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2、词汇,你有语法,但你未必能读懂specific knowledge article。举个例子说文科学生读文科的文章比较活,而读理科的文章很死,就好比理科的学生读文学和哲学的文章很难理解,这说明什么呢? 阅读很大程度上取决于背景常识。所以,有的同学知识面很广,即使一篇文章读不太懂,但是里面的内容和他的背景知识很契合,他很容易就理解了。对于一篇学术性很强的文章,如果你没有深厚的背景知识是很难读懂的。所以大家不要追求纯粹性阅读的快乐,这是很难做到的,总有一种悲伤处。要想提高这种感悟能力只有不断阅读文章从而积累丰富的文化常识了。二,大家阅读英语句子时,总是从前读到后,从头读到尾。这种阅读方式是汉语的阅

3、读习惯,读英语应该从整体读到局部,从主读到次,就是说先看整个句子再分析细节,先找出句子的主干再确定其他修饰成分。之所以有这种区别是因为英语与汉语的表达方式上有很多差异。1 英语先表态,汉语先说事。I am greatly honored today to have a pleasure of speaking here. 今天我在这里讲话,感到非常荣幸。We are greatly interested in the new product you have successfully developed.听说你们开发成功了一项新产品,我们十分感兴趣。2 叙事和逻辑顺序不同。英语中先说结果后说原

4、因和条件,汉语去恰恰相反。I saw Mr. zhang at the gate of school at above 2:00 clock yesterday afternoon.昨天下午俩点,我在学校大门口碰上了老张。Beijing took no specific measures to control its traffic flow during the four day inspection tour by an international Olympic committee evaluation commission.在国际奥运会评估委员会四天的考察中,北京并没有特意采取措施控制

5、市区交通。 3 汉语重意合,英语重形合。汉语各句之间联系比较松弛,但富于弹性,含义清楚,内在的主从或并列关系由读者自己去领会。英语之间的联系方式靠相应的连词,关系词表达其相互关系,形式上比较严谨,缺乏弹性。We shall not go if it rains. 下雨就不去了。Youll have to deposit200 with us if samples are required. 如需样品,请付定金200美元。4 汉语突出人称,英语突出物称。The phenomenon came up recently especially in rural areas, a police docu

6、ment reported. 公安局的一份材料说,这种现象是在最近才抬头的,而且主要发生在农村。Regrettably, it was found that the chemical content of item 789 is not up to the percentage contracted. 我们遗憾的发现789号商品所含的那种化学成分没达到合同规定的百分比。5 文化差异英语国家从60年代的“political correct”运动,产生了大量的委婉语,比如用 the disappointed 代替 the poor, senior citizen 代 old people, phy

7、sically handicapped 代crippled, sanitary engineer 代dustman等。了解英汉之间的差异是第一步,下面再来看一下,影响英语阅读的复杂的语法结构。我认为主要有三种:倒装,分割结构和省略。这些语法点使英语的句子结构与汉语有较大的区别,掌握好它们是理解句子的关键。一 倒装英语句子通常有俩中语序,一种自然语序(natural order),另一种便是倒装语序(inverted order)。从形式上分,倒装又分为俩种:全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)。谓语动词全部位于主语之前的称作全部倒装,例如:I

8、n front of me stood a boy. 只将谓语动词的一部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)放在主语之前的称作部分倒装,例如:Only in this way can we do it better. 从使用目的区分,倒装也有两种情况,即语法倒装(grammatical inversion)和修辞倒装(rhetorical inversion)。语法倒装是由于语法规则的要求必须进行的倒装,例如疑问句:Did you call me just now? 修辞倒装是出于修辞的需要而把正常语序转为倒装语序,例如:Out rushed the children. Fowler归纳倒装的原因主要

9、有九种:疑问,命令,惊叹,假设,平衡,衔接,点题,否定和韵律。除此之外还应加上强调和使描写生动。下面列举出阅读文章时常遇到的倒装现象,以使大家熟悉英汉语序之间的差异。1 Along with them goes social mobility, ambition to rise in the urban world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenth century.伴随他们而来的是社会的流动性,人们强烈地希望在城市里发展,这是19世纪使欧洲出生率下降的主要因素。2 So involved

10、 with their computers do the children become that leaders at summer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.参加计算机夏令营的孩子们对计算机如此着迷,以致夏令营的负责人常常不得不强迫他们停下来参加运动和做游戏。 3 Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of such programs has it been possible to modify TV progra

11、mming polices.只有大量研究提供证据表明此类节目有不良影响后,电视节目的播放政策才有可能改变。4 In no country other than Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.据说,除了在英国,在哪个国家一天之内也经历不了4个季节。5 Not until these fundamental subjects were sufficiently advanced was it possible to solve the main pro

12、blems of flight mechanics.直到这些基础学科得到充分发展,才有可能解决飞行力学的主要问题。 6 Of primary interest in business and technical research reports is the validity of the results as the bases for company decision. 作为公司决策的依据,研究结果的可靠性在商业和技术部门的研究报告中占主要地位。二 分割结构分割结构是一种修辞手段,在英语句子中,特别是在书面语中,比较常见。分割结构就是把英语句子原来属于一个整体的句子成分分割开,被分割的部分

13、用双逗号隔开。使用分割结构的目的是使语句结构平衡,避免头重脚轻,或者为了使表达的主题思想更加突出醒目。分割结构的存在造成了句子结构的错综复杂,大家应该熟悉这种结构方式,避免理解上的错误,同时也要学会运用这种表达方法,在写作中增强句子的生动性和灵活性。1 This is the world out of which grows the hope, for the first time in history, of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.这是历史上首次出现的一个给人以希望的世界。在

14、这个世界上有希望诞生一个没有贫困,没有恐惧的社会。2 Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等普通的东西。 3 But, for a small group of students, professional training might be

15、 the way to go since well-developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not. 但是,对于一小部分学生来说,职业培训也许是其应走的路,因为在其它因素相同的情况下,能不能找到工作,可能就取决于是否熟练地掌握了技术。4 It is, everyone agrees, a colossal task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact tha

16、t he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.儿童学说话所要完成的是一项艰巨的任务,这是人们的共识;而儿童何以能在如此短暂的时期内完成这一重任则有待解释。5 All high school graduates ought to go to college, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become “better” people, and le

17、arn to be more responsible citizens than who dont go.一般人的意见和统计资料都表明,所有的高中毕业生都应该上大学,因为大学能帮助他们比那些未上大学的人争更多的钱,成为“更优秀的”人,而且学会做更有责任心的公民。6 The second major section of the research report details, with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out.研究报告的第二大部分用尽可能多的资料详细而又精确地说明了该研究工作是如何进行的。7

18、 No one can be a great thinker who does not realize that as a thinker it is her first duty to follow her intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead.作为一个思想家,首要的责任就是按照自己的理性思考去得出可能得出的结论,如果意思不到这一点,他就不可能成为伟大的思想家。8 He had no thought of the time to come when his muscles would not be so mighty, nor his h

19、ealth so superb, and when he would not be able to work harder.他当时没有想到总会有那么一天,他的肌肉不再有这样发达, 他的身体不再这样棒,他也不可能再拼命干了。9 The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.土壤中可供植物利用的矿物成分,必须溶解在土壤中才能被根吸收。三 省略英国作家莎士比亚在名著

20、哈姆雷特里写过这么一句名言:Brevity is the soul of wit.(言以简洁为贵)。写文章要求生动活泼,简洁明了,这是基本要求。英语句子中的某些成分因上下文已提供了充分明确的信息而不必出现,或前面已出现的某些成分为了避免不必要的重复,可以不再出现。这种语言现象就叫做省略。读英语句子时,只有识别出省略的部分对其补全,才能正确理解句子的含义。1 Someone traveling alone, if (he is) hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn expect to the nearest cabin or se

21、ttlement.独自旅行的人,要是饿了,受伤了或者生病了,除了最近的小木屋或居民点,常常无处求援。2 In their hearts, women think it is men business to earn money and (it is) theirs to spend itif (it is) possible during their husbands life, but, at any rate, (they will spend it) after his death. 女人们从内心里认为,挣钱是男人的事,她们只管花可能的话,丈夫在世时就花;不行的话,丈夫去世后再花。3 B

22、y taking thought, men can move mountainsand (men) have(moved mountains). 凭借智慧,人能移山。实际上人类已经做到了。4 (there are) More countries (that) can now make nuclear bombs than (there are countries that can make) advanced microprocessor chips.现在能够制造核弹的国家比能够制造先进微处理器芯片的国家要多。5 In 1865 the civil war, finally came to a

23、n end, but (it did) not (come to an end ) before hundreds of thousands of men had died.1865年,美国的南北战争终于结束了,然而这场战争是在千千万万的人战死之后才结束的。除了上述三种情况外,还有定语从句和分词做状语也是英语中比较常见的语法现象,他们组成的复合句增加了句子的复杂性。所以在分析长句时应注重把握这两种语法结构。下面介绍一种常用的分析句子的方法,中心句法。所谓中心句法就是先找句子的主干,通过划去分词状语,插入成分(一般由双逗号隔开)和从句,一般为定语从句(由which that who引导),从而确

24、定句子的中心词,然后再加上与中心词相对应的修饰成分,最后确定全句的意思。1 what should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical check up just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six mon

25、ths? 举例说吧:一个46岁的男子,在与家人外出度假之前进行常规体格检查。虽然他自我感觉良好,但医生发现他患了某种形式的癌症,不超过6个月就会死去。这时,医生该怎么对他讲呢?2 The public is unhappy about the way society is going, and its view, fuelled in part by the agendists and the media, seems to be that judicial decisions unacceptable to them, regardless of the evidence or the la

26、w, will slow or change social directions. 公众对社会发展的前景不乐观,在议事人士和新闻媒体的某种程度的鼓动下,公众的观点似乎是:不管证据或法律,司法判决对他们来说是不可接受的,这些判决将会延缓或者改变社会走向。3 Even those fortunate enough to inherit great wealth have been unable to resist the prevailing climate of opinion and a large proportion of those who suddenly find that they

27、 no longer have to work, after winning a lottery or the football pools, now choose to continue working, finding it too difficult to sustain a lifestyle which is not build around some form of work.甚至那些有幸继承大笔财产的人也不能抵挡这种流行观念。在那些赢得彩票或足球赌注后突然发现自己不再需要工作的人中,大部分人还是决定继续工作,因为他们发现他们不能长期保持那种完全不工作的生活方式。4 This tr

28、end began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail. 这种趋势开始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府得出这样的结论:政府向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。5 During the 1980s, revo

29、lutionary changes in the work lives of Americans, caused by technological advances which will permit greater productivity by fewer workers, will likely result in shortened work weeks, increased released time for workers and increased pressure for early retirements.80年代,技术的进步将使用更少的工人创造出更高的生产率,这给美国人的工

30、作生活带来革命性的变化。这种变化可能会导致缩短工人每周的工作时间,增多闲暇时间,加大提前退休的压力。You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction and deduction that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, manage to extract from nature certain laws, and that out of these, by some special skill of th

31、eir own, they build up their theories. 我们都多次听说过,科学家是使用归纳法和演绎法工作的,他们用这些方法,在某种意义上讲,力求从自然界找出某种自然规律,然后他们根据这些规律,用自己的某种非同一般的本领,建立起他们的理论。I think that it will be of interest to every one of us hereafter, whether we keep a diary or not, to note down upon a sheet of paper the actual circumstance which made hi

32、m or her realize that this terrific episode had begun, and to record the exact time and hour when he or she experienced that circumstance. 无论你写不写日记,我认为在一张纸上写下是他(她)认识到这个可怕的事件发生时的实际情况,并记录下他(她)亲历这一事件的准确时刻,今后对我们每个人都是很重要的。There are many other exchange expressions, but those who are not well versed in exchange terminology would do well to confine themselves to the use of expressions “favorable” and “unfavorable” when describing movements in exchange from the point of view of their countries, or to the use of “appreciate”

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