天水一中考试Recordings of angry be

12、es are enough to send big, tough African elephants running away, a new study says. Beehives (蜂窝)either recorded or realmay even preventW1 elephants from damaging farmers crops.In 2002, scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them. Today, Lucy wan

13、ts to see if African honeybees might discourage elephants from eating crops. But before she asked farmers to go to the trouble of setting up beehives on their farms, she needed to find out if the bees would scareW2 elephants away.Lucy found a wild beehive inside a tree in northern Kenya and set upP1

14、 a recorder. Then she threw a stone into the beehive, which burst into life. Lucy and her assistant hid in their car until the angry bees had calmed down. Next,Lucy searched out elephant families in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya and put a speaker in a tree close to each family.From a di

15、stance, Lucy switched onP2 the prerecorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera. Half the elephant groups left the area within ten seconds. Out of a total of 17 groups, only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees. Lucy reported that all the yo

16、ung elephants immediately ran to their mothers to hide under them. When Lucy played the sound of a waterfall (瀑布) instead of the angry bees to many of the same elephant families, the animals were undisturbedW3. Even after four minutes, most of the groups stayed in one place.Lucy is now studying whet

17、her the elephants will continue to avoidW4 the sound of angry bees after hearing it several times. She hasnt tested enough groups yet to know, but her initial (最初的) results were promising enough to begin trials with farmers. She has now begun placing speakers in the fields to see if elephants are fr

18、ightenedW5 away.科学研究发现生气的蜜蜂的声音能驱赶走大象,帮助农民保护庄稼。1We know from the passage that elephants may be frightened of_.Aloud noises Bsome cropsCvideo cameras Dangry bees答案:D事实细节题。根据文中第一段可知答案。2As mentioned in the passage, Lucy_.Aworks by herself in AfricaBneeds to test more elephant groupsChas stopped elephant

19、s eating cropsDhas got farmers to set up beehives on their farms答案:B事实细节题。从文中最后一段“She hasnt tested enough groups yet to see if elephants are frightened away.”可知B正确。而A中“works by herself”表达错误,从文中第三段“Lucy and her assistant”可看出并非独自工作。C项文中未提到,D从第二段最后一句话可知错误。3Why did Lucy throw a stone into a wild

20、 beehive?ATo record the sound of bees. BTo make a video of elephants.CTo see if elephants would run away. DTo find out more about the behavior of bees.答案:A事实细节题。从文中第三段前半部分可知答案。4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AYoung elephants ignore African honeybees. BWaterfalls can make ele

21、phants stay in one place.CElephants do not go near trees with bees living in them. DFarmers do not allow Lucy to conduct tests in their fields.答案:C事实细节题。根据文中第二段的“In 2002, scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them.”可知选C。A、B两项从倒数第二段后半部分可知错误,D项文中

22、未提到。W重点词汇1prevent vt. 阻止;妨碍 2.scare vt. 使害怕3undisturbed adj. 安静的;未被扰乱的4avoid vt. 逃避;避免 5.frighten vt. 使惊恐;吓唬P重点短语1set up 建立;成立 2.switch on 打开B2016揭阳一中两校联考Since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed Mount Everest, Mount Qomolangmas peak is no longer a lonelyW1 place and is turning into a trash he

23、ap. So far, more than 350 climbers have successfully reached the peak. And they have complained about waiting for hours in the bottlenecks (狭窄路段) on the way toP1 the peak, a situationW2 that isnt just uncomfortableits cold and windy up there but downright dangerous. If bad weather strikes, climbers

24、can and do die.As a matter of fact, the dangerous crowds arent the only problem on Qomolangma. All those climbers need to bring a lot of gearand much of it ends up being left on the mountain, sometimes even the peak itself. Mount Qomolangma is becoming the worlds largest dump. Heres mountaineer Mark

25、 Jenkins writing in National Geographic about the state of Qomolangma: “The two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge, are disgustingly polluted with oxygen cans and torn tents everywhere.”But the good news is that some mountaineers are taking it upon themselves to clean upP2

26、Qomolangma.S Mountaineer Paul Thelen and his friend Eberhard Schaaf are part of the annual Eco Everest Expedition, which has been cleaning up rubbish from base camps to the peak since 2008. So far theyve collected over 13 tons of garbage.Some of that rubbish is even being used for a higher purposeW3

27、. As part of the Mount Everest 8844 Art Project, a group of 15 artists from Nepal collected 1.5 tons of garbage brought down the mountain by climbers. Theyve transformedW4 the cans and oxygen tanksand in one case, part of the remains of a helicopterinto 74 pieces of art that have already gone on exh

28、ibition in Nepals capital. Part of the profitW5 from sales will go to the Everest Peakeers Association, which has helped collect tons of rubbish on the slopes of the mountain. 随着越来越多的人登上珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰,山顶上的垃圾也越来越多,并且成为了问题。5What do we learn about the bottlenecks on the way to Mount Qomolangmas peak?A.They a

29、re relatively safe. BThey are often crowded. C.They are very easy to pass. DThey are sites of base camps.答案:B事实细节题。根据文中第二段“they have complained about waiting for hours in the bottlenecks on the way to the peak, a situation that.dangerous.”不但是瓶颈地带而且还很危险。6What does the underlined word “gear” mean? A.E

30、quipment for climbing mountains. BThe food climbers brought onto the mountain. CSome important machines used for the bottlenecks. DSome rubbish found on the mountain.答案:A词意猜测题。由文中“and much of it ends up being left on the mountain, .the worlds largest dump.”成为了世界上最大的垃圾场,可选出A项。7The group of 15 Nepali

31、artists_.Acreated works of art using rubbish from Qomolangma Bwere employed by the Everest Peakeers Association Cclimbed Qomolangma and collected 1.5 tons of trash Dpainted 74 beautiful pictures of Mount Qomolangmas peak答案:A事实细节题。从文中最后一段的“Theyve transformed the cans and oxygen tanksand in one case.on exhibition in Nepals capital.”可知A项正确。8What can be the best title for the text? AEco Everest Expedition Proves Successful BQomolangma Has Become A Huge MessCTest Yourself Against

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