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1、初升高英语语法精要初升高英语语法精要词类、句子成分的笔记Verb / Predicate 谓语1. 定义a word or group of words that expresses an action, an event, or a state2. 分类1) link v. 系动词:be, become, get, go, turn, remain, keep, stay, taste, sound, look 变得:become, get, go, turn 保持某种状态:remain, keep, stay 起来:taste, sound, look, feel2. 分类2) actio

2、n v. 行为动词vt. 后跟名词,代词,或相当于名词结构的短语,句子充当宾语 make, take, want, have, repair, create, buy, catch, design, come, go, appear, fall, exist, travel, swim, smile, etc.注:被动语态,过去分词3) auxiliary v. 助动词:be, do, does, did, has, have, had, etc.4) modal auxiliary v. 情态动词:can, could, may, might, must, shall,sho

3、uld, will, would, etc.3. 制约动词的因素 person:人称 (be) number (singular or plural):数(单数 / 复数)(one car, two cars) tense:时态(现在式、过去式、过去分词形式、现在分词形式) voice (active or passive):语态(主动 / 被动)(do, be done) mood:语气(虚拟 / 非虚拟)vt=transitive verb及物动词 vi=intransitive verb不及物动词Objectdirect object (Od直接宾语):a person or thing

4、 that is affected by the action of the verb直接受到动作影响的人或物indirect object (Oi间接宾语):a person or thing that the action is done to or for 动作是为人或物做的 V. + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 V. + 直接宾语 + to / for + 间接宾语nouns / pronouns / to do / doingObject Complement 宾语补足语(Co)1. 定义follows a direct object and renames it or tells wh

5、at the direct object has become 对宾语进行补充或说明,与宾语构成主谓关系2. 宾语 vs 宾补宾语:由名词,代词或相当于名词结构的成分充当宾补:不一定都由名词充当,能做宾补的成分更多样化nouns / adjectives / (to) do / doing / done / prep. phrases注:宾语和宾补间成主谓关系Predicative表语 1. 定义 comes after a verb such as be, become, get, seem, look表语通常跟在系动词之后 2. 功能 shows the subjects identity

6、,characteristics and state of being 说明主语的身份、特征和状态的3. nouns / adjectives / prep. / to do / doing / doneAttributive定语1. 定义used before or after a noun to describe it限定、修饰名词代词,起修饰、限定的作用2. adjectives / nouns / prep. / to do / doing / doneAdverbial 状语1. of time 时间:yesterday, 3 years ago2. of place 地点:here

7、 and there, in the school3. of cause 原因:because of sth, on account of sth4. of condition 条件:if, on condition that5. of manner 方式:happily, in a kindly way6. of result 结果:as a result, consequently7. of purpose 目的:in order to, so as to8. of concession 让步:although, in spite of sth9. of comparison 比较:as

8、as, more than简单句基本结构1. SV(vi.) (主语+谓语动词不及物) 2. SVO(主语+谓语动词及物+宾语)3. SVOiOd(主语+谓语动词及物+间接宾语+直接宾语) 4. SVOCo(主语+谓语及物+宾补) 5. SVP(主语+谓语+表语(系表结构)) 状语可以出现在以上任何一种结构中SV + 连词 + SV 名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句) 定语从句:形容词性质从句 状语从句:副词性质从句(时间,地点,原因,条件,方式,结果,目的,让步,比较状语从句)名词的笔记:I. 名词的功能 Knowledge is power.(主语) Smoking i

9、s his habit.(表语) He has made great progress.(宾语) What do you think of the suggestion?(介词宾语) Would you like to go to the fashion show tomorrow?(定语) This is our new headmaster, Mr. Steel.(同位语) We elected him our headmaster.(宾语补足语) Hello, John.(呼语)II. 名词的种类和名词的数1. 按语法结构分 简单名词 simple nounse.g. boy, girl

10、, child, ice, rain, water, etc. 复合名词 compound nouns e.g. armchair, farmland, seaside, classroom, fireman, typewriter 派生词 derivative nouns e.g. delivery, admiration, greatness, arrangement, etc.2. 按词汇意义分专有名词 proper nouns:指一类事物中某个个体所独有的名称,如人名、时间、地点、事物、国家、组织的专门名称,首字母须大写 人:John, Mrs Green, President Oba

11、ma, Einstein, Mum, Dad, Uncle Tom, Americans, Jews, etc. 时间:May, October, Saturday, Sunday, Christmas, New Years Day 地点:Shanghai, Beijing, the Yangtze River, Broadway 事物(报刊杂志名,书名,电影及诗歌的名称):the New York Times, China Daily, A Journey to the West, Forrest Gump 国家、组织:China, the United States of America,

12、 NATO, FBI, VOA普通名词 common nouns:泛指某一类人或物或抽象概念所共有的名称,包括个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词等。 个体名词 individual nouns:作为个体而存在的人或东西person, student, postman, city, dream, etc. 集体名词 collective nouns:由个体组成的集体 audience, family, committee, police, cattle, government, crew, team, clothes, people, furniture, staff, public, ju

13、ry, youth, etc. 物质名词 material nouns:无法分为个体的东西 beer, oil, air, cloth, cotton, metal, paper, ice, water, salad, etc. 抽象名词 abstract nouns:表示一些抽象概念 beauty, carefulness, music, love, happiness, revolution, courage, fear, existence, energy, fun, growth, etc.revolution3. 按语法意义分 可数名词(countable nouns)和不可数名词(

14、uncountable nouns)。 个体名词和集体名词可以认为是可数名词,而专有名词、物质名词 和抽象名词为不可数名词。4. 可数名词的复数形式 person, shop, nation, window, student, horse, hand, etc.一般情况下直接在名词后加s,例:persons, shops, nations, windows, students, horses, hands bus, class, box, watch, brush, etc.以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词加-es,读作/iz/,例:buses, classes, boxes, w

15、atches, brushes!例外:stomach /k/ - stomachs boy, toy, day, study, country, factory, etc.以元音+y结尾的普通名词或以y结尾的专有名词,直接在词尾+s,读作/z/,例:boys, toys, days以辅音+y结尾的名词,把y改成i, 再加-es,读作/iz/ bamboo, kilo, photo, piano, radio, studio, zoo, volcano, mosquito, etc.以“元音+o”或以“oo”结尾的名词,外来词,一些缩写词和专有名词,在词尾加s例:bamboos, kilos,

16、photos, pianos, radios, studios, zoos, volcano(e)s, mosquito(e)s, etc. hero, Negro, tomato, potato, tornado, torpedo, etc.以辅音+o结尾的名词后加-es,读作/z/,例:heroes, Negroes, tomatoes, potatoes, tornadoes, torpedoes以-f或-fe结尾的名词的复数 belief, chief, cliff, proof, roof, etc.第一种是直接加s,例:beliefs, chiefs, cliffs, proofs

17、, roofs knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, shelf, thief, wife, wolf, etc.第二种是把-f或-fe改成v再加-es,读作/vz/,例:knives, leaves, lives, loaves, selves, shelves, thieves, wives,wolves handkerchief, scarf, etc.第三种可以直接加s也可以把-f或-fe改成v再加-es,例:handkerchiefs / handkerchieves, scarfs / scarves mouth, path, month, youth, l

18、ength, etc.以-th结尾的名词一般直接在词尾加s,例:mouths, paths, months, youths, lengths, etc.5. 可数名词的不规则复数形式 foot, goose, mouse, ox, man, woman, child, tooth, etc.改变单数名词中的元音字母,或其他形式。例:feet, geese, mice, oxen, men, women, children, teeth Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Swiss表示“某国人”,有三种加法:第一种单复数同形。例:Chinese, Japanese,

19、Portuguese, Swiss German, American, Asian, Australian, Canadian, Italian, European, etc.表示“某国人”,有三种加法:第二种是直接在词尾加s。例:Germans, Americans, Asians, Australians, Canadians, Italians, Europeans etc. Englishman, Frenchman, Irishman, Dutchman, etc.表示“某国人”,有三种加法:第三种以-man结尾的变为-men例:Englishmen, Frenchmen, Iris

20、hmen, Dutchmen, etc. medium, datum, bacterium, phenomenon, stimulus, etc,外来词的复数,用其本身的复数形式,例:media, data, bacteria, phenomena, stimuli, etc.6. 复合名词的复数形式 tooth brush, boy friend, store keeper, shoe-maker, etc.以可数名词结尾的在该可数名词后加s,例:tooth brushes, boy friends, store keepers, shoe-makers, etc. son-in-law,

21、passer-by, looker-on, commander-in-chief, etc.可数名词+介词结构组成的复合名词,在可数名词上加s例:sons-in-law, passers-by, lookers-on, commanders-in-chief, etc. man singer, woman doctor, etc.以man或woman构成的复合名词,前后两部分都变复数,例:men singers, women doctors, etc. grown-up, forget-me-not, go-between, etc.以动词或过去分词+介词或副词构成的复合名词,在词尾加s,例:

22、grown-ups, forget-me-nots, go-betweens, etc.7. 特殊复数形式的名词 单复数同形以单数形式出现 例:sheep, deer, fish, goldfish, aircraft, spacecraft, Chinese, Japanese, yuan 单复数同形以复数形式出现 例:means, species, crossroads, series, headquarters, works 可单可复 例:one means, two means 只用复数形式出现例:arms(军火,武器), belongings, trousers, scissors,

23、 stockings, thanks, savings, earnings, clothes 去掉s含义不同例:arm(手臂), cloth(布)复数表示特殊含义例:customs(海关), goods(物品), greens(青菜), sands(沙滩), waters(水域), manners(礼貌), spirits(情绪), times(时代), papers(文件,报纸,论文)III. 名词的所有格1. 表示有生命的名词的所有格 Mary Baby, Children Day, etc一般情况下直接在名词后+s,例:Marys Baby, Childrens Day, etc. te

24、achers office, students room, etc.以-s, -es结尾的复数名词在右上方加 ,例:teachers office, students room an hour and a half ride, my sister-in-law house, etc.复合名词或名词词组,在复合名词词尾+s,例:an hour and a halfs ride, my sister-in-laws house, etc.两人共有,只在后一个名词上加s,如果不是共有,两个名词后都加s例:Mike and Marys baby, Mikes and Marys babies, Joh

25、n and Toms room, Johns and Janes books2. 表示无生命的名词的所有格通常用of+名词结构来表示所属关系,例:the gate of the school, the window of the room 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命东西的名词也可以加s来构成所有格例:todays newspaper, ten minutes walk, ten dollars worth of goods, the worlds surface, Fudans Department of Physics3. 名词作定语修饰名词有些名词没有相同意义的形容

26、词形式,起修饰作用时也不表示所有关系,此类作定语的第一个名词大部分对第二个名词进行分类,或是对第二个名词的属性、来源等加以说明例:flower garden, kitchen table, leg muscle, gold watch, sports car, room number, coffee cup4. 双重所有格在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词时,常用“of + 名词s”的形式来表示所有关系。例:a friend of my fathers (friends) = one of my fathers friends 介词后的名词应是确定的、特指的,一般指人a fr

27、iend of the doctors对a friend of a doctors错 a page of the books错 双重属格修饰的名词前可带a, any, some, two, this等限定词,但通常不带定冠词that friend of Davids对this good idea of Johns对the friend of the doctors错5. 所有格所修饰词的省略一般所有格后的修饰词不能省略,表示教堂、学校、商店、住所或其他公共场所例:the dentists, the chemists, my aunts名词中心词已在上文中出现例:My room is bigge

28、r than Toms (room).IV. 派生的名词1. derived from adjective 形容词派生出来的名词 -nesse.g. careful, ill, clever, happy, eager, polite, etc. -the.g. warm (warmth), deep (depth), strong (strength), wide (width),young (youth), long (length), true (truth), etc. -tye.g. able (ability), cruel (cruelty), difficult (diffic

29、ulty), necessary (necessity), social (society), real (reality), etc. -ncee.g. absent (absence), different (difference), silent (silence), important (importance), evident (evidence), etc. -dome.g. free (freedom), wise (wisdom), etc. other variations e.g. high (height), brave (bravery), etc.2. derived

30、 from verb 动词派生出来的名词 -tione.g. act, add, invent, explain (explanation), imagine (imagination), reduce (reduction) -sion:常出现在以d, de, t结尾的词后e.g. admit (admission), decide (decision), divide (division), permit (permission), discuss (discussion) -ment:动词变名词时,一般不省略ee.g. improve, treat, punish, employ, ar

31、gue (argument) -ce:ance, encee.g. accept (acceptance), assist (assistance), prefer (preference), occur (occurrence) -ing e.g. begin, feel, read, write -er, -or, -ar e.g. invent (inventor), begin (beginner), write (writer), work (worker), teach (teacher), think (thinker 思想者), beg (beggar) others e.g. compare (comparison), arrive (arrival), complain (complaint), discover (discovery

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