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外研社 高中一年级 必修 1 MODULE 5 a lesson in a lab.docx

1、外研社 高中一年级 必修 1 MODULE 5 a lesson in a lab外研社必修一MODULE 5一、 本次课教学目标熟练使用模块5里面出现的重点短语和句型进行造句,学会倍数表达法,比较级表达法。 二、 考点、热点回顾必修1 A Lesson in a Lab单元核心词汇详解1. expand verb I or T使事物扩展,扩大【经典例句】1) When you heat a metal, it expands. 当你加热一种金属的时候,它会膨胀。2) His face expanded in a smile of welcome. 他的脸上绽开了欢迎的笑容。3) The ea

2、gle expanded its wings before flying. 老鹰在起飞前先展开它的翅膀搭配 ones vocabulary his business.2. contract v.收缩;订合同;染(疾病) n.合同,契约,订婚【经典例句】1) When you heat a metal, it contracts. 当你加热一种金属的时候,它会收缩。2) The economy continues to contract, raising fears of further political problems.经济继续紧缩,进一步加剧了人们对未来政治问题的担忧。3) They c

3、ontracted to work fixed hours each week.他们订合同确立每周固定的工作小时数.4) He contracted a bad cold.他得了重感冒5) Tyler has just agreed a seven-year contract with a Hollywood studio.泰勒刚刚和好莱坞的一家制片厂签订了7年的合同。3. substance n.物质4. mixture n.混合物 mix vt 混合 be mixed up 【经典例句】1) Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances.

4、钢是铁和其他一些物质的混合体。2) Air is a mixture of gases. 空气是各种气体的混合物。3) I was totally mixed up by the first sentence. 5. boil vt.煮沸 联想:spoil【经典例句】1) Boil the water for three minutes. 将水烧开保持三分钟。6. conclusion n.结论【经典例句】1) I found the conclusion of his book very interesting.我发现他的书的结尾非常有意思【词汇解析】 Arrive at/come to/d

5、raw/reach a conclusion 得出结论Make a conclusion 下结论 jump to a conclusion 过早下结论In conclusion 最后,总之7Float vi.漂浮,浮现(through,in)【经典例句】1) Annie was floating on her back in the pool. 安妮脸朝上浮在水池上。2) Confused ideas floated through my mind. 紊乱的观念浮上在我的心头8. form vi.形成 n. 形,形状; 样子,姿态,外观 formation n.形成 【经典例句】1) Burn

6、 to form an oxide. 燃烧后生成氧化物2) a devil in human in the of3) I formed the impression (= the way she behaved suggested to me) that she didnt really want to come.9. Shape n. 成形,形状 Physical exercise keeps you in . Clouds are shaping on the horizon. 云逐渐涌起于地平线上10.reaction n.反应【经典例句】1) What is your reaction

7、 to the news? 你对这个消息的反应如何?11.Electrical adj.用电的,与电有关的 n.electricity 电【经典例句】 1) Different metals have different uses, for example, steel is used in cars, and iron is used in electrical equipment. 不同的金属有不同的作用。比如,钢用来造车,铁用来造电力设备。2) An electrical fault in the engine 发动机的电故障12.Stage n.阶段,时期【经典例句】 1) The c

8、hildren are at different stages of development. 这些孩子处于不同的成长阶段。13.Aim n.目标,目的 Vi. 瞄准,目的在于at, for【经典例句】 1) She went to London with the aim of finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。2) This book s at giving a general outline of the subject.14. equipment n.装备,设备 【u】 device (精密)设备【C】【经典例句】1) Different metals have dif

9、ferent uses, for example, steel is used in cars, and iron is used in electrical equipment. 不同的金属有不同的作用。比如,钢用来造车,铁用来造电力设备。2) A factory with modern equipment has been built up in our hometown.一座拥有现代化设备的工厂在我们家乡建立起来了。15.leave v.离开;使处于某种状态 n假期【经典例句】1) Leave the tube for one week. 将试管放置一周。2) Did you leave

10、 the window open? 你让窗户开着吗?3) Leave things as they are. 让一切保持原样,什么都别动4) Ive applied for three days leave. 我已申请了三天假。【高考试题链接】The teacher stressed again that the students should not_ any important details while retelling the story. (2008 湖北)A. bring out B. let out C.leave out D.make out16.add v.增加,添加 ad

11、d to 增添 add up to 合计 in addition 另外【经典例句】1) Add some oil to the water. 在水中加一些油。2) I d like to add that we are pleased with the result. 我想补充一句,我们对这个结果感到很满意。3) The bills add up to exactly 1,000这些账单加起来正好1000英镑。17. ordinary adj 普通的,平常的【经典例句】1) Iron rusts in ordinary water. 铁在普通的水中会生锈。【词汇辨析】 辨析:ordinary

12、,common , normal, usual, general Ordinary: 由于与一般事物的性质或标准相同,因而显得平常、无奇特之处。 Her mother is an ordinary teacher. 她的母亲是一位平凡的教师。Common:“普通的,平常的,共有的”,指为许多人或事物所共同具备因而常见 Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain. 兔子和狐狸在英国很常见。Normal:“正常的,正规的” He is a normal child in every way. 他是一个各方面都正常的孩子Usual: 通常与人的行为习惯有关,含义为

13、“惯常的,通例的” We will meet at the usual time. 我们将在老地方见General:指普遍于大多数和事情之中,有“较少例外”的含义 Cold weather is general in Britain in the winner. 冬天英国气候一般是寒冷的。【高考试题链接】Letter boxes are much more_ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.(2006 浙江)A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. usual18.

14、 turn v. 转向;使变得 n。转向【经典例句】1) It s your turn 轮到你2) The car turned into the hotel entrance. 汽车开进旅馆入口。【词汇辨析】 turn down 关小,调低,拒绝turn off 关上/掉;转向;(使某人感到厌烦)turn out 关(灯);制造;结果是;原来是;培养turn over (使)翻转/身;移交;周转;仔细考虑turn to 求助于;(使)转向;(把注意力等)转向;翻书到turn up 开大;被发现,被找到;到达;露面【高考试题链接】- What are you reading ,Tom? (20

15、08 全国)-I m not really reading, just_ the pages.A. turning off B. turning around C. turning over D. turning up19.facility n.(常作复数)设备;工具【经典例句】1) The science facilities are very laboratories that have all the latest equipment. 科研设备很好,实验室配有最新设备。【词汇辨析】 辨析:facility 与 equipmentFacility: 其涵盖面比equipment 要广,指

16、使工作便利的一切东西或环境,包括为某一用途修建的建筑物等,所以对应于汉语的“设施”。Our city needs more facilities for recreation. 我们城市需要更多的娱乐设施。Equipment:指为了生产、工作和研究所需要的“设备”“装备”“装置”The challenge for the park is to encourage its visitors to buy a particular brand of sports equipment or clothing. 对于公园来说,最具挑战性的就是要鼓励游客购买某种品牌的体育器械或运动服装。20. lect

17、ure n.教训,告诫; v.讲课;斥责,告诫【经典例句】1) Our chemistry teacher, Mr.Longford, takes us to public science lectures about four times a term, and these are always very interesting, as the lecture are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science. 我们的化学老师,朗福德先生大约每个学期带我们去听四次大众科学讲座,而且讲座很有趣,因为演讲者都是在

18、各自领域里真正有所发现的人。2) My aunt gave/addressed/delivered a long lecture about the dangers of drink to us.姨妈长篇大论的告诫我酗酒的危害。3) I m attending a lecture. 我正在听讲座。【词汇辨析】 Lecture, speech, talkLecture: 教育性或学术性演讲。She lectures on modern art. 她讲授现在艺术Speech:就指感情、见解、思想、经验或知识等发表演说,准备好的,或即席演讲。 He was going to make a speec

19、h. 他要发表演说。Talk:指一般人做的发言,讲话。 I had a talk with the doctor. 我和这位医生进行了一次谈话。21. department n.(大学的)科、系,(公司)【经典例句】1) Im going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Department. 我要努力考取蒙特利尔大学或者渥太华大学,因为这两所大学的物理系都很棒。2) He is in the department of physics

20、. 他在物理系。22. Astonish Vt.使惊讶,astonished adj. 吃惊的;惊愕的。【经典例句】1) My parents are astonished. 我的父母感到很惊讶。2) What astonished me was that he didnt seem to mind. 令我吃惊的是二:单元核心短语详解1. be different from sb. In Sth 与(某人/物)不同【经典例句】1) The pronunciation of large numbers in English is different from that in Chinese. 英

21、文的大部分发音和中文不同。2. the same as 和一样【经典例句】1) A quarter is the same as 25 percent. 四分之一是百分之二十五。2) He goes to the same university as his father did. 他现在就读的那所大学时他父亲当年学习的地方3. for example 例如,比如 = for instance = such as = like (有小区别)【经典例句】1) Different metals have different uses, for example, steel is used in c

22、ars, and iron is used in electrical equipment. 不同的金属有不同的作用。比如,钢用来造车,铁用来造电力设备。2) Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan have a lot of earthquakes.许多国家,例如墨西哥和日本,经常发生地震。【词汇辨析】 辨析:for example,such as, that isfor example: 主要用于举例说明,一般只列举同类事物中的“一个”,其位置很灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,用标点符号隔开。 Some students, for exam

23、ple, John, live in the neighbourhood. 有些学生,比如约翰,就住在附近。such as:用来列举事物(一类),放在被列举事物之前(列举部分事物) He knows several languages, such as English, French and German. 他懂几种,像英语、法语和德语。That is : 用来列举全部实例,放在被列举的事例前面,并用逗号隔开。 I have three good friends, that is Jim, Jack and Tom. 我有三位好朋友,即吉姆、杰克和汤姆。4. Put sth. In order

24、 把(某物)按顺序排列 disorder out of order【经典例句】1) The reaction of metals with these substances can be put in order. (不同的)金属与这些物质的反应程度可以按顺序排列起来。2) After the experiment , everything is put in order in the cupboard.做完实验后,一切东西都按有序地排列在器皿里。5. at least 至少【经典例句】1) Write out each corrected sentence at least once. 把每

25、个被改正的句子至少写一次。2) I have seen that film for at least 5 times. 我至少看那部电影五遍了。 pound of 为自豪【经典例句】1) The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific prize there is , so we should be very proud of that. 诺贝尔奖是现有的最高科技奖项,因此我们应该引以为豪。7. find out (经过研究或询问)查明某人/物 (discover)【经典例句】1) To find out if iron rusts a. in dr

26、y air b. in water that has no air in it (air-free water) c. in ordinary water. 发现铁是否在下列状态下生锈:a. 在干燥的空气中b. 再没有空气的水中(无空气水)c. 在普通的水中2) After we asked several people, we found out where Mr Wang lived. 问过几个人后,我们才能得到王先生住在何处。【词汇解析】 辨析: find out 与findfind out: 指经过研究、观察、调查而找出原因,查明事实,指有主观有意识的动作。After we asked

27、 several people, we found out where Mr Wang lived. 问过几个人后,我们才能得到王先生住在何处。Find:指经过一番经历或偶然发现,强调寻找的结果,是终止性动词。I m looking for my book, but I may not find it. 我在找我的书,但是我不能找到它。8. addto把添加到My feelings about science have really changed. I never used to enjoy science, but last year I changed schools , and the

28、 science teachers at my new school are excellent.9. Used to do sth. 过去常常做某事【经典例句】1) Mother used to tell us stories at bedtime when we were children. 我们还是孩子的时候,妈妈常在就寝时给我们讲故事2) Do you play golf? 你打高尔夫吗?No, but I used to. 不打,但过去常打。【词汇辨析】 辨析: used to do sth, be used to (doing) sth, be used to do sth.use

29、d to do sth: 表示过去惯化的动作或经常存在的状态。 You used to smoke a pipe, didn t you? 你过去一向抽烟斗,对不对?be used to (doing) sth: 习惯于(to 为介词) You will soon be used to living here. 不久你就会习惯住在这里be used to do sth.:被用来做 Bamboo can be used to build houses. 竹子可用来建造房子。【高考试题链接】You didn t use to like him much when we were at school

30、,_? (2008 上海)A. were we B.weren t we C. did you D. didn t you10. be supposed to 应该做,被期望做【经典例句】1) Im going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Department. 我要努力考取蒙特利尔大学或者渥太华大学,因为这两所大学的物理系都很棒。2) The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ag

31、o. 火车本应在半个小时之前到。3) You are not supposed to smoke on his bus. 你不应该在公车上吸烟。注: was/were supposed to do sth. 意为“本应该做某事”,但事实上却没做三:单元必备句型详解 1. I think the Yangtze River is about 3 times as long as the Songhua River.【句型】 asas表示倍数句型1) A is as+ adj.+as B A和B一样 2) A is not as/so+adj.+as B A不如B3) A is half asas B A是B的的一半4) A is times asas B A是B的倍【例子】1) Tom is as tall as jack. 汤姆和杰克一样高。2) Jack is not so clever as his sister. 杰克不如他姐姐聪明。3) This pencil is half as lon

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