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1、形容词带assoas的结构形容词-带as(so) as的结构带as(so) as的结构1. 在表示“和一样”时,可用“as. as”结构(前面的as后要用原形):He is as busy as before. 他还是和以前一样忙。 Ill give you as much help as I can. 我将尽量帮助你。The airport was as crowded as ever. 机场还是像平常那样拥挤。Youre as good a singer as Johny Buck. 你的歌唱得像约尼伯克一样好。Modern computers can be as small as a b

2、ook. 现在的电脑可以像一本书那样大。 2. 在表示“不像那样”时可用“not as(so). as”这种结构: It isnt so cold as yesterday. 今天不像昨天那样冷。He is not so handsome as his brother. 他不像他哥哥那样英俊。 Im not so experienced as you think. 我没有你想的那样有经验。 The situation is not so bad as had been painted. 形势没有描绘的那样糟糕。 Jack is not as(so) old as he looks. 杰克不像他

3、看起来那样老。 3. 这种结构中也可包含一个状语或有almost, just, nearly, quite这类副词形容: The whale was twice as long as her boat. 那头鲸有她的那艘船的两倍长。 Their house is about three times as big as ours. 他们的房子约为我们房子三倍大。 My command of English is not half so good as yours. 我的英语掌握得还不及你的一半好。He was almost as diligent as his sister. 他几乎和她姐姐一样

4、勤奋。She is nearly as tall as her mother. 她几乎和她妈妈一样高。 4. as. as还可用在许多固定说法中:as brave as a lion as busy as a bee as vain as a peacocksoft as velvetas bright as dayas fat as a pig as gentle as a lamb easy as ABCExercises:I. 把下列句子译为汉语:1. She is not as clever as she appears to be. 2. I am not as young as y

5、ou thought. 3. He was not as well off as his brother. 4. She was as much interested in music as ever. 5. John isnt as tall as his brother. 6. I dont smoke as much as I used to. 7. I cant run as fast as you. 8. Our aim is to collect as much information as possible. 9. There were twice as many visitor

6、s as usual last weekend. 10. The damage wasnt quite as bad as expected. 11. Her skin was white as snow. 12. She doesnt play as well as her sister. 13. He doesnt earn as much as I do. 14. They considered her opinion as valuable as any of ours. 15. We produced twice as much sugar as in the previous se

7、ason. 16. She is as clever as (she is) beautiful. II. 把下面短语译为汉语:1. as loud as thunder2. as light as feather 3. as patient as an ox4. as quick as lightning 5. as round as an apple6. as sour as vinegar7. as strong as a horse8. as stupid as a donkey9. as sweet as honey10. as white as snow形容词-形容词最高级的用法形

8、容词最高级的用法1. 形容词最高级有时单独使用,但前面需加定冠词:Whats the best time to go there? 什么时候到那儿去最好?Express mail is the fastest way to send a letter. 快递是寄信的最快办法。 Its the latest fashion from Paris. 这是巴黎来的最新式样。 The oldest is only nine. 最大的才九岁。 The highest mountain in Japan is Fuji. 日本最高的山是富士山。 In Western Europe Germany has

9、the most people. 在西欧德国人口最多。2. 有时跟一个短语或从句说明在哪个范围内如此: It is the largest island in Europe. 它是欧洲最大的岛。Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. 昨天是今年最热的一天。The Yangtze is the biggest river in our country. 长江是我国最大的河流。 It was the cheapest hotel we could find. 这是我们能找到的最便宜的旅馆。This was the best beer (that) I

10、have ever drunk. 这是我喝过的最好的啤酒。It was the worst film we had ever seen. 这是我们看过的最糟的电影。 3. 形容词前有时有定语或状语修饰:Its second largest city is Osaka. 它的第二大城市是大阪。The third largest city is Los Angeles. 第三大城市是洛杉矶。 She was by far the most active member in our group. 她是我们小组最积极的成员。4. 形容词最高级有时表示“非常”的意思,这时前面可加不定冠词或不加定冠词:I

11、ts a most touching story. 这是一个非常动人的故事。 It was most stupid to act like that. 这样做是非常愚蠢的。 5. 形容词最高级还可用在某些短语中(这时常转化为名词):She is ten years old at most. 她至多十岁。 Well do our best. 我们将尽力而为。 Exercises:I. 把下面句子译为汉语:1. London is the largest city in Britain. 2. He was the kindest man we had met. 3. This is the ol

12、dest theatre in Beijing. 4. She is the most diligent student in our class. 5. He was the most dangerous person in that area.6. Paul is the strongest boy in the kindergarten. 7. That was the best film I had ever seen. 8. Berlin is the most important city in Germany.9. George is the eldest of their fo

13、ur children. 10. She was not the least bit tired, though she had worked all day. 11. He is a most remarkable man. II. 在下面句子中的习惯用语下划线:1. He must weigh 200 pounds, at least. 2. She didnt trust him in the least. 3. He looked 20 at (the) most. 4. I did my best to win the competition. 5. The garden is at

14、 its best this month. 6. Ill do it to the best of my ability. 7. Mother tried her best not to smile. 8. Saturn has a family of at least 10 moons. 9. Im not in the least interested in what he is saying. 10. To the best of my knowledge he isnt in Hong Kong. 形容词-名词化的形容词名词化的形容词1. 有些形容词可以和定冠词连用,表示一类人,这可称

15、为名词化的形容词:These seats are for the disabled. 这些座位是给残疾人坐的。In these countries, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. 在这些国家,穷人越来越穷,富人越来越富。They are going to build a school for the blind. 他们准备盖一所盲人学校。She was always good with the unfortunate. 她对不幸的人总是很好的。2. 定冠词还可以与-ch, -sh, -ese等结尾表示国家的形容词连用,表示这些国家的人:Th

16、e French like to eat well. 法国人饮食很讲究。The Chinese were a highly civilized people long before the Europeans were. 早在欧洲人之前,中国人已是一个有高度文化的民族。the Dutch 荷兰人the Spanish 西班牙人the Welsh 威尔士人the Burmese 缅甸人the Japanese 日本人the Swiss 瑞士人窗体顶端窗体底端3. 有些形容词还可以和the连用,表示抽象的事物:Dont expect them to do the impossible. 不要指望他

17、们做不可能的事。She admired the mystical. 她喜欢那些神奇古怪的东西。This was nothing out of the ordinary. 这没有什么特别之处。Their aim was to discover the good, the beautiful and the true. 他们的目的是寻求真、善、美。4. 在某些习惯用语中也包含名词化的形容词:Are you leaving the place for good? 你离开这里不再回来了吗?I will give you an answer on Friday at the latest. 我最迟星期五

18、给你一个回答。 She took leave of us in the liveliest spirits. 她兴致很好地和我们告别了。Exercises:I. 在下面句子中名词化的形容词下划线:1. He always sides with the oppressed and the exploited. 2. George had great sympathy for the poor and the down-trodden. 3. Take care of the wounded and the dying. 4. Soon he was among the unemployed. 5

19、. The privileged as a whole numbered less than 600,000. 6. The well-to-do had their cares also. 7. Fortune favours the brave. 8. The old and the young should be able to live together. 9. The English have a wonderful sense of humour. 10. Scotland is the land of the Scotch. 11. The Chinese were the fi

20、rst people to make porcelain. 12. The British drink a great deal of tea. II. 在下面句子中名词化的形容词下划线: 1. He was fond of writing about the unusual. 2. I was weak, afraid to venture into the unknown. 3. The performance was nothing out of the ordinary. 4. Do you believe in the supernatural?5. Several of the accused were found guilty. 6. The living are important than the dead. 7. The sick and the wounded were sent home.8. We cant expect them to do the impossible. 9. I cant say for sure. 10. I know for certain that he has a car.

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