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1、广告英语讲义Unit OneAdvertising in Brief. TextDirections: Read the following passages carefully, paying special attention to the black words. They are the most used words in advertising.Advertising is mainly used as a tool of business to assist in the goods and services. The Definitions Committee of the A

2、merican Marketing Association defines Advertising as any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Some other experts define it as any paid form of presentation of certain sponsor on certain nonpersonal media to appeal to certain audie

3、nce.While advertising is very important to business, it is only a small factor in overall business strategy. We can not expect to solve all the business problems by means of advertising only. It is necessary that we use advertising together with other promotional tools, such as personal selling, sal

4、es promotion, and public relations.There are number of ways to classify advertising. It can be classified into several broad categories:By target audience_By appeal form_By purposeProduct advertising and product reputation advertisingNonproduct (corporate/institute) advertising including patronage,

5、public relations and public service advertising.Noncommercial advertising such as recruitment advertising, advocacy advertising.Commercial advertisingAction advertisingAwareness advertisingBy media_Out-of-door advertisingDirect-mail advertisingBy geographic areaInternational advertising_Regional adv

6、ertisingLocal(retail) advertising which includes regular price-line advertising, sale(price) advertising, and clearance advertising.There are three major components engaged in making advertising:_,_ and _.How the producer treats the advertising function, depends upon the importance of advertising to

7、 the overall promotional strategy of the firm. It varies considerably from firm to firm. As firms grow more marketing-oriented, with greater focus on marketing functional to maximize their profits, the functional areas of advertising, sales, new-product development, and marketing research requires a

8、 catalyst that would integrate all these efforts and provide for better marketing planning. Words and Expressionspromotion 促销goods and services 商品和劳务define v. 界定,划分nonpersonal 非人员的idea 观念,创意identify v. 识别sponsor 资助人,广告主message 讯息media 媒介appeal(to) 诉求audience (听众,观众)受众factor 因素strategy 战略personal sel

9、ling 人员销售sales promotion 销售推广public relations 公共关系consumer 消费者retail 零售reputation 声望corporate 企业commercial 经济的、商业的patronage (消费者的)信任advertiser 广告主develop 开发research 调查,研究effort 努力marketing 营销source 来源,信源awareness 感知institute 企业,机构target 目标demand 需求. ExercisesA. Questions1) Give the definition of Adv

10、ertising by DCAMA.2) What is the use of advertising?3) What is your understanding of advertising?B. Put the following sentences into Chinese:1) Today, we all have very strong opinions about advertising which may be defined as a communication process, a marketing process, an economic and social proce

11、ss, a public relations process, or an information and persuasion process, depending upon the point of view.2) Advertising is usually aimed at a particular part of population.3) Technological advances of the 19th century created the greatest changes in the advertising industry.4) Most advertising is

12、intended to be persuasive. A company usually sponsors advertising to convince people its product will benefit them. In addition to promoting tangible goods as suits, soap, and soft drinks, advertising also helps sell intangible services of bankers, beauticians and bike repair shops, And increasingly

13、, advertising is used to sell a wide variety of ideas.C. Put the following sentences into English.绝大部分透过大众媒体-电视、报纸、广播、杂志-传播的广告是消费者广告。这些广告既可以由生产这些产品的厂家出资来做,也可以由经销他们的经销商出资。这类广告主要针对消费者-那些为自己或别人购买产品的人。例如,杂志上的可口可乐广告既可能针对购买者,也可能针对使用者;二者既可能是同一个人,也可能是不同的人。Unit TwoAdvertising Agency. TextDirections: Read the

14、 following passages carefully, paying special attention to the black words. They are the most used words in advertising.An advertising agency is an independent organization of creative talent and business people who, on the basis of marketing objectives, specialized in developing, preparing and runn

15、ing or placing advertising plans, advertisements, and other promotional means. The agency also arranges or contracts for the purchase of advertising space or time in the various media. It does all these on behalf of the advertisers( sellers)-their clients-in an effort to find consumers for their goo

16、ds or services. Regardless of their size, structure( organization) or location, all advertising agencies serve essentially the same purpose.The agency employs specialists in applying the complex art and science of advertising to business problems. They include administrators and other business peopl

17、e, and writers, artists, market and media analysts, researchers, or other specialists. Basically, advertising agencies may be classified by the range of their services and by the type of account they handle as well as by their organization.By serviceFull-service agenciesA la Carte service including

18、creative boutique, media buying services, and affiliated agencies.By accountConsumer-goods agenciesIndustrial-goods agenciesFinancial advertising agenciesBy organizationInternational agenciesMultinational agenciesIn-house agenciesRight choice of advertising agency will help a lot in the success of a

19、n advertisers business. There is no simple formula for selecting an advertising agency. However, there are some criteria such as the speculative presentations of the advertising agency, the role of advertising in the overall promotional strategy, the experience of the agency with the same account, t

20、he size of the agency, the facilities of the agency and its organization and personnel, the character, philosophy and policies of the agency.The following exhibit how an agency is organized.And here are some job titles in an advertising agency:Art director 艺术总监Market research manager 市场调研总监Assistant

21、 art director 助理艺术总监Market researcher 市场调研员Artist 美工、演员PR manager 公关主管Photographer 摄影师PR assistant 公关助理Jingle creator 乐师Advertising director/manager 广告主管Copywriter 文案Brand/product manager 品牌主管Assistant account executive(AAE) 助理客户联络员Account Executive(AE) 客户联络员Traffic assistant 内部协调助理Account superviso

22、r 客户主管Account director 客户总监Junior account executive 初级客户联络员Print production manager 平面制作经理Media planner 媒介策划Media buyer 媒介采购Broadcast producer 广播广告制片II. Words and Expressions creative 创意的objective 目的develop 设计run vt. 发布,刊登place vt. 发布,设置,刊登purchase 购买employ vt. 利用,使用apply vt. 利用,使用market 市场researche

23、r 研究员account 客户client 客户handle vt. 处理,经营client 委托人,客户select vt. 选择philosophy 理念customer 顾客III. ExercisesA. Questions1) Who are working in an agency?2) Whats the function of an agency?B. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1) An advertising agency is an independent organization of creative peopl

24、e and businesspeople who specialize in developing and preparing advertising plans, and other promotional tools.2) An industrial agency represents clients that make goods to be sold to other business. Computer hardware and software, locomotives are examples of such goods. Business and industrial adve

25、rtising is a very important aspect of the profession, requiring highly developed technical knowledge, plus the ability to translate it into precise and persuasive communication.3) The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) is the national organization of the advertising agency business.

26、 It maintains very high membership standards and endeavors to be the most responsible speaker for the advertising industry.C. Put the following sentences into English.1) 我们当中许多人认为,在广告公司里,广告人就是文案和艺术指导。但实际上,为客户提供服务的人远不止上述两种人。在广告人的行列中,还有客户人员、市场研究人员、媒介购买人员、媒介分析人员及公关人才等。2) 为了生存,广告公司必须拥有客户。与其他行业一样,广告公司也有自

27、己的产品和服务要卖。客户寻找广告代理的方式与其寻找律师、大夫的方式是差不多的。Unit ThreeAdvertising Marketing. TextDirections: Read the following passages carefully, paying special attention to the black words. They are the most used words in advertising.In business, advertising is used as a means of maximizing profits. It is a tool of m

28、arketing. This is its long-range objective. The short-range objectives may be narrowly defined in terms of selling a particular quantity of a product, gaining public acceptance of a product, or building a particular image for a product.Business can be divided into three broad areas: production, fina

29、nce and marketing. Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy the perceived needs, wants and objectives of individuals and organizations. It is concerned to all the activities

30、occurred from the point of production to the point of consumption. Marketing involves two spheres of activities-internal and external. The internal activities, which are used to move goods from production to consumption, can be composed of four elements: product, price, place (or distribution), and promotion (4Ps). Product activity includes developing the right product, packaging, and branding. Price deals with setting the selling price. Place invol

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