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1、Shrhqa雅思写作课程教案Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- ShakespeareIELTS Writing雅思写作课程教案Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department Heilongjiang UniversityChapter One雅

2、思学术类(A类)写作考试简介 I.Teaching Objectives On completion of this Chapter, students should be able to:1.have some information about IELTS Writing2.have some insights into the procedure of the exam.II.The Points to Be Highlighted雅思写作要求考生60分钟内完成两篇作文。A类、G类小作文不同,大作文相同。Task 1要求考生在20分钟内完成一篇至少150词的文章。G类要求考生针对题目要求

3、写一封信(投诉信、请求信、建议信、寻找失物信和邀请信);A类要求考生针对题目要求写一个报告,对图表或表格进行描述或说明。小作文一般180200词左右为宜。Task 2要求考生在40分钟内完成一篇至少250词的议论文。G类一般比A类简单些,有时G类作文曾是A类作问题。Task 2要求考生对某个观点发表支持或反对意见,或者讨论对立的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。字数以300词左右为宜。III.Teaching Approaches and FacilitiesApproaches: 1. Discussion 2. Questions and answersFacili

4、ties: blackboard; on-line research; IV.Teaching Procedures and Contents1.Lead-in 要求学生回答问题:为什么想要参加雅思考试?你认为雅思考试和我们国内的考试有何不同?2.Specific Contents1 雅思写作考试简介雅思考试共2小时55分钟,写作是笔试最后一项(一般是周六上午),考查英语笔头综合表达能力,包括思维、逻辑、知识和经验。雅思写作一直被认为是难度较大但通过有针对性的训练后成绩提高最显著的一项测试。(在听说读写四项考查内容中,中国学生的阅读和听力较好,但中国考生平均成绩明显低于全球总平均成绩,口语成绩

5、为各项目最低。)1.1 雅思写作分类雅思写作考试分为两类:培训类(General Training Module)和学术类(Academic Module), 简称G类和A类。G类(培训类)适合计划申请移民、国外培训或出国工作的考生,A类(学术类)适合计划申请到国外高校攻读本科或研究生课程的考生。雅思写作要求考生60分钟内完成两篇作文。A类、G类小作文不同,大作文相同。Task 1要求考生在20分钟内完成一篇至少150词的文章。G类要求考生针对题目要求写一封信(投诉信、请求信、建议信、寻找失物信和邀请信);A类要求考生针对题目要求写一个报告,对图表或表格进行描述或说明。小作文一般180200词

6、左右为宜。Task 2要求考生在40分钟内完成一篇至少250词的议论文。G类一般比A类简单些,有时G类作文曾是A类作问题。Task 2要求考生对某个观点发表支持或反对意见,或者讨论对立的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。字数以300词左右为宜。1.2写作评分方式9分制Task 1 和Task 2 分别评分,分值从1分至9分,两部分的分数在总分中各占一个百分比。基本上Task 1占三分之一,Task 2占三分之二。从2006年7月份开始,雅思写作、口语设半分,值得庆幸。考官采取总体评分法,根据总体印象给分,在一定程度上受考官主观看法的影响。一般考生分数集中在57分: 7:

7、文章易于理解,有条理,语言错误较少(句型丰富、偶尔出错) 6:文章理解起来不太困难(通过四、六级基本可达到) 5:文章勉强可以理解,但表述不清楚 (其中,5分相当于及格的分数)总体目标应定在保6争7。1.3备考原则“不抄、不背、不译”三大原则+“我思故我写”的应考思路:“不抄”即不要抄袭范文;“不背”即不要死记硬背套句;“不译”即不要逐字逐句进行汉译英;“我思故我写”,即用自己的头脑去思考问题,用自己的语言去表述自己的观点。(1) 雅思考试要求的是用英语思考问题与表达思想的能力,而不是仅仅检验词汇、语法、套句。背记的句子很容易被考官识别而不计入成绩,这种所谓的“诀窍”或“捷径”会成为考生的负担

8、,甚至可能是个“陷阱”。曾出现过一次考试中十多名考生的作文因如出一辙而全部计为零分的事件,其原因是这些考生都是由某一培训班“教”会背诵范文的。所以,死记硬背决不是明智的备考方法。(2) 要注意研究东西方思维模式、语言表述方式及写作模式的差异。(3) 要进行广泛的阅读,形成对事物的理解力和判断力,能够以较成熟的思维来认识事物的规律,这样才能在思考问题及发表观点时较为全面深入。阅读报刊杂志,关心社会问题和最新动态。二十一世纪比较有用,许多单词有中文译文和解释。看英语新闻和记录片节目,听英语广播。特别是DVD和VCD,有字幕。上网:英语聊天室,探讨有用的话题;访问英语新闻网站;无忧雅思网,了解雅思最

9、新动态。(4)不要养成用电子词典的习惯,一是因为电子词典通常无法充分解释词语的用法与搭配,更不能提供语言使用的语境,使考生无法真正扩大单词量;二是一旦养成对电子词典的依赖性,就无法摆脱逐字汉译英的不良习惯,难以用英语进行思维。(5)准备一个词汇本,按话题对词汇进行分类,词条后写上相关短语、介词和搭配。(6)练习限时写作文。根据评分标准,比较自己的作文和范文在行文、内容、衔接方面的不足。1.4重要提示1.4.1备考提示:(1) 再次提醒:不要死记硬背!(2) 时间与字数的训练:由于考试时间紧张而字数要求多,对时间与字数的训练是非常必要的。方法是:以正常写作的速度与笔迹在模拟答题卡上写几行,数一下

10、总字数,除以行数,就会得到每行的正常字数,再看一下所用时间,则得出自己写作的速度,如每100字用多少分钟,或每分钟写出多少字;以总时间1小时来衡量,将知道自己的速度是否足够快。数出完成Task 1和Task 2各需要多少行,在预计的段与段之间留出空行,并在最后一行做出标记, 这样就知道完成Task 1和Task 2所需的长度。平时有意识地按照所需长度写作,并调整自己的速度,考场上就不会出现因时间估计错误而手忙脚乱的情况了。1.4.2写作提示:(1)首先将两部分的题目浏览一遍。建议先从Task 2开始做起,因为Task 2分值高、时间长、字数要求多。当然并没有硬性要求。如果从Task 2做起,要

11、确保留出足够的时间完成Task 1。(2) 不用对写作涉及的话题过分担心,因为考试不是为了检测知识面,而是要检查考生的书面表达能力。(3) 要按要求的字数写,否则文章太短,不足以表达深入、完整的思想,会影响成绩。(字数不够的文章一定会比达到最低字数的文章得分低。)(4) 阐释观点和表达清楚比少犯错误更重要。(5) 考查的主要内容是运用语言的能力,所以如果只使用简单的英语,虽然不会犯错误,也不会得高分。(6) 两个作文均不用写题目,因为写题目或原封不动地抄题,既占用时间,又有凑字之嫌。 (7) Task 2中可以运用自己的经验,并采用I,my,me等代词,但要避免人称指代混乱,以及非正式语言的表

12、达,如Im,youve,hes等缩写。(8) 绝对不要使用死记硬背的套句和段落。1.5.3考场提示:(1) 考试时只能用铅笔,不能用钢笔。(2) 考试中没有打草稿的时间,也不准带草稿纸进考场,可以在试题边的空白处设计简要的大纲,但试题不许带出考场。(3) 绝对禁止携带、使用任何形式的字典,否则将被清出考场。(4) 字迹虽不是评分的标准之一,但不清晰的字迹会影响考官对文章内容的理解,进而影响成绩。(5) 注意考场规则。考试中不得携带或使用任何电子设备,不许换座,不许交头接耳,决无抄袭之可能。考试进行20分钟、30分钟、以及结束前5分钟时, 考官会提示时间。考试结束,考官叫停笔时,考生务必停笔,并

13、把所有试卷、试题及答题卡一并交回,不得早退,否则考生的准考证号将被记下,影响成绩的评定。1.6关于答题卡的填写展示答题纸。1.7 IELTS Task 2 Writing band descriptors (public version)BandTask ResponseCoherence and CohesionLexical ResourceGrammatical Range and Accuracy9􀂃 fully addresses all parts of the task􀂃 presents a fully developed position

14、in answer to the question with relevant, fullyextended and well supported ideas􀂃 uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention􀂃 skilfully manages paragraphing􀂃 uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare

15、 minor errors occuronly as slips􀂃 uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minorerrors occur only as slips8􀂃 sufficiently addresses all parts of the task􀂃 presents a well-developed response to thequestion with relevant, extended and supporte

16、d ideas􀂃 sequences information and ideas logically􀂃 manages all aspects of cohesion well􀂃 uses paragraphing sufficiently andappropriately􀂃 uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings􀂃 skilfully uses uncommon lexicalite

17、ms but there may beoccasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation􀂃 produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation􀂃 uses a wide range of structures􀂃 the majority of sentences are error-free􀂃 makes only very occasional errors orinappropriacies7И

18、707; addresses all parts of the task􀂃 presents a clear position throughout the response􀂃 presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to overgeneraliseand/or supporting ideas may lack focus􀂃 logically organises information and ideas; there is clea

19、r progression throughout􀂃 uses a range of cohesive devicesappropriately although there may be some under-/ over-use􀂃 presents a clear central topic within each paragraph􀂃 uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision􀂃 uses less comm

20、on lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation􀂃 may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation􀂃 uses a variety of complex structures􀂃 produces frequent error-free sentences􀂃 has good control of grammar andpunctuation bu

21、t may make a few errors6􀂃 addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be more fully covered than others􀂃 presents a relevant position although theconclusions may become unclear orrepetitive􀂃 presents relevant main ideas but some may be inadequately developed/un

22、clear􀂃 arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression􀂃 uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or betweensentences may be faulty or mechanical􀂃 may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately􀂃 uses par

23、agraphing, but not always logically􀂃 uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task􀂃 attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy􀂃 makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but theydo not impede communication􀂃 uses a mix of simple

24、and complex sentence forms􀂃 makes some errors in grammar andpunctuation but they rarely reducecommunication5􀂃 addresses the task only partially; the format may be inappropriate in places􀂃 expresses a position but the developmentis not always clear and there may be no concl

25、usions drawn􀂃 presents some main ideas but these are limited and not sufficiently developed; there may be irrelevant detail􀂃 presents information with some organisation but there may be a lack of overall progression􀂃 makes inadequate, inaccurate or over- use of cohesive de

26、vices􀂃 may be repetitive because of lack ofreferencing and substitution􀂃 may not write in paragraphs, orparagraphing may be inadequate􀂃 uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task􀂃 may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or w

27、ord formation that may cause some difficultyfor the reader􀂃 uses only a limited range of structures􀂃 attempts complex sentences but thesetend to be less accurate than simple sentences􀂃 may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause som

28、e difficulty for the reader4 􀂃 responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is tangential; the format may be inappropriate􀂃 presents a position but this is unclear􀂃 presents some main ideas but these are difficult to identify and may be repetitive,irrelevant or

29、 not well supported􀂃 presents information and ideas but theseare not arranged coherently and there is no clear progression in the response􀂃 uses some basic cohesive devices but these may be inaccurate or repetitive􀂃 may not write in paragraphs or their use may be confusing

30、􀂃 uses only basic vocabulary which may be used repetitively or which may be inappropriate for the task􀂃 has limited control of word formation and/or spelling; errors may cause strain for the reader􀂃 uses only a very limited range ofstructures with only rare use of subordin

31、ate clauses􀂃 some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is often faulty3􀂃 does not adequately address any part of the task􀂃 does not express a clear position􀂃 presents few ideas, which are largely undeveloped or irrelevant􀂃 does

32、not organise ideas logically􀂃 may use a very limited range of cohesive devices, and those used may not indicate a logical relationship between ideas􀂃 uses only a very limited range of words and expressions with very limited control of wordformation and/or spelling􀂃 errors

33、may severely distort the message􀂃 attempts sentence forms but errors ingrammar and punctuation predominate and distort the meaning2􀂃 barely responds to the task􀂃 does not express a position􀂃 may attempt to present one or two ideas but there is no development􀂃 has very little control of organisationalfeatures􀂃 uses an extremely limited range of vocabulary; essentially no control of word formation and/or spelling􀂃 cannot use sentence forms except in memorised phrases1􀂃 answer is completely unrelated to the task

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