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1、气候变化相关外文报道 1.Global CO2 emissions stall as GDP grows: What does it mean? : , . 2105 0.6% . 2013 . 2 . . . .2015 . COP21 . . Invest in the global Souths clean energy future. , 2030 $ 10 , .2. REDD+ handed inParis REDD+ .REDD + , . , REDD + .REDD + .3. Ban delivers favourable report card on early-stag

2、e talks at Paris climatesummit : UN COP21 . . . . .4. Battling Climate Change by Changing Behavior:Tension - . Tension . , , . MOS .Benefits - . Outreach . .5. Heres how cities are leading at COP21 : 2 % , UN-HABITAT , 70 % . 2030 60 % , . .,Boston, Johannesburg, Rotterdam and Nanjing. ., . .6.A who

3、s who among the COP21 commitments : ”strong and fair global climate deal” . low-carbon economy” .Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition . COP . , . , Abengoa, Ernst & Young, Statoil, Natura, Philips and Zenith Bank 71 .7.COP21 decoded: A glossary for the Paris climate talks : 11 30 12 11 2 21 (UNFCCC)

4、(COP21) . . . . , , . COP21 . 2025 26%-28% . 2 . . . .UNFCCC 2C . 1.5 to stay alive . COP2 . ”carbon budget” .8.Why energy efficiency is the cheapest path to climate action : . . , . , . 2011 RMI 158 % . 2050 80 % . . COP21 2010 60 % .9.Carbon levy mooted for big fossil fuelfirms : 63% CO2 . . . . 2

5、013 . . , .10.Green financing gaining “unstoppablemomentum” . . . , . . . . , . . .( ) . . . . . , . . . . . . , 1992 (UNFCCC) . 11 UN . 100 , , . . . , . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (, ) . . . . . . GDP . . ., . . . . . . . .1.Global CO2 emissions stall as GDP grows: What does it mean

6、?Global carbon emissions growth from burning fossil fuels and industry are set to slow or even decrease slightly this year, according to projectionspublishedMondayin the journal Nature Climate Change by researchers at the University of East Anglia and the Global Carbon Project.Emissions could declin

7、e by 0.6 percent in 2015, a departure from a decade of growing 2.4 percent per year.The results are supported bytwo analysesreleased earlier this year by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Energy Agency, which show the rate of global emissions growth slowing signif

8、icantly in 2014.But unlike past periods with little or no emissions growth, global gross domestic product has grown substantially over the past two years, the researchers point out. In other words: Emissions and economic growth havedecoupled, at least in the past two years.And this decoupling wasnt

9、due to weird weather or accountancy ploys much of the decline in emissions is due to a reduction in Chinas coal consumption as its economy slows and itmovesto cleaner, renewable energy sources in an effort to deal with its epic air pollution problem, the researcher said. The slower growth in emissio

10、ns also resulted from below-average growth in global demand for oil and natural gas and continuing growth in renewable, mostly in the U.S. and Europe.After a year of discouraging climate emissions milestones were reached, this is some encouraging news. Fourteen of the 15 hottest years on record have

11、 occurred since 2000, with 2015 on track to be the first year to top 1 degree Celsius average warming globally. This year, the planet also topped 400 parts per million in average monthly atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration for the first time in at least 800,000 years.And then theres the fact th

12、at we already have emitted two-thirds of the total carbon allocation to the atmosphere that would ensure at least a 66 percent chance of limiting global temperature increases to below 2 C a reality that is undoubtedly weighing heavily on the world leaders in Paris forCOP21.Overcoming market barriers

13、 and failures to create new investment opportunities and channel finance towards a global low-carbon economy could provide as much as $10 trillion worth of business opportunities and millions of jobs between today and 2030, according to a recent report by the Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative, part of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.: Global CO2 emissions stall as GDP grows: What does it mean?By Mike Hower Thursday, December 10, 2015 2.REDD+ handed inParisREDD+ was created as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,

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