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Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern Chinese and Pop Arts Reading and Vocabulary 教案.docx

1、Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern Chinese and Pop Arts Reading and Vocabulary 教案Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern Chinese and Pop Arts -Reading and Vocabulary 教案 dule 4 Fine Artsestern hinese and Pp Arts -Reading and Vabular 教案学习目标1知识与技能1) Train the studentsreading prehensin sills2) rds,phrases,and sentene patterns

2、2过程与方法1) Explanatins t help the students understand the passage better2) Train the studentsreading sills b dealing ith se reading ativities3 情感与价值Request the students t lve art 教学重点Train the studentsreading sills教学难点 Learn h t rganize a passage学法指导:自主学习,学会预习;合作学习,探讨问题;展示成果,发现不足。知识连接:artist lurful dr

3、aing painting exhibitin prtrait realisti Landsape aterlur ai stand expressin unusual stle 问题逻辑: 1 Previe the reading and vabular part and finish ativities 3 n page34 rite dn ur ansers Ansers t ativit 3: 1_a_2_b_3_b_4_a_b_6_a_2r in Pairs r grups and Fill in the blans arding t the reading textin dule

4、4paintersuntrahieveentsPainting stlePabl piassspainnsidered t be the greatest 1_estern_artist f the tentieth entur; starting 2_ubis_ithGerge BraquePainting ith different 3aspetsf bet r persn shing at the 4saetie R Lihtenstein _Aeria_A rld faus exaple f 6_Pp art Shing rdinarTentieth-entur 7_it lifeQi

5、 baishihinane f hinas greatestpaintersFlling the 8traditinalhinese Stle f painting;9_bserving_the rld f nature ver arefull10_Xu Beihng_hinane f hinas best-nn11_Tentieth-entur_artists;faus frHis 12_livel paintings f hrsesPainting in the traditinal 13_hinese stle_;shing 14_realit_,nt ust 1_iitating it

6、Fill in the blans ith prper rds arding t the ultural rner f dule 4 It is generall believed that Pabl Piass is the tentieth enturs greatest estern1 artist Brn inSpain2 ,Piass as alread an exellent artist b the age f ten six ears later ,he had his first exhibitin3In his earl tenties Piass ved t Frane4

7、 Fr 1904 t 1906 He painted a series f pitures ainl inblue,shing pr ,unhapp peple Fr 1904 t 1906 is nn as Piasss “pin perid ,during hih he painted periduh happier7 pitures in the lr pin later , Piass, tgether ith anther Spanish artist Gerge Braque ,started an iprtant ne artisti veent8 alled ubis All

8、Piass s first ubist paintings ere painted9 in brn and gre Peple agree Piasss greatest ubist painting is Guernia , hih is the nae f a tn destred10during the 1930s ar in Spain 词语辨析一Alive , live ,living , livel 1alive ad活着的,可作表语(可与living互换),宾语,补足语,作定语时需后置(一般用于人或物)2 live ad 活着的,有生命力的(与dead 相对应)只能做定语(一般用

9、于动物,不修饰人);现场直播的(与rerded相对应)3 living , ad活着的, 有生命的,现行的,流行的4 livel ad 生动的,活泼的二 bserve ,find ,disver ,ntie1 bserve ,注意观察;强调带有一定目的地观察2 find 找,找到;普通用语,强调原拥有的东西丢了或不见了又找到了3 disver 指原就存在,但一直未被发现,现在发现了4 ntie 指偶然看到或无意识地注意到归纳小节表喜欢的词或词组Lve爱,喜爱后加名词,代词,动名词 ,Lie 喜欢 用法类似与Lveuld/shuld lie /lve 想要,愿意。后加名词,代词,不定式,En喜欢

10、,欣赏,享有 。后加名词,代词,Ving形式,Be fnd f后加名词, Ving形式 通常不用于否定句Be int 常用于口语,喜爱,热衷于 相当于be interested in are fr 喜欢,常用于否定句和疑问句G fr 喜欢,支持,偏爱堂检测:练习用Alive , live ,living ,填空1 _ live fish sells ell 2 It as a live bradast , nt a rerding3 N an alive uld d better 4 English is ne f the living _languages 学习反思:作业布置1 The _

11、as taen at the Suer Palae in Beiing last ear A prtrait B piture painting D draing2 This is the advie _A adpt B adpted adapted D adapted3 iss Li has a strange a t ae her lasses _ and interesting A alive B live living D livel 4 The havent their n hild ; T is their _sn A adapted B affeted adpted D adva

12、ned I ant _peple sing arund e hile I eatingA agree B ae supprt D stand 6 Paul has ust bught a little huse , ith its dr _the suth A faes B faed faing D fae 7 Everne is ding all _the an _thse suffering fr the earthquaeA that ;help B that ;t help hih; help D hat ;t help 8 I n little abut the girl _shes

13、 fr hengduA that B beause expet D exept that 9 He sees a strange persn ; I dnt n _hi A hat t ae f B h t ae f hat t ae fr D h t ae fr 10 Alexander Graha Bell ,brn in Edinburgh ,Stland ,_the telephne A is nsidered t invent B is nsidered t have invented is nsidering t invent D is nsidering t have inven

14、ted11 _that she didnt d a gd b , I dnt thin I a abler than her A t have that B said t sa D saing 12 The nes that e ere ling frard t _here A ing B e has e D saing13 Living In the untrside eans that I dnt _t see an dern thingsA tr B get feel D affrd14-_u ill help e ith the ase upstairs ? - N prble A a be B Prbabl Pssible D Perhaps 1 In pinin ,u ant d anthing but _till he es baA ait B aiting aited D t ait 1-BBDD 6-10BDAB 11-1DBDA

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