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2、Whatarethespeakersmainlydiscussing?A.Whatfoodwouldbesupplied. B.Whethercolddrinksareprovided.C.Whenthebirthdaycakecouldbready.4.Whocouldthemanmostlikelybe?A.Asalesman.B.Apoliceman.C.Apostman.5.Whatdoesthemanthinkofaboattrip?A.Exciting.B.DangerousC.Interesting.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对


4、able.C.Heisconfident.9.WhatwillprobablymakeSarahsparentsshocked?A.Themansclothes.B.Themanshairstyle.C.Themansjob.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10.WhatdoesLauralooklike?A.Shehasdarkblackhair. B.Sheistallandslim. C.Shehasblueeyes.11.WhatisLauragoingtodonextSeptember?A.Takepartinacompetition. B.TraveltoNewZealand. C

5、.Attendcourses.12.Whatdoesthewomaninvitethemantodo?A.TraveltoAfrica B.Gotothemoviestomorrow. C.StudyCreativeWritingwithher.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13.Whatwillthemandonext?A.Gotothedrugstore.B.HavedinnerC.Takethesubway.14.Whatcausesthemanstrouble?A.Thedifferencesbetweenlanguages. B.Lackofexperienceabroad. C.

6、Hispoorexpressions.15.Whereisthedrugstoreaccordingtothewoman?A.Onthefirstfloor.B.Onthesecondfloor.C.Onthefifthfloor.16.Whatdoweknowabouttheman?A.Hefoundthetoileteasily. B.HedoesntspeakEnglishwell.C.Hedrivesontheleftoftheroadinhiscountry.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17.HowwasBaylisradiopowered?A.Byelectricity.B.

7、Bybatteries.C.Byhand.18.WhatdoesthespeakersayaboutthemobilephoneinventedbyBaylis?A.Itispoweredbypeopleswalking B.Itcontainsasmallbatteryinitself.C.ItisproducedinSouthAmerica.19.WhatistheeducationalbackgroundofBaylist?A.Hemajoredinengineering. B.Hedoesnthaveahighlevelofeducation.C.Heisahighschoolgrad

8、uate.20.HowddBaylisgainhisideas?A.Heworkedhardforthem. B.Otherpeoplehelpedhimalot.C.Theycametohimbychance.第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项选择(共10题;每小题1分,共10分)21. Mr. Wang would have continued to lead _ poor life instead of changing his lifestyle if he hadnt met Mr. Smith by _ chance who was a businessm

9、an. A. the; a B. a; the C. a; / D. /; the 22. Dont _ women. They are as important as men for the development of society.A. look up to B. look down upon C. look out for D. look forward to23. Mo Yan is the first Chinese people to win the Nobel Prize for his great _ in literature (文学). A. interests B.

10、achievements C. behavior D. observation24. She has already tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job.A. special B. responsible C. unusual D. particular 25. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home but I have to pay _ here. A. as three times much B. as much thr

11、ee times C. much as three times D. three times as much 26. My teacher as well as my classmates _ very kind to me.A. are B. is C. do D. does.27. Only when it is hungry _ a human being. A. a lion will attack B. a lion should attack C. will a lion attack D. should a lion attack28. -Do you want to come

12、with us? -No, I would rather _ at home than _ with you. A. to stay; go B. to stay; to go C. stay; go D. stay; to go29. Dr Yuan Longping grows _ is called super hybrid rice, _ has a high output.A. what; which B. that; what C. that; which D. what; that30. There is still much to discuss. We shall, _, r

13、eturn to this at our next meeting. A. so B. however C. because D. Therefore第2节:完形填空(共20题; 每小题1分,共20分) My daughter has been crazy about raising a pet for a long time. Last spring I bought two newly-hatched(孵化) chickens for her. She got 31 and took good care of them. 32 , a few days later, both chicke

14、ns died. She burst into tears because of 33 .I helped her 34 the two birds under a tree behind our house. I thought it would be the 35 of her ideas. 36 , I was wrong . Children are children 37 . The failure hasnt 38 my daughter in any way. She still tried to keep a small animal or even a snail. One

15、day last winter, I noticed under the eaves(屋檐) of the house a family of sparrows(麻雀). My daughter and I could 39 the sparrows as our “pets”, but we didnt. So I told her to 40 the grains on the windowsill(窗台). A few minutes later, the sparrows came to land on the windowsill 41 and pecked(啄) at the ri

16、ce. Suddenly my daughter asked me, Mum, can we catch and 42 the sparrows, and let them live with us in the room? How 43 it is for them to live outside? “Oh, my dear. I do not think its a good idea. You know,” I explained to her, “the sparrow is a bird who loves 44 .No one can keep them in a cage. If

17、 they are caught, they will 45 quickly. They are 46 to living outside. Moreover, they have warm nest under the eaves. From then on, we have set up a kind of 47 with the sparrow family. We feed them frequently and 48 them as pet birds. However, we do not need to 49 them. We 50 seeing these little bir

18、ds flying and jumping among branches, leaves and flowers in the spring morning.31. A. exciting B. excited C. disappointed D. encouraged32. A. Naturally B. Suddenly C. Unfortunately D. Finally33. A. leaving B. their death C. the chickens D. them34. A. bury B. put C. dig D. set35. A. end B. beginning

19、C. wish D. reality36. A. Thus B. Then C. However D. Therefore37. A. at all B. in all C. after all D. for all38. A. encourage B. upset C. help D. impress 39. A. look B. act C. feed D. catch40. A. throw B. pour C. pile D. scatter41. A. one after another B. one another C. every other D. each other42. A

20、. stay B. love C. cage D. watch43. A. free B. happy C. cold D. warm44. A. freedom B. spring C. flying D. trees45. A. please B. starve C. suffer D. die46. A. safe B. used C. proud D. happy47. A. neighbor B. understanding C. friendship D. relationship48. A. think B. treat C. dream D. appreciate49. A.

21、hurt B. possess C. belong to D. hatch 50. A. enjoy B. would like C. want D. consider第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第1节:(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AI am a manager who is in charge of taking care of the elderly and many of my clients live out of state.This year, a very sweet old lady t

22、hat I care for, Alice, had gone through a particularly rough time. She had been in hospital twice. In November I was finally able to get her back to her “home” into an “assisted living facility”(养老院).Alice has dementia(痴呆症) and thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that t

23、hey were going to have the whole family together like the old days. When she finally realized that the happy moment was not going to happen, she was so tearful. Knowing that her daughter was coming after Christmas was not enough to cheer her up, I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!On

24、Christmas Eve, I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night. Instead of taking her to my church, I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were. We got there early and I got each of us a seat where her friends could see h

25、er as they came in. The plan worked out very perfectly. All of her friends seemed to be there and rushed over to greet her and sit with her. The candlelight service was a beautiful, tearful affair and Alice got a lot of hugs and love from her old and new friends there.The truth of the story is that

26、I am the one who got the best giftthe smile on Alices face and the feeling that I made a difference.51.What does the underlined word “tearful”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. surprised B. Hateful C. Moved D. Sad52.From the text we know that Alice_.A. had been operated in the hospital twice B. didnt r

27、emember her daughter at that timeC. preferred to live alone especially at Christmas D. expected to spend Christmas with her daughter 53. Where did Alice spend her Christmas Eve?A. Alices old house B. Alices old neighborhood churchC. A church in the authors neighborhood D. A church in Alices daughter

28、s neighborhood 54. What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve?A. Holding the party B.the praise given by Alices friendsC. Alices happiness D. His concern for Alice55. What is the best title for this text?A. An Extra Special Candlelight Christmas Eve B. My Experience With an Old Lone

29、ly LadyC. Alices Special Time on Christmas Eve D. A happy moment on Christmas EveBWelcome here! The Southern Spring Home & Garden Show will be held at The Park Expo and Conference Center. This show will last from Wednesday (March 2) to Sunday (March 6,2012).Admission Adults $10.00. Teenagers under 15 free with a paying adult.Join Lincolntons own Tammie Davis as she performs her original country songs at 630 p.m. on Saturday,March 5th.Special Days The Spring for Kids First Night Gala benefiting the Council for Childrens Rights will take place from 7 p.m. to 10p.m. on Wed

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