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1、理智与爱情中英台词完整版理智与爱情你儿子从伦敦回来了Your son is arrived from London.-爸. -约翰.- Father . - John .我在遗嘱有交代. 我当初继承诺兰庄园的条件是.You will see in my will the estate of Norland was left to me in a way -我们两家不能分祖产- that prevents me from dividing it between my two families.因此.诺兰现在依法归你所有Norland, in its entirety, is therefore

2、yours by law.我为你和芬妮感到高兴And l am happy for you and Fanny.但你继母.我的太太和你姐妹们 每年祗得百英镑But your stepmother, my wife and daughters are left only a year.仅能糊口 你的姐妹们的嫁妆都没有着落Barely enough to live on. Nothing for the girls dowries.-你一定要帮助她们 -这当然- You must help them. - Of course.你一定要向我保证You must promise to do this.

3、我保证,父亲 我保证l promise, Father. l promise.帮她们?什么意思?Help them? What do you mean?我想要给她们千英镑 所赚得的利息钱也不无小补l mean to give them ,. The interest will be an extra income.-这份礼物就算我履行承诺 -当然,这就够多了- The gift will fulfil my promise. - Without question. More than amply.这种事情,宁可要大方一点One had rather. on such occasions. do

4、 too much than too little.当然,爸又没有指定要给多少Of course, he did not stipulate a particular sum.那你觉得千百英镑如何?What do you say to , then?别人对亲妹妹都没这么好 更何况是同父异母What brother would be so kind to his real sisters. let alone half-blood?-她们不能奢望太多 -问题是你能给多少?- They can hardly expect more. - What can you afford?每年给继母英镑 总比

5、一次拿千百英镑好 a year to their mother is better than losing , at once.她若再活年以上 那我们岂不是亏大了Should she live longer than years wed be completely taken in.人一有年金可拿就会比较长寿People live forever when an annuity is to be paid them.偶尔给个英镑也就行了 你说得对 now and then will amply discharge my promise, youre right.我相信你父亲 也没指望你拿钱给她

6、们lm convinced that your father had no idea of giving them money.-反正她们一年会得到百英镑 -她们还奢求什么?- They will have a year. - What more could they want for?她们根本没开销,既没有马 也没几个仆人,又不交朋友.No housekeeping, carriage, horses, few servants, keeping no company .这样的日子算是很富裕了How comfortable!她们说不定还有余力给你钱They will be much more

7、 able to give you something.玛丽安,你可否弹别首曲子?Marianne. can you play something else?妈从一早哭到现在Mamma has been weeping since breakfast.我是指比较不悲伤的曲子l meant something less mournful.竟然叫我们反客为主! 我咽不下这口气,爱琳娜A visitor in my own home! lt is not to be borne. Elinor.-妈,我们无处可去 -约翰和芬妮马上就到了- Mamma, we have nowhere to go.

8、- John and Fanny will be here soon.别想叫我满脸笑容的欢迎他们 贪得无厌!Do you expect me to be here to welcome them? Vultures!我马上开始找房子l will start making inquiries for a new house at once.在此之前,我们必须要忍耐一下Until then, we must try to bear their coming.玛格丽特,你在上面吗?快下来 约翰和芬妮马上就到了Margaret, are you there? Come down, John and F

9、anny will be here soon.他们为什么非得来诺兰住? 他们在伦敦有房子Why are they to live at Norland? They have a house in London.因为房子是传子而非传女 这是法律的规定Houses go from father to son, not father to daughter. lt is the law.-走,我们去玩你的地图集 -不是我的,是他们的了- Come, well play with your atlas. - lts not mine. its their atlas.请坐Do sit down.我们在

10、另找房子 搬家后,祗能雇用汤玛士和贝丝We are looking for a new home, and can only retain Thomas and Betsy.很遗憾我们得分手了Were sorry to have to leave you all.不过我们相信新女主人, 戴太太会好好善待各位But we are certain you will find the new Mrs. Dashwood a fair mistress.我祗关心她们何时才会搬走My only real concern is how long it will take them to move out.

11、-费洛斯太太好吗? -家母身体一向很好- How is Mrs. Ferrars? - She is always in good health.舍弟在伦敦陪她 他可是个万人迷My brother is with her this season. Quite the most popular bachelor.他有一辆敞蓬马车He has his own barouche.-你有两个弟弟吧? -对,大的叫爱德华- You have two brothers? - Yes. Edward is the elder.他要从普利茅斯来这住几天Hes travelling up from Plymou

12、th and will break his journey here.-当然如果你们同意的话. -亲爱的约翰- lf that is agreeable to you. - Dear John .现在这个家是你们的了This is your home now.-芬妮要餐具柜子的钥匙 -她要干嘛?- Fanny wants the key to the silver. - What does Fanny want with it?想必是要清点,你在干嘛?One can presume she wants to count it. What are you doing?给雇人的礼物,你有看到 玛格

13、丽特吗?她到处躲Gifts for the servants. Where is Margaret? Shes taken to hiding.-至少她可以躲开芬妮 -你也没跟她说半句话- At least she can escape Fanny. - Youve not said a word to her.我有呀! 我有说“是”和“不是”l have. lve said yes and no.早安,芬妮Good morning, Fanny.早安,玛丽安Good morning, Miss Marianne.餐具怎么样?都是纯银的吧?How did you find the silver

14、? Was it all genuine?-令弟什么时候来? -爱德华明天会到- When may we expect your brother? - Edward is due tomorrow.他不会待太久 玛格丽特的房间能否让给他?He will not stay long. Will Margaret give up her room for him?那房间的景致最美 我想让他瞧瞧诺兰之美The view is incomparable, and l want him to see Norland at its best.这位是戴太太 戴小姐,玛丽娜小姐Mrs. Dashwood. M

15、iss Dashwood. Miss Marianne.舍弟爱德华费洛斯My brother, Edward Ferrars.请坐Do sit down.玛格丽特呢? 我不禁开始怀疑她的存在了Where is Miss Margaret? lm beginning to doubt of her existence.费先生,请您原谅 么女最近很怕生人Forgive us, Mr. Ferrars. My youngest is shy of strangers at present.我自己也怕生人 却不像她有个好理由l am shy of strangers myself, and l hav

16、e nothing like her excuse.还喜欢窗户外的景致吗? 费先生How do you like your view, Mr. Ferrars?很喜欢,你们的马厩很漂亮 打理得很好Very much. Your stables are handsome and beautifully kept.马厩?你窗外应该是一池湖水Stables? Your windows overlook the lake.我原本被带到主人房间 我发现错误之后An error led me to a family room, but lve rectified the situation.便住在客房,那

17、里很舒适l am happily installed in the guest quarters.喝茶吧!Tea!她们都被宠坏了 玛格丽特很爱爬树到处躲Theyre all spoilt. Miss Margaret is always up trees and under furniture.玛丽安也没对我说上半句好话lve barely had a civil word from Marianne.她们的父亲刚过世 生活情况完全改观Theyve just lost their father. Their lives will never be the same.这不是藉口That is n

18、o excuse.书房Library.-这些大部份是外文书 -真是太棒了- These are mostly foreign. - lndeed. Magnificent.我讨厌书的味道lve never liked the smell of books.也许是灰尘的缘故吧 听说你胡桃园兴工The dust, perhaps. l hear you have great plans for the walnut grove.我要把把它铲平 盖一座希腊式神殿l shall have it knocked down to make place for a Grecian temple.听起来不错

19、你要不要带我参观一下?That does sound interesting. Would you show me the site?太贵了,况且我们不需要 间卧房,可以合睡Too expensive, and we do not need four bedrooms. We can share.那这个好了This one. then.我们一年祗有英镑We have only a year.我今天再写信打听lll send out more inquiries today.恕我打扰了,我想我已经. 找到你们所想要找的Pardon my intrusion, but l think l have

20、 found what youre looking for.你出来好不好 我们有一整天没见到你了Wont you come out? We havent seen you all day.要加盖 雇人会告诉你时间的Well have to enlarge it. Mattocks will help you adjust to our hours.对不起 你们有没有一本好的地图?Forgive me, do you by any chance have a reliable atlas?-应该有的 -我想查尼罗河的位置- l believe so. - l must check the Nil

21、es position.我姐姐说是在南非My sister tells me it is in South America.不对! 不,她搞错了No! No, shes quite wrong.应该是在.比利时l believe it is in Belgium.不会吧?你讲的是窝瓦河Surely not. You must be thinking of the Volga.-窝瓦河的源头是在. -海参崴,流到.- The Volga, which starts in . - ln Vladivostok. and ends in .-温布登 -没错,那里产咖啡豆- Wimbledon. -

22、Yes. where coffee beans come from.尼罗河的源头是在阿布西尼亚The source of the Nile is in Abyssinia.是吗?真有意思ls it? lnteresting.-幸会,爱德华费洛斯 -玛格丽特戴虚伍- How do you do? Edward Ferrars. - Margaret Dashwood.他家就在旁边 能买下来就太好了lt adjoins this property, and would be a desirable addition.-我会去找他谈谈.他姓什么? -吉伯森- lll ride there and s

23、peak to . - Gibson.-他应该很乐意出售才对 -他一定会漫天喊价- Hell be pleased enough to sell. - Hell want more than it is worth.痛不痛?Have l hurt you?谢谢 对不起Thank you. Forgive me.这是父亲生前最喜爱的曲子That was my fathers favourite.谢谢你关照玛格丽特 你来了之后,她好了很多Thank you for helping Margaret. Shes changed since you came.我喜欢有她作陪l enjoy her co

24、mpany.-她有带你参观树屋吗? 还没有- Has she shown you the tree house? - Not yet.你能否.带我去看,戴小姐?Would you do me the honour, Miss Dashwood?-今天天气很好 -我很乐意- lt is very fine out. - With pleasure.-玛格丽特很喜欢旅行 -我知道,她最近很想去中国旅行- Margaret always wanted to travel. - l know. Shes off to China soon.要我当她的仆人 当然她不会亏待我lm to go as her

25、 servant, on the understanding lll be badly treated.-你的工作会是什么? -比剑和打扫- What will your duties be? - Sword fighting and swabbing.哪个优先?Which will take precedence?我祗求生活平静安逸All l have ever wanted is the quiet of a private life.但我母亲要我出人头地But my mother is determined to see me distinguished.演讲家,政治家,甚至律师也行 祗

26、要我有豪华马车Orator. Politician. Even a barrister would do. if l drove a barouche.你的希望是什么呢?What do you wish for?我一直想当神职人员 但我妈认为不够光彩l prefer the church, but that is not smart enough for my mother.她喜欢我从军, 但这对我而言太光彩了She prefers the army, but that is too smart for me.-你会住在伦敦吗? -我恨伦敦- Would you stay in London?

27、 - l hate London.我喜欢住在乡下 在小教区行善Country living is my ideal. A small parish where l might do some good.养养鸡.讲道而不废话Keep chickens . Give very short sermons.你说你觉得游手好闲 一个人没有工作You feel idle and useless. lmagine how that is compounded -没有任何选择时那才难过呢!- when one has no choice of any occupation whatsoever.我们真是同病

28、相怜Our circumstances are therefore precisely the same.但你将会继承巨额财产Except that you will inherit your fortune.我们连想赚点钱都不能We cannot even earn ours.也许玛格丽特说得对 干脆去当海盗算了Perhaps Margaret is right. Piracy is our only option.拖地要怎么拖?What is swabbing exactly?“天不从人愿,风暴未歇 吉光未现”No voice divine the storm allayed. No li

29、ght propitious shone.“奥援竭绝,我们逐一死去”When snatched from all effectual aid, we perished, each alone.“而我,更逢惊涛骇浪 即将葬身深海”But I, beneath a rougher sea, and whelmed in deeper gulfs than he .不对,你听我念No. Edward.“天不从人愿,风暴未歇 吉光未现”No voice divine the storm allayed. No light propitious shone.“奥援竭绝,我们逐一死去”When snatc

30、hed from all effectual aid, we perished, each alone.你能体会到他的绝望吗? 再来一次Can you not feel his despair? Try again.“天不从人愿,风暴未歇 吉光未现”No voice divine the storm allayed. No light propitious shone.“奥援竭绝,我们逐一死去”When snatched from all effectual aid, we perished, each alone.妈.Mamma .Mamma .你看,这是刚刚才收到的Look. This has just arrived.我很乐意 提供巴顿小屋给你们居住.l should be pleased to offer you a home at Barton Cottage, as soon .-是约翰爵士寄来的 -爱琳娜一定不嫌贵的- lts from Sir John Middleton. - Even Elinor must approve the rent.-她还没看过这信吗? -我去告诉她- Has she not yet seen this? - No. l will fetch her.等等,晚点再告诉她Wait, let

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