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高中英语 Unit 2 Language单元综合检测卷 牛津译林版必修3.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 2 Language单元综合检测卷 牛津译林版必修3Unit 2 Language第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21A satellite is _ object traveling in _ orbit round another object in _ space.Athe;/;the Ban;an;aCthe;an;a Dan;an;/答案D解析in space在太空中,space前不加冠词;object与orbit是指类别,故用

2、an。22She is working hard all day long,which will surely _ her success in the future.Alook forward to Blook forwardCcontribute to Ddevote to答案C解析contribute to有助于。23This novel was concerned _ the Second World War,while most teenagers are more concerned _ the heros love story.Awith;for Bwith;withCfor;a

3、bout Dabout;with答案A解析句意为:这部小说与二战有关,大部分青少年更关心那个主人公的爱情故事。be concerned with涉及,与有关;be concerned for/about.担心/关心。24She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do_it takes to save her life.Awhichever BhoweverCwhatever Dwhoever答案C解析考查名词性从句的引导词。句意为:我们非常珍惜她,我们已经准备好尽一切努力来拯救她的生命。25The old white black TV ha

4、s been _the new color TV even in the remote areas in the last ten years.Areplaced with Breplaced inCreplaced to Dreplaced about答案A解析replace A with B用B代替A。句意为:在最近十年里,即使是偏远的地区新的彩电也都替代了旧的黑白电视机。26Teenagers shall be_from entering the Internet bar.Aforbidden BadvisedCbanned Dcalled答案C解析ban sb.from doing禁止

5、某人做。根据句意“应该禁止青少年进入网吧”可知,应选C项。27The old Tom has to work hard to make a living,because he has two sons to_.Araise BprovideCoffer Dhelp答案A解析raise抚养。B项若改为provide for也可以。28Although they are from the same part of the same country,strangely they differ_accents.Aabout Bwith Cin Dfrom答案C解析differ in在某方面不同。句意为

6、:尽管他们来自同一个国家的同一个地方,奇怪的是他们的口音却不同。29The world_ seven continents and four oceans.Amakes up of Bmakes out ofCis consisted of Dconsists of答案D解析句意为:世界由七大洲和四大洋组成。consist of由组成,不能用于被动语态;A项应为be made up of结构;B项不对。故选D项。30According to a UN report,30 percent of the world population have no_to clean drinking wate

7、r and health care.Asense BchanceCaccess Dstandard答案C解析句意为:根据一份联合国的报告,世界上30%的人口没有干净饮用水和健康保障。access使用,have no access to没有机会使用,符合句意。sense意义,感觉;chance机会;standard标准。31Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.No wonder she _ above her colleagues in Chinese.Astands

8、 out Bsticks outCcomes out Dsorts out答案A解析答语句意为:难怪她汉语比她的同事们学得好。stand out突出,杰出,符合句意。32You have made a few grammar mistakes in your essay but _you have done well.Aon the whole Bon the other handCfirst of all Dgenerally speaking答案A解析on the whole总的来说,符合句意。on the other hand另一方面;first of all首先;generally s

9、peaking通常来说。33As is known to us all,success usually _diligence while laziness can _failure.Aresults from;lie in Bresults in;lead toCresults in;lie in Dresults from;lead to答案D解析句意为:众所周知,成功基于勤奋,懒惰导致失败。result from由造成,由产生;lead to导致;result in导致,终归;lie in在于。由句意知选D项。34It is no longer a question now_man can

10、 land on the moon.Athat BifCwhether Dwhat答案A解析考查主语从句连接词。it是形式主语,that引导的从句才是真正的主语,句意为:人类到达月球现在已不再是问题了。35Come and see me whenever_.Ayou are convenientByou will be convenient Cit is convenientDit will be convenient to you答案C解析convenient作表语时,主语不能是人,可用it is convenient for/to sb.结构。D项时态错。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题

11、1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Do you know _36_ languages there are in the world?There are about 1,500 but many of them are not very _37_.English is one of the most important languages because many people _38_ it,not only in England and America,_39_ in other countries of the world.A

12、bout 200,000,000 speak it _40_ their own language,and another 200,000,000 use it as _41_ language.It is _42_ to say how many people are learning it._43_ boys and girls in school are trying to do so.Many English children study French.French is also a very important language._44_ children study German

13、,Russian,Japanese and Chinese.Which is the best _45_ to learn a language?We know that we all learnt _46_ language well when we were _47_.If we learn a second language in the _48_ way,it wont seem so difficult.What does a small child do?It _49_ what people say,and it tries to guess what it hears.When

14、 it wants something,it has to _50_ it.It is using the language,_51_ in it and talking in it all the time.If people use a second language _52_,they will learn it _53_.In school,you learn to read,to hear and to speak.It is best to learn all new words through the _54_.You can read them,spell them and _

15、55_ many Bwhat numberCa lot of Dso many答案A解析由下句There are about 1,500可知,上文是询问“世界上有多少种语言”。 37A.useful BnecessaryCimportant Dgood答案C解析由下句English is one of the most important language可知,上句是说全世界1 500多种语言中有许多是不重要的。 BuseClearn Dspeak答案B解析由于很多人使用英语,所以英语才是世界上最重要的语言之一。所以用use。39A.but BandC

16、also Dso答案A解析该空与上文的not only一起构成not only.but (also)固定短语,意为“不仅而且”。 Bwith Cfor Das答案D解析全世界有200 000 000人把英语作为母语来讲,所以用介词as,意为“作为”。41A.foreign Ba secondCthe second Da special答案B解析全世界有200 000 000人把英语作为第二语言。“a序数词”表示“再一,另一”;the second“第二”。如:He had an apple.But he wanted a second one.他吃了一个苹果,还想再要一个。这里

17、的“a”不能换成“the”。所以选B项。42A.easy Bagain Cdifficult Dbest答案C解析目前全世界有多少人正在学习英语很难说。43A.Millions of BMillion ofCMillions DSeveral million答案A解析millions of意为“无数,许多”;several million意为“数百万”,该句表示“全世界许许多多的学生正在学习英语”。44A.Some BOther CAll DFew答案A解析上文说很多英国学生学习法语,也有一些学生学习其他语言,如德语、俄语、日语和汉语。依据句意,选A项。45A.time Bway Cthing

18、 Dplace答案B解析下文主要谈论学习语言的方法。46A.a foreign Bour mothersCothers Dour own答案D解析当我们还是孩子的时候,就学会了自己的母语。故D项正确。47A.born BchildrenCgrown Dboys答案B解析根据句意和常识可知,B项正确。48A.same BdifferentCuseful Dgood答案A解析如果我们用同样的办法学习另一门语言,就不会那么难了。49A.does BsaysClistens to Dfollows答案C解析在孩子学会说话之前,先要“听”。follow是“领会、听清楚”的意思。50A.ask Bwant

19、Cget Dask for答案D解析ask for sth.请求得到某物。51A.speaking BwritingCthinking Ddoing答案C解析孩子索取东西的过程,其实就是用语言思维和交流的过程。52A.some time BsometimesCall the time Dfor the time答案C解析some time意为“一段时间”;sometimes意为“有时候”;all the time意为“一直,总是”。根据句意,应选C项。53A.quickly BsoonCfreely Deasily答案A解析如果人们一直使用另一门语言,那么他们就会很快地学会这门语言。54A.m

20、outh BhandsCears Dmind答案C解析学习生词最好先听,既然听当然要用耳朵。55A.speak BuseClove Dwrite答案D解析根据句意可知D项正确。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ANOTICE OF PROPOSED REGULATION AMENDMENT(修正案)Date:June 6,2013REGULATION TITLE:Tuition CostREGULATION NO.:3.0375SUMMARY:This is the annual BOT approval

21、 of tuition and fees for the 20132014 academic year.The Board approved the amounts of the student activity,health,athletics,and transportation access fees at the Boards December 2012 meeting.As occurs annually,this regulation implements(使生效) these fees as well as tuition and other fees after the end

22、 of the legislative session(立法会议) and in time for the fall 2013 term.AUTHORITY:BOG Regulation 1.001,7.001 and 7.003,General Appropriations Act,2013.COMMENTS CONCERNING THE PROPOSED REGULATION SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE TO THE CONTACT PERSON IDENTIFIED BELOW.The com

23、ments must identify the regulation you are commenting on.THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED REGULATION IS:Rebecca JHolt,Senior Administrative Assistant,123 Tigert Hall,Post Office Box 113125,University of Florida,Gainesville,Florida 32611,3523921358 office,3523924387 facsimile(传真),reg

24、 OF PERSON WHO APPROVED THE PROPOSED REGULATION:Joseph Glover,Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.THE FULL TEXT OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION IS ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE.56The proposed regulation is mainly about _.Astudent activities Bannual fundsCtuition cost Dcos

25、t comments答案C解析细节理解题。从“REGULATION TITLE:Tuition Cost”可以看出,该试行条例主要关于学费“tuition cost”。故选C项。57If you have comments on the proposed regulation,you can do the following EXCEPT _.Apaying a visit to Joseph GloverBsending email to regulations ufl.eduCfaxing 3523924387Dcalling 3523921358答案A解析细节理解题。从倒数第三段的内容可

26、以看出,如果对该条例有任何评论的话可以以不同方式联系Rebecca JHolt,由此可知B、C、D三项正确。A选项提到的Joseph Glover是倒数第二段涉及的信息,文中只表明他赞同该条例,而没有说可以找他发表评论。BThe speaker,a teacher from a community college,addressed a sympathetic audience.Heads nodded in agreement when he said,“High school English teachers are not doing their jobs.”He described t

27、he inadequacies of his students,all high school graduates who can use language only at a grade 9 level.I was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 level had been established.My topic is not standards nor its decline(降低)What the speaker was really saying is that he is

28、no longer young;he has been teaching for sixteen years,and is able to think and speak like a mature adult.My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable.It is also human nature to look for the reasons for our dissatisfaction.Before Engl

29、ish became a school subject in the late nineteenth century,it was difficult to find the target of the blame for language deficiencies(缺陷)But since then,English teachers have been under constant attack.The complainers think they have hit upon an original idea.As their own command of the language impr

30、oves,they notice that young people do not have this same ability.Unaware that their own ability has developed through the years,they assume the new generation of young people must be hopeless in this respect.To the eyes and ears of sensitive adults the language of the young always seems inadequate.Since this concern about the decline and fall of the English language is not perceived as a generational phenomenon but rather as somethi

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