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高考英语专题复习 完形填空.docx

1、高考英语专题复习 完形填空2020-2021高考英语专题复习 完形填空一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 There came a time in my life when my learning curve (曲线) became very steep. I learned so much in such a 1 time that I was reading two grades ahead of my 2 class. At school I was continuously 3 with lectures, b

2、ecause I had already done 4 . And 5 my knowledge increased, so did my arrogance (傲慢). I started getting into 6 debates with my teachers. I knew more than them, and I was eager to show it at every 7 I got. That was until Mrs T 8 . She was new to our school, and a perfect 9 for me. I tried one of my t

3、ricks on her in front of the whole class. She didnt scold me. She just 10 . At the end of the class, she 11 me aside and said the following words: I know that there is an unspoken 12 that a teacher is supposed to be more 13 than the student. We both know that is 14 . I know for a fact that you know

4、much more than me. And I wont insult you by pretending otherwise. But remember this. Knowledge is supposed to give you 15 , not pride. Today you are the smartest person in the room; tomorrow you wont be. There will always be someone much 16 , much more diligent than you. And when that happens, all t

5、he pride in the world wouldnt be enough to 17 you from downfall. Everything that you have learnt will be for nothing if you dont learn the 18 of humility. Today, I 19 remember her words. I 20 myself of them daily.1. A. freeB. shortC. goodD. long2. A. regularB. traditionalC. favouriteD. modern3. A. e

6、xcitedB. contentC. angryD. bored4. A. nothingB. everythingC. eitherD. none5. A. beforeB. unlessC. asD. although6. A. politicalB. amusingC. heatedD. friendly7. A. opportunityB. permissionC. rightD. problem8. A. came backB. came acrossC. came aboutD. came along9. A. audienceB. targetC. guideD. market1

7、0. A. criedB. shoutedC. smiledD. worried11. A. setB. pushedC. putD. called12. A. assumptionB. attentionC. attractionD. appreciation13. A. considerateB. importantC. sensitiveD. knowledgeable14. A. correctB. wrongC. basicD. reasonable15. A. powerB. energyC. potentialD. control16. A. warmerB. strongerC

8、. smarterD. nicer17. A. guardB. saveC. discourageD. ban18. A. failureB. experienceC. lessonD. behavior19. A. stillB. evenC. alsoD. yet20. A. warnB. convinceC. approveD. remind【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)D;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)C;(11)D;(12)A;(13)D;(14)B;(15)A;(16)C;(17)B;(18)C;(19)A;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】

9、本文是一篇记叙文,作者小时候学习能力很强,总是能比正常教学进度快两个年级。知识增加的同时,作者的傲慢也增加了,时不时会与老师争论。学校来了新老师,一次争执后,老师告诉他如果不学会谦卑,学到的东西都将是没有用处的。这句话让作者受用至今。 (1)考查形容词。句意:我在很短的时间内学了如此多的东西,所以我的学习进度比我常规的课程快两个年级。空格处单词与so much形成反义呼应。A. free“免费的,自由的”;B. short“短的”;C. good“好的”;D. long“长的”。故选B。 (2)考查形容词。句意:我在很短的时间内学了如此多的东西,所以我的学习进度比我常规的课程快两个年级。空格处

10、单词与ahead of意义一致。A. regular“有规律的,合格的”;B. traditional“传统的,惯例的”;C. favourite“最喜爱的”;D. modern“现代的,近代的”。故选A。 (3)考查形容词。句意:在学校我总是觉得上课内容很无趣,因为我已经都学过了。由because后边的原因可以推知作者对上课内容不感兴趣。A. excited “兴奋的,激动的”;B. content“满意的”;C. angry“生气的”;D. bored“无聊的,无趣的”。故选D。 (4)考查代词。句意:在学校我总是觉得上课内容很无趣,因为我已经都学过了。have done everythi

11、ng意为“做过了每件事”。A. nothing“没有什么”;B. everything“每件事物”;C. either“两者之中任一的”;D. none“没有任何东西/人”。故选B。 (5)考查状语从句。句意:当我的知识增加的同时,傲慢也增加了。A. before“在.之前”;B. unless“除非”;C. as“当.的时候”;D. although“尽管,虽然”。故选C。 (6)考查形容词。句意:我开始和我老师激烈的争议。空格与下句中的eager to do(急于做)呼应。A. political“政治的”;B. amusing“有趣的”;C. heated“激烈的”;D. friendl

12、y“有好的”。故选C。 (7)考查名词。句意:我知道的比他们多,我一抓到机会就想表明这一点。A. opportunity“机会”;B. permission“允许,许可”;C. right“权利”;D. problem“问题”。故选A。 (8)考查动词短语。句意:这种情况持续到Mrs T到来。空格与下句中的new呼应。A. came back“回来,记起”;B. came across“偶遇,无意中发现”;C. came about“发生,产生”;D. came along“出现,一起来”。故选D。 (9)考查名词。句意:她是新来的,对我来说是个好的目标。A. audience“观众,听众”;

13、B. target“目标,指标”;C. guide“指南,向导”;D. market“市场,行情”。故选B。 (10)考查名词。句意:她没有训斥我,只是笑了笑。空格与scold反义呼应。A. cried“哭”;B. shouted“呼喊,大声说”;C. smiled“笑”;D. worried“担心”。故选C。 (11)考查动词。句意:课后,她把我叫到边上说了以下的话。call aside固定短语,“叫到一边”。故选D。 (12)考查名词。句意:我知道有不成言的说法,老师比学生应该知识渊博。不成文的说法就是假定。空格与下两句中的fact呼应。A. assumption“假定,设想”;B. at

14、tention“注意”;C. attraction“吸引人的事物”;D. appreciation“欣赏,鉴别”。故选A。 (13)考查形容词。句意:我知道有不成言的说法,老师比学生应该知识渊博。空格与下两句中的you know much more than me呼应。A. considerate“体贴的,体谅的”;B. important“重要的”;C. sensitive“敏感的”;D. knowledgeable“知识渊博的”。故选D。 (14)考查形容词。句意:我们都知道这是错的。空格与下句中的fact呼应。A. correct“正确的”;B. wrong“错误的”;C. basic“

15、基本的,基础的”;D. reasonable“合理的”。故选B。 (15)考查名词。句意:记住,知识应该给你力量,而不是骄傲。A. power“力量,能力”;B. energy“能量,精力”;C. potential“潜能,可能性”;D. control“控制,管理”。故选A。 (16)考查形容词。句意:总有人比你更聪明,更勤奋。空格处单词与diligent意义一致。A. warmer“更加暖和”;B. stronger“更强壮的”;C. smarter“更聪明的”;D. nicer“更好的”。故选C。 (17)考查动词。句意:当它发生的时候,世间所有的骄傲都不能挽救你跌落。A. guard“

16、保卫”;B. save“挽救”;C. discourage“阻止,使气馁”;D. ban“禁止,取缔”。与downfall搭配的只能是save。故选B。 (18)考查名词。句意:如果不学会谦卑,你学到的东西都将是没有用处的。A. failure“失败”;B. experience“经历”;C. lesson“课”;D. behavior“行为”。learn the lesson of固定短语,“吸取的教训”。故选C。 (19)考查副词。句意:直到今天,我仍然记得她说的话。A. still“仍然,更”;B. even“甚至,即使”;C. also“也,而且”;D. yet“还,但是,已经”。故选

17、A。 (20)考查动词。句意:我每天提醒我自己那些话。A. warn“警告,提醒”;B. convince“说服,使确信”;C. approve“批准,赞成”;D. remind“提醒,使想起”。故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,代词,状语从句,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Axel Winch was born nearly 13 weeks prematurely (早产

18、地). He 1 2 pounds, 12 ounces and had bleeding in his brain, vision and hearing 2 . After a week in the 3 in Grand Junction, where parents Melissa and Adam Winch live, he 4 a life-threatening intestinal (肠道的) condition. Doctors 5 to airlift (空运) Axel and Melissa more than 200 miles to Childrens Hospi

19、tal in Aurora. His health remained 6 over the next few weeks as his lungs shut down. There were many times we didnt think he was going to 7 . Adam said. 8 , support was on the way. Melissa, 39, is a police officer. The police department in Grand Junction 9 officers in Aurora. Soon, members of the Au

20、rora police department 10 the hospital with offers of help. One brought them banana bread. A detective gave the 11 a place to stay. But then things got 12 again. After weeks of caring for Axel in Aurora, the couple had to briefly return to Grand Junction on two separate 13 . First, their house had b

21、een under contract and they had to 14 in two days. The second time, Melissas 15 had run out, so she had to return to work for a few days. They hated having to abandon their son, who had improved but was still facing 16 surgeries. We were afraid he was going to die while we were gone, Adam says. Auro

22、ra police Mike set up a 17 for his officers to spend time with Axelwhen his 18 couldnt he there. They 19 the parents photos of themselves asleep with Axel and updates from the nurses. After four months in the hospital, Axel was 20 enough to go home.1. A. lostB. measuredC. weighedD. gained2. A. mista

23、kesB. problemsC. systemsD. aids3. A. hospitalB. familyC. prisonD. church4. A. determinedB. changedC. improvedD. developed5. A. decidedB. promisedC. waitedD. hoped6. A. stableB. safeC. dangerousD. harmful7. A. playB. liveC. workD. study8. A. GraduallyB. ObviouslyC. ProperlyD. Fortunately9. A. contact

24、edB. firedC. praisedD. persuaded10. A. escapedB. leftC. floodedD. shut11. A. teamB. childC. coupleD. policeman12. A. correctB. toughC. normalD. easy13. A. areasB. classesC. occasionsD. groups14. A. move outB. break downC. pull inD. stay up15. A. ideaB. luckC. energyD. leave16. A. openB. furtherC. pr

25、eviousD. quiet17. A. houseB. companyC. scheduleD. library18. A. classmatesB. friendsC. teachersD. parents19. A. handedB. askedC. textedD. returned20. A. strongB. braveC. fastD. confident【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)A;(10)C;(11)C;(12)B;(13)C;(14)A;(15)D;(16)B;(17)C;(18)D;(19)C;(20)

26、A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,早产儿阿克塞尔体弱多病,被转院到奥罗拉的儿童医院。当地的警察,向这个多灾多难的家庭给予了无私的帮助。在孩子父母不在孩子身边这段期间,他们轮流在医院照顾孩子,并把孩子的最新消息发送给父母。经过四个月的住院治疗,孩子终于可以出院了与家人团聚。 (1)考查动词。句意:他重2磅12盎司,脑部出血,视力和听力都有问题。A. lost“丢失”;B. measured“测量”;C. weighed“称重量”;D. gained“获得”。根据prematurely, 2 pounds, 12 ounces可知,早产儿的重量只有2磅12盎司。故选C。 (2)考查名词。句意

27、:他重2磅12盎司,脑部出血,视力和听力都有问题。A. mistakes“错误”;B. problems“问题”;C. systems“系统”;D. aids“帮助”。根据常识判断,早产儿与正常生产的婴儿相比,身体状况会差一些,身体会有诸多问题。故选B。 (3)考查名词。句意:在父母梅丽莎和亚当温奇居住的当地医院Grand Junction医院,住了一周后,他患上了一种危及生命的肠道疾病。A. hospital“医院”;B. family“家庭”;C. prison“监狱”;D. church“教堂”。根据下文可知,医生决定将孩子转院,那么孩子一定是出生在医院,并在那里住了一周的院。故选A。

28、(4)考查动词。句意:在父母梅丽莎和亚当温奇居住的当地医院Grand Junction医院,住了一周后,他患上了一种危及生命的肠道疾病。住院一周后,又患上了肠道疾病。A. determined“决定”;B. changed“改变”;C. improved“提高”;D. developed“(开始)患”。故选D。 (5)考查动词。句意:医生决定空运阿克塞尔和梅丽莎转院到200多英里外的奥罗拉的儿童医院。A. decided“决定”;B. promised“承诺”;C. waited“等待”;D. hoped“希望”。根据上文life-threatening可知,这种肠道疾病能够危及生命,所以医生

29、决定将空运阿克塞尔和梅丽莎转院到200多英里外的奥罗拉的儿童医院,以寻求更好的救治。故选A。 (6)考查形容词。句意:在接下来的几个星期里,他的健康状况仍然很危险,因为他的肺停止了呼吸。A. stable“稳定的”;B. safe“安全的”;C. dangerous“危险的”;D. harmful“有害的”。根据his lungs shut down.可知,他的肺停止了呼吸,所以健康状况仍然很危险。故选C。 (7)考查动词。句意:我们曾多次认为他不会活下来。A. play“玩”;B. live“生活”;C. work“工作”;D. study“学习”。根据上文可知以,孩子是早产儿,且患有多种严

30、重的疾病,所以父母曾多次认为他不会活下来。故选B。 (8)考查副词。句意:幸运地,他们得到了其他人的帮助。A. Gradually“逐渐地”;B. Obviously“明显地”;C. Properly“正确地”;D. Fortunately“幸运地”。根据support was on the way可知,他们得到了其他人的帮助,这是很幸运的。故选D。 (9)考查动词。句意:梅丽莎,39岁,是一名警官。Grand Junction警察局联系了Aurora的警官。A. contacted“联系”;B. fired“解雇”;C. praised“赞扬”;D. persuaded“说服”。根据下文可知

31、,奥罗拉警察局的警员涌入向医院向他们提供帮助。所以Grand Junction警察局联系了Aurora的警察,与他们沟通了这件事情。故选A。 (10)考查动词。句意:不久,奥罗拉警察局的警察涌入医院向他们提供帮助。A. escaped“逃脱”;B. left“离开”;C. flooded“涌入”;D. shut“关闭”。很多的警察都很热心,愿意帮助他们。所以flooded“涌入”符合语境。故选C。 (11)考查名词。句意:一个侦探向这对夫妇提供了住的地方。A. team“组”;B. child“孩子”;C. couple“夫妇”;D. policeman“警察”。孩子被转移到了奥罗拉的儿童医院,父母就需要陪护和照顾孩子。所以他们身处异地,一定是没有地方住的,所以一个侦探向这对夫妇提供了住的地方。故选C。 (12)考查形容词。句意:但事情又变得糟糕起来。A. correct“正确的”;B.

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