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1、知识要点知 识 要 点1.问职业:What be + 主语?= What does /do +主语+do?2.Its nice talking to you.与你谈话真高兴。3.表方式的短语1)on foot 2)by + 交通名词单数(无冠词)= in / on a (the; 物主代词;名词所有格)must: 个人主观上认为“必须”(无时态变化)4. have to : 有外部条件强加的客观上的“不得不” (存在各种时态)5.提建议Shall we ? 答 肯定:Good idea / OK / Lets All rightWhy not ? 语 否定:No, lets 肯定:Certai

2、nly/ Yes, please/另外还可回答为 Yes, I think so/ Id love to否定:No,I dont think so /Im afraid not. put on强调“穿”的动作:穿上,戴上 后接6. wear是 put on 之后的结果:穿着 “衣服”= be in 名词 dress sb: 给某人穿衣eg. 1)Youd better _ more clothes when you go out. Its cold outside.A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take off 2)The boy can _ himself no

3、w.A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take off 3) Tom is wearing a red shirt today. A. is on B. is in C. is putting on7.在具体的某楼前用 oneg. He lives on the fifteenth floor.8.How do you like ? 你觉得怎么样? = What do you think of ? 9.a little = a bit 但注意:1) a little+名词 = a bit of + 名词 )eg.There is a little( a bit of

4、) water in the glass. 2) not a little = very not a bit = not at all10. quite : quite a (an) + 形 + 名 very : a very + 形 + 名eg. This is a very interesting book.= This is quite an interesting a hurry: 匆忙地eg.1)He is in a hurry all day. 2)She went to school in a hurry.另外:hurry to = go to in a h

5、urry12. marry sb = be married to sb.与某人结婚 get married = be married 已婚;结婚(但get married是“短命”动词,要指“结婚多久”应用be married)13. leave sth + 地点:把某物忘在某地 forget sth : 忘记某事eg. 1)He _ the drivers license yesterday. 2)I _ my umbrella in the train just now.14.感叹句 1)What (a, an) + 形 + 名(+主 + 谓)!(注:但名词为不可数、复数时,则不用a /

6、an) 2)How + 形 / 副 ( + 主 + 谓)!eg.1)_ bad weather! 2)_ hard they are working! 3)_ good girl she is! 4)_ beautiful flowers they are! “雨大,雪大”heavy-heavily/ hard15.“风大” strong -strongly “太阳大”bright-brightly注意以上词的形、副区别eg. 1)There was a _ rain yesterday. 2)It blew _ last night. 3)The sun is shining _. 4)Lo

7、ok! Its raining _. 5)What a _ wind! how long: 多长时间(问时间段)16. how often: 多久一次(问频率)eg. 1)I didnt go to the cinema. _ I went to the library yesterday. 2)We would like to stay at school _ going to the cinema today. 句型 so + be(助、情) + 主语:“也如此” so + 主语 + be(助、情):“的确如此”注意:表示“也不如此”用neither / nor19.指路与问路

8、 问路 1)Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to . how to get to the way to 2)Excuse me. Which is the way to指路1)Go down / up / along this road and go还可替换为walk2)Go down / up / along to the end.3)Go on until you reach the end.4)Take the turning on the left.= Turn left at the turning.5)Go across the

9、 bridge 20. 21. eg.1)_ he is a student. 2)He _ a student.22. 类似结构23.到达但当后不接地点时,只能用arriveeg.1)She is _ ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是类似结构:to ones joy 使某人高兴的是31. agree with : 同意某人(或某人所说的) agree to : 同意某事 on team: 参加队;是的队员eg. He is on the city basketball team.他是市篮球队队员。33.teach sb+科目(当sb是人称代词时应用宾

10、格)34.the 100-metre race 100米赛跑 100-metre作定语,修饰race, 注意metre用单数。 类似结构:a two-thousand-word letter一封两千字的信an 18-year-old girl一位18岁的女孩另外有时还可用所有格形式来表达:100-metre race = 100 metres racetwo-month holiday = two months holiday但当前面有a/ an ; 物主代词;所有格时。则只能用复合形容词来表示:eg. What did the headmaster say about Jims _.A. t

11、wo months holidayB. Two months holidayC. two-month holiday D. two moths holiday35.problem与question question: 指人们主观上产生而提出等待回答的问题。常与ask , answer连用 problem: 指客观上存在等待解决的问题着重指“难题”。常与solve , work out连用 borrow: 借进 borrow from从借36. lend: 借出 lend sb sth = lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人keep: 保存;借(多久)(与时间段连用)37.Its +a

12、dj + of / for sb to do sth.当形容词用于修饰人时,介词用of. 常见的此类形容词有:kind ; good ; clever ; careful ; polite ; right ; wrong. 其余情况用for.38. more: 另外的;额外的(放在数量词之后) another: 再一(另一)(放在数量词之前)used to + 动原: 过去常常做39. be used to + 动原: 被用于做 be / get used to sth : 习惯于某事 other: 放在被修饰词之前40. else: 放在被修饰词之后,一般修饰不定代词和疑问词1)other

13、students别的学生2)anybody else. 其它任何人 what else. 别的什么41. so + 形/副 such + 形 + 名但注意:1) so +形+a / an + 单名= such a /an +形 +单名2)so (many / much / few / little) + 名3)so that ; such that如此以致 have / has been to: 曾经去过42. have / has gone to: 已经去了have / has been in: 已在(多久)注意:1)后接地点副词here, there , home时应省介词 2)与时间段连

14、用只用have /has been in43.“短命”动词 “长命”动词buyhave ; borrowkeep ; diebe dead ; leavebe away (from); come backbe back; fall asleepbe asleep ; openbe open ;catch a coldhave a cold; go /get outbe out; arrive (reach / get to / come to) +地点be in +地点;joinbe in +集体(或be + 成员);turn onbe on; turn offbe off ; get a l

15、etter fromhave a letter from.end /finishbe over ; get upbe up ; 44. except: 除以外(不包括除去的部分)besides: 除了,还有(包括除去的部分)1) We go to school every day except Sunday.该句意味着:We go to school from Monday to Saturday.2)We all went to the park besides Li Lei.该句意味着: We went to the park, and Li Lei went, too. take: It

16、 take sb sometime to do sth.45. 主语pay (money) for sth 是人buy sth for + moneycost: sth cost sb + money 主语是物 sometime: 某时(与将来时连用)46 sometimes: 有时(一般现在时some time: 一些时候(表时间段)some times:几次 to do: 表将来There is to be a sports meeting next Saturday.48.计量:表事物的“长、宽、高、深、远、厚”用 “long ; wide ; high / tall ; de

17、ep ; away ; thick.49.population:不可数名词。指人口的多少用“large / big或small”;询问人口的多少用what.另外注意:表示“有人口”用have a population of .eg. make room for: 为腾出空间51.seem的用法:1)seem + adj = seem to be + adj2)seem to do3)It seems + that从句1)He talked as if he knew all about it.他说话的口气好象已经全知道了此事。2)He opened his mouth as if to say

18、 something.他开口似乎要说什么。interested;excited;surprised主语是人。指某53.人对感兴趣/感到兴奋/感到惊奇(只作表语)interesting;excited;surprising主语是物。指某物有趣/令人兴奋/使人惊奇(可作定、表语) 1)作情态动词,用于否、疑句54.need 2)作实义动词 need to do(表主动)need doing(表被动)1)You neednt go home now.2)The bike needs mending.3)I need to go home now.55. alive: 活着的;在世的(常作后置定语)

19、living: 活着的;没死的(常作前置定语)56.否定前移的动词:think , believe , expect , suppose.1)I didnt expect their team would win.我希望他们的对不会赢。2)I dont think he will come tomorrow.我认为明天他不会来。 look at: (有意识地)看57. see: (look at之后的结果)看见read: 看(书、报等)watch: 看(电视、比赛等)另外注意:1)see a film看电影 2)see a doctor看医生58. listen to :(有意识地)听hear

20、: (listen to之后的结果)听见 look for:(强调“找”的动作)寻找59. find: (look for之后的结果)找到 find out: (经过努力、周折)查出,找出(真相等)60. hope: (可能实现的)愿望 wish: (难以实现的)愿望另外注意:1)wish to do sth = hope to do sth 2)wish sb to do sth ( ) hope sb to do sth( ) enough:放在形、副之后. good enough61. 修饰不定代词(something, anything, nothing)的词应后置。else修饰不定代

21、词和疑问词应后置)1)I have something important to tell you.2)He didnt run fast enough to catch up with Tom.had better +动原 否定had better not +动原62 Will / Would you please +动原?Will / Would you please not + 动原?Will you please not talk in class?63. Whats the weather like ? 的天气= Hows the weather ? 怎么样?64. find +宾

22、+形:觉得怎么样find it +形 +to do: 觉得做怎么样类似用法还有make , think等1)I find the question _(容易).2)I think it important to learn Englis.65. a number of +复名:许多,一些(作主为复)the number of: 的数目/号码(作主为三单) too: 句末 用于肯定句66. also: 句中 “也”either: 否定句末“也不”67. already , just : 肯助后yet: 否、疑末1)I have already had lunch.2)I havent had lunch yet.68. live: (长时间的)居住 stay: (短时间的)居住eg. He lives in Changsha, but hes going to stay in Shanghai for a few days.

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