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1、大家论坛浙江绍兴中考英语word解析2011年浙江绍兴中考英语试题第二节,听对话,回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答67小题。6. How is the weather? A. Windy. B. Snowy. C. Rainy.7. What are the two speakers going to do?A. To play chess. B. To go shopping. C. To nuke tea.听下面一段对话,回答810小题。8. What does Ted think of his classes?A. Difficult. B. Boring. C. Interesting.

2、9. Why wont Ted go to the movie with the girl?A. Because he has seen the movie.B. Because he has to go to his English lesson来源:学科网C. Because he wants to sec his sick uncle.10. Where does this conversation probably happen?A. In the street. B. In the classroom. C. In the hospital.第三节,听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择

3、正确的选项,完成信息记录表。The English ClubAim: to help improve 11 skills in English来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KTime: 12 Place: 13 Activities: giving speeches, 14 or playing gamesTelephone: 15 11. A. writing B. speaking C. listening12. A. every Sunday afternoon B. every Saturday morning C. every Sunday morning13. A. at the m

4、eeting room B. on the playground C. in the library14. A. reading books B. having discussions C. making friends15. A. 387-2621 B. 378-2612 C. 378-2621(二)笔试部分 (共55分)二、单项填空(本题有10个小题,每小题1分,共计10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。【2011浙江绍兴】16. _is your husband? A cook. He works in a restaurant near our home.

5、A. What B. Where C. How D. Which答案:A 【解析】特殊疑问词。what 什么,询问事物;where 哪里,询问地点;how如何;怎么样,表示方式或程度;which哪一个/些。根据答语a cook,询问的是职业,提问用what。故选A。【2011浙江绍兴】17. Hundreds of students came to Shaoxing to work _ the World Choir Games in 2010, A. at B. with C. for D. on答案:C来源:学科网【解析】介词的用法。句意:成百上千的学生来绍兴参加2010年国际合唱比赛。f

6、or意为“为了”,表目的,符合句意,故选C。【2011浙江绍兴】18. Excuse me. may 1 know your_? Sure. Its No. 3. Bridge Street.A. house B. address C. way D. place答案:B 【解析】词义辨析。由答语是“No. 3. Bridge Street.”,为“地址”,故选B。【2011浙江绍兴】19. How do you like the game show?_ I cant stand it.A. Funny B. Important C. Perfect D. Awful答案:D 【解析】词义辨析。

7、下文答语为“I cant stand it.”,说明游戏节目是“糟糕的”,故选D。【2011浙江绍兴】20. Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Ms King in her office. Morning. You _be Mr Jones. This way, please.A. will B. must C. can D, might答案:B 【解析】情态动词的用法。will将要,表意愿;must 必须;应该,表猜测时,用于肯定句,意为“一定”,可能性较大;can能,会,表猜测时,常用于否定句和疑问句;might 可能,表猜测时,可能小。依

8、据句意“你一定是琼斯先生吧。”,故选B。【2011浙江绍兴】21. You like listening to Sallys songs, dont you?_. She has a sweet voice.A. Yes. I do B. Yes, she doesC. No, 1 dont D. No, she doesnt答案:A 【解析】考查反意疑问句。这是个前肯后否的反意疑问句,根据“她的声音很甜美。”可知,喜欢听Sally的歌,与上文事实相符,故选A。【2011浙江绍兴】22. May I speak to Mr Morgan? Sorry. He_ on the farm. A.

9、works. B. workedC. is working D. has worked 答案:C 【解析】动词的时态。依据句意“对不起,他不在。他正在农场里干活。”要用现在进行时态,故选C。【2011浙江绍兴】23. I think your father is very busy.So he is._ he still takes a walk with us sometimes.A. So B. And C. Or d. But来源:Zxxk.Com答案:D 【解析】连词的用法。so因此,表结果;and又,而,表并列或承接;or 或者,否则,表示选择;but但是,表转折;根据句意,他确实很

10、忙,但有时他仍然与我们一起散步。故选D。【2011浙江绍兴】24. Do you know why he left so early?_for the English test, I guess.A. To study B. Study C. Studied D. Studying答案:A 【解析】非谓语动词的用法。根据句意“你知道他为什么离开那么早吗?”“我猜是为了英语考试。”,表示目的,用动词不定式,故选A。【2011浙江绍兴】25. Do you think you can repair the car by yourself?_Its not the first time for me

11、.来源:Zxxk.ComA. Dont worry B. Hurry upC. Sorry, I cant d. Not at all答案:A 【解析】 交际用语。A项:不要担心;B项:快点;C项:对不起,我不能;D项:根本不。根据“对我来说,不是第一次。”故选B。【2011浙江绍兴】三、完形填空(本题有15个小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade. Carmen found she couldnt see things _26_ all the

12、time. She became very worried, but she hoped 27 would know that. When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor, she didnt 28 . But her mothers mind was made up.Three days later. Carmen got new glasses and instructions 29 . her doctor. All of the kids will think Im silly. Carmen said. Her mother 30

13、 and shook her head. You look just as beautiful as before, she said. But Carmen didnt believe her.The next day. Carmen kept the 31 in her pocket(口袋)as she walked into the schoolyard. She stood alone away from her friends, feeling 32 Suddenly, she heard her friend Theresa shout.Carmen ran over to the

14、 other girls. Whats the 33 ? she asked.My ring is gone! Theresa cried. My sister sent it to me from California. Its very _34_ and I can t lose it. Carmen and her friends began to 35 the ring in the grassy area of the playground. Carmen realized that she could do better _36_ she could see better. She

15、 took the glasses out and put them on. Everything looked so _37_ ! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a bright light caught her 38 . It was the ring.Here it is, she shouted. She handed it to Theresa.Thanks, Carmen, she said. I _39_ thought wed find it. She paused(停顿). “Hey, 1 didnt know you

16、 wore glasses. They look great! Carmen had 40 that she was wearing the new glasses. “Thanks,” she replied.Maybe wearing glasses wont be so bad after all. Carmen thought. 26. a. clearly B. carefully C. freely D. quickly27. a. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody28. a. explain B. care C. agree D

17、. understand 29. a. by B. from C. like D. to30. a. relaxed B. cheered C. smiled D. jumped31. A. ring B. keys C. book D. glasses32. A. tired B. unhappy C. afraid D. serious33. A. matter B. reason C. question D. secret34. A. special B. common C. cheap D. heavy35 A. ask for B. wait for C. look for D. p

18、ay for36 A. though B. if C. because D. as37. A. natural B. new C. dirty D. different38. A. ears B. feet C. eyes D. hands39 A. still B. ever C. never D. often40 A. heard B. forgotten C. found D. imagined【主旨大意】本文讲述了卡门起初由于眼睛看不清楚东西,害怕戴眼镜。但直到有一天,在帮助朋友找到戒指后,发现戴着眼镜并不是件很难看的事情。26.A 由下文“Carmen got new glasses

19、”可知,她一直看不清东西。27.D 她不想戴眼镜的原因是她不想让别人知道她眼近视,所以她希望没有人知道这件事情。28.C 因她不希望别人知道她眼近视,所以当妈妈带她去看眼医时,她没有“同意”。29.B 句意:她从医生那里获得了新眼镜和说明书。get.from. 从获得30.C 句意:她妈妈笑了笑并摇摇头。31. D由上文“Carmen got new glasses”和下文“She took the glasses out and put them on.”可推知,卡门把眼镜放在口袋里。32.B 由上下文可知,她害怕戴眼镜,所以她“不高兴地”。33.A 由答语“My ring is gone!

20、”可知答案,Whats the matter?意为“什么事?”34.A 由下文“I cant lose it.”可知,这个戒指非常是“特别的”。35.C 戒指丢了,她们在“寻找”。36.B 句意:卡门意识到,如果能看得较清楚的话,她会做得更好。37.D 由于卡门眼近视,戴上眼镜与不戴眼镜当然是“不同的”。38.C 依据“She looked down at the ground”可知是“眼睛”。39.C句意:特里萨原以为从来不会找到。40.B 句意:卡门已经忘记了他还戴着新眼镜。四、阅读理解(本题有15个小题,每题2分,共计30分)【2011浙江绍兴】(选择性)A阅读下面四篇材料,然后从各题所

21、给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案Welcome to Phillip Island Nature Park and the penguin Parade(企鹅列队). You will see the worlds smallest penguins the little penguins appearing from the ocean and crossing the beach to their home in line. Its a natural experience. Remember the Little penguins are wild. You are a visitor t

22、o their home. Making the most of your visitHere are some helpful hints(提示) :The Penguins Parade last 50 minutes from the time penguins first cross the beach.Dress in warm clothes, for the Parade is in the open air on the beach.It is best to get down to the beach at least 15 minutest before the parad

23、e begins.Protecting the PenguinsWe do have some simple rulesdesigned to protect the penguins and make your visit more enjoyable. Photographyincluding video cameral is not allowed. Photography during the Parades. Make sure that your cameral is placed inside your bag, or in a bag provided, before walk

24、ing down to the beach, Photographs can be bought at proper price in the gift shop.Smoking is not allowed anywhere.And remember, the penguins are wild birds so please dont try to touch them.41. During the Penguin Parade, people_.-A. are allowed to smoke B had better wear warm clothes.C. have to hand

25、in their bags D. Can take photos of the penguins42. Which of the following statements is WRONG?A. The Little Penguins go back home in line.B. The whole Penguin Parade lasts 50 minutes.C. People have a chance to touch the penguins.D. The Penguin Parade takes place on the beach.43. The passage is writ

26、ten mainly to_.A. help make peoples visit more pleasant来源:Zxxk.ComB. introduce the life of the Little PenguinsC. welcome people to Phillip bland Nature ParkD. encourage people to protect the Little Penguins来源:学科网【主旨大意】文章介绍了参观菲力普岛自然公园时所参观的景观和要注意的事项,目的是让游客玩得愉快。41. B 细节理解题。由文中“Dress in warm clothes, fo

27、r the Parade is in the open air on the beach.”知,在游览时要穿厚点的衣服,因此选B。42. C 细节理解题。由文中最后一句“And remember, the penguins are wild birds so please dont try to touch them.”知,由于企鹅是野生鸟类,所以不要触摸它们,因此选A。43.A 主旨大意题。从文中“We do have some simple rulesdesigned to protect the penguins and make your visit more enjoyable. ”

28、知,对游客所作的要求目的就是让游客玩得高兴。【2011浙江绍兴】(选择性)BWhen I was a girl of 10, I joined the school cross-country team and practiced twice a week, on the 1,8-km course Id never really run before and I thought the course would be easy. It was a real shock I ran out of breathe(喘气)within the first few minutes. I never

29、realized how tiring running could be but I didnt t think about give up.Over time, I did get a little bit faster. However, I was really slow. In races, I would finish close to last. Id always have to stop more than once, especially in the longer races, which were 2. 5 to 2. 8 km. After every race, Id

30、 go home and cry. But 1 still didnt stop running, holding onto that picture of crossing the finishing line and finally doing well. Then one of my friends joined the team, too. She could run easily and even came in the 18th in a big race! I felt so slow and my confidence(自信) was lower than ever. I became so nervous when I thought of the races that I wanted to give up badly.Still. I refund to. Finally. 1 realized that the reason I was to ner

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