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本文(TDSCDMA 基站底层驱动软件开发测试需求分析子系统性能优化及验证工作.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

TDSCDMA 基站底层驱动软件开发测试需求分析子系统性能优化及验证工作.docx

1、TDSCDMA 基站底层驱动软件开发测试需求分析子系统性能优化及验证工作An object-oriented high-level design-based class cohesion metricClass cohesion is an important object-oriented software quality attribute. Assessing class cohesion during the object-oriented design phase is one important way to obtain more comprehensible and maint

2、ainable software. In practice, assessing and controlling cohesion in large systems implies measuring it automatically. One issue with the few existing cohesion metrics targeted at the high-level design phase is that they are not based on realistic assumptions and do not fulfill expected mathematical

3、 properties.An experimental study on the effect of mobile phone conversation on drivers reaction time in braking responseThis paper presents an experimental study in which the effect of three factors (distance between cars, mobile call duration, and time of driving (day or night) on drivers reaction

4、 time in braking response was investigated. MethodsThe experiment was performed in a real driving environment in which 27 male adults between the ages of 22 and 24years participated. Three levels of the first two factors (i.e., distance between cars and call duration) and two levels of the last fact

5、or (i.e., time of driving) were selected to conduct the experimental study. A full factorial design of experiment with 18 treatment combinations and three replicates of each combination were used. Fifty-four trial runs were performed in a random manner and for each run drivers reaction time in braki

6、ng response was measured, which served the data for further analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), interaction effect analysis, and various model adequacy tests were carried out using Design Expert software. ResultsThe results of the study indicated that the most important factor affecting the driv

7、ers reaction time in car braking response was the mobile call duration followed by the time of driving, with a high level of interaction between the two factors. It was also found that the distance between cars did not seem to have a significant effect on the reaction time in braking response. It is

8、 to be noted that these response times are expected to be higher under normal driving conditions where awareness of experimental environment is not present. Impact on IndustryThe findings of this study would help mobile phone industries in improving safety of mobile phone users in driving environmen

9、t.Towards automation of control software: A review of challenges in mechatronic designDevelopment of mechatronic systems requires collaboration among experts from different design domains. In this paper the authors identify a set of challenges related to the design of mechatronic systems. The challe

10、nges are mostly related to integration of design and analysis tools, and automation of current design practices. Addressing these challenges enables the adoption of a concurrent development approach in which the synergetic effects that characterize mechatronic systems are taken into account during d

11、esign. The main argument is that in order to deal with software development problems for complex mechatronic systems, there is a need to look at system design practices beyond concurrency, i.e., there is a need to consider the complex interdependencies among subsystems and the designers that develop

12、 them. A review on current methods and tools is carried out to identify possible solutions proposed in previous works. The purpose is not to make an extensive review, but to show that integration, from different points of view, is a major issue and that increasing the level of abstraction in the des

13、cription of systems can help to overcome the integration challenges. An increased level of abstraction also forms a basis for addressing other issues in mechatronic product development, which are presented in this work. With that in mind, concepts for an integration framework are proposed. The goal

14、of the framework is to support a multi-disciplinary design team to (almost) automatically generate and verify control software. Based on high-level architectural descriptions, the software generation and verification process can be supported by knowledge-based methods and tools. Other goals are to s

15、upport communication among engineers, improve reliability of designs, increase reuse of design knowledge, and reduce development time and development costs.自动化控制软件英语自学读物:机械电子学设计工程的挑战(文献与历史研究回顾)Handling communications in process algebraic architectural description languages: Modeling, verification, a

16、nd implementationArchitectural description languages are a useful tool for modeling complex software systems at a high level of abstraction. If based on formal methods, they can also serve for enabling the early verification of various properties such as component coordination and for guiding the sy

17、nthesis of code correct by construction. This is the case with process algebraic architectural description languages, which are process calculi enhanced with the main architectural concepts. However, the techniques with which those languages have been equipped are mainly conceived to work with synch

18、ronous communications only. The objective of this paper is threefold. On the modeling side, we show how to enhance the expressiveness of a typical process algebraic architectural description language by including the capability of representing nonsynchronous communications in such a way that the usa

19、bility of the original language is preserved. On the verification side, we show how to modify techniques for analyzing the absence of coordination mismatches like the compatibility check for acyclic topologies and the interoperability check for cyclic topologies in such a way that those checks are v

20、alid also for nonsynchronous communications. On the implementation side, we show how to generate multithreaded object-oriented software in the presence of synchronous and nonsynchronous communications in such a way that the properties proved at the architectural level are preserved at the code level

21、.Software performance simulation strategies for high-level embedded system designAs most embedded applications are realized in software, software performance estimation is a very important issue in embedded system design. In the last decades, instruction set simulators (ISSs) have become an essentia

22、l part of an embedded software design process. However, ISSs are either slow or very difficult to develop. With the advent of multiprocessor systems and their ever-increasing complexity, the software simulation strategy based on ISSs is no longer efficient enough for exploring the large design space

23、 of multiprocessor systems in early design phases. Motivated by the limitations of ISSs, a lot of recent research activities focused on software simulation strategies based on native execution. In this article, we first introduce some existing software performance simulation strategies as well as ou

24、r own approach for source level simulation, called SciSim, and provide a discussion about their benefits and limitations. The main contribution of this article is to introduce a new software performance simulation approach, called iSciSim (intermediate Source code instrumentation based Simulation),

25、which achieves high estimation accuracy, high simulation speed and low implementation complexity. All these advantages make iSciSim well-suited for system level design. To show the benefits of the proposed approach, we present a quantitative comparison between iSciSim and the other discussed techniq

26、ues, using a set of benchmarks.高层次嵌入式系统软件的效能评估策略Use of a pasture growth model to estimate herbage mass at a paddock scale and assist management on dairy farmsA climate-driven pasture model is used to predict herbage mass on dairy farms. Four model parameters are fitted to the observed data for each

27、paddock (learning). Climate data from the Virtual Climate Station Network are used to drive the model. Preliminary testing on two commercial dairy farms of New Zealand was satisfactory. The model estimated herbage mass with an R2 of 80% and small bias.The application of GPS precise point positioning

28、 technology in aerial triangulationGPS的点定位技术精度提高方法的应用与实施In traditional GPS-supported aerotriangulation, differential GPS (DGPS) positioning technology is used to determine the 3-dimensional coordinates of the perspective centers at exposure time with an accuracy of centimeter to decimeter level. Thi

29、s method can significantly reduce the number of ground control points (GCPs). However, the establishment of GPS reference stations for DGPS positioning is not only labor-intensive and costly, but also increases the implementation difficulty of aerial photography. This paper proposes aerial triangula

30、tion supported with GPS precise point positioning (PPP) as a way to avoid the use of the GPS reference stations and simplify the work of aerial photography. Firstly, we present the algorithm for GPS PPP in aerial triangulation applications. Secondly, the error law of the coordinate of perspective ce

31、nters determined using GPS PPP is analyzed. Thirdly, based on GPS PPP and aerial triangulation software self-developed by the authors, four sets of actual aerial images taken from surveying and mapping projects, different in both terrain and photographic scale, are given as experimental models. The

32、four sets of actual data were taken over a flat region at a scale of 1:2500, a mountainous region at a scale of 1:3000, a high mountainous region at a scale of 1:32000 and an upland region at a scale of 1:60000 respectively. In these experiments, the GPS PPP results were compared with results obtain

33、ed through DGPS positioning and traditional bundle block adjustment. In this way, the empirical positioning accuracy of GPS PPP in aerial triangulation can be estimated. Finally, the results of bundle block adjustment with airborne GPS controls from GPS PPP are analyzed in detail. The empirical results show that GPS PPP

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