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高一英语unit 13 healthy eating一周强化新人教版.docx

1、高一英语unit 13 healthy eating一周强化新人教版Unit 13 Healthy eating一周强化一、重点单词1examine v. 检查;细查;考试The doctor examined her carefully. 医生给她作了仔细地检查。My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country.入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。c.f. check v. 核实;查证Check your answers before you hand it in. Is the baby asleep?

2、Ill go and check.2plenty n. (常与of连用)丰富,充足;富裕years of peace and plenty 太平丰收年to live in plenty 生活富裕plenty good enough 够好的了3energy n. 活力;精力to devote all ones energies to a job 全身心投入工作Young people usually have more energy than the old.年轻人通常比老年人有活力。4soft adj. (1)柔软的,松软的This orange is soft. 这个橘子很软。(2)比一般软

3、的Lead is one of the softer metals. 铅是一种较软的金属。(3)柔滑的;细嫩的soft skin 细嫩的皮肤(4)柔和的soft wind 柔和的风Soft fire makes sweet malt.(谚)(文火煮出好麦芽糖。)慢工出细活。(5)低的,轻的(声音)a soft voice 轻声The thief heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.那个贼听到有人轻轻走下楼来的脚步声。(6)不含酒精的,甜的(饮料)soft drink 软饮料This drink is soft and fruity. 这种饮料

4、不含酒精而且果味浓。(7)软性的(水)soft water 软水(8)并非最坏的;不是最有害的soft drug 毒性较小的毒品5diet n. 饮食;食物; 特种饮食;保健食谱to go on a diet 节食;吃限定食物He began his diet a week ago. 他在一星期前开始节食。People who are on a diet mustnt have chocolate. 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。6pace n. (1)速度a fast pace 快速to go at a good pace 以飞快的速度走(2)一步;步幅to make two paces 走两步

5、The fence is only ten paces from the house. 围墙离屋子只有十步远。to take a pace forward 向前迈一步(3)步态;步法The trot is a pace of the horse. “快步”是马行的一种步态。7fit adj. (1)(与for连用)合适的,适宜的a fit food for men 对人合适的食物This food is not fit for your visitors. 这食物对你的客人来说不合适。(2)健康的;结实的Do you feel fit? 你觉得身体好吗?He runs to keep fit.

6、 他跑步为了保持健康。8digest vt. & vi. (1)vi. 消化Sugar digests easily. 糖容易消化。Some girls cant digest fat. 有些女孩子吃肥肉不消化。This food digests well. 这食物容易消化。Some foods digest more easily than others. 有些食物较其它食物容易消化。(2)vt. 领会;领悟;融会贯通digest everything in the book 领会了书中的一切9gain vt. & vi.(1)获得,得到He quickly gained experienc

7、e. 他很快就有经验了。(2)(常与in连用)获益,增加He gained weight after his illness. 病后他的体重增加了。(3)(钟、表)走快This clock gains five minutes a day. 这只钟每天快5分钟。Does your watch gain or lose? 你的表走得快,还是走得慢?(4)(经努力)到达,达到In the end we gained the top of the mountain. 我们终于到达了山顶。(5)追上,赶上,逼近Drive faster the police car is gaining on us.

8、开快点,警车快追上我们了。He gained on the other runners in the race and finished first.比赛中他赶上了其他的选手,最后跑了第一。10sleepy adj. (1)困倦的I felt sleepy all day. 我整天都犯困。(2)静寂的;不活跃的,惰性的;缓慢移动的a sleepy little village 静寂无生气的小村11peel vt. & vi. (1)(常与off连用)剥的皮;削的皮Please peel this banana. 请剥开这只香蕉的皮。These potatoes dont peel easily

9、. 这些土豆的皮很难剥。(2)脱落,剥落;脱皮,蜕皮The bark peels off. 树皮脱落。The wallpaper is peeling off. 壁纸在剥落下来。n. 果皮;蔬菜皮Apples have red or green peel. 苹果有红的或绿的果皮。12steamn. (1)蒸汽;水蒸汽There was steam coming from the cooking-pot. 水蒸汽从锅里冒出。(2)水气;雾(3)情绪;精力 to let off steam 发泄过多的精力vi. & vt. 蒸发,冒蒸汽The hot water was steaming. 热水在

10、冒热气。(常与ahead, away连用)用蒸汽力行驶The train steamed into the station. 火车驶进车站。13boil vi & vt (1)煮沸Peter boiled the kettle. 彼得把茶壶的水烧开了。The water boiled away. 水烧干了。The pot is boiling away on the fire. 炉子上的水壶正在沸腾。(2)煮Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes. 把土豆煮20分钟。(3)煮成某种状态soft-boiled eggs 煮嫩的蛋Mind you! Dont let th

11、e pot boil dry. 小心,别让水壶烧干了。14mixture n. (1)混合物cough mixture 止咳药水This drink is a mixture of three different sorts.这种饮料是由三个品种混合而成的。(2)混合a mixture of sadness and humor 哀伤中带有幽默I listened to his adventure with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.我怀着一种既好笑又不相信的复杂心情听了他讲述的冒险经历。15spoonful n.一匙的量three spoonfu

12、ls of medicine 三匙药16slice n. 片,薄片a slice of meat 一片肉a slice of bread 一片面包vt.(1)(常与up连用)切片I sliced the bread. 我把面包切成片。(2)(与off连用)切下slice off a piece of meat 切下一块肉(3)(常与into, through连用)刀切二、重点词组1Junk food n. 垃圾食品,无营养食品My son likes junk food such as crisp, sweets and fizzy drinks.我儿子喜欢吃炸土豆片、糖果和汽水一类只能填饱肚

13、子的食品。2ought to v.应该通常指客观上有义务、有责任或由于道义的约束而“应当,应该”做某事或处于某种状态,语气比should要强。例如:He knows he ought to pay the money. 他知道他应该付钱。注意ought to的否定、疑问形式:Ought he to pay the money?He oughtnt / ought not to pay the money.Oughtnt he to pay the money?Ought he not to pay the money?3plenty of(=much;enough )adj.许多;大量的(须接

14、不可数名词)We have plenty of time to catch the train. 我们有充分的时间赶火车。There is plenty of rain in South China.中国南方雨水充足。Im afraid I cant attend the party tonight because of plenty of work to do. 因有大量的事情要做,恐怕今晚我不能参加晚会。4keep up with 跟上;不落后;赶上keep up with the class 跟上班级(不掉队)keep up with the development of society

15、 适应社会的发展keep up with the going on 跟上时尚Dont run I cant keep up with you. 别跑了,我赶不上你了。Are wages keeping up with inflation? 工资跟得上通货膨胀吗?c.f. catch up with (已经落后)赶上5make a choice 选择相关短语:make choice of 挑选, 选择, 选定make ones choice任意挑选take ones choice 任意挑选offer a choice 自己挑选, 听凭选择6now and then adv. 偶尔,间或;时时;不

16、时地We go to the countryside to learn from farmers now and then.7roll up (1)卷起(袖子或裤管)He rolled up his sleeves. 他卷起双袖。(2)出现;来到;姗姗来迟 He rolled up last. 他最后一个到来。三、交际用语(一)Seeing a doctor看医生医生用语:1What can I do for you ? / What was the matter ? / Whats the trouble?2Does it hurt here ? / Its nothing serious.

17、 / Let me examine you . / Take this medicine three times a day. / And I advise you not to do 3Drink plenty of water and have a good rest . / Youd better have a good rest. / Youll be well soon.4Show me your tongue. / Stick out your tongue . / Did you cough much ? / Fortunately, you only have the flu

18、(流感). / Youll have to be hospitalized (住院).5How long have you been like this ? / Well , lets see. Open your mouth and say “ah”. / Keep warm and dont catch cold.病人用语:1Ive got a pain (cough , headache , toothache ). / I dont feel well . / Theres something wrong with . / This place hurts . / I feel a g

19、reat pain here. / I feel dizzy (头晕). / I took some medicine last night , but they didnt help. / Doctor , please give me an examination.2Ive had my temperature taken. I indeed have a fever. / I was hot and cold by turns.3I dont feel well, doctor. / I hope it wont last long. / I dont feel like eating

20、anything.4I have a sore throat (喉咙痛) and my chest hurts. / It started bothering me yesterday afternoon. / I feel hot and feverish. / Im aching all over.5Ive been losing sleep. / My whole body feels weak. / Ive lost my voice. / My ears are ringing, and my cheeks burning. / I feel a pain in my left le

21、g.(二)Giving advice and making suggestions提出建议和忠告的句型1I advise you (not) to do / Youd better (not) do / I suggest that you (should) do / Why not do / Why dont you do 2Its better to be absolutely sure, even if it does take a bit more time and trouble.3Well, if I were you, I would spend about four days

22、sightseeing in Beijing and two or three days in Shanghai for shopping .4Let me give you a bit of advice, if you dont mind. Stop smoking or at least cut down on it. Watch your diet and 5How / What about doing some shopping here ?6I think wed better send for a doctor.7Well, if you go on the way you have , youre only going to make things harder for yourself.8Yes, I suppose so. / Yes , I certainly will. / Thats a good idea. / Yes , but dont you think ?

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