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本文(人教版高中英语必修一知识点整理及重点题型梳理 Unit 4 Earthquake 语言点.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版高中英语必修一知识点整理及重点题型梳理 Unit 4 Earthquake 语言点.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修一知识点整理及重点题型梳理 Unit 4 Earthquake 语言点人教版高中英语必修一知识点梳理重点题型(常考知识点)巩固练习Unit4 Earthquakes目标认知重点词汇burst, ruin, injure, shock, rescue, trap, bury, congratulation,judge重点短语right away, at an end, a (great) number of, dig out, tens of thousands of, be proud of重点句型1. too.to的用法2. All.not. 不是所有的都3. .as if

2、. 如同4. 分数的用法知识讲解重点词汇burst【原句回放】In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. 在市内,有些建筑物的水管爆裂了。【点拨】burst (burst, burst)vi. 破裂;胀破;爆裂 The balloon suddenly burst. 气球突然爆炸了。I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。n爆发;突然爆裂 I tend to work in bursts. 我的工作劲头往往是一阵一阵的。a burst

3、 of anger 勃然大怒【拓展】常用短语: burst into + n. = burst out doing sth. 突然起来burst into tears/song/laughter= burst out crying/singing/laughing突然大哭/唱歌/大笑burst into a room=break into a room 破门而入He burst into the room without knocking. 他不敲门就进了房间。burst (sth.) open (使)突然打开 burst in 突然打断,插嘴burst with 充满 The roads a

4、re bursting with cars. 路上塞满了汽车。be bursting to do sth. 急于(或迫切想)做某事at a (one) burst 一口气,一下子ruin【原句回放】In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 在可怕的十五秒钟内,一座大城市变成了废墟。【点拨】ruin n. 毁灭;废墟。表示“废墟、遗迹”时常用ruins:the ruins of ancient Rome 古罗马遗迹;in ruins 荒芜的;be/lie in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪;fall into/go to ru

5、in 衰落;败落The castle now lies in ruins. 这座古堡已成废墟。bring sth. / sb. to ruin 使某物毁灭;使某人破产The war brought ruin to the country. 战争毁了这个国家。v. 毁坏;毁掉;使破产I was ruined by the law case. 我被那场官司搞得倾家荡产。ruin oneself 毁掉自己ruin ones hopes 使某人希望破灭【拓展】destroy, ruin, damage的区别damage指部分“损坏”、“破坏”或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,用作名

6、词时常与to something 连用。Hundreds of houses in the area were damaged by the storm. 暴风雨毁坏了这个地区数以百计的房屋。The accident did a lot of damage to his car. 这次车祸使他的车受到很大的损坏。destroy只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作“破坏”、“毁灭”解,也可以指希望、计划等打破。The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. 地震几乎毁灭了整个城镇。His hope of being a writer wa

7、s destroyed. 他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。ruin则表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题。用作动词时,它作“使毁灭”、“使崩溃”解;用作名词时,它表示“毁灭”、“瓦解”、“废墟”等抽象概念。The house has fallen into ruin. 房子倒塌了。The company is facing ruin. 这家公司面临破产。injure【原句回放】Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. 三分之二的人在地震中死亡或

8、受伤。【点拨】injure vt. 伤害;使受伤;injure也可以表示“损害(名誉),伤害(感情)”。His back was injured. 他的后背受伤。There were two people injured in the car accident. 在这次车祸中有两人受伤。He spoke in an injured voice. 他用委屈的声音说话。injury n. 伤害,损害injured adj. 受伤的the injured 伤者do an injury to sb.伤害某人an injured look/expression委屈的样子/表情【拓展】辨析injure,w

9、ound,hurtinjure 指由于意外或事故受伤,为一时难愈之伤。He cant play today because hes injured his knee. 因为伤了膝盖,他今天不能比赛。wound 指外伤,特别是枪伤、刀伤、剑伤。The bullet wounded his arm. 子弹伤了他的胳膊hurt 是“受伤”的一般用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,亦可指精神上的伤害,还可做不及物动词,意为“疼痛;引起痛苦”。His words hurt me. 他的话伤我了 My knees hurt and my feet hurt, too. 我的膝盖疼,脚也疼。【原句回放】People

10、were shocked. 人们感到震惊。【点拨】1. shock v. 使震惊 (语气强烈)常见结构be shocked at/by 对感到震惊be shocked to do sth. 很吃惊地It shocked sb. to see/hear 看到/听到使某人震惊They were shocked by her rudeness. 他们被她的粗鲁震惊了。It shocked me to think how close we had come to being killed. 想到我们差点丧命,我心惊肉跳。2. shock n. 冲击,震惊(表示“一件令人吃惊的事”时为可数名词)with

11、/from shock 由于震惊suffer from shock 休克be a shock to sb. 对某人来说是一个打击It was a great shock for him when his wife died. 他妻子的死对他来说是一个重大的打击。【拓展1】shocking adj. 令人震惊的,骇人听闻的shocked adj. 受震惊的,惊愕的The result of the game is shocking. 游戏结果令人震惊。Im shocked at his change. 我对他的改变十分吃惊。【拓展2】类似用法的动词表示情感的动词 excite, surprise

12、, interest, bore (使乏味), move(使感动), disappoint(使失望), satisfy(使满意), frighten (使惊惧)的-ing表示人或事物的性质,-ed表示人“感到”。The frightened child cant help crying. 被吓坏的孩子禁不住哭了。Hearing his frightening experience, we all felt frightened too. 停了他可怕的经历,我们都感觉害怕。rescue【原句回放】Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trappe

13、d under the ruins. 有些救援人员和医生被困在废墟中。【点拨】rescue v. 救援,救助rescue sb./ sth from 把某人/某物从中解救出来rescue sb. from danger 救某人脱险They rescued the boy from drowning. 他们挽救了落水的孩子。He rescued three children from the burning building. 他从燃烧的建筑物中救出了三个孩子。n. 救援;营救,可以放在名词前作定语。The rescue team made ten rescues in a week. 救援队一

14、周进行了十次救援工作。come to/go to sbs rescue 来/去营救某人【拓展】辨析rescue,saverescue “营救;援救”,指从直接的、迫在眉睫的危险中解救。A team was sent away to rescue the people trapped in the fire. 一支队伍被派去救援困在火灾中的人们。save “救;拯救”,为一般用语,指通过救援使其脱离危险祸患并能安全生存下去。They could think of no way to save the situation. 他们想不出什么办法来挽救这个局势。trap【原句回放】Some of th

15、e rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. 有些救援人员和医生被困在废墟中。【点拨】trap v. 困住;关住;使陷入危险之中be trapped in 困住中,陷在中trap sb. into doing sth. 诱骗某人做某事The car was trapped in the deep snow. 汽车陷在厚厚的雪中。Humans are less trapped by light pollution than the frogs. (2015 浙江高考)与青蛙相比,人类受困于光污染的程度要小。n. 陷阱;圈套L

16、ook! A mouse was caught in the trap. 看,一只老鼠掉进陷阱。She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it. 她为他设下了一个圈套,他径直走进去了。bury【原句回放】The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 军队组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。【点拨】bury v. 埋葬;埋藏;隐藏Where is she buried? 她被葬在哪里?The dog

17、 buried a bone in the ground. 狗埋了一块骨头在地下。bury ones face in ones hands 双手掩面She buried her face in her hands and cried. 她双手掩面,哭了。bury oneself in sth. /doing sth. =be buried in 专心致志于bury oneself in study 埋头研究be buried in thoughts 沉思be buried alive 被活埋congratulation【原句回放】Congratulation! We are pleased t

18、o tell you that. 祝贺你!我们非常高兴地告诉你【点拨】congratulation n. “祝贺;贺词”,常用复数,但表抽象意义时不用复数。offer/send ones congratulations to sb. on sth. 就某事向某人表示祝贺We offered our congratulations to him on his success. 我们就他的成功向他表示祝贺。Were getting married. 我们要结婚了。Congratulations! 祝贺你!congratulate v. 祝贺congratulate sb. on/ upon sth

19、. 祝贺某人I congratulated them all on their results. 我对他们的结果表示祝贺。congratulate sb. on doing sth. 祝贺某人做了某事congratulate oneself on (doing) sth. 庆幸自己(做了)某事I congratulated myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife. 我很庆幸自己娶了一个好女人做妻子。【拓展】辨析congratulate,celebratecongratulate “祝贺”,多是个人行为,个人之间的祝贺。celebra

20、te “庆祝”,后面常接生日、胜利、纪念日等名词,即宾语是sth.,通常是以多人参加的某种形式进行。Were celebrating our grandpas ninetieth birthday next week.我们下周要庆祝奶奶的九十岁生日。judge【原句回放】Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year. 五人评审团听了你的演讲,一致同意这是本年度最佳演讲。【点拨】judge n裁判员;法官The judges decisi

21、on is final.裁判的决定为最终决定。The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. 法官判他五年监禁。 v. 判定;判断;认为 As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame. 依我看,他们都该受到责备。What gives you the right to judge other people? 你有什么权利去给别人当裁判?Wearing proper clothes is important too, for locals will judge you by what you wea

22、r. 穿合适的衣服很重要,因为当地人会根据你的穿着来判断你。(2014重庆高考)judging from/by 从判断Judging from his accent, he is an American. 从他的口音判断,他是美国人。Dont judge a book by its cover. 勿以貌取人。judge sb/sth. to be 认为某人、某物I judge him to be about 50. 我认为他大约五十岁。重点短语right away【原句回放】Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it righ

23、t away. 假设你的房子开始晃动,你必须立刻离开。【点拨】right away意为“立刻,马上”,同义短语为at once。Are you leaving right away? 你马上就走吗?Call the police right away. 立刻报警!【拓展】表示“立刻”的短语:right away, without delay, immediately, at once, in no time, right now(right now强调此刻,相当于at this moment)Please see into this matter without delay. 请立即调查这件事

24、情。Right now I am in London. 此刻我在伦敦。at an end【原句回放】It seemed as if the world was at an end. 仿佛到了世界末日!【点拨】at an end 结束,终结The hot days are at last at an end. 炎热的天气终于结束了!【拓展】常用短语:at the end of 在尽头;末端(指时间或空间的一个终点)by the end of 到结束时;到时候为止(常与完成时态连用)By the end of last month, he had been on that ship for two

25、 years.到上个月为止,他在那艘船上已经两年了。bring sth. to an end (使)结束;终止come to an end 结束make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出,靠微薄收入为生put an end to 使结束 The year is at an end/coming to an end. 一年结束了。in the end 最后, 结果 She tried many times to pass the exam, and in the end she succeeded.他试了很多次去通过考试,最终他成功了。dig out【原句回放】The ar

26、my organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 军队组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。【点拨】dig out 挖出,翻找出The injured men have been dug out of the snow. 受伤人员从雪中被挖了出来。The truth was dug out. 真相被揭露出来了。 Why did you dig out all these old magazines? 你把这些旧杂志翻出来做什么?【拓展】相关短语:dig down 挖倒dig in 挖土以渗

27、进(肥料等);开始做细致工作dig for 发掘,搜集(资料等)dig into 钻研,掘进去dig at 讽刺,挖苦a (great) number of【原句回放】Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. 这么大数量的人们死去是因为地震发生时人们正在睡觉。【点拨】a great number of 许多、大量的,后面一定要加可数名词复数。A great number of problems have arisen. 出现了许多问题。 The concert

28、attracted a great number of people. 音乐会吸引了许多人。【拓展】表示“许多”的短语归纳:后接可数名词复数:a large/ great/ good number of; a great/ good many; a good few/ quite a few后接可数名词单数:many a +可数名词单数+ 单数谓语动词后接不可数名词:a great/ good deal of; a great/ large amount of; quite a little后接可数名词/不可数名词均可:a lot of/ lots of; a great/ large qua

29、ntity of; large quantities of; plenty of tens of thousands of【原句回放】The cyclists hope to raise money to help tens of thousands of children in disaster-hit areas in China. 自行车手们希望能募集一些钱来帮助中国受灾地区的成千上万的孩子。【点拨】tens of thousands of成千上万的(表示数量多)1. thousand,hundred、million不与具体数字连用,而表示不确定的约数时,常用复数,后加of。2. 此类词

30、前如果具体数字修饰,要用单数形式。It is said that tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year.据说每年有成千上万的大象被杀死。There were millions of people in the square. 广场有几百万人。He bought the painting for ten thousand dollars.他花了一万美元买了那幅画。【拓展】用法相同的词:score (二十),dozen (十二)My mom bought scores of eggs yesterday. 我妈妈昨天买了几十个鸡蛋

31、。Jim gave his girlfriend two dozen roses as a gift. 吉姆给他女朋友买了两打玫瑰花作礼物。be proud of【原句回放】Your parents and your school should be very proud of you! 你的父母和学校应该为你而自豪。【点拨】be proud of 为而自豪,对感到骄傲He is proud of his daughters ability to speak four languages他为女儿能说4种语言而自豪。We are proud of being Chinese 我们为作为中国人而自豪。He was proud of his achievements 他为自己的成就而自豪。【拓展】相关短语:take pride in 为而自豪(=be proud of)with pride自豪地p

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