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河北冀教版英语学科七年级上学期Units 0108同步练习7doc.docx

1、河北冀教版英语学科七年级上学期Units 0108同步练习7doc Unit 5 Lesson33 巩固练习一. 根据所给的汉语完成下列短语 1. 汤姆的爷爷Toms _ 2. 约翰的奶奶Johns _ 3. 李明的爸爸_ father 4. 王平的母亲_mother 5. 玛丽的叔叔_uncle 6. 爸爸的爸爸_father 7. 妈妈的姐姐_sisiter 8. 我的儿子_son. 9. 她的女儿_daughter 10. 你的朋友_ friend二. 根据句义和所给的首字母完成下列单词 1. This is my b_, Jim. 2. My fathers father is my

2、g_. 3. My mothers sister is my a_. 4. My fathers brother is my u_. 5. Im my fathers s_. 6. My sister is my mothers d_. 7. Your aunts son is your c_. 8. My sister is y_. 9. My grandfather is o_. 10. This is Sams f_.三. 阅读下面的短文,从四张图片中找出一个正确对象。 Hello. My names Susan. Im twelve years old. Look! This is a

3、 picture of my family. This is my mother and this is my father. This is my brother. His name is Simon. There is also my dog too. His name is Bobby. 2 Lesson 34 巩固练习一. 根据句义和所给首字母完成下列单词 1. My brother is a s_. 2. My sister is a t_. 3. His mother is a bus d_. 4. Her father is a c_. 5. Jacks uncle is a p

4、olice o_.二. 连词组句 1. lives, Jim, China, in _. 2. father, is, his, a, carpenter _. 3. loves, he, family, his _. 4. name, her, is, Alice _. 5. a, picture, of, this, is, her, family _.三.阅读下列短文,将人名及其身份填在图画的相应方框内 This is my family. My grandfathers name is Harry Brown. My grandmothers name is Jean Brown. M

5、y fathers name is Jeff Brown. My mothers name is Helen Brown. Jeff and Helen are my parents. I have a sister. Her name is Kate Brown. My name is Tom Brown. I am ten. My sister is eight.Toms Family Tree Lesson 35巩固练习一. 根据句义和首字母完成下列单词1. Today is my b_!2. I will have a birthday cake and c_.3. I will ha

6、ve a birthday p_ .4. H_ birthday to you!5. I will have birthday p_.二. 连词组句1. come, you, will, to birthday, my, party _?2. will, come, mother, my, and, father _.3. will, I, have, party, a, birthday _.4. birthday, Li Mings, is, today _.5. will, he, have, presents, birthday _.三. 短文阅读 Today is Sunday. I

7、ts Jacks birthday. Jack is thirteen years old. Jacks friends will come to his house and they will have a party tonight. Jack will have a cake and candles and birthday presents. Jack is very happy.1. Is today Saturday? _.2. How old is Jack? _.3. What will Jacks friends have tonight? _.4. What will Ja

8、ck have? _.5. Is Jack happy? _. Lesson 36 巩固练习一. 写出下列动词的现在分词 1. sing _. 2. do _. 3. talk _. 4. cry _. 5. laugh _. 6. work _. 7. eat _. 8. look _. 9. go _ 10. drink _.二. 根据句义和所给首字母完成下列单词 1. -Whats the girl doing? -Shes s_. 2. -Whats the boy doing? -Hes d_ his homework. 3. -What are you doing? -Im d_

9、tea. 4. -What are they doing? -Theyre e_ bananas. 5. -What are Mary and Tom doing? -Theyre g_ to school.三. 给下面的英语句子配上合适的图画 1. Jack is doing his homework. A. 2. They are talking together. B. 3. Tom is eating. C. 4. Shes drinking. D. 5. Shes singing. E. Lesson 37巩固练习一. 根据句义和所给的首字母完成下列单词 1. -Where is t

10、he bed? -Its in your b_? 2. -Where is the picture? -Its a_ the bed. 3. -Where are my shoes? -Theyre b_ the bed. 4. -Where is the lamp? -Its b_ the bed. 5. -Where are my pencils? -Theyre i_ your pencil case.二. 连词组句 1. have, I, a, bedroom _. 2. shoes, his, are, his, bed, below _. 3. in, the, evening,

11、bed, goes, to, he _. 4. His, lamp, his, bed, beside. is _. 5. bedroom, he, likes, his _.三. 根据图画中物品的位置,用介词on, in, below, beside填空 1. His pens and pencils are _ his pencil case. 2. His shoes are _ his bed. 3. His lamp is _ his bed. 4. His books are _ his desk. 5. his coat is _ his bed. Lesson 38 巩固练习一

12、. 写出下面图画的英语单词 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 二. 连词组句 1. talks, he, the, on, phone _. 2. watches, TV, he, in, the, evening _. 3. he, on, the computer, plays, in, the, afternoon _. 4. listens, in, the, evening, he, to, the, radio _.三. 用适当的介词填空 1. Mary is talking _ the phone with her friend. 2. Jim is watching TV

13、 _ the afternoon. 3. Alice is playing _ the computer. 4. Jack is lying _ his bed. 5. Its time _ bed.四. 给下面的英语短语配上上合适的图画 1. talk on the phone A. 2. watch TV B. 3. play on the computer C. 4. go to bed D. 5. go to school E. Lesson 39巩固练习一. 写出下列数字的英语表达方式 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 23 _ 24 _ 25 _26 _ 27 _ 28 _29 _ 3

14、0 _二. 给下列词组配上合适的图画 1. wash face A. 2. wash hands B. 3. take a shower C. 4. comb hair D. 5. brush teeth E. 三.连词组句 1. brush, their, they, hair _. 2. they, hands, wash, their _. 3. take, they, a, shower _. 4. wear, clothes, they, their _.四. 根据句义,用所给的适当形式填空,每空填一个词 1. Whats Li Ming doing? He _ _ (brush)

15、his teeth. 2. Whats Mary doing? She _ _ (comb) her hair. 3. Whats Tom doing? He _ _ (wash) his hands. 4. Whats Jenny doing? She _ _ (take) a shower. Lesson 40 写作练习题目:描述一下图画里的情景。解析:描述一幅图画,说明图画里的情景,往往用到动词第现在进行时。指路:动词的现在进行时动词的现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。例如:Tom is playing. 汤姆正在玩。I am doing my homework. 我正在做家庭作业。Yo

16、u are listening to the radio. 你正在听收音机。They are watching TV. 他们正在看电视。 动词的现在进行是由“be + 现在分词”构成。Be是个助动词,本身没有意义,只起到帮助构成现在进行时的作用,而且要随着主语的变化而变化。主语是单数第一人称,be变为am; 主语是单数第二人称,be变为are; 主语是单数第三人称,be变为is; 主语是复数,be变为are. 现在分词的变化有四种情况:1. 一般情况在动词词尾加-s。例如: workworking playplaying singsinging2. 如果动词以不发音的-e结尾,去e, 加-in

17、g。例如: havehaving taketaking loveloving3. 如果动词以重读闭音节结尾,词尾的辅音字母双写以后,再加-ing。例如: sitsitting4. 个别以-ie结尾的动词,把ie变为y, 再加-ing。例如: lielying 由动词的现在进行时构成的句子结构如下:1. 肯定句:主语 + be (am, is, are) + 现在分词。例如: She is crying. They are working. I am laughing.2. 否定句:主语 + be (am, is, are) + not + 现在分词。例如: I am not laughing.

18、 He is not eating. They are not talking.3. 一般疑问句:Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + 现在分词?例如: Am I laughing? 肯定回答:Yes, you are. 否定回答:No, you are not. Is he crying? 肯定回答:Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, he is not. Are they singing?肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they are not.4. 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + be (am, is, are) + 主语 + 现在分词?例如: What

19、 am I doing? 回答:You are + 现在分词。 What is he/she doing? 回答:He/She is + 现在分词。 What are they doing? 回答:They are + 现在分词。范文:Look at the picture. This is a picture of my family. My father is a bus driver. He is thirty five years old. He is watching TV. My mother is a teacher. She is thirty four years old.

20、She is watching TV, too. My brother is named Jack. He is twelve years old. He is a student. Now he is talking on the phone with his friend. I am playing one computer. I love my family. Unit 5参考答案与解析Lesson 33一. 1.Toms grandfather Toms是名词的所有格,表示所属关系。例如:Jennys father 詹你的父亲,Jacks mother 杰克的母亲。2. Johns g

21、randmother3. Li Mings father4. Wang Pings mother5. Marys uncle6. fathers father7. mothers sister8. my son9. her daughter10. your friend二. 1. brother 2.grandfather 3.aunt 4.uncle 5.son 6.daughter 7.cousin 8.young 9.old 10.family三. 4Lesson 34一. 1.student 2.teacher 3.driver 4.carpenter 5.officer二. 1. J

22、im lives in China.2. His father is a carpenter.3. He loves his family.4. Her name is Alice.5. This is a picture of her family.三. A. Grandmother, Jean Brown B. Grandfather, Harry Brown C. Mother, Helen Brown, Jeffs wife D. Father, Jeff Brown, Helens husband E. Daughter, Kate, Toms sisterLesson 35一. 1

23、.birthday 2.candles 4.Happy 5.oresents二. 1.Will you come to my birthday party? Will you come to my birthday party? 意思是“你来参加我的生日聚会,好吗?”将will移在主语之前,构成了一般现在时的疑问式,用来询问别人是否将要做某事。例如:Will you go to school this morning? 你今天早晨去上学吗?2. My mother and father will come. “will + 动词原形”是动词的一般现在时形式,表示动作将要发生。例

24、如:I will go to school. 我要去上学。3. I will have a birthday party. I will have a birthday party . 意思是“我要开一个生日聚会。”have a birthday party 意思是“开一个生日聚会”。Have和一些名词连用可表示一种活动。例如:We are having a meeting.我们正在开会。 I have a cold. 我感冒了。4. Today is Li Mings birthday.5. He will have birthday presents.三. 1. No. Its Sunda

25、y.2. Jack is thirteen years old.3. Jacks friends will have a party.4. Jack will have a birthday cake and candles and birthday presents.5. Yes. Jack is very happy.Lesson 36一. 1.singing 2.doing 3.talking 4.crying 5.laughing 6.working 7.eating 8.looking 9.going 10.drinking二. 1.singing动词的现在进行时由“be + 现在分

26、词”构成。Be要随主语的人称变化。主语是单数的一人称时,be变为am; 主语是单数第三人称时,be变为is; 主语是单数第二人称和复数时,be变为are。例如:I am drinking. 我在喝水。He is drinking. 他在喝水。You are/We are/You are/They are drinking. 你在/我们在/你们在/他们在喝水。现在分词一般在动词词尾加-ing。例如:walkwalking talktalking。 2.doing 3.drinking 4.eating 5.going三. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.ELesson 37一. 1.bedroom问某个人或某个东西在哪里常用where来提问。例如:Where is Jack? 杰克在哪里?Where is my pencil case? 我的铅笔盒在哪里?2.above 3.below 4. beside 5.in二. 1. I have a bedroom.2. His shoes are below his bed.3. In the evening he goes to bed.4. His lamp i

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