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The Practice英文对白S01E04.docx

1、The Practice英文对白S01E04Season1 Episode4Lindsay: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Lindsay Dole. Good morning. My name is Lindsay Dole. I represent the plaintiff. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, good morning. My name is Lindsay Dole. I represent the man seated over there.Judge: Mr. Pier

2、son, do you have any additional questions of this juror?Pierson: I have a few questions, Your Honor, if I may be permitted. Anybody in your family smokes cigarettes, Mrs. Stokes?Stokes: Oh, almost everybody, at one point or another.Pierson: Anybody have any health problems connected with cigarette s

3、moking?Stokes: Lets see. Well, my father had emphysema and my sister had a baby with birth defects. Two of my uncles had heart attacks. And my aunt had to have a leg cut off because her veins shriveled up. And the doctors say it was all caused by smoking tobacco.Pierson: And you believe you could be

4、 impartial on a case about cigarettes?Stokes: I believe I could.Ellenor: This is nuts.Bobby: I dont think so.Ellenor: Four witnesses, the whole case.Bobby: Look, We cant match experts with the tobacco industry. If we parade up scientists on addiction or dopamine or whatever, we lose. Coz whatever gu

5、ns we got, they got bigger ones.Ellenor: So, how does putting up nobody help?Bobby: Because we make our weaknesses our strength. Let them do their dog-and-pony show. Let them call their scientists. With us, its the unglamorous but simple truth. She smoked, she died. She smoked, she died. She smoked,

6、 she smoked, shes dead.Ellenor: This case is a long shot to begin with.Bobby: Which gives us the right to take chances. Lindsay, where are you with your opening?Lindsay: I have a draft.Bobby: Make copies for everybody. Pick it apart. Ellenor, you prepare Emerson Ray. Eugene will take the doctor. Whe

7、re are we on the photos?Rebecca: Theyll be here tomorrow.Bobby: Jimmy?Jimmy: Dont give me the dog work.Bobby: Anderson Piersons opening arguments in his three previous tobacco cases all of which he won. I want you to devour these pages. Highlight his pet arguments or phrases. Anything he likes to sa

8、y, I want Lindsay to say it first.Eugene: Found her, ex-girlfriend of Ronald Martin, and he beat the hell out of her for two years.Bobby: What?Eugene: He even tried to strangle her once. Martins family paid her to keep quiet.Ellenor: Eugene, the jury is already deliberating.Bobby: Its still not too

9、late. Bring her back here.Goode: Your Honor, this is ridiculous. The evidence in this case is closed. The jury is in deliberation.Pam: We can suspend deliberations. Certainly the precedent exists. This is a newly discovered evidence brought to light.Goode: If you drag the jury back in here and tell

10、them: Oh, by the way, we have discovered a new witness. Its a woman Ronald Martin tried to strangle.We might as well save the time and declare a mistrial right now.Pam: The jury is free to disregard the witness. Thats your specialty, Mr. Goode, convincing people to ignore the truth.Goode: Do you kno

11、w I thought we were friends here.Judge: All right, look, Ms. Morris, why is it that you didnt go to the police?Morris: Three hundred thousand dollars. And I wouldnt be here, except he said he would subpoena me.Judge: All right, look, given the fact that she didnt go to the police and she accepted mo

12、ney in exchange for her silence, I got some reliability problems.Pam: That reliability can certainly be the object of Mr. Goodes gifted skills of cross-examination.Goode: Too kind, your honor, too kind.Jude: Now, quiet. Moreover, the probative value of her testimony is grossly outweighed by the prej

13、udicial impact. If Miss. Morris gets up there and says that the defendant tried to kill her, well, thats a bell you just cant un-ring. Im not going to admit the testimony.Goode: Thank you, your honor.Lindsay: You dont like it.Ellenor: No, I do. I do.Lindsay: Bobby said its important for the jury to

14、feel they know me.Ellenor: I understand your strategy. I do. But youryour high school field hockey record isnt exactly gonna make our case and whether or not you still have an appendix isnt really a burning question.Jimmy: This guy talks good. Pierson. Good talker.Eugene: Well, thats a big help, Jim

15、my. Anything say slightly more specific?Jimmy: Yeah. All three cases, he tells the jury, the biggest asset to the defense is their common sense.Verbatim, all three openings, he says: More than all our expert testimony,more than all our unconvoluted.Im sorry. .uncontroverted evidence what the defense

16、 is going for, more than anything else, is your common sense, the seat-of-the-pants wisdom of the reasonable person.Lindsay: Thats good. What else?Jimmy: Well, he goes on a lot about free society, personal choice. You know, were America. People are free to make their own decisions. Red, white and bl

17、ue. Then, you know, the usual. He goes over his high school field-hockey record.Lindsay: Ha ha, youre all such a big riot.Braun: He tried to kill another girl. This directly contradicts his insanity story. Now, how can the judge not let the jury hear this?Bobby: Coz it would be too prejudicial. Like

18、 he said, it would guarantee the guy a new trial.Pam: Theyve reached a verdict.Judge: Will the defendant please rise? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?Juror: We have, your honor.Judge: What say you?Juror: On the charge of first-degree murder, we find the defendant not gui

19、lty by reason of temporary insanity. On the charge of second-degree murder, we find the defendant not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. On the charge of voluntary manslaughter, we find the defendant not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this comple

20、tes your service and I thank you for your time. And I want to also caution you that when you leave this room you may be subject to second-guessing. I want to emphasize to you that aside from the parties and attorneys and myself, you are actually the only people who heard all the relevant facts of th

21、is caseBraun: Liar! They know less about Ronald Martin than anyone.Judge: Get him out.Braun: You withheld the truth from this jury!Judge: Dr. Braun.Braun: The truth that he tried to kill somebody else! That judge wouldnt let you know that!Judge: Put him in lockup.Braun: You withheld the truth! You w

22、ithheld the truth! You, youre filth! You should die! You should die! You should die! Youre filth! Youre filth! Filth!Judge: Since the defendant was judged on the basis of temporary insanity and since the psychiatric reports attest to no such continuing condition, I have no choice but to release him.

23、 The defendant is free to go. This matter is adjourned.Goode: No, there are no victories here. My heart is with the Braun family. But I think the jury realized that to punish Ronald Martin is only a pointless continuation of an already tragic situation.Danny: I dont know what Id tell him. I cant exp

24、lain. If God himself appeared and offered explanation, I doubt any of us would find it satisfactory. This is such a perversity.Bobby: Thats enough. Thats enough. Thank you. Thats.I said, thats enough. Are you okay?Danny: He gets to have children.Bobby: What?Danny: Ronald Martin. He gets to have a li

25、fe. He can have children. He can buy a boat and take them sailing.Bobby: All right, Danny? Danny? Danny, take a breath.Danny: Donna cant have any of that. Shes dead.Bobby: Listen.Danny: Donna cant have a child.Bobby: Danny, listen to me. Gerald needs you now. You gotta go back there. And you gotta b

26、e with him. Youre the mans rabbi, he needs you now.Goode: Bobby. You are so very above all this, arent you? I wish that I could tread on your moral high ground.Bobby: Get out of my face, Leonard.Goode: No, no. Because you get them off just the same as I do. Bobby: Yeah, but I dont have as much fun.G

27、oode: Yeah, but you do it just the same, dont you? Bobby? Bobby: I said get out of my face.Reporter: Yeah, here he comes.Reporter: Yes.Lindsay: Margaret Ray became addicted. Did she want to quit smoking? Of course. But she couldnt. She tried.Eugene: Wrong.Lindsay: What wrong?Eugene: Dont make her ou

28、t helpless. We should say shes to blame too. Pierson is gonna say it. We say it first, we undercut.Lindsay: We cant admit liability. I mean, thatll feed right into his contributory negligence defense.Eugene: Millions of people quit smoking every year. Margaret Ray could have too. Lets just admit it.

29、 Shes to blame, but theyre to blame more.Bobby: Eugenes right. Lindsay: We will be introducing evidence that will establish.Eugene: Look at the jury.Lindsay: You want to do the case, Eugene? Why dont you do it?Bobby: Lindsay, are you not ready to do this?Lindsay: Were not ready, Bobby. Youre not rea

30、dy. Who are we kidding? This whole streamline strategy? It isnt strategy. We have no choice. We dont have the experts lined up because we couldnt afford to hire any. We dont have the science on addiction because we didnt do the legwork. Were going with nothing because thats what we have, nothing. An

31、d youre throwing me this case not because of any confidence, but because you dont want to be the one to take the fall! Im sorry. Im just nervous. Im sorry.Bobby: Listen, I can do the case.Lindsay: No. No. Im ready. Ill be fine. I apologize.Bobby: Its all right to be nervous tomorrow, Lindsay. In fac

32、t, I think you might be more effective seeming nervous. But if youre gonna come undone.Lindsay: I wont. Im ready. Ill be fine. Ill be fine.Rebecca: Donnell and Associates. What?Bobby: Attorneys.Man: Its Ronald Martin.Officer: Hey, you. Beat it.Bobby: I represent the accused. Where is he?Officer: In the back seat.Bobby: Did this man get Miranda?Officer: Yeah, he did.Bobby

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