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1、惠州VTS用户指南惠州VTS用户指南(征求意见稿)HUIZHOU VTS USERS GUIDE引 言 INTRODUCTION本指南旨在向用户简明介绍惠州船舶交通管理系统(以下称惠州VTS)的概况,惠州船舶交通管理中心(以下称惠州交管中心)有关船舶交通管理和信息服务方面的要求及用户需要了解的通航环境情况,增进惠州交管中心和用户之间的理解和合作。惠州VTS是惠州海事局作为主管机关设置,由惠州交管中心负责实施惠州VTS水域内的船舶交通管理和信息服务工作。This guide is a brief introduction to user, including requirements of th

2、e vessel traffic service center of HuiZhou (hereinafter referred to as HuiZhou VTS), provids traffic management and information service, as well as circumstances of navigation.HuiZhou VTS center is responsible for implementing vessel traffic management and information service within HuiZhou VTS area

3、.惠州VTS系统简介惠州VTS由玻沙山雷达站(223516N,1144451E)、喜洲岛雷达站 (224010N,1143627E)和惠州交管中心(惠州市大亚湾区澳头安惠大道12号)组成。系统构成及性能1、雷达监控系统:作用距离24海里,具有跟踪重放功能,可同时跟踪1000个动目标和静目标;2、船舶交通管理信息系统:船舶数据处理能力10万艘次;3、VHF通信系统:作用距离30海里,具有多频道录音功能;4、AIS自动识别系统:作用距离30海里,具有自动识别船舶功能;Summary of Huizhou VTSHuiZhou VTS system consists of Boshashan (22

4、3516N,1144451E), Xizhou island (224010N,1143627E) radar stations and HuiZhou VTS center (No.12 ,AnHui Road ,Daya Bay, Huizhou, Guangdong, P.R.China).The components and functions :1. Radar Surveillance System: Effective range of 24 nautical miles with tracking and replaying function, able to track 10

5、00 moving and static targets simultaneously.2. Vessel Traffic Management Information System: 100000 ships data processing capacity.3. VHF Communication System: Effective range of 30 nautical miles with multi-channel recording function.4. Automatic Identification System (AIS): Effective range of 30 n

6、autical miles with automatic identifying function.惠州VTS中心:邮政编码:5106081通信地址:惠州市大亚湾区澳头安惠大道12号惠州交管中心联系电话:+86-752-5566512/5566513传真:+86-752-5566221电子邮件:HuiZhou VTS Center:Post code: 5106081Add: No.12 ,AnHui Road ,Daya Bay, Huizhou, Guangdong, P.R.China Tel: +86-752-5566512/5566513Fax: +86-752-5566221E-m

7、ail:惠州VTS中心工作时间:北京时间 0000-2400时Service time: Local time 0000-2400惠州VTS中心工作语言:汉语普通话、英语 Working Language: Mandarin and English惠州VTS报告线:海柴角(223048 N/1143724E)和大星山角(223240N/1145252E)连线Report line: joint line connecting the capes of Haichai (223048 N/1143724E)and Daxingshan (223240N/1145252E).惠州VTS甚高频工作频

8、道:08,13(备用)VHF working channel: ch08, ch13(auxiliary)惠州VTS水域:包括惠州VTS报告线以内的大亚湾可通航水域,以及港外锚地(包括第8,9,10号锚地)和临时锚地(C、D临时锚地)水域.Huizhou VTS Area: The navigational water area at Daya Bay within Huizhou VTS report line, the roadstead (anchorage No.8,9,10),and temporary anchorages (temporary anchorage No.C、D)惠

9、州VTS管理服务对象 :按照有关国际公约和/或国内规范规定应配备通信设备及主管机关要求加入VTS系统的船舶,包括外国籍船舶、500总吨及以上的中国籍船舶,所有客船、载运危险货物的船舶、从事水上水下作业的船舶、操纵能力受到限制的船舶、从事油水物料供应作业的船舶、从事接收污油水作业的船舶。HuiZhou VTS User:Ships equipped with the communication epuipments repuired by the relevant international conventions and/or national rules and regulations, a

10、nd required by competent authority . including all foreign vessels, Chinese cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upward, all passenger ships, ships designed to carry dangerous cargo, ships engaging in surface and/or underwater operation, ships constrained by her manoeuvring ability, ships engaging i

11、n bunker oil、water and ship store supply and ships engaging in oily water receiving.管理依据:惠州交管中心依据中华人民共和国海上交通安全法、中华人民共和国船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理规则、惠州船舶交通管理系统安全监督 管理规定(试行)、惠州市海上交通安全规则等有关法律、法规在本交通管理服务水域内实施船舶交通管理和提供信息服务。HuiZhou VTS center is responsible for implementing vessel traffic management and information s

12、ervice within HuiZhou VTS area in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Safety Laws of the Peoples Republic of China, the Safety Management Regulations of Vessel Traffic Service of the Peoples Republic of China, the Detailed Rules of Safety Management of HuiZhou Vessel Traffic Service (Provisional),

13、and the Regulations of Maritime Traffic Safety regulation of HuiZhou.航路规则Route Regulations1船舶、设施在VTS水域内航行时,应该尽量远离码头前沿水域,不得影响其它船舶的靠泊安全及靠离泊安全操作。While navigating within VTS area, vessels and installations shall, keep away from the basin water area of quays or wharfs as far as possible, and do not imped

14、e other vessels berthing and unberthing operations.2船舶、设施通过正在进行过驳作业或者水上水下作业的船舶时,应该慢速通过,并尽量远离。While vessel engaging in ship-to-ship operations or surface and/or underwater operations, vessels and installations shall proceed at safe speed and give a wide berth.3对影响或者可能影响海上交通秩序和船舶航行安全的船舶、设施,惠州交管中心可拒绝其进

15、入或者责令其驶离VTS水域。If the vessels and installations may impede routine maritime traffic or the navigation safety of other traffic , HuiZhou VTC center may deny such vessels and installations from entering, or order them to depart from the VTS area.4遇灾害性气象、重大交通或者污染事故及其它突发事件时,惠州交管中心可根据需要对VTS水域实施交通管制。HuiZho

16、u VTS center may implement traffic control in case of adverse weather conditions, serious traffic or pollution accidents, or other contingencies. 5. 惠州港马鞭洲航道、荃湾航道、东联航道及碧甲航道是单向航道。The fairways of Mabianzhou, Quanwan, Donglian, and Bijia, are one-way fairway. 6. 能见度低于5000米时,船舶、设施在港区航道航行,航速不得超过6节. While

17、 visibility is less than 5000 metres, the vessels and installations navigting in the fairway shall keep speed not more than 6 knots.7. 能见度低于3000米时,禁止客船出海。While visibility is less than 3000 metres, the passenger ships going to sea is prohibited.8.在马鞭洲港区,当能见度小于3000米时,停止载重吨15万吨及以上油轮进港靠泊;能见度小于2000米时,停止载

18、重吨15万吨及以上空载油轮离泊出港和载重吨15万吨以下油轮进港靠泊;能见度小于1000米时,停止载重吨15万吨以下空载油轮离泊出港.For Mabianzhou terminals ,while visibility is less than 3000 meters, berthing operation of the vessel of 150000 deadweight tonnage and upward will be suspended. While visibility is less than 2000 meters, unberthing operation of the ve

19、ssel of 150000 deadweight tonnage and upward, and berthing operation of the vessel of less than 150000 deadweight tonnage, to be suspended. While visibility is less than 1000 metres, unberthing operation of the vessel of less than 150000 deadweight tonnage to be suspended.9.除马鞭洲港区外的其他港区,当能见度小于1000米时

20、,所有载运危险品船舶、拖带船舶和500总吨及以上非载运危险品船舶停止进出港;能见度小于500米时,停止所有船舶进出港。Except for Mabianzhou terminals, while visibility is less than 1000metres, berthing and unberthing operations of all vessel designed to carry dangerous cargo, towing vessels, and cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upward designed to carry

21、non-dangerous cargo, to be suspended. While visibility is less than 500 metres, berthing and unberthing operations of all vessel to be suspended.主要航道Fairway 航道名称Faieway name说 明Descriptions马鞭洲航道Mabianzhou fairway航向33815/15815,航道宽度为257米,水深20.8米,长约11海里. No.1浮筒位置: 222932.3N/114 4405.4E. 导标(33815/15815)位

22、置:前导标224130.4N/1143850.1E,后导标224359.4N/1143814.1EThe course is 33815/15815, The breadth is 257m, The depth is 20.8m. The length is 11nm. the buoy No.1 in position 222932.3N/114 4405.4E. leading beacons(33815/15815) position: Front beacon 224130.4N/1143850.1E, rear beacon 224359.4N/1143814.1E.荃湾航道Qua

23、nwan fairway从#1-2浮至#7-8号浮航向为305/125从#7-8号浮往里为32020/14020,航道宽度为110米,水深10.2米,长约8海里. No.1浮筒位置:223532.5N/1144037.1E. No.7浮筒位置:223754.1N /1143710.5E. 导标(32020/14020)位置:前导标 224153.7N /1143331.7E,后导标224230.9N/1143258.4EThe course from buoys No.1-2 to buoys No.7-8 is 305/125, The course from buoys No.7-8 to

24、 harbour basin is 32020/14020.The breadth is 110m, The depth is 10.2m. The length is about 8 nm. the buoy No.1 in position 223532.5N/1144037.1E. the buoy No.7in position:223754.1N /1143710.5E. leading beacons (32020/14020) position: Front leading beacon 224153.7N /1143331.7E, rear leading beacon 224

25、230.9N/1143258.4E东联航道Donglian fairway航向31854/13854,航道宽度为132米,水深10.7米,长5.2海里. No.1浮筒位置:224100.1N/1144021.7。 导标(31854/13854)位置:前导标224438.4N/1143652.4E,后导标224512.2N/1143620.6E.The course is 31854/13854, The breadth is 132m, The depth is 10.7m. The length is 5.2 nm. the buoy No.1 in position 224100.1N/1

26、144021.7E. leading beacons (31854/13854)position: Front leading beacon 224438.4N/1143652.4E, rear leading beacon224512.2N/1143620.6E.碧甲航道Bijia fairway航向000/180,航道宽度为162米,水深15.7米,长1.4海里. No.1浮筒位置:223539.5N / 1144447.8EThe course is 000/180, The breadth is 162m, The depth is 15.7m. The length is 1.4nm

27、. the buoy No.1 in position 223539.5N /1144447.8E.锚地Anchorage锚地名称Anchorage name锚地位置Anchorage area锚地说明DescriptionNo.1锚地Anchroge No.1以224038N/1143244E为圆心,0.4海里为半径的范围内水域The water area with center in position 224038N/1143244E and radius of 0.4 nautical miles.吃水5米以下的船舶For the vessel of maximum draft less

28、 than 5 metres.No.2锚地Anchroge No.2以223912N/1143654E为圆心,0.4海里为半径的范围内水域The water area with center in position 223912N/1143654E and radius of 0.4 nautical miles.5千吨以下的货船For the general cargo vessel of less than 5000 deadweight tonnage.No.3锚地Anchroge No.3以223630N/1143548E为圆心,0.5海里为半径的范围内水域The water area

29、 with center in position 223630N/1143548E and radius of 0.5 nautical miles.1万吨以下的货船For the general cargo vessel of less than 10000 deadweight tonnage.No.4锚地Anchroge No.4以223600N/1143730E为圆心,0.5海里为半径的范围内水域The water area with center in position 223600N/1143730E and radius of 0.5 nautical miles.1万吨以下的油

30、船、液化气船For the tankers of less than 10000 deadweight tonnage.No.5锚地Anchroge No.5以223536N/1143948E为圆心,0.5海里为半径的范围内水域The water area with center in position 223536N/1143948E and radius of 0.5 nautical miles.1万吨以上、3万吨以下的船For the vessel of between 10000 and 30000 deadweight tonnage.No.6锚地Anchroge No.6以223

31、418N/1144030E为圆心,0.5海里为半径的范围内水域The water area with center in position 223418N/1144030E and radius of 0.5 nautical miles.1万吨以上、3万吨以下的油船For the tanker of between 10000 and 30000 deadweight tonnage.No.7锚地Anchroge No.7以223230N/1144112E为圆心,0.5海里为半径的范围内水域The water area with center in position 223230N/1144112E and radius of 0.5 nautical miles.3万吨以上、10万吨以下的油船For the tanker of between 30000 and 100000 deadw

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