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1、英语四级听力强化训练答案解析10套大学英语四级听力强化训练(一)答案解析王鸿达2014-8-7听力强化训练(一)答案解析Listening ComprehensionSection A.11. W: I dont think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.M: I know what you mean. But check out the cost of renting an apartment first. I wouldnt be surprised if you changed your mi

2、nd.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?【预测】选项均以原形动词开头以及其中的Stay in,dormitory,living in an apartment等表明,本题与住宿舍或公寓的观点建议有关。Interrupt her privacy表明,男士的话为听音重点。【解析】A)。对话中女士提到她不想住宿舍了,男士听后提到But check out the cost of renting an apartmentyou changed your mind(但是看一下公寓的租金你就会打消这个念头了)。由此可知,男士认为公寓的租金比较高,

3、建议女士还住宿舍,故答案为A)。check out在此意为“核实,查看”。12. M: I saw John yesterday. You know what? He was driving a luxurious car.W: He rented it. He often makes believe that he is a millionaire.Q: What does the woman mean?【预测】由选项中重复出现的John,dreams of,millionaire等可知,对话与John想成为百万富翁有关。根据意思过于绝对的选项往往不是答案的命题规律可首先排除选项A)。【解析

4、】D)。对话中女士提到He often makes believe that he is a millionaire(他常假装自己是百万富翁),D)是对女士的话的同义转述,其中的pretends对应makes believe(假装),故答案为D)。13. M: If we decided to take the apartment, how soon could we move in?W: It would take about a week to paint the whole thing, assuming of course that you signed a one-year leas

5、e.Q: What does the woman imply?【预测】由选项中的move in,apartment,sign a one-year lease等可知,对话与租住公寓有关。由The man can/cannot/should等可知,女士的话为听音重点。【解析】D)。对话中女士提到assuming of course that you signed a one-year lease(当然了,假如你先签一年租赁合同的话),D)是对女士的话的同义转述,故答案为D)。assume that意为“假定”,用来表示条件。C)为强干扰项,根据女士的回答可知,paint the whole th

6、ing发生在signed a one-year lease之后。14. M: Hello, can you tell me which doctor might be suitable for my problem?W: Dr. Renfrews the one you need. But shes usually not in so early. How about noon?Q: What does the woman mean?【预测】由选项中重复出现的wantsdoctor,the manshould和时间短语可知,对话可能与男士预约某位医生有关,女士的话为听音重点。【解析】C)。对话

7、中女士提到Dr. Renfrews the one you needusually not in so early. How about noon? C)正是对此的同义转述,其中的12 oclock与noon对应,故答案为C)。15. M: I cant concentrate on this final report any longer. Maybe I should take a nap before we continue. W: You know they say physical activity makes you more alert.Q: What does the woma

8、n suggest the man do?【预测】由选项均以原形动词开头以及其中的his report可知,本题可能考查女士给男士的观点建议,女士的话为听音重点。【解析】D)。对话中女士提到的physical activity makes you more alert为听音重点,D)“做一些体育锻炼”与此一致,故为答案。take a nap意为“打盹”,make sb. alert在此意为“使 某人头脑清醒”。16. W: You havent said a word about my dress, Dave. Dont you like it?M: Im sorry I didnt say

9、anything about it sooner. I dont think Ive seen anything like it before.Q: What does the man probably think of the dress?【预测】选项中的It,in fashion,unique,old-fashioned等表明,本题可能考查对It的看法。由D)中的suits her可知,男士的话为听音重点。【解析】B)。对话中男士提到I dont think Ive seen anything like it(我没见过像这样的衣服),B)是对男士的话的同义转述,故为答案。选项中的in fa

10、shion意为“赶时髦,符合潮流”。17. M: I hear a newly-invented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists. Isnt it incredible?W: Simple solutions to complex problems rarely succeed. As far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work.Q: What does the woman think of th

11、e new drug?【预测】根据意思过于绝对的选项往往不是答案的命题规律可首先排除D)。根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能是答案的命题规律,将答案范围锁定在A)和B)之间。【解析】B)。对话中女士提到no such drugs are ever known to work(从未听说过此类药物有效果),B)是对女士的话的同义转述,故为答案。work在此指“(药)起作用,有效”。18. W: I cant decide whether I should take physics now or wait till next semester.M: You might as well get it

12、 over with if you can.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?【预测】由选项中重复出现的Take the class以及this/next semester可知,对话与选课有关,涉及选课时间。【解析】B)。对话中女士提到她不能决定是现在学物理还是下学期再学,男士回答时提到You might as well get it over with if you can,由此可知,男士建议女士这学期学习物理,故答案为B)。might/may as well意为“最好”,get it over with意为“把做完了事”。Now you w

13、ill hear the two long conversations.Conversation One【整体预测】选项中的exercises,research paper,lecture notes,course,homework等表明,对话可能与学习有关。W: Hi, Alan.M: Hi, Rachel. I did not feel well yesterday, and couldnt make it to class. Because I am not doing very well in this course, I am wondering what Dr. Millard c

14、overed in class yesterday.W: Well, we had a lecture on sustainable development in forests. Dr. Millard pointed out some of the advantages and disadvantages of clear-cut logging.M: I noticed the next chapter in our textbook is called “Sustainable Development”, Chapter 6, isnt it?W: Yes, we covered th

15、e first part of Chapter 6. He told us to read from pages 156 to 170. Also, during the last half of class we divided into groups of three for a project. The groups had to come up with their own topic on some aspect of sustainable development. The group Im in, with Harry and Susan, didnt focus too wel

16、l, and we didnt even come up with a topic. A couple of groups seemed quite focused. The project is due a week from Friday.M: Was I put in a group?W: I dont think so. There were about 4 or 5 students missing today. Perhaps, if you showed up for class early on Wednesday and spoke with Dr. Millard, he

17、could assign you to a group.M: Did you take lecture notes?W: Yes, I did. I was just going to transcribe them and put them on my computer. Would you like me to email them to you?M: Oh, yes. Thanks very much.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. Why didnt the man com

18、e to class yesterday?【解析】D)。选项中的He overslept/was injured/felt ill等表明,本题可能与He没能做某事的原因有关。对话一开始,男士就说他昨天身体不舒服(did not feel well),所以没能去上课(couldnt make it to class),故答案为D)。20. What is the womans group assignment?【解析】C)。选项中的Reading Chapter 6,Thinking out a topic,Finishing a research paper等表明,本题可能与某项作业的具体内容

19、或要求有关。对话中女士提到在后半节课上,他们被分成几组,每组三个人共同负责一个项目,这些groups需要come up with their own topic on some aspect of sustainable development(各自想出与可持续发展某方面有关的话题),故答案为C)。【点睛】C)中的Thinking out(想出)与女士提到的come up with(提出)对应。21. What does the woman offer to do at the end of the conversation?【解析】A)。选项中的Copy the lecture notes

20、for the man,Help the man learn,Lend her homework to the man 等表明,本题与女士对男士的帮助有关。对话结尾处,男士问女士是否记笔记了,女士说她正打算将笔记整理后输入到电脑中,并问男士是否想让她把笔记用电子邮件发给他(email them to you),由此可知,答案为A)。Conversation Two【整体预测】选项中的重复出现的bicycle以及replace,Buy,trade in等表明,对话可能与购买自行车有关。W: Hi, John.M: Oh, hi, Laura. What are you doing here?W:

21、 Er, Im usually here on weekends. Its my dads shop. So youre looking for a bikeM: Yeah. Now the weather is warming. I thought Id get some exercise instead of taking the bus all the time.W: Well, you came to the right place. Do you know what youd like?M: Well, I dont want a racer or a touring bike or

22、 anything. Most, Ill just be using it to get me back and forth from work.W: How far is that?M: About four miles.W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?M: Some I guess. But, maybe I should just tell you frankly that Ive only got 150 dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?W: Well, youre not going

23、 to get anything top of the line, but we do have a few trade-ins in the back that are in good condition.M: That sounds good.W: For the kind of riding youre going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You have to make sure its the right height for you. Follow me and Ill show you what weve

24、 got!Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. Why is the woman at the bicycle shop?【解析】D)。选项中的Shes waiting/having/buying/keeping以及重复出现的her father,bicycle表明,本题考查She正在做的事情,该事情与She的父亲或自行车有关。男士来到自行车店,发现女士也在那里,就问What are you doing here? 女士回答说她周末通常都在这里,这个店是她父亲开的,由此可知,女士是在帮她

25、的父亲看自行车店,故答案为D)。23. Why does the man want to buy a bicycle?【解析】B)。选项均以不定式开头以及其中重复出现的bicycle表明,本题考查与自行车有关的行为目的。replace his.bicycle表明,男士的话为听音重点。对话中男士首先说他想锻炼一下身体(get some exercise),不想总是坐公共汽车,随后提到他主要是上下班时骑自行车(Mostusing it to get me back and forth from work),由此可知,男士买自行车是为了能骑自行车上下班,以此达到锻炼身体的目的,故答案为B)。【点睛】

26、本题需要整合对话中提及的相关信息点。24. What does the woman suggest the man do?【解析】A)。选项均以原形动词开头以及其中的Buy a second-hand bicycle等表明,本题可能与女士给男士在自行车方面的观点建议有关。女士首先说男士的钱买不了一辆好的自行车,然后通过but转折提到他们这里有一些trade-ins in the back that are in good condition,由此可知,别人用旧自行车在店里折价买新车,而旧车车况还不错,女士建议男士买旧车,故答案为A)。【点睛】but转折处为常考点,是听音的重点。trade-in

27、s意为“折价物”。25. What does the woman think is the most important thing for the man to choose a bike?【解析】A)。由对话结尾处女士提到的For the kind of riding youre going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort可知,女士认为对男士来说最重要的一点就是要舒适,故答案为A)。Section B.Passage One【整体预测】选项中重复出现的federal system,power,divided,central

28、government,states等表明,短文可能与联邦制度下中央政府和州政府的权力划分有关。The United States operates under a federal system of government. Under the federal system, power is divided between the central government and the states. The central government is given specific powers. These powers are named in the Constitution. Power

29、s that are not assigned to the central government in the Constitution belong to the states.The central government can pass laws that affect trade between states. The central government can also make treaties with foreign countries. It has the power to print money. The Constitution gives the central

30、government these powers. These powers belong to the central government only. However, the states have many powers that the central government cannot control. For example, a state is allowed to tax people who live and work in the state. The central government cannot put a limit on the amount of money

31、 that a state taxes its people.Many people feel that the federal system has many good points. One good point is that it restrains the power of the central government. The central government cannot become too powerful. Another good point is that the central government makes sure that the bigger states dont become too powerful. Under the Constitution, all states are treated equally. The laws of the central government do not favor one state over another. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. What does the passage mainly talk about?【解析】

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