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1、高一英语下学期单元同步检测1Unit 4 第4课时.完成句子1她暴跳如雷。She was_ _ _.2各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。The peoples are_ _ _ _.3冰冻天气对桔子树是有害的。Freezing winter _ _ _ orange trees.4我如果买二手房应该注意哪些问题?What problems should I_ _ _when buying an old house?5随着现代农业和工业的发展,越来越多的废物产生了。_ _ _ of modern agriculture and industry, _ _ _ waste is produced.6

2、把你的图片上部不重要的细节挡住。_ _this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.7她那么安静,几乎没有人注意到她在这里。She was_ _ _ _ _ was hardly noticed.8本文件是由两位证人见证签署的。The document was signed _ _ _ _ two witnesses.9我刚好及时到会,才算没受责备。I saved my bacon _ _ _ _ _ _ the meeting.10我们可以相信他会准时到来。We can _ _ _ _ here on time.答案:1in viole

3、nt temper2in a festival atmosphere3is harmful to4watch out for5With the development;more and more6Block out7so quiet that her presence8in the presence of9by arriving just in time for10depend on/upon his arriving.单项填空1Blamed for breaking my promise, I felt my face_hot, and hung my head in shame.Ato g

4、row Bto be growingCgrow Dgrown答案:C句意:我由于违背诺言而受到责怪,所以我觉得脸变得很烫,不好意思地低下了头。feel后接不带to的不定式。2Students should find more time to get_nature which can encourage their creativity.Aclose to Bnext toCknown to Dfamiliar at答案:A句意:学生们应当多找些时间走近大自然,这可以激发他们的创造力。get close to“接近”;next to.“在旁边”;get known to.“为所了解”。3Im n

5、ot good at dancing, you know._Its just for fun.ADont say so. BCome on!CWhat a pity! DCheer up.答案:B句意:“你知道,我不擅长跳舞。”“快点吧!只是为了玩得开心。”Come on!可用来鼓励对方,“快点吧!”;What a pity!用来表示遗憾,意为“真遗憾!”;Cheer up用来鼓舞(某人),意为“打起精神来”。4_we have gained enough knowledge of the language, we shall try to use it as much as possible

6、.AEven though BIf onlyCEver since DNow that答案:D句意:既然我们已经获得了足够的语言知识,我们应该尽可能多地试着使用它。even though即使;if only要是就好了;ever since自从以来;now that既然。5Shall we_our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?Abreak off Bbreak downCbreak into Dbreak out答案:A句意:我们暂停讨论,喝点茶或咖啡,好吗?break off“暂停”;break down“出故障”;break

7、into“闯入”;break out“发生”。6The flowers should be_, or else they will die in such cold days.Awatched over Bwatched outClooked out Dlooked over答案:Awatch over可接宾语,表示“保护;照看”; watch out和look out是不及物动词短语,接宾语时要加for; look over意为“查看”。7What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is_it is long.Ahalf not

8、as wide as Bwide not as half asCnot half as wide as Das wide as not half答案:C句意:多么奇怪的一张桌子!我以前从来没见过这样的桌子。它的宽度还不到长度的一半。本题考查 “倍数”结构;half “一半的(即:1/2倍)”, 必须位于之前。排除选项C以及选项D。否定词not必须位于动词be的后面,排除选项A。8At a rough estimate, Nigeria is_Great Britain.Athree times the size asBthe size three times ofC

9、three times as the size ofDthree times the size of答案:D句意:粗略估计,尼日利亚的国土面积是英国国土面积的三倍。本题考查“倍数the.of” 结构。9I have got_things to see to this morning, so I wasnt able to go to the flower exhibit.Aa great deal of Ba large amount ofCmasses of Da great many of答案:Cmasses of things“成堆的事,大量的事情”。a great deal of/a

10、large amount of接不可数名词;a great many of后接“限制词复数名词”。如:a great many of the students。修饰可数名词复数时用a great many。如:a great many students。故只能选masses of“大量的”。10What do you think of French?In my opinion, French is_English.Aa subject so difficult asBas difficult a subject asCas a subject difficult asDdifficult as

11、 subject as答案:B这是一个“asadj.a/an可数名词单数as.”的句式。意思:法语是一门像英语一样难的课程。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。During World Space Week(October 410), you may learn about some of spaces myths. One is:“The Great Wall of China is the only manmade object_1_from space with the naked eye.”You might be_2_this cl

12、aim, but its not true. In fact, astronauts say that the Great Wall is just one of many manmade_3_can be seen from space. From an orbit 217 kilometres_4_the earth, it is_5_to see highways, airports, bridges, dams and even large_6_.Cities can even be seen clearly from the International Space Station(I

13、SS,国际空间站),_7_circles about 400 kilometres above the planet.“You can see the_8_pyramids from space with a pair of binoculars(双目望远镜). They are a little difficult to_9_with just your eyes,”said Ed Lu, a US astronaut_10_the ISS.With binoculars you can also see roads, harbours and even very large_11_in t

14、he ocean. From the moon, astronauts cannot_12_any manmade features on earth and the continents are very hard_13_. On Mars, the earth would appear to the naked eye as_14_but a bright“star”So_15_the Great Wall? “You can see the Great Wall from space,” Lu said. “But its_16_clear than a lot of other obj

15、ects. You can only see it in radar images,_17_in ordinary photographs.”No one knows who_18_the Great Wall story. The earliest reference to it comes in a book by a US writer Richard Halliburton, published in 1938. He wrote,“Astronomers say that the Great Wall is the only manmade thing on our planet v

16、isible to the human eyes from the moon.”Halliburtons books_19_quite well during the first half of the 20th century. So, if he didnt_20_the story himself, he certainly spread it widely.1A.invisible BvisibleCis visible Dis invisible答案:B形容词短语作后置定语。再从句意上判断所填入的词的词义应为“看得见的”。2A.proud of Bpride ofCagainst D

17、in for答案:A句意:“你可能对这种说法感到自豪”。be proud of.“为而自豪”。3A.object that BobjectsCobjects all Dobjects that答案:D因前面有one of.所以后面的名词用复数形式。空格后又有一个定语从句,所以要用that引导。4A.over BunderCacross Dabove答案:D此处指与地面的垂直距离。5A.possible BimpossibleCunlikely Dinteresting答案:A从句意上判断应为possible“(是可能的)”。6A.animals BinsectsCvehicles Dbirds

18、答案:C从句意“甚至能看到大型的交通工具”可判断应为vehicles。7A.that BwhichCwhere Dwhose答案:B此处所填的词引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词在从句中作主语,所以只能用which。8A.Egyptian BEuropeanCChinese DAmerican答案:A由常识判断知应为“埃及的金字塔”。9A.find out Bpick upCpick out Dtake up答案:C此题考查动词短语的辨析。pick out为“辨别出”;find out为“查明”;pick up为“学会,搭载”;take up为“占据”,由句意知应选C。10A.board Babr

19、oadCabsorb Daboard答案:Daboard意为“在船(飞机、车等)上”。11A.ships BhousesCfish Dseashell答案:A此题按逻辑推理来判断,应为“海洋里的大型船只”。12A.break out Bmake outCtake out Dhand out答案:Bmake out为“看清,辨认清楚”;break out“爆发”;take out为“切除;带某人出去”;hand out为“分发”。根据句意可知选B。 be seen Bto lookCto watch Dto see答案:D在句型“sth do sth”中,用不定式的

20、主动形式作状语。14A.something BnothingCeverything Danything答案:Bnothing but.意为“只是”,相当于only。 is Bas toCwhat about Dfar is答案:C此句意为“长城又是怎么样的呢?”16A.a lot of less Ba lot moreCa lot less Dmuch more答案:C从句意和结构上分析,此处有“更不清晰”之意, 用a lot来表示程度。17A.and Beven thoughCnor Dnot答案:D从前句话“你只能在雷达图片中看到它”判断知,应为“在普通的照片中是看不到的”。

21、18A.first told Bfirstly toldCfirst spoke Dfirst said答案:Afirst“首先,最初”;firstly“第一,首先”(列举条目时用)。另外,注意与story搭配的动词为tell。19A.were sold Bare soldCsold Dsell答案:Csell well“销路广”,不用被动形式。此处要用过去时态。20A.make Bmake upCmake up of Dmake out答案:Bmake up意为“捏造,编造”;make up of.意为“由组成”;make out意为“指出,认出”。由句意可知应选B。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章

22、,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Have you ever dreamed about a trip to the space? Seeds of some vegetables and crops are a lot luckier than you, as they have travelled to space and back.China is among the three countries in the world that carry out agricultural research in space. The others are Russia and

23、the US. Since 1987, China has sent about 1,000 species of seeds into space. These include green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers(黄瓜), carrots, lettuce and wheat. Even on Chinas first manmade spacecraftShenzhou , there were some seeds from Taiwan.“Conditions in outer space such as radiation and low gravi

24、ty can cause big changes in the seeds,”said a Chinese researcher Jin Xing.But not all seeds are better after going to space. After returning to Earth, the best seeds are selected. These seeds produce much more and also grow faster than normal seeds. As the safety of genetically modified food(转基因食品)i

25、s still being debated, some people doubt the safety of these“space vegetables”because some of their genes are changed during the trip to space.But Jin holds a more positive view. He said,“unlike genetically modified crops, no new genes are introduced to the space vegetables, so they are definitely s

26、afe.”China has also been cooperating with NASA to grow some super size potatoes on the International Space Station.Special growth rooms use computers to control the light, temperature and humidity(湿度). Using this technology a new, virusfree potato can be produced every 40 to 50 days instead of the p

27、revious yearly crop.文章大意:这是一篇科普文。你想去太空旅行吗?很多人可没有这些植物种子那么幸运,它们到太空遨游一圈回来之后,便有了“特异功能”!1Which of the following countries hasnt carried out agricultural research in space up to the present?AChina. BJapan.CRussia. DThe US.答案:B细节题。根据第二段第一、二句“China is among the three countries in the world that carry out ag

28、ricultural research in space. The others are Russia and the US.”可知,日本不在进行太空农业研究的国家之列。2Once seeds of some vegetables and crops are sent into space and back,_.Aall of them dont produce bigger cropsBthey are all better than before going to spaceCsmall changes are caused in the seeds because of radiatio

29、n and low gravityDthey produce much more and grow faster than normal seeds答案:A推断题。根据第四段第一句“But not all seeds are better after going to space.”可知,并不是所有返回地球的种子都比去太空之前要好。要注意句子中使用的部分否定。3Jin has no doubt about the safety of the space vegetables because_.Athe seeds sent to space are all the same as those of genetically modified foodBthe seeds sent to space are the bestCno new genes are brought in them unlike genetically modified foodDthe space vegetables have already planted in spe

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