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1、新编实用英语综合教程2unit4课后练习答案新编实用英语综合教程2 unit4课后习题答案 P56-11. day 2. staying 3. a week 4. a room 5. charge 6. hotel cost 7. deposit 8. before P56-21. I have a reservation with you 2. may I have a look at your passport 3. would you please fill out the registration from 4. Here is the key to Romm 5012 and the

2、 key card5. The bell -man will show you the way P57-31.I would like to check out 2. You checked in three days ago 3. How much is the rate per night 4. How are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?5. Here is the change , $ 23 P58- 31. fire 2. 3:103. reporters 4. on fire 5. at the windows 6.

3、firefighters 7. burns 8. hospital 9. guests 10. cause A篇 迈阿密大学克莱姆宾馆住宿指南 欢迎您入住克莱姆宾馆,我们荣幸地向迈阿密大学尊贵的客人提供优美的住宿条件。在我们向您提供服务期间,我们提醒您注意以下事项: * 客房部经理住在大厅入口旁的129室,您可以拨打9-5226与他联系。平时每天下午5:00以后,以及周末期间,您若有问题和要求,请与客房部经理联系。 *在旅馆底层有冰箱,灌装饮料机,休息区和小厨房,那里提供咖啡,茶和欧洲大陆淡清早餐。 * 休息区开放时间: 每天造成6:00至晚上11:00点。这里为无烟区。 *娱乐中心开放时间:

4、 周日至周四上午9:00至晚上10:00;周五,周六上午9:00至晚上11;00。无救生员值班。孩子在池中戏水时需家长全程陪同在场。桑拿浴房禁止儿童入内。 *在衣架上面的架子上有杯子、备用毛巾和枕头。 *结账时间为上午10:00,离开时请把钥匙留在房间内。使用电话须知:*校内电话:只需拨打后五位号码,无需拨打前面的两位号码52*当地电话:先拨打88,再拨打7位校外电话号码。*需要由AT&T公司转接的电话(包括对方付费电话和磁卡电话等):先拨80,再拨区号(拨打长途电话时的区号),然后拨电话号码。听到可拨号长音后你也可以输入电话号码或等待接线员转接。拨打800进入你的电话卡服务系统。先拨81,再


6、议,请写在这张表格的背面,并将表格与钥匙一同留下。我们欢迎您提出宝贵意见。 俄亥俄州牛津市 迈阿密大学 克莱姆宾馆 邮编:45056 P61-11 F 2 T 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F 8T 9T 10T P62-21. facilities 2. canned / beverage 3. breakfast 4. services 5. center 6. evening 7. board 8.weekends fortable 10. enjoy P62-3 1. resident manager 2. on the shelf / on the rack 3. 10:00 in th

7、e morning 4. 525. 9116. on weekends 7. the business hours 8. comments or suggestions P62-41. accommodation 2. entrance 3. residence 4. services 5. instruction 6. additional 7. apologize 8. inconvenience 9. comfortably 10. available P63-51. in case of emergency , please dial the alarm number 110.2. T

8、he off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus 3. The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room .4. Upon departure , please switch off / turn off the air conditioner.5. If you have any additional needs or requests , please contact the residen

9、t mananger . P63-6.1. They were fortunate to have got admission tickets to attend the famous scientists lecture. I was fortunate to see the excellent performance yesterday. 2.Dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information about the service. Please contact our sales manager if you are inter

10、ested in our new products. 3.Upon departure, please check to make sure that nothing is left behind. Upon arrival, you should find a guide to help you go sightseeing. 4.At the sight of the big dog, the little girl was frightened into crying. At the news of our teams winning the game, we all jumped wi

11、th joy. 5.I apologize to you for my not contacting you in time. Mr. Howard apologized to his students for lack of patience and keeping on shouting at them. 6. May I have your telephone number and e-mail address? May we have your advice or opinions on the management of the hotel? P65-71c 2d 3a 4b 5d

12、P66-9 他没有注意到计划的细节. 无论你在世界什么地方,你都可以通过互联网与朋友聊天. 他们与另一家人合租了一栋房子在那里度暑假.我们对那些能增值的项目特别感兴趣.狄更斯是世界著名的多产作家之一. 酒店的创办人75年前对服务质量就做出了承诺. 我期望他能满足你的特殊需要. 我们要求中学生参加一次反毒品运动. P67-2Reservation FormReservationsRamada InnSalt Lake City230 West 600 SouthSalt Lake City, Utah 84101(801) 364-5200Guests name: wang hua Check

13、in: 51912002 Check out 81912002Room type and number: Two double room ( for three nights ) , one meeting room or Sept.6 Payment: in cash Tel. Number: 0086-431-568-9672Fax: 0086-431-568-9675 Email address: dong P69-41. who 2. when 3. which 4. who / that 5. who 6. which 7. whose 8. where 9. that 10. wh

14、om P69-5 1. which that 2.that which 3.who whom 4.which where 5.who that 6.which that 7.which why 8. whom that 9.critisms 后面加as10.that which P70-61.This is the place where/at which the traffic/car accident occurred.2.The contributions (that/which) he has made to the country will never be forgotten.3.

15、Id like to see the employee who has put forward the valuable suggestion.4.Could you tell me the reason why you refused the invitation to his birthday party?5.The pen, which was bought yesterday, will be sent to you as a gift.6.I cant tell you the exact time when she will be in Guilin.7.He sold the h

16、ouse, which annoyed his wife.8.The ship that/which is being loaded is leaving/sailing tomorrow9.The ship that/which is being loaded is leaving/sailing tomorrow10.Im sure Ill enjoy everything that you cook. P70-7 Since your ad says “have a good time or get your money,” I am requesting that you refund

17、our money. From the moment we arrived, there were problems with the service. First, a very unfriendly desk clerk couldnt found our reservation. After waiting almost half an hour, we wereled by another unfriendly clerk to our room. The room, which had a view of a parking lot instead of the bay, had not yet been cleaned, so we found dirty towels on the beds and cigarette ends on the floor. This was not the weekend we had been looking forward to. Service at your inn was not as I expected. So I strongly insist that you give me my refund Yours sincerely xxx

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